
Real Story

Over ?

[Do i have to give up at this time ?]


In this early May, Jiyeon entered a coffee shop, she just finished the process of her MV refilming, in honor of the trgedy of sinking ship in Sewol a few times ago, some scenes in her MV should be changed.

Jiyeon took a seat in one of the corner of the cafe room, quite far from the window. She plugged on her earphone to her ears as choosing her favorite songs. She just realized that in this few months she was busy preparing her solo, she needs refreshing-time like this time.

Jiyeon still immersed into music tones that echoed in her ear through the earphone, until she realized someone approached her.

Jiyeon immediatelly released her earphone. “Oh Sungjong. Since when you were here ?” Jiyeon greeted the person whom approached her, it was Sungjong.

“Just arrived.” Sungjong looked around the cafe. The atmoshphere of the cafe can be said quite crowded, only some tables left. Sungjong turned his head towards the cashier, a mischievous smile  was tugging on his lips. “Can i and hyungs join you here ?” He asked at Jiyeon.

“Uh, hyungs ?” Jiyeon asked confussedly, she thought Sungjong comes alone to this cafe.

Sungjong nodded, then pointed the two person whom is in the cashier. Jiyeon followed the direction of Sungjong’s index finger, she was surprised seeing the 2 person in there, Dongwoo and Myungsoo, oh god from a lot of cafe in this area, why they must choose this cafe, why she chooses this cafe, why they must be meet.

“Can we ? It’s been while since our last meeting, we could talking.” Sungjong asked again.

“Uh-uh, erm, ne of course you can.” Jiyeon answered as smiling, awkward smile. She must overcome her own ego, what happened to her and Myungsoo had nothing relation to Infinite member, so she should keep the good relation with them.

 “Ah gomawo.” Sungjong smiled full of meaning. “Wait for a minutes.” Excused him. He rushed to Dongwoo and whispered something as pointing to the table where Jiyeon sat, after it they two smiled full of meaning. Then Sungjong back to Jiyeon.

“I’m so happy meet you here. It has been while we didn’t meet.” Sungjong said right when he took a seat next to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon replied with her beautiful smile, “Umm ne it has been while. You are only with Dongwoo oppa and Myungsoo ? Where is the other ?” She asked.

“Only three of us who were in dorm, hyungs are having their own bussiness.” Sungjong replied. “And you, why just alone ?” He asked.

“I just finished filming my MV, refilmed.” Jiyeon paused for a seconds. “This few month, i only preparing my solo, so i think i need refreshing.” She continued.

Sungjong clapped his hand. “Ah talk about your solo, how is the preparation ?”

“Actually all the preparation has finished, just ya have to delayed. That’s meant i still have a lot of time to maximum exercising.” Jiyeon answered.

Sungjong nodded his head in understand. “Why you have to refilmed your MV ? Is there scene which have to delete ?” He asked.

“True. Some scenes have to delete because feared will remembering people to sewol accident.” Jiyeon answered.

“I see, Infinite too. We will refilming our MV, because there is water scene, and same as you, our comeback have to delayed.” Sungjong told Jiyeon.

“Jinja ? Ah i thought it’s only me who experienced this.” Jiyeon said, she was surprised when Sungjong told her that Infinite have to refilming their MV and withdraw their comeback.

Sungjong laughed. “You never read articles about other idol, that’s why you don’t know anything. I think you need to know about other idol’s news so that you won’t outadted like this.”

Jiyeon chuckled softly hearing Sungjong’s words.

Dongwoo and Myungsoo approached them. “Jiyeon-ah.” Dongwoo greeted as waving his hand at Jiyeon. While Myungsoo just can silent, to be honest he also wants to greet Jiyeon, not only greeting but also hug Jiyeon. But all of his wanting was disappeared when his tounge and hands felt numb.

“Hi, Oppa.” Jiyeon replied Dongwoo’s greeting.

Dongwoo immediately took a seat right in front of Jiyeon, he knew it will becomes awkward if it was Myungsoo who sitting across to Jiyeon. “You know, i didn’t expected that we will meet here.” He said.

Jiyeon smiled over Dongwoo. “Ne, me too.”

Sungjong looked at Myungsoo who still standing silently in his place, definitely his hyung stared at Jiyeon whom was joking around with Dongwoo. “Myungsoo hyung, why are you just standing there ? Sit down, please.”

“Ah~” Myungsoo a bit surprised, then sat next to Dongwoo. Without a reason the atmoshphere between four of them became awkward. Jiyeon just played her coffee cup, Myungsoo just stared blanky at his coffee cup. While Sungjong and Dongwoo stared at Myungsoo and Jiyeon inalternatelly.

Sungjong and Dongwoo were also thinking what should they do to make the athmoshphere become normal not awkward like this. Then they were staring at each other, as if asked what should they do.

Sungjong shifted facing to Jiyeon. “Oh ya Jiyeon-ah, i’m serious-” deliberaty Sungjong paused his words. Myungsoo shifted his sight from his coffee cup towards Sungjong. While Sungjong has was able guessed his hyung reaction.

“-you  have to read the articles about other idols.” Then Sungjong turned to Dongwoo and Myungsoo. “You know, hyung, Jiyeon didn’t know that Infinite’s comeback had delayed. The worse, she didn’t know that Infinite will have comeback. Tsk.”

“Ya! Sungjong-ah.” Jiyeon said.

Dongwoo looked at Jiyeon in disbelief. “Is that true ? You’re so outdated, Jiyeon-ah.” Dongwoo sneered at Jiyeon.

Jiyeon smiled in awkward. “Ah i’m sorry. I don’t really follow other idol news, Oppa.” She answered honestly. It is true, Jiyeon did not following the news of other idol anymore, let alone the other artist, the news about herself and T-ara she also did not read. Such as there is a traumatic, beside usually Myungsoo would told her about Infinite’s activities and schedules.

“Ah maybe because you’re a sunbae, so you don’t need to know about other idol. “ Dongwoo said, his voice sounded cold but it was just a joke.

Jiyeon shook her head hurriedly. “Ah aniyo, aniyo. Not like that, oppa. I also didn’t following the news about my self.” Jiyeon answered, then she turned to Sungjong. “Ya! Sungjong-ah!”

“Hah waeyo ?” Dongwoo asked in curioussity.

Jiyeon was confussed how to answer, she did not want to answer the kind of that question. She sighed slowly, “Umm because, because i don’t-” Her words was cut by Myungsoo.

“Hyung. You are too curious.” Myungsoo said. He knows right about Jiyeon’s reason, why she did not read the news about herself or T-ara, it was because she was trauma with the nasty news about herself, her scandals, with the news about what happened with T-ara in 2 years ago. And he knows clearly that Jiyeon did not want to answer Dongwoo’s question.

On the other hand, Jiyeon can breathing in relief, luckyly Myungsoo cut off her words. There is a happy feeling in her heart knowing Myungsoo still knows herself. She stared at Myungsoo briefly as smiling slighty, so slight, until no one of Myungsoo, Sungjong, and Dongwoo recognize her smile.

 “Why do about it?” Dongwoo asked as turning his head to Myungsoo’s side.

Myungsoo looked at Dongwoo. “Stop your curiousity, hyung.” He replied pointedly. Sometimes the curiousity of Dongwoo is over the limit, he wanted to know everything of other people bussiness.

“Aish. Why are you huh ? Jiyeon doesn’t mind it.” Dongwoo said. Then shifted looking at Jiyeon, “Right, Jiyeon-ah ?” He asked at Jiyeon.

Jiyeon felt guilty to Dongwoo, she was about to answer Dongwoo, but before she opened , Myungsoo had already answered Dongwoo’s question.

“She did, hyung.” Myungsoo answered.

“I ask at Jiyeon. Your name isn’t Jiyeon, right, Myungsoo-ah ?” Dongwoo asked at Myungsoo in teasing tone.

“Mwo ? Mwoya ?” Myungsoo asked back at Dongwoo as rounding his eyes. “Hyung, did you not see that your question bothered Jiyeon ?” He asked again.

Dongwoo turned to Jiyeon. He did not know that Jiyeon was bothered, he felt guilty to her. He looked back at Myungsoo. “Jinja ? I don’t know.” He answered.

Myungsoo snorted in annoyed. “So that i told you, hyung.” He said.

“I also don’t know, hyung.” Sungjong said innocently. “Since when hyung can reading other mind ?” He asked.

“Babo!” Myungsoo asked as looking at Sungjong. “It was seen clearly in her expression.” Myungsoo said.

Dongwoo smiled full of meaning at Myungsoo. In his eyes, Jiyeon expression did not showing antything like what Myungsoo said. “Ah~ seem you know all about Jiyeon well.” He said teasingly at Myungsoo as raising his eyebrows.

Myungsoo naturally looked at Dongwoo as blinking his eyes. He started suspicious whether Dongwoo was playing around with him. He surprised again by Sungjong words in sudden.

“Dongwoo hyung, of course Myungsoo hyung knows all about Jiyeon. Myungsoo hyung always watch over Jiyeon secretly since long time ago.” Sungjong said as glancing over Myungsoo.

Myungsoo hurriedly looked at Sungjong. What else is this... He glanced over Jiyeon whom was staring at him in full of surprise. He cursed in his heart, Jiyeon never knows about his this secret.

Myungsoo tried to stay cool. “Mwo ?” He asked, eventhough he was stay cool, his expression still showed the nervousness.

Making Sungjong and Dongwoo smiled more mischievous at Myungsoo. “Secret admirer.” Dongwoo said. “Stalker.” Sungjong said after it.

Myungsoo’s ear turned red. He was cursed under his breath at Dongwoo and Sungjong.

“See, your ears were red, Myungsoo-ah.” Dongwoo said, it was making Dongwoo and Sungjong laughed loudly.

While Jiyeon just can silent hearing all that thing, she was still surprised because she did not know that Myungsoo follows the news about her self.

“Stop laughing!” Myungsoo said pointedly. He was really embarrassed and did not know why became more nervous. What will Jiyeon thinks about him now ? Stalker ? He shook his head,  kept cursing in his heart as staring sternly at Sungjong.

He glenced at Jiyeon, right at the time Jiyeon was looking at him. Of course making him felt more embarrassing, he rubbed his nose which actuall not itch, just to covered his embarassment and nervousness.

Jiyeon chuckled softly in her heart seeing Myungsoo’s behaviour. “The three of you are getting closer to each other ?” Jiyeon asked in sudden. She just can not bear to see Myungsoo kept on embarrassed.

“Ne true. We even went drink together.” Dongwoo answered.

Jiyeon nodded her head in understand. “That’s good.” She responded.

After it, they were talking about various things, especially about Infinite’s new album soon and Jiyeon’s solo, interspace with the jokes of Dongwoo, making them laughed happily.

Their conversation more dominate by Dongwoo, Sungjong, and Jiyeon, while Myungsoo more silent and occasionally laughed merelly as kept watching over Jiyeon, her dazzling smile, how Myungsoo longed it, he missed got that smile from Jiyeon, longed to Jiyeon’s spoiled voice, longed to Jiyeon’s caring, he longed everything about Park Jiyeon.

Jiyeon glanced over her watches, there the clockwise was pointed at 08:00 p.m, did not she realized that she was in this cafe for about 3 hours. She thinks it is the time to go home. “Umm... i think i have to go home now. I’m happy to talk like this, i leave first.” Jiyeon bid a farewell to Sungjong, Dongwoo, and Myungsoo.

“Ah so that. Do you leave alone ? How about we drive you home ?” Dongwoo asked at Jiyeon.

“Ah no need, Oppa, it will be bothersome you. I can go home by a cab.” Jiyeon refused politely. She did not want to bothersome other people, eventhough it was Infinite’s member, still she did not want to bothersome anyone.

Sungjong glanced over Myungsoo, he knew that his hyung hopes Jiyeon would accept a ride that Dongwoo offered. He knew that Myungsoo was worried, did not want Jiyeon go home alone in this time.

 “Jiyeon-ah, come on~ We can’t to see you go home alone, so just go home with us, ne ?” Sungjong tried to persuade Jiyeon, deliberaty he showed his aegyo, it was for Myungsoo. Instead of understand, Myungsoo looked at Sungjong with his irritating glance.

Jiyeon looked back at Dongwoo, “Is it okay, Oppa ? I don’t want to bothersome.” Jiyeon asked carefully at Dongwoo.

Dongwoo smiled, “Of course it’s not bothersome us. And don’t worry, i’m the one who driving not Myungsoo, so it will be safe.” He answered.

“Ya! Hyung.” Myungsoo said in full of annoyance. How could Dongwoo said like that thing to Jiyeon, eventhough what Dongwoo said it is true, but .... ah he was really mad.

Jiyeon chuckled softly. “Alright then.”

They entered the car, Sungjong sat next to Dongwoo whom was driving, while Jiyeon and Myungsoo sat in backseat – Sungjong was delibearty sat in the front seat, next to Dongwoo – Myungsoo was silent again, felt his heart was beating crazily, occasionally he stole a glances at Jiyeon, whom pinned her sight to the street outside.

For a few minutes, no sounds comes from them four, no one started to speak up, just heard music tones played through the radio and a little humming from Dongwoo’s mouth.

“Oh Jiyeon-ah, i’ve already saw your photo teaser. So this time your concept is y ?” Finally Sungjong broke the silence between them.

Jiyeon shifted her sight towards Sungjong whom was in the front seat. “You saw it ? Aigo! Why  you see that ?” Jiyeon asked at Sungjong.

“Eh waeyo ? moreever so many articles talked about your solo.” Sungjong answered innocently.

Jiyeon shook her head. “Ya! I’m so embarrased. Aish.” Jiyeon said as bit her tounge. To be honest she was felt a bit did not like with the y concept her agency gave to her. She wanted another concept which looks cool, she revealed her thought to her CEO, but as an artist in the end the agency’s decision became the last decision.

Sungjong laughed softly hearing Jiyeon’s word. “But Jiyeon-ah, it looks good and cool.” He praised her photos teaser.

“Jinja ?” Then Jiyeon curled her lips cutely. “I have to accept what our CEO wanted.” She said cutely.

Myungsoo glanced over Jiyeon, there is relieve in his heart, the fact that Hiyeon’s solo concept is not Jiyeon’s wanting, but rather their CEO. Honestly he likes the photos teaser of Jiyeon, his girl was growing to be lady, but he was mad because that photos were seen by a million couple of eyes, what is Jiyeon’s fanboys think to see their idol show her iness, just by thinking how Jiyeon’s fanboys reaction could making him mad. He just want Jiyeon shows her iness just for him.

Added, he was read the negative comments about Jiyeon’s concept. Their words was really harsh and hurt, he himself did not capable continue to read that. For him, they were too much, many other girl groups did y concept more than Jiyeon but no harsh comment from them. Is because it is T-ara Jiyeon, so they became harsh to commenting ?

“Then, when will you debut ?” Sungjong asked again.

 “Erm, around this months. Waeyo ?” Jiyeon answered.

Heard Jiyeon’s answer making Myungsoo naturally looked at Jiyeon, he was surprised, Jiyeon will debut in this month.

“Ah good!” Sungjong said as clapping his hand. “Seem we will be able to see each other, Jiyeon-ah. We will aslo comeback around mid or end of this month.” He said.

“Jinjayo ?” Jiyeon asked, surprised to know that she and Infinite were possibility would having promotion at the same time.

Sungjong nodded, then turned around at Jiyeon and Myungsoo. “Ne. I’m happy to know this. Myungsoo hyung also must be happier. Are you too, Jiyeon-ah ?” He asked as smiling. Then turned back towards front side.

Jiyeon turned towards Myungsoo whom was in her left side. She saw Myungsoo also was staring at her as smiling slighty. Causing Jiyeon’s blood rippled, her heart started working unnormal. She immediately shifted her sight back to the straight.

A few minutes later, Dongwoo’s car reached at Jiyeon’s apartment bulding. Jiyeon thanked to them because had drove her home. “Be carefull on the way off, Oppa. Bye.” She said before went down of the car.

Jiyeon rushed a bit run entering her apartment building, while Dongwoo’s car was still parking there. Myungsoo was still watching over Jiyeon whom was little running, entering her apartment.

“Myungsoo-ah, i think this is the time you talk to her.” Dongwoo said, admonished Myungsoo whom still immersed watching Jiyeon.

Myungsoo shifted his sight to Dongwoo as furrowing his forehead. “I meant, this is the time you should be able to talk to her, you have to make her wants to listen to your explanation. Don’t just silent like this.” Dongwoo said, explained his meaning.

“I agree with Dongwoo hyung.” Sungjong said. “Since earlier we had tried to make hyung and Jiyeon get closer back, at least did not awkward like this.” He added on.

Myungsoo sighed softly. “But-” His words was cut by Dongwoo.

“This, you may indeed be able to wait for however long until Jiyeon willing to open her heart herself to give you chance. But, you may also feel tired with this expectation. This time, do anything to make Jiyeon give you a chance to explain. At least if in the end you gave up, you’ve explained everything to Jiyeon.” Dongwoo said.

Myungsoo kept thinking about Dongwoo’s words for a few minutes, until finally his self decided to listen to Dongwoo’s proposed. “I know, hyung. Ne, i’ll explain everything tonight. Gomawo hyung, gomawo Sungjong-ah.” He said, then went down of the car and walked entering Jiyeon’s apartment building.


Myungsoo had stood in front of Jiyeon’s apartment door. He took a deep breath before pressed the bell, while waiting the door in front of him opened, he bent down his head as kept praying in his heart so that Jiyeon would touched this time.

Myungsoo felt Jiyeon opened her apartment door along with the voice of that girl who threw him a short question, “What’s up ?”

Slowly Myungsoo looked up at Jiyeon. “I’m sorry to disturb you...” He said, paused his words. He did not know how to start to say his meaning. Not no reason, just only it had been 5times he asked given a chance to explain what actually happened, but as much as it is also Jiyeon rejected it firmly.

He saw Jiyeon did not giving any response, making Myungsoo have to sigh sadly. “Jiyeon-ah, there is a lot of thing i have to explain to you.” Finally he said what bring him here.

He saw again Jiyeon still kept in silence with her poker face. “Can i explain it ?” Myungsoo asked doubtedly.

Jiyeon shifted her sight into her apartment for a seconds, then back to Myungsoo. “Didn’t i said that i don’t want to hear any explanation ? Didn’t you understand it ?” She asked at Myungsoo.

“You should listen to my explanation, Jiyeon-ah.” Myungsoo replied. He stared deeper at Jiyeon. “I just want you listen to it. Is that so hard to you ?” He asked weakly. He just did not know why Jiyeon became as though like this.

“Ne.” Jiyeon answered shortly. “Better you go home, Myungsoo-ah. Don’t waste your time in nothing like this, because it will be useless.” She said a bit sharp. Then she turned around and was about entered her apartment.

But Myungsoo more faster since he gently hold her arm. “Jiyeon-ah, listen to me, please.” Myungsoo asked, his voice sounded weak.

“How many time i said to you that i don’t want ?” It was the response Jiyeon gave, sounds cold and without looked at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo turned Jiyeon’s body to face him, he knew that his behaviour was quite surprised Jiyeon. “Why you became like this ? Is that me who changed yourself ?” Myungsoo asked sadly at Jiyeon whom still in surprised.

But a second later Jiyeon’s expression back to cold, her gaze stabbled into Myungsoo’s eyes. Again Jiyeon was just silent, did not she think that her behaviour had hurt Myungsoo.

Myungsoo did not release his voice anymore, just stared sadly at Jiyeon. “Go home!” Jiyeon’s words brought his back to his sense. Jiyeon released Myungsoo’s hand which hold her arm since earlier.

 “No. I won’t go home. Jiyeon-ah, you should listen to my explanation.” Myungsoo said again in sturdy, which he did not realized that he had raised his voice.

He widened his eyes when he realized the mistake that he made just now. He had bark out at Jiyeon without he wish. “I’m sorry.” He said in full of regret. “Jiyeon-ah, give me a chance, please. Jiyeon-ah, please. Give me a chance, please.” He continued. He kept repeating his begging word to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon could not hold anymore to hear Myungsoo begging on her. She just did not want to hear anything, she did not want anything which possibilty hurt herself again.

“Enough, Myungsoo-ah, enough!” Jiyeon said, deliberaty she raised her voice. She stared sadly at Myungsoo. “Didn’t you tired to keep begging like this on me ? I’m tired to hear it. So stop it, Myungsoo-ah.” Jiyeon said with heavy heart.

Making Myungsoo looked at Jiyeon in shocked and did not believe with what Jiyeon said just now. Right at that time, his knee turned into jelly as if could not able to hold his weight, making him fall on his knee in front of Jiyeon.

“... Stop it, ....” Jiyeon’s word played in his ear. In this point he felt very tired, causing a thought to give up flashed on his mind. Although in a few seconds before it, he felt still able to waiting for Jiyeon to open her heart.

Hello, i'm back with chapter 15. How ? Give me your comments about this chapter, okay ?

ah, instead of author-nim, call me kimaray, would you ?

Thanks to - JansJY08, amiraazharuddin, Retsel_, and inspiritofficilal - for your comments.

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon