
Real Story


T-ara N4 has been in Las Vegas since yesterday, before it they have 3 days in Los Angeles. This is the 2nd time they come to U.S. About two weeks ago, they came to Los Angeles to meet up with Chris Brown and his management to discussing about planning of their work. Their 2nd times come this time to attending and performing for Chris Brown’s concert, they were invited personally by Chris Brown. The concert would be held on today, she and T-ara N4 got prepared by their stylist, Eunna.

To be honest, since T-ara N4 starting promotion, Jiyeon become exponentially busier, meanwhile Infinite have completed their promotion for “Man in Love”, but they were still busy with another schedule. Lucky, Jiyeon and Myungsoo still could met in some events, such as KBS Open Concert in last april, then Music Bank in Osong, and Dream Concert. Eventhough it was just seeing each other not meet up.

Jiyeon stared at her screen phone in wry expression, she and Myungsoo were in the same place since a few days ago, but due to Infinite’s schedule that can not bother to sue, with the most heavy heart she and Myungsoo could not meet.

As far as her, Myungsoo told her that Infinite will goes to Las Vegas tomorrow, it means today. Myungsoo asked her for a date.. dating in Las Vegas, wow.. that sounds a bit odd..

Meanwhile, Infinite has been in Los Angeles since 4 days ago, along with their manager and crews. They will be in the U.S for 8 days, not for a vacation, but for the purposes of photoshoot and filming their new MV for the latest single which in some months will release, so Infinite will makes the 2nd comeback on this year.

Infinite has been finished the MV filming yesterday. They also filming their MV in Universal Studio, one of the famous place in the world, how happy and proud them, because they are the first Korea-group who get permission to have filming in there.

On the first day in U.S, Infinite just spent their time practising dancing. On the second day, Infinite did their first photoshoot which later the whole photoshoot of them during in U.S will be in an album of group photobook. On the third day, they started filming their MV in the ‘Airplane Graveyard’, their concept this time is desert. On the fourth day, they were filmed in the Universal Studio, and the next day is the last day of MV filming. The proces of filming was really exhausted them, but they kept working hard for the best result.

Today Infinite leaving for Las Vegas for the last photoshoot, the weather was quite shining, member arrived at the outlet before reading Vegas, they shopping for some clothes. They finally passed by the long desert and arrived at Las Vegas after 3 hours of riding.

Myungsoo rushed into his hotel room that he knows just 4 floors from Jiyeon’s, fortunately this time Infinite and T-ara staying at the same hotel.


Myungsoo was pacing as still pressed firmly his phone into his right ear, occasionally touching his phone screen impatiently. Either he is stupid or what, although it has been 6th times the operator had to informed him that the number he was calling is not active, but he still trying to call those number.

“Jiyeonnie.” Myungsoo said, there is an anxiety voice in his voice. He and Jiyeon will go on a date tonight.. should not he happy ? After weeks of not seeing each other, they could finally meet. But.. why he even anxious ? Initially yes he was very pleased with his plan date with Jiyeon, but his pleased feel changed just because of Hoya. Why ?

Hoya told him if Jiyeon watched the episode of High Society, Infinite’s variety show, that aired in a few days ago, where Infinite member asked to choose the best female idol, which surprising for Myungsoo is Hoya said that Jiyeon got mad to knowing Myungsoo choose Suzy as the best female idol in his eyes. Instantaneous the smile who had been ornate on Myungsoo’s lips was gone, his excitement turned to panic and also anxious. He immediately contacted Jiyeon, but no answer, and that has been several times. Oh no.. Hoya did not joking this time, Jiyeon is really mad.

Myungsoo was really anxiuos, timid if Jiyeon would cancelled their date, Oh not to happen, please, Myungsoo could not resist his yearning again to Jiyeon. Sunggyu who share a room with Myungsoo, continued paying his attention to Myungsoo’s movement.

“Myungsoo-ah, can’t you stop pacing ? I’m dizzy saw you.” Sunggyu asked to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo stopped pacing, turned to Sunggyu. “I can’t hyung. Jiyeon have not pick up my call.” He replied. Then continued again to pacing.

Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows. “Didn’t you will going out tonight ? Then whats the matter if Jiyeon doesn’t answer your call right now ?” He asked in wonder.

Myungsoo stopped again, stared anxiously to Sunggyu. “I don’t even know whether we going to on date or cancelled.” He replied weakly.

Myungsoo’s words making Sunggyu increasingly furrowed his eyebrows, confused. “What, why ?” He asked.

Myungsoo sighed softly, then replied. “Hoya hyung told me that Jiyeon mad at me.”

Sunggyu looked at Myungsoo in confused and shocked, as if asking “Jiyeon suddenly mad, why ?”

Myungsoo can read Sunggyu expression, answered, “Hoya hyung said Jiyeon watch the last episode of our show, hyung.”

“And then ?” Sunggyu asked.

Myungsoo tuts in annoyed to his leader. “There, i chose Suzy as the best female idol.” He replied.

Sunggyu opened his mouth in disbelief, between believe or not believe if Jiyeon mad just because of that. “So, Jiyeon mad because of it ? Really ?” He asked doubtfully.

Myungsoo nodded his head as the answer of yes.

“Why i’m not sure.” Sunggyu said.

“Whats your reason, hyung ?” Myungsoo asked in curiousity.

“This. I’ve never heard Jiyeon mad on you because she is jealous, thats she mad because your jeaoulsy. And isn’t she and Suzy were good friends, I don’t think she might be mad.” Sunggyu commented, making Myungsoo silent for a while.

Hearing Sunggyu’s words makes Myungsoo felt a bit relieved.

“Eh, but could it be. Who will didn’t mad knowing his boyfriend prefer choose other woman as the best.” Sunggyu said suddenly, and instantly that feeling of a bit relieved faded already.

“But hyung.. it was just for the needs of show broadcast.” Myungsoo said, trying to defend himself.

“Ne ne, i know. But do you really know women doesn’t like be the number-emphasized.” Sunggyu said.

Sunggyu’s words really adds the anxiety on Myungsoo. “Then what i have to do, hyung ? She didn’t answer my calls, even her phone is inactive now. What if Jiyeon cancel our date, hyung ?” He asked, rather to himself, his voice really sounded panicked. “It can’t.. i’ve missed her badly.” Myungsoo added on.

“Why you make it hard ? We’re in the same hotel with them now. You can...” Sunggyu words interrupted by the ringing of Myungsoo’s phone.

“JIYEON.” Myungsoo shouted. He immediately picked up the calling. “Jiyeonnie..”


Jiyeon’s hotel room

Jiyeon checked again her phone, thanks god this time her phone already on. She immediately dialed Myungsoo’s number. “Aigo, Myung, forgive me. My battery phone was low earlier. How many times you called me ?” She asked fastly.

“Tonight, we’re going to dating, right ?” Myungsoo asked doubtly.

Jiyeon furrowed her eyebrows in wonder hearing Myungsoo’s question. “Of course. I just got back to the hotel. We meet up in half an hour again, ne ? umm, i want to clean up first.” She said. Right after it, she heard the sigh of relief from Myungsoo as he replied yes to her.

“Okay, see you later, Myung.” Jiyeon said. Then she hung up the phone and put it back the rectangular objects on the table.

She layed her body onto the soft mattress, comforting her laying position. Last afternoon, T-ara N4 attended the annual concert event in the Palm Pools at the invitation of Chris Brown. Indeed she met with some famous artist there, such as Wiz Khalifa. But.. today is not too good for them.. The concert was not like what Chris Brown told to them, their perform was chaotic, not their perform, rather response and enthusiastic from the audience.

Jiyeon sometimes wondered when T-ara will get the hysteric shouts from the audience, not just from Queen’s.. Since the scandal which hitting T-ara, it all turned into a nightmare for them. No she wants, tears just fall from two corner of her closed eyes. How long she did not cry ? As she remembered, last time she cried when she had to end her relationship with Yesung which has been running almost 2 years.

Jiyeon wiped her tears with the back of her hand, got up from the bed and took  a makeup bag in her bag, clean up the make-up that had been stuck on her beautiful face since afternoon. After that she hurried to shower and get ready to meet with Myungsoo.


Myungsoo has been waiting for her in hotel lobby, Jiyeon could see the back of him. Suddenly, the sneaky smile formed on her lips, she dialled Myungsoo’s number as walked towards him, and stopped a few step beside behind Myungsoo.

“Ya Jiyeonnie ?” Myungsoo answered her calling.

“Myung.. umm.. we can’t go to on date now.. i’m so tired today.” Jiyeon said, she makes her voice in weak tone.

Myungsoo widened his eyes. “Can’t ? But...” He asked and paused for a seconds. “Did you really tired ?” He asked again. Then he heard the sound “hmm” from Jiyeon.

Myungsoo sighed in really soft. “Allright, if so, you have to rest more, ne..” He said.

Jiyeon could hear clearly the disappointment tone in his voice. “Umm.. did it okay ? I’m so sorry..” She asked.

“Ne.. its okay. Next time maybe..” Myungsoo said doubtly, then hung up the phone. “How tired Jiyeon is until cancelled their date ?” That what he thought now. Actually he tired too, the proces of MV filming really exhausted him.. but because he was going to meet his lovely girl, Jiyeon, he does not even care about his exhausting.

He sighed in disappointed, the date cancelled ? Come on, do not be met with Jiyeon.. Oh, he wanted to scream to vent his disappointment, but he was quite aware of where he was. Consecuently he can only ruffled his black hair in frustation. He turned around to go back to his room, just then he saw Jiyeon was there, standing a few step away from him, smiling, waving her hand, and walked towards him.

“Let’s go on date..” Jiyeon said.

Myungsoo stared at Jiyeon confusedly. “Uh, uh, just now you said...” He said but suddenly paused. “You’re just playing around on me ? Why ? I so dissapointed hearing you cancelled that.” Myungsoo continued his other words in annoyance.

Jiyeon bowed her head down as apologized, “Sorry..”

“Jiyeonnie, i know you mad at me..” Myungsoo said, paused for a seconds. “Listen me! I know i’m wrong choosing another idol. But that was really just script, PD-nim asked us to do that.” He continued.

Jiyeon looked at Myungsoo with a confused expression. “I don’t understand..” She said confusedly.

“That show.. i’m sorry.” Myungsoo apologized to Jiyeon. Then, explained what he was talking about. Myungsoo saw Jiyeon kept going silent without saying.  “Come on Ji.. that was just script. I also upset, why not your name in the list.” He said again.

Actually, Jiyeon was silent not because she mad, but she did not know should what to do, because the fact is she does not watch yet that show even one episode.

She chuckled softly. “Why are you think that i mad at you ?” She asked.

“Hoya hyung.. he..” Myungsoo interupted by Jiyeon.

“And you believe that ?” Jiyeon asked.. Myungsoo nodded his head as his anwer. “Aigo! Myung, i’m not mad, and i knew that was just script. Did you think i don’t know that almost all of the variety shows are script.” She explained to Myungsoo.

“Really ?” Myungsoo asked.

“Ne.” Jiyeon replied as nodded her head.

Myungsoo sighed in relieved, then said, “Thanks God. I’m worried you really mad at me. Tsk, Hoya hyung, damn him..” He said, sounded the annoying tone when he mention Hoya.

Jiyeon chuckled again, then she tidied up Myungsoo’s hair which looked mess because ruffled by himself, combed gently his raven black hair. Get this sweet treatment from Jiyeon makes Myungsoo let out a genuine smile.

They walked out of the hotel, started stepping their leg towards a restaurant which is not far from the hotel, a fancy seafood restaurant. Jiyeon know that she and Myungsoo like to eat seafood, so she asked him to eat in there.

Myungsoo and Jiyeon walked next to each other in silent, occasionally only Jiyeon asked the random question to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo slowly grabbed Jiyeon’s hand, now they are not just walked next to each other but hand in hand. Jiyeon glanced over her hand and Myungsoo’s hand which was interwining, smile formed on her tiny lips.

They are still walking, enjoying the atmosphere of the afternoon in Las Vegas, the blue sky began changed into orange, signifying the sun gets shifted westward. It was seldom even almost never they two could going out freely if they were in Korea.Usually they go out together at night, still have to wear the disguise thing. For this time is completely free, they can go out together at afternoon, holding hands, and without disguise.

“Then, how’s T-ara N4’s perform for Chris Brown’s concert today ?” Myungsoo suddenly asked.

Jiyeon did not immediately answer. “It went.. well..” She answered, stared straight did not aware to looking at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo know Jiyeon was lying to him. Eventhough he does not know what actually happen to Jiyeon today, when the concert running, he know well it was kinda bad. He did not want to ask more again, so he just more tightened his hand grab on Jiyeon and rubbed softly her back hand. Jiyeon turned to Myungsoo, and saw him was smiling warmly at her.


Night falls in Las Vegas. Indeed, Las Vegas shines more at night like the Mecca entertaiment. Myungsoo and Jiyeon traced each street in Las Vegas area still interwining their hand and joking around, sounded the laugh full of happiness from their voice.

Honestly, Myungsoo confused will bring Jiyeon to where, because.. yeah.. you know Las Vegas, the city which famous with the night-life-style. Finally he remember that Infinite will do photoshoot in Nevada area, which people said as the center of the crowd in Las Vegas. They need about 20 minutes to arrive at there by walking.

Myungsoo and Jiyeon have reached in front of Bellagio, famous for fountain shows. Many people was taking photos of the beautiful Las Vegas night scene.

Jiyeon, she stood staring at the scenery before her, attractions of the fountains, sparkling colorful lights, pool water which reflected the light. She keep admiring this place, her eyes sparkled when seeing each of the wonderful scenery. The breeze blew gently hitting her face.. her long delicate hair, the smile kept etching on both side of her lips.

On the other hand, Myungsoo just enjoyed another scene, which he said is much more beautiful, what is that ? that is Jiyeon, yeah.. Myungsoo prefer to enjoying the perfection depicted clearly on Jiyeon. He flipped Jiyeon’s hair which was covering her face to the back of her ear.

Myungsoo switched his position, to stood up behind Jiyeon, a bit hesitant, he hugged Jiyeon’s shoulder. He could feel Jiyeon’s body tensed up, could be said he and Jiyeon were rare to do skin-ship like this, just holding hand, stoke her cheeks and her hair. Honestly Myungsoo frankly still very nerveous for do skin-ship thing, it looks like he often have to do skin-ship with Jiyeon. “I miss you...” He said in spoiled.

Jiyeon smiled. “Nado, Myung..” She said.

Myungsoo drowned his face to Jiyeon’s neck, sniffed in deeply Jiyeon’s body and her hair aroma as shut his eyes.”You know ? I’m going to crazy if our date cancelled earlier.” He said, still in spoiled.

Myungsoo’s words making Jiyeon chuckled cheerfully. It was she thought, his words was really funny.

“How long we didn’t met ? Our rough schedule is much interfere.” Myungsoo said, caught his upset tone in there.

Jiyeon nodded her head in agreement, agree with Myungsoo’s thought. She turned her head to left, to looking at Myungsoo, she just realized Myungsoo’s face captured how exhausted he was. “Definitely you are so tired. We shouldn’t going out now..” She said.

Myungsoo opened his eyes, looked up at Jiyeon, showed his most dazzling smile. “Its nothing. If it was with you, i would not tired.” He said.

“Shouldn’t be.. you should to...” Jiyeon’s words interupted by Myungsoo.

“My Jiyeonnie.. i’m okay. I’ll sleep in tight after met you, for sure.” Myungsoo said. “I really love you.” He added on.

Then, Myungsoo turned Jiyeon’s body to facing him, his hand was around Jiyeon’s hip. He lifted Jiyeon, making Jiyeon gasped, then sat her on the parapet. He stared straight on Jiyeon’s, his hand was holding Jiyeon’s hand, and his other hand Jiyeon soft cheek. He a bit tiptoed, narrowed his face to Jiyeon’s right cheek, then kissed it with full of affection.

And, Myungsoo spent his first night in Las Vegas with his precious girl, Jiyeon.

Hello, long time no see.. i'm so sorry.. my college ruined my rest time huhu..

This is the chapter 3.. Please give comments about it, i quite missed your comments. keep vote and subcribes too.

Thank you~^^

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon