
Real Story



Jiyeon was staring blankly into the TV, though the TV was showing her favorite drama. “Jiyeonnie, whats wrong ?” Hyoomin asked while laid a mug of hot chocolate in front of Jiyeon. Yeah Jiyeon was in Hyomin’s apartment, Hyomin was quite surprising. Jiyeon came in this hours and said she wants to stay in her apartment.

Jiyeon turned at Hyomin and gave a look that says “What do you mean, unnie ?”

“You are out of your mind right ?” Hyomin asked.. “Why ? is there something bothering you ?” Hyomin asked again.

Jiyeon shook her head and answered no, she just feel her body was exhausted. Hyomin frowned, did not believe, she wanted to ask again  if only ringing of her phone not interupted . Oh Woohyun’s calling. Hyomin was immediately picked up her boyfriend, “Ne, woonnie ?” And she hopped down of the couch.

Jiyeon sighed in heavy, rushed to Hyomin’s room, leaned her body onto the bed. She chose to stay in Hyomin’s apartment tonight, she did not want to see Myungsoo yet. Even she forgot about her purchase when she know that the man is Myungsoo, she rushed out of the grocery. She wanted to cry, but she realized a lot of people was there. Instantly the shadows of Myungsoo with woman in the grocery shop came up on her mind, the woman linked her hand in spoiled in Myungsoo’s arm. Friend.. Really ? It was so intimate. Even she – Jiyeon – never did that to Myungsoo. Her tears fall through the corner of her closed-eyes, the tears which she had held since earlier, her chest was throbbing, it was very pain.

Did Myungsoo was cheating on her ? Her breath such caught in the mid of , even to give the voice of her crying, she was not able to. Is this the answer about her anxious lately, the reason Myungsoo’s attitude change. The tears were falling increasingly heavy, her chest is getting pain to know the reality of it.

She never consult if Myungsoo go out with his friends, but this time.. the shadow of their – Myungsoo and that woman - linked arm kept flashing in her mind. She quickly wiped her tears, did not want Hyomin saw it. She turned her body over to the side, facing the window and tried to fall asleep.


Next day.. It was 06:00 A.M, Jiyeon went down from Hyomin’s car, Hyomin drove her back to her apartment. “Gomawo unnie.” She thanked Hyomin, then rushed to her apartment. Jiyeon stopped for a moment in front of her apartment. Her phone kept vibrating, it was Myungsoo’s calling. Jiyeon sighed in heavy, then typed on the passcode and entered her apartment. She was frozen when saw Myungsoo’s shoes, it was mean Myungsoo was here, in her apartment, don’t know why her brain-work stopped instantly.

She walked towards her living room, just then she saw Myungsoo, who was standing before her. “Jiyeonnie..” “Jiyeonnie, pick up my call, please.” Myungsoo mumbled in anxiety. Whether it has been how twentieth time Myungsoo called her, but she still did not answer his calling, she even turned off her phone.

“Myungsoo-ah.” She said Myungsoo’s name softly.

Myungsoo immediately turned around when heard his name called by someone who he was waiting since last night. “Jiyeonnie.” He said as jumped to Jiyeon’s side and hugged her. Jiyeon did not return his hug but let him to hugged her. Her brain quickly remembered the scene in last night – another woman clinged in spoiled in Myungsoo’s arm – her heart like stabbled by a sharp-long sword, really hurt.

She still in Myungsoo’s embrace, “Where were you last night ? Oh god you worried me..” Myungsoo asked her, Myungsoo’s voice full of concern.

“I stay at Hyomin unnie..” She answered.

Myungsoo pulled his hug as said, “I’m here since last night.”

Jiyeon sat onto the couch, then looked up at Myungsoo. “What for ?” She whispered for her self. “I was promised to Hyomin unnie to stay up at her apartment.” She said.. Lying.. She was lying on him about her reason, the fact is she did not want to see Myungsoo, because she know that Myungsoo will come to her apartment.


The silence fall between Myungsoo and Jiyeon, they kept in silent, struggled with their own thoughts. There are many things to be explained by Myungsoo, about what was Jiyeon seem last night. But his mouth did not want to work, he just kept in silent, hard to put out what was in his brain. His tail-eyes caught Jiyeon was staring straight, blank stare.

“Ji.. yeon..” With difficulty, he finally put out his voice.

Jiyeon kept staring straight as said, “How, ani, since when did you and.. her..” She was not able to continue her question.

Myungsoo who were given the question, just silent. Confused.. did not know how to start expalining the truth.

“You said that you just stay at dorm.” Jiyeon said, again.

Myungsoo bent down his head, he just realized that he had accidentally lied to Jiyeon. The roomwas suddenly quiet again. Myungsoo still keep silent and bent down his head, kept thinking of searching for the right words to explain all of this to Jiyeon. Amid of his thinking, Jiyeon voiced, “Why are you silent ?”

Instead of answering, Myungsoo’s mouth getting locked up, hard to be opened.

“I was thinking bad about you and her. Don’t you want to explain that ?” Jiyeon asked to Myungsoo, her voice was heard cold in Myungsoo’s ears.

It was true that Jiyeon has a bad-thought about Myungsoo and that woman, thinking that Myungsoo was cheating on her. Eventhough she trust that Myungsoo is not the man with that type.

“Sorry..” Only that word which came from Myungsoo’s mouth.

Making Jiyeon’s heart broken, the word ‘sorry’ from Myungsoo explained everything for Jiyeon, explained what she thought was true. On the other hand, Myungsoo getting lowered his head deeply. Stupid, why just that nonsense word came from him, that word makes him look like has did a fatal mistake.

“Did i have make mistake to you ?” The random question came out from Jiyeon’s lips to responding Myungsoo’s apologize.

Myungsoo immediately shook his head.. Jiyeon did not make mistake to him. He even who did mistake to her, went out with another woman, eventhough just he and Doyeon just friend but it was still wrong.

“She is just one of my friends.” Myungsoo tried to explaining, just it which able to came from him.

Jiyeon laughed sadly.. it was heard in Myungsoo’s ears. “How so close.” She said, her voice started trembling.

Not close... Myungsoo really wants to say that to Jiyeon, but his tounge was numb.

“I even never have brave to do that with you in public.. but she..” Again, Jiyeon could not finished her words. Her tears which she held up since earlier has been bust out, fall from her eyes rapidly.

Making Myungsoo really shocked.. for the first time he saw Jiyeon cried, live in front of him, and that tears was because of him. Stupid! How stupid he was. He felt so stupid becaused he was causing Jiyeon cried.

“I’m sorry...” Myungsoo blamed himself who just could to say sorry to Jiyeon.

He saw Jiyeon smiled slighty, but he know right that Jiyeon was forced that smile.

“Just stop apologize. It makes me getting believe with my bad-thought.” Jiyeon said. Honestly, she did not want to cry in front of Myungsoo, but she was not strong enough to hold it.

“I’m sorry, Jiyeonnie.. I’m sorry.” Myungsoo apologized again as hugged Jiyeon from beside.

“I think.. i have mistake too.”

“What do you mean ? No. You don’t have even just one mistake.”

“I’m sorry, if i had not become a girlfriend that you want.”

Myungsoo tightened his embrace at Jiyeon, shook his head which he laid on Jiyeon’s shoulder. Oh God, what else is.. He was hurt Jiyeon, causing her cried, and now he makes Jiyeon felt guilty.

Jiyeon pulled her self, parted Myungsoo’s arm which was wrapped her shoulders. “I want to take rest. Can you leave me ?” She asked at Myungsoo.

“I want in here. We still need to talk.” Myungsoo refused.

“I don’t think so. So, better you back to dorm.”

“No. Listen to me first.”

“No i don’t want.”

“Listen to me!” Myungsoo yelled at Jiyeon. Causing Jiyeon shocked.. and he too, he was gasped when realized that he was yelled at Jiyeon.

Myungsoo sighed. “I’m sorry.. listen to me, please.” He said in pleading tone.

“I willing to listen to you, but i can’t. I believe with what i saw last night in there. I’m sorry.”

“Jiyeonnie, erase your bad-thought, please. Don’t get missunderstand, please.”

Jiyeon turned to Myungsoo and stared at him sternly, her emotion has boiled up in sudden. “Don’t get missunderstand ? How funny you are..” She said as chuckled sarcasticly.

“You always get jealous when i talked with another man, even just texting with my close friend, you were jealous.” Jiyeon said as paused for a seconds. “And i clearly see you went out together with another woman, so intimate. And you ask me to don’t get missunderstand ? Then how should i ? How ? How Kim Myungsoo!” She added on, and yelled in the last of her words.

Jiyeon poured out the content of her heart. The tears kept falling down, wetting her face. Her face was a mess because of that tears. Jiyeon’s gaze showed dissapointment and painful, making Myungsoo frozen, his heart was throbbed badly.

Jiyeon wiped her tears roughly. “G-go.. Go!” Her voice choked with her sobs were getting louder. Myungsoo did not know how to do, his heart cut sadly see Jiyeon crying like that.

“Just s-say that y-you do-don’t l-love m-me anymore.” She said still sobbed. Then she continued her words. “Not like this.. y-you look like.. c-che-chea.. ting on me. Its h-hurt, Myungsoo-ah.” Her sobs was getting louder. Actually she was doubted to say that.

“Just say if you want to break up with me.. just say it, say it.. And i won’t beg you to stay.” Jiyeon’s words stabbled right into Myungsoo’s heart, making his breath choked instantly.

What Jiyeon said really hurt him.. don’t love her anymore ? NO! He still really love Jiyeon, so much love. Want to break up ? Oh no, he never want to break up with Jiyeon, he wants to be together forever with her. He wanted to tell all of that to Jiyeon, but his voice could not come out, stuck in his throat, even his lips pressed tightly.

“Go! You will leave to Hongkong, right..”

Myungsoo unmoved, remained silent in front of Jiyeon.

“Myungsoo-ah, go!”

Myungsoo shook hie head. “Ji-” His words cutted by Jiyeon.

“Go away!” This time Jiyeon was yelled, her voice has been hoarse for yelling. Her sobs became increasingly, she covered her face with her palm, her shoulders shook badly.

Myungsoo shut his eyes, it was hurt to see Jiyeon cried like this just because of him. His chest was really congested.

“GO!” Jiyeon yelled again. 

Hello hello~ i'm back as my promise..

What do you think with this chapter.. Actually it was what i think about Myungyeon (in real life).

What will happen to Myungyeon's relationship ? Keep waiting for my story.


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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon