I Can't Do This

My Panda Prince...Is A Wolf?

    "So you'll come to my house at 5:00?" I said, making Yong Guk nod. We were partners for a history project and had asked if he could come over. 
    "That's great. Thanks!" Yong Guk said in his deep voice, walking away as the bell rang. I got through the rest of the day and went home tiredly. I tidied up my room and started my homework, 5:00 coming quicker than I thought. 
    The doorbell rang and I hurried to open it. Yong Guk smiled, walking inside and taking off his shoes. We settled down at the table, eating ramen and taking notes for the project. Yong Guk joked around with me, making me laugh while we studied. 
    "So, where did you live before?" Yong Guk asked gently, fixing me with his sweet brown eyes. 
    "Korea. In Busan." I said, clearing the plates away. Yong Guk nodded, turning the page. 
    "I have friends there." Yong Guk said, making me look up at him carefully. He seemed human enough, but so had my last friends. 
    "Who?" I asked, sitting back down. Yong Guk shrugged, tipping his head back tiredly and rubbing his eyes. It was already 7:30, and he was going home soon. 
    "I doubt you would know them. Minho, Taemin, Key, Jonghyun and Onew." Yong Guk shrugged, and I nodded. I didn't know them. 
    The doorbell rang and I rolled my eyes. Standing to answer it, I shouted back at Yong Guk. 
    "Silly Jia, she always forgets her—" I froze in shock, not believing what I saw. Tao stood on my doorstep, breathing heavily and looking awful. He had dark circles under his eyes, his face was pale and he looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in days. 
    "Tao?" I said. He nodded numbly, stumbling inside and collapsing on the couch. I rushed over to him, worried sick. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" 
    "I ran." Tao panted, looking up weakly. Yong Guk walked in from the kitchen with a questioning look. 
    "You ran from Korea to China to find me?" I was shocked, not knowing Tao cared that much. "Why?"
    "I needed to see your face." Tao said. He looked a little better now, sitting up. Unfortunately, he noticed Yong Guk. 
    "Who the hell are you?" Tao asked angrily, standing up. Yong Guk looked surprised, holding his hands out against the unwarranted hostility. 
    "I'm Bang Yong Guk. Is there a problem?" Yong Guk asked, looking at me. Tao nodded, walking over to Yong Guk and getting dangerously close. 
    "You bet there's a problem." Yong Guk had spoken in Korean, but it hadn't thrown Tao at all. "What are you doing with her?" 
    "Tao, stop! He's here studying with me for a history project!" I exclaimed, getting in between them. 
    "Is he bothering you?" Yong Guk asked, narrowing his eyes at Tao. They both stared each other down, Tao pushing me out of the way. 
    "No, just stop it both of you!" I said, making both of them look at me. "Tao, just please go." He gave me a horribly hurt look, appearing shocked I had asked him to leave. 
    "What?" Tao whispered, making me cry a little inside. "You want me to leave?" I nodded, refusing to look at him. 
    "Please just go. I don't want to see you anymore. Don't call me." I said, looking up when Tao grabbed Yong Guk by the collar of his shirt. 
    "Stay away from her." Tao said, making Yong Guk push him off. 
    "She asked you to leave. Don't make me insist." Yong Guk said, making Tao glare daggers at him. Tao turned abruptly, walking out the door and slamming it as he passed. 
    "Who was that guy?" Yong Guk asked. I said nothing, sitting down on the couch weakly and burying my head in my hands. 
    "Hey, don't cry. He isn't worth it." Yong Guk sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 
    "He was an old boyfriend I had to leave behind when I moved. I haven't called him back because I didn't want to hurt him." I said, looking up at Yong Guk. He nodded understandingly, looking up when Jia came in. 
    "What's going on?" Jia asked, sitting down on the other side of me. I shrugged, standing up.
    "Yong Guk, thanks for coming over. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. Yong Guk nodded, grabbing his backpack and leaving. 
    "What was that about?" Jia asked. I shook my head, going to my room and locking the door. Sitting down on my bed, I reread all the letters. Tao wasn't the monster, I was. I hurt him, and I couldn't do this anymore. 
    I grabbed my phone and dialed a number in rapidly, dissolving into tears when he picked up. 
    "Whoa, slow down! What's wrong?" I hiccuped at his voice, frowning into the phone. 
    "Chanyeol, I can't do this anymore." I said. "Tao found me, he ran all the way here! How can I keep doing this to him? I don't know what to do." 
    "Okay, take a deep breath. It's going to be alright." Chanyeol said. "I tell you what. You focus on your life, I'll handle Tao. He can't be that bad." 
    "Oh, he's bad. He almost beat up one of my friends for helping me with my history project." I said. Chanyeol sighed, and I could picture him running his hands through his hair.     
    "Well then. How are you, though? I can't believe you didn't call me!" Chanyeol said concernedly. 
    "I'm fine. I didn't call because I didn't want to hear you and know I couldn't ever see you again. I always sever contact when I move." I said. Chanyeol huffed, and I smiled slightly. 
    "Tao will be fine. I'll handle him." Chanyeol said. "You go get some sleep, okay?" I nodded, glad I had finally called Chanyeol. 
    "Thanks for everything." I said. Chanyeol snorted, hanging up. My phone buzzed, and I looked down. An email from Tao, with a link to a video. I clicked it out of curiosity, crying by the time I reached the end of the song. 
Please don't talk to me. ~ Sujin 
Never. ~ Tao

How is it? Here's the link for the video, such a good song! Please comment, subscribe and upvote! :D



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Chapter 24: If you flushed out most scenes, then this would be an amazing story. But right now, it feels way too rushed. I feel like I'm reading someone's summary of a story rather than the actual story. I did love how it was Tao x OC because those are SO rare.
chaekris #2
Chapter 22: i love it!! finally i can read a tao fanfic! its kinda hard to find tao fanfic tho ,to many taoris .-. thank you for the story!;) too bad the sequel link wont work;(
Yoruclaw #3
Annyeong! What chapters could i not read and doesnt have any effect on the story?
diannan #4
Chapter 24: The sequel link isn't working for me either?!
Chapter 24: Sequel link isn't working for me? No really I mean literally.
Chapter 23: Can't wait for the sequel!I wish you luck, and lots of inspiration!
diannan #7
Chapter 23: Thanks for the sequel!! I'm looking forward to it!!
Tina08 #8
Chapter 23: include Block B as well
Chapter 22: Yay! A great sacrifice for a great sacrifice!
diannan #10
Thanks for the great story I just want to know if there will be a sequel