
Real Story


Jiyeon leaned in the wall which covered with big miror, she was in the T-ara’s practise room. They – Jiyeon, Hyomin, Eunjung, Soyeon, Qri, and Boram – has rest time for a while, not long, only 30 minutes. They had practised for about 6 hours, for their upcoming Japan-tour which will start on early next month.

Other members were busy with their own bussiness, Boram and Qri were busy with their own phone. Eunjung was ate her snacks, while Soyeon and Hyomin.. Jiyeon glanced at her phone, then back to stared at Soyeon and Hyomin alternately, it was definite they were talking with their boyfriend, Oh Jonghyuk and Nam Woohyun. Jiyeon sighed softly.. felt envy, maybe.

She stared back at her phone and opened the message log with Myungsoo. She shut her eyes for a while. The last message from Myungsoo was sent about last week, just Sorry and Love word but able to makes her heart pounding. Oh God, she missed him badly, his smile, his caring, his love word, his embrace.. she even still could felt his last embrace. She even missed his childish-jealousy. She missed everything about Myungsoo.

But if she reminisced what she had seen, everything was turned out, her heart was ached. Why ? Why when she was loved Myungsoo very deep.. But she realized.. it has already happened. Then about her decision to break up with Myungsoo, she still has doubt to say that. She admited that she was regreted with her decision, but she could not continued to drawn in regreting. This was the best for her and Myungsoo, ya she was trying to trust it.

“Myung, i miss you.” She said in her heart.

Suddenly Hyomin has sat in front of Jiyeon, stared sternly at her eyes. “Yeonnie.”

“Waeyo unnie ?” Jiyeon asked.

“How can you don’t tell us ? But you told Hoya, now, all of Infinite member has knew that.” Hyomin asked.

Okay. Jiyeon knew the direction of what Hyomin was talking about. Ya she also believe that Hoya was already told , and definitely Woohyun would told about this to Hyomin.

Eunjung approached Hyomin and Jiyeon. “Hey, did something had happened ? Why are you get mad ?”

Hyomin snorted in annoyance. “Ask by yourself to Jiyeon.”

Then Soyeon, Qri,and Boram followed to approached them. “Waeyo Yeonnie ?” Soyeon asked.

Jiyeon lowered her head, maybe she should to tell about this to her unnies, however.. sooner or later, her unnies will find out about this.

She took a deep breath. “I and Myungsoo..” She paused for a while, bit her upper lips, it was hard for her to say the truth. “We broke up.”

How were their reaction after heard Jiyeon’s confession ? Of course shocked, very shocked, both believe and not believe.

“Is that true ?” Eunjung asked.

Jiyeon kept lowering her head as said, “Ne.”

“Why you didn’t tell us from earlier ? Why i heard it from Woohyun ?” Hyomin asked, a bit yelled.

“Mian, unnie.”

“Why you break up with Myungsoo ?” Soyeon turned to ask.

Jiyeon did not answred, it was not possible to tell the truth.

“Yeonnie, answer us!” Hyomin said.

Jiyeon kept lowering her head in silent. She will not answer anything about the reason why she asked Myungsoo for break up.

Finally Boram spoke up. “Its alright if you don’t want to tell us about the reason. Definitely its hard for you and Myungsoo.”

Jiyeon lifted her head and stared at Boram as if she said her thanks to Boram. Then stared at her unnies alternately. “Mian unnie. Let just me and Myungsoo who know about it.” Ya that was her mind. However she did not want the man she love looked bad, she did not want everyone will hate or blame Myungsoo if they know the truth.


In Hoya’s room

“What the hell is that ?” Hoya asked in annoyance.

“Is that the reason why Myungsoo and Jiyeon break up ?” Woohyun asked.

“Your mean Myungsoo cheated on Jiyeon ?” Dongwoo asked.

“Right with what Sungjong said.” Woohyun answered.

Sungjong rounded his eyes. “But that time i just talked that in random.”

“Impossible Myungsoo cheated on Jiyeon.” Sungyeol disagreed. “I’m pretty know that he love Jiyeon so much.”

Hoya rolled his eyes. “Then what is that in earlier ?”

“I’m kind of agree with Sungyeol hyung. But we have heard by ourself from that girl, right ? Thats make confuse.” Sungjong spoke up.

“Did Myungsoo got over of Jiyeon so easy ?” Dongwoo asked in disbelief.

“No! Impossible. We knew right how he was after broke up with Jiyeon.” Sungyeol denied,for the umpteenth times defending Myungsoo.

Hoya smirked and stared sternly at Sungyeol. “Then what was that ? Hey Seungyeol, you don’t need to defend him.”

“Enough!” Sunggyu yelled at Hoya. “We don’t know what actually happened.” He said.

Hoya stared at Sunggyu in disbelief. “Don’t know ? Definitely we knew it. That woman.. she is the reason why Myungsoo and Jiyeon break up.”

“Lee Howon, enough.” Sunggyu said firmly.

“What is that woman ? How can Myungsoo know her ?” Dongwoo suddenly asked.

“We will ask to Myungsoo later.” Sunggyu responded.

“Ulzzang. That woman named Doyeon, she is an ulzzang.” Woohyun answered. Finally after he remembered something about Doyeon.

“Where from you know that ?” Sunggyu asked in curiousity.

“I remembred that i once saw her appearance on TV, hyung.”

“If she is an ulzzang, so we could find out something about herself through internet, right ?” Dongwoo gave his opinion.

“Good, hyung.” Then Sungjong started to searching about Doyeon through his iPad. After some minutes he searched, he was screamed, “Aigo!” How shocked he was..

“Ya! Mworago ?” Sunggyu asked

“Look at this, hyung.” Sungjong showed his phone screen.

Sunggyu with his curiousity-face walked towards Sungjong, then snatched Sungjong’s phone. Boom! Sunggyu also got shocked, then other member followed him to read about what Sungjong found. The article which talked about Ulzzang Kim Doyeon, who made up a fake rumor about her dating with Big Bang GD, makes GD’s fans got angry over her and another fake rumors she made to get attention from public.

Sunggyu handled back the phone to Sungjong. Woohyun smirked. “So she is Kim Doyeon, the girl with a lot of attitude issue.” He paused for a seconds. “There’s a big probably Myungsoo will be a new victim of her action.” He continued his words.

“Oh no!” Sungyeol sat in the edge of Hoya’s bed. “How could Myungsoo with her ?” He asked at himself.

Sunggyu looked at his watch, it has been one hour since Doyeon’s visiting, he turned around and walked towards the door.

“What will you do,hyung ?” Sungjong asked.

Sunggyu turned around his head to Sungjong. “Drive out her. It has been one hour.” Then he opened the door and leaned at it as staring at the back of Myungsoo and Doyeon. That girl was linked her hand in Myungsoo’s and leaned her head on Myungsoo’s shoulder in spoiled, making Sunggyu got disgusted. Jiyeon never do that with Myungsoo, ya at least he never saw their – Myungsoo and Jiyeon – lovey dovey moment with his two-eyes and in here – Infinite’s dorm -. “Agressive girl.” He thought.

He cleared his troath to make Myungsoo and that girl realize his appearance in there. Myungsoo and Doyeon turned around at Sunggyu.

“Its already late. Bettter you ask your friend ah ani.. your girlfriend to go home.” Sunggyu told Myungsoo, emphasized the ‘friend’ and ‘girlfreind’ word.

“Ne hyung.” Myungsoo replied.

“Why ? I’m not yet long in here.” Doyeon asked.

“Doyeon-ah.” Myungsoo tried to persuade Doyeon.

“Its not good for woman to come to her boyfriend’s apartment. So go home soon!” Sunggyu said firmly.

“Ugh. Sunggyu oppa, you drive me out ? Myungsoo-ah..” Doyeon whined in spoiled, which making Sunggyu getting more disgust with her action.

“Ya its kind of that. So you go home, i don’t want make scandal here.” Sunggyu responded Doyeon’s whining. Then his gaze switched to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo a bit pulled Doyeon so that to go home soon, he just sent her until the doorway and hurriedly closed the door.

When he back to the living room, he saw had sat there as staring at him with full of question. Myungsoo just passed them, walked towards his room.

“So, that was the reason which make you and Jiyeon break up ?” Hoya’s question making Myungsoo stopped in his position.

“Is that true, you are dating that Doyeon ?” Sunggyu asked.

Myungsoo’s tounge become numb, his troath was dry. He was able just to nod his head weakly for answer Sunggyu’s question.

“What’s wrong with you ? Did you cheated on Jiyeon ?” Woohyun asked at Myungsoo.

“Nothing wrong and i’m not cheating on Jiyeon. Never.” Myungsoo answered. He was doubt with his answer about nothing wrong with him. Definitely there was something wrong with himself.

“Then what was that ?” Woohyun asked again.

Myungsoo did not answered, he could see the anger-gaze in ’s eyes, except Sungyeol. Myungsoo did not know how Sungyeol’s gaze because Sungyeol did not stared at him, but he bent down his head, stared at the floor.

“Hyung, why you did this to Jiyeon ?” This time is Sungjong the one who spoke up.

Myungsoo kept silent. He also did not know why he could did this to Jiyeon, hurt Jiyeon.

Woohyun gripped Myungsoo’s arms and shook it, got reluctanted by Myungsoo’s mute. “Say something! You didn’t mute, did you ?”

Myungsoo kept in his mute. Woohyun kept shaking Myungsoo’s arm, demanded the answer from Myungsoo.

“I want to be loved.” Finally Myungsoo answered, it was totally fake-answer, it was not from his heart.

Making Woohyun stopped his shook on Myungsoo’s arm. He shocked and did not understand Myungsoo’s mean.

“So, with Jiyeon, you don’t feel loved ? And with the girl like that you feel loved ?” Hoya asked, felt annoyed with Myungsoo’s answer.

“Woman like what, hyung ?” Myungsoo asked in confused.

“She has a lot of attitude issue, you know.” Woohyun told Myungsoo. “And i warn you, sooner or later you might be the new victim of her action.” He added on.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hyung.” Myungsoo laughed.

“You don’t believe ?”

“Hyung, you don’t know her, so don’t talk like that about her.”

“You defend her ?” Woohyun asked in shocked.

Hoya spoke up again. “So for you, that Doyeon is women like what ?”

“She is kind and innocent.” Myungsoo answered.

“Tsk.” Woohyun sneered after heard Myungsoo’s answer about that girl. “That’s you. Your weakness. Innocent.”

“No, i’m not. She is innocent for real, hyung.” Myungsoo disagreed, defended Doyeon.

“Then who is Jiyeon for you ? Did you realized that you hurt her. You’re such a bastard.” Woohyun yelled at Myungsoo, he was annoyed with Myungsoo.

Myungsoo gasped, his jaw herdened. Bastard ? Woohyun called him as a bastard ? What the ? Just because of Jiyeon, Woohyun called him with that bad-word. Myungsoo’s emotion was erupted, his hand clenched hardly. Without warning, he beat Woohyun’s cheek causing Woohyun stumbled back and Infinite member gasped in shock. “How dare you called me that, hyung ?” He yelled at Woohyun.

“And how dare you beat me ?” Woohyun asked back.

“You are started it fisrt.” Myungsoo replied.

“Me ? I just warn you, where is the point i started fighting first ? Stupid.” Woohyun asked back, he was getting more annoyed with Myungsoo.

“Hyung!” Myungsoo yelled again at Woohyun as beat Woohyun again.

“Kim Myungsoo!” Sunggyu yelled at Myungsoo, stood up between Myungsoo and Woohyun, stared in anger at Myungsoo. “How dare you did that to your hyung ?”

“Hyung, you defend him ?” Myungsoo asked at Sunggyu in disbelief.

“No, i don’t, nor you or Woohyun.” Sunggyu replied. “Myungsoo, Woohyun just want to tell you the truth about Doyeon, but why you get mad to him ?” He explained and asked at Myungsoo.

“You all even don’t know anything about Doyeon.” Myungsoo replied as stared at alternatelly.

“You don’t believe us, you more believe in that awful girl than us.” Woohyun commented.

“Hyung!” Myungsoo was about to beat Woohyun again.

Hurriedly Sunggyu stopped him with his scream. “Kim Myungsoo!”

“You’re such a bastard.” Again, Woohyun called Myungsoo with that bad-word, he even yelled.

Sunggyu mediated. “Woohyun-ah, back to your room!” He told Woohyun. Then Woohyun looked at him. “Now!” He told Woohyun again.

Woohyun switched his gaze to Myungsoo, stared sternly at him, closened his face to Myungsoo’s face. “You!” Woohyun pointed his index finger right in front of Myungsoo’s nose. “Always get easyly blinded by woman with their innocent-look.” After said that, Woohyun rushed to his room, followed by other member whom back to their own room.

“Don’t fight, please.” Sunggyu said at Myungsoo.


One hour later... There was him, in the living room, sat silently onto the couch as held his head. During this one hour, he kept thinking about what happened today. He never expect that he will have fight with Woohyun, moreover until he had dared beat Woohyun.

He admitted that was true he is bad in controlling his anger, temperament.. ya that is him. But he never has guts to beat Woohyun. He rubbed roughly his face, he felt... did not know for him everything has became not as he expecting.

He heard the door opened, he turned towards his right side and saw Sungyeol came out from his room, he stared at Sungyeol, and Sungyeol stared back at him, just brief without say anything. Then Sungyeol walked towards the kitchen.

He confused, since earlier Sungyeol did not said anything to him. Usually, Sungyeol the one who most defending him, but this time not. And usually, Sungyeol the first person who will scold him if he did mistake, but this time not too.

He get his sense back, saw Sungyeol whom was in front of his door, immediately he called Sungyeol. “Yeollie.”

Sungyeol turned towards Myungsoo. “Hmm ?” That was his respond, short and uninterested.

Myungsoo stared at Sungyeol. “Did you also mad at me ?”

“Stupid question.” Sungeyol replied as rolled his eyes. “Yes definitely i am.” He sighed. “Its only.. i don’t know, because i don’t know the real story.”

“Wanna listening me ?” Myungsoo asked, hopefully.

Sungyeol was thinking for a moment, then approached Myungsoo and took a seat next to him, a bit far.

“How could you do this to Jiyeon ?” That was Sungyeol’s question after some minutes of their silence.

Myungsoo shook his head weakly. “I also don’t know..”

“Is it true that Doyeon whom makes you and Jiyeon break up ?”

Myungsoo lowered his head. When Sungyeol the one asked him about that, there is something like stabbled in his heart, making he felt that he was cheated on Jiyeon for real, like a player. “N-ne.”

Sungyeol a bit cursed, but Myungsoo still able to hear that curse. “Are you cheated on Jiyeon ? Why you have heart to hurt Jiyeon ?”

“No, i’m not cheating.”

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo in disbelief, how can Myungsoo still denied it ? “Then ? Tell me everything.”

Myungsoo sighed in several times, then started telling everything to Sungyeol, how he know Doyeon, how he get closer to her and about Doyeon’s father whombecame one of biggest promotor for his 2nd photobook.

Then about Jiyeon’s reason for ask break up with him, ya becasue Jiyeon saw him and Doyeon went out together at grocery store, Jiyeon also saw the intimate of him and Doyeon. He even telling Sungyeol how mess Jiyeon when she cried badly in front of him. He poured out all of his feelings, how his heart ached when see Jiyeon cried over him, how he felt so guilty and regret.

Then about how he can dating Doyeon now. “She attracted me. She take care of me.” Myungsoo ended his story.

During listening Myungsoo’s story, Sungyeol clenched his hand in several times. Moreover when heard the part where Jiyeon cried, his heart broke, did not able imagining how that was very hurt for Jiyeon. “Is it easy for you to get over Jiyeon ?”

Myungsoo shook his head, then satred at Sungyeol. “No, i still loving Jiyeon so much.” His gaze confused, there was wad of tear whelmed in his eyes.

Sungyeol turned his face to the front-side, his feelings was mixed up, he could see the sincerity in Myungsoo’s eyes that he still love Jiyeon, but it was Myungsoo’s fault, he thought.

“Did you still mad at me ?” Myungsoo asked at Sungyeol.

“I dissapointed at you, Myungsoo-ah. You make me feel regret.” Sungyeol asnwered without looking at Myungsoo, his gaze kept straight.

Myungsoo stared at Sungyeol confusedly. “Re-regret ?”

“I think you will keep your word for not to make Jiyeon hurt.” Sungyeol paused for a moment, gave respite, thought whether shall he say honestly to Myungsoo this time ?

“Yeollie.” Myungsoo called Sungyeol.

“You make me regret because i had detached my feelings.” Sungyeol answered.

Making Myungsoo gasped, his eyes stared at Sungyeol in full of question. “Yeollie.. you.. do you..” He could not continued his question.

Sungyeol took a deep breath, then looked at Myungsoo. “Mianhae. I have feelings for Jiyeon too.”

Myungsoo’s eyes widened in shock, he never has idea if Sungyeol has feelings for Jiyeon. “Why you never tell me ?”

“Like what i said earlier. I detached my feelings.” Sungyeol answered.

“Wa-wae ?” Myungsoo asked.

Sungyeol smiled flat. “Jiyeon love you. And i know your love for Jiyeon is bigger than mine.”

Myungsoo silent, still too shocked with Sungyeol’s confession.

“I can see how you show your love for Jiyeon. How you two love each other, no need to feel sorry or how.” Sungyeol said as if he know what Myungsoo was thinking.


“For God’s sake, i had detached my feelings.” Sungyeol convinced Myungsoo. “But, i just feel sorry for Jiyeon. I can’t imagine how hurt her heart.” Sungyeol turned at Myungsoo whom was still staring at him in confused. “You hurt her, Myungsoo.”

“I’m sorry.. sorry for everything. I don’t know that actually you have feelings for Jiyeon. I never have idea for that.” Myungsoo apologized to Sungyeol.

“No need to sorry. This is my choice, and i had detached my feelings, really, Myungsoo-ah.” Then Sungyeol stood up from his seat, turned towards his room. “Better you go to sleep.”

Hello my dearest readers.. i'm present you chapter 8. Hope i'm able to update next chaper not too long.

Is my story getting interest ? Tell me what do you think about my story.

Good luck for Jiyeon and Infinite^^ fighting!

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon