
My Panda Prince...Is A Wolf?

    Tao and I talked during the walk to Suho's house, catching up with each other. He held my hand, our intertwined fingers swinging between us as we walked. We were halfway to Suho's house when Kai appeared in front of us. He dragged us into an empty alley, looking at us with wide eyes. 
    "Tao, someone took Suho and Sehun!" Kai exclaimed, making Tao look up worriedly. He grabbed Kai's shoulders gently, making Kai look at him. 
    "When? Where?" Tao asked. I held my breath, desperate for the answer. We needed to find out who was taking them, and soon. 
    "Last night, at the coffee shop." Kai said, reaching into his pocket. He held out a black glove with a symbol printed on it. 
    "Baekhyun found this when he was looking." Kai said. Tao took the glove, frowning deeply and looking at Kai. 
    "Bring the clan back to my house. We have TOP and Jiyong there, maybe they can track the Black Knights." Tao said, making me look up in confusion. Kai nodded, flashing out and Tao started jogging with me back to Kris' house. 
    "What are the Black Knights?" I asked, panting slightly. Tao was much faster and he picked me up, accelerating fully. Buildings flashed by as Tao explained everything quickly. 
    "The Black Knights are an organization of hunters and smugglers. We run into them every couple of years, but nothing like this has happened." Tao said. "They work for the highest bidder, either capturing or killing supernaturals. Then they sell them." 
    "That's terrible. They took Chanyeol?" I said, frowning. Tao shrugged, setting me down on his doorstep. 
    "Better for him to be captured than dead." Tao said. He grasped my shoulders gently, looking at me. 
    "We'll get him back. We'll get them all back." Tao said. I nodded, walking inside. The vampires were already there, the three who were left. 
    "TOP, can you track them?" Tao asked, seeing TOP holding the glove. TOP nodded, spreading his hands wide again. A building appeared, an abandoned warehouse. 
    Five bright points of multicolored light showed inside the building, taking the form of people. Kris and Suho were in the same room, seemingly chained to a wall. They looked asleep, and I looked for Chanyeol. I saw him, suspended by chains around his chest under his arms in an otherwise empty room. Sehun was also asleep, and an unfamiliar boy was struggling with his own chains next to him—Key. 
    The building was massive, extending apparently underground. I saw what looked like cells and cages inside, immediately hating the Black Knights more. The map zoomed out, TOP focusing hard, and showed it's location downtown. 
    "I know where that is, let's go!" Baekhyun exclaimed, standing up. D.O. and Kai also stood, only to stopped by Lu Han and TOP. 
    "No. We can't go rushing into this, we need a plan of attack." TOP said, nodding to Jiyong. The half-demon nodded, thinking hard. 
    "Notice this, they first took the leaders, then the youngest. They have a plan, we just need to figure it out." Jiyong said, making Tao nod. At that exact moment, Chen's stomach growled loudly. Tao rolled his eyes, standing up. 
    "I'm going to get some food. Be back soon." Tao said, making Chen stand up. 
    "You shouldn't go alone. I'm coming too." Chen said. Tao nodded and they walked out of the door. I relaxed back on the sofa, listening sleepily to the boys talking. They were discussing who could use what powers to help them break in, and making a plan of attack. 
    "Kai, you can flash inside and unlock the doors." Lu Han said, making Kai nod. I was glad they were working together, but I wished the circumstances were different. 
    "D.O., you can make a tunnel to the basement and lead the way in." D.O. nodded, everyone listening until they has their assignments. Tao would stop time if they were in serious danger, Chen could use his lightning to fight, Baekhyun would make sure everyone had enough light, Xiumin could freeze locks off and Lay could heal anyone hurt. 
    "Great plan. Let's do it tomorrow night." TOP said, making everyone nod in agreement. Jiyong rubbed his stomach, grimacing. 
    "Ugh, I'm so hungry. What's keeping them?" Jiyong asked, making me check the clock. It had been half an hour already, and I was starting to get worried. 
    "Chen's probably just messing around with the waitresses again." Lu Han rolled his eyes, making TOP laugh. A knock made the door shudder and Chen yelled. 
    "Hey, open up!" Chen called, making Kai roll his eyes. He moved to unlock the door, letting Chen in.  
    "You might learn to knock—, what happened?" Kai asked, helping Chen inside. I looked up, gasping at Chen. He was covered in blood, sporting a long cut on his side and multiple bruises on his face. 
    "Lay!" Lu Han yelled, making the quiet young man come running. He had gone to bed, tired from the stress of everything. Chen sat down on the couch, his face pale. 
    "Chen, what hurts?" Lay asked, looking at the cut on Chen's side. He lifted Chen's shirt, finding a black network of bruises on his ribs. Chen panted, grimacing when Lay pressed his hand gently to the bruises. Lay closed his eyes, concentrating hard. 
    TOP joined him, healing the bruises while Lay healed Chen's side. I held Chen's hand, speaking to him in a low voice to soothe him. When TOP and Lay were finally done, Chen was on the brink of sleep. He looked so tired, but Lu Han shook him awake. 
    "Chen, what happened?" Lu Han asked. Chen looked around groggily, finally focusing on Lu Han's face. 
    "Knights. They tried to take me, but I got away." Chen said. My heart leapt into my throat and I touched Chen's cheek gently. 
    "Chen, where's Tao?" I asked, forcing Chen to look at me. He his dry lips, looking at me regretfully. 
    "They took him." Chen said, making me sit back hurriedly. Lay rested a comforting hand on my shoulder and Baekhyun pulled me into a hug. Now both of us has lost someone we loved, and were desperate to get them back. 
    "We'll get him back." TOP said confidently in his deep voice, Jiyong nodding in agreement. 
    "Wait, don't you see? They took the youngest werewolf and let Chen go. Why?" Lu Han pointed out. We all shrugged, having no idea, and Lay brought me upstairs. 
    "You can sleep here." Lay said, showing me to a bedroom. I nodded gratefully, sinking into the bed tiredly, falling asleep immediately. 


    I lifted my head, looking around groggily. I was sleepy, feeling fuzzy and confused. I didn't recognize the brick room I was in, and tried to stand up. Heavy chains around my wrists and ankles prevented me and I looked down in confusion. I remembered the alleyway and Chen, hoping he got away. I hissed in pain as my shoulder erupted in agony, looking down. 
    My shirt was soaked in blood and I tore it off, exposing a bullet wound in my shoulder. It hurt like hell, but all I could think about was Sujin. Had the Black Knights gotten her too? I knew I would rather die down here all alone than have her share my fate. 
    I reached deep inside, calling for my power. I would stop time, get out of these chains and ditch this place. I started to use my power, only to find myself unable to. I couldn't control it, and every time I tried, I got sleepier. Finally, I collapsed into sleep, hoping Sujin was okay. 

Annyeong! This chapter was for my unnie, who is working very hard right now! I hope you like it, deep breaths! <3
—your dongsaeng, 

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Chapter 24: If you flushed out most scenes, then this would be an amazing story. But right now, it feels way too rushed. I feel like I'm reading someone's summary of a story rather than the actual story. I did love how it was Tao x OC because those are SO rare.
chaekris #2
Chapter 22: i love it!! finally i can read a tao fanfic! its kinda hard to find tao fanfic tho ,to many taoris .-. thank you for the story!;) too bad the sequel link wont work;(
Yoruclaw #3
Annyeong! What chapters could i not read and doesnt have any effect on the story?
diannan #4
Chapter 24: The sequel link isn't working for me either?!
Chapter 24: Sequel link isn't working for me? No really I mean literally.
Chapter 23: Can't wait for the sequel!I wish you luck, and lots of inspiration!
diannan #7
Chapter 23: Thanks for the sequel!! I'm looking forward to it!!
Tina08 #8
Chapter 23: include Block B as well
Chapter 22: Yay! A great sacrifice for a great sacrifice!
diannan #10
Thanks for the great story I just want to know if there will be a sequel