
Real Story

Incovinient The Truth

Infinite just got back from Hongkong... Myungsoo asked the manager to drove him to Jiyeon’s apartment. Since that day, where Jiyeon asked him to leave, Jiyeon really ignored him. Jiyeon did not want to hear his explaination, she kept asking him to leave.

No. The truth is not like what Jiyeon thought. He and Doyeon did not have any special relationship, he will not probably cheating on her, Jiyeon is his everything.. Jiyeon is perfect for him.

He admited that he was wrong.. he went out with Doyeon, just two of them, when he has girlfriend. He never expected that Jiyeon will get mad, oh how stupid he was.. all woman definitely will angry if they were Jiyeon. Just only he never thought Jiyeon will be very angry even cried badly like that. Why is he never think about that ? Because during their dating, Jiyeon never showed to him that she was jealous, the one who always get jealous is him.

He leaned his back motionless, his eyes pined on the street.. He remembered well how mess Jiyeon that day, her tears, her hoarse voice due to her cries, especially her gaze which implied how she was very disappointed and hurt because of him. And still rang clearly in Myungsoo’s head how Jiyeon thought that he was not love her anymore... For God’s sake, he was really loving Jiyeon, really love.

He sighed as stared at his phone..He had contacted Jiyeon in dozens times and even sent messages as well, but Jiyeon rejected all of that.

About Doyeon.. he knew her through his friend at last May. Don’t know how the story, Doyeon got his number and approached him. Why he and Doyeon become close ? That was because Doyeon helped him with asked her father to become the promotor for his L’s Bravo Viewtiful part 2, and ya.. Doyeon’s father aproved and became one of the biggest promotor for his photobook. He admited that Doyeon was attracted him.. care about him much and she is innocent in his eyes.

Infinite’s van reached in front of Jiyeon’s building apartment, but Myungsoo still remained in his seat.

Sungjong poked Myungsoo’s arm. “Hyung, we were arrived.”

Myungsoo gasped as turned his head to the window. “Ah.. Ne.. ne.” He sighed. He was drifted in his deep mind until not reliazed that they were arrived.

Making Infinite’s manager and Infinite member stared at him in wonder.

“Are you okay ?” Sunggyu asked Myungsoo.

“Ne, hyung.”

“Really ? You look not excited as usual.” Sunggyu commented.

“I.. just sleepy.” Myungsoo said, definitely lied.

“Better you just back to dorm and take a rest.” Infinite’s manager said.

“Oh no no, hyung. I want to see Jiyeon.” Myungsoo rejected, then he tidied his cap and sunglasses. “Umm, i go first. Bye.” He said.

Then went down from the van and immediatelly ran to entering Jiyeon’s apartment building, like became his habbit, he typed the password of Jiyeon’s apartment when he reached right in front of the door. But this time, the password was failed making him widened his eyes. He tried again, but the door still not open. Jiyeon changed the password.. He sighed softly, then pressed the bell, non stop.


Jiyeon snorted hearing the bell kept on ringing, who is the hell is that ? Fortunatelly, she was going to went to her agency office. She grab her purse and coat and rushed to opened the door. Right when the door opened, she saw Myungsoo was there, stood up in front of her.

They were silent, they stared into each other’s eyes, respectively until finally Jiyeon looked away, cut off their gaze.

“Jiyeonnie, where are you will go ?” Finally, Myungsoo started speaking first.

“CCM..” Jiyeon answered.

Myungsoo took off his sunglasses. “I know you were very mad, i’m so sorry.”

Jiyeon kept in silent, just sighed.

“Did you still mad at me ?”

Jiyeon stared into Myungsoo’s eyes again, radiated concern and regret in that eyes.

“Why you didn’t answered my calls and reply my messages ? Please dont ignore me like this.” Myungsoo asked. “Really.. I’m really sorry. I miss you so much, Jiyeonnie.” Then he hugged Jiyeon, leaned his head in Jiyeon’s shoulder, comfort, he felt so comfort.

In a few minutes, they were remained in that position, without Jiyeon replied Myungsoo’s hug, without word spoke up from their lips.

“I’m not cheating on you, Jiyeonnie, really.. i just love you.” Myungsoo pecked Jiyeon’s head affectionally in several times.

Jiyeon did not said anything... she did not know how, what should she do ? She believe in Myungsoo, believe his word in earlier. But, what which she saw, really hard for her to accept it, her heart too hurt to see that.

“Let me.. we remain like this, just for this time” Jiyeon said in her heart. She shut her eyes tightly, then replied Myungsoo’s hug, leaned comfortably in Myungsoo’s chest, she could clearly hear his heartbeat, beating rapidly.

Making Myungsoo smiled, how he missed Jiyeon’s hug. He also shut his eyes, “Forgive me.. forgive me, Jiyeonnie.” He apologized.

Myungsoo kept muttering that word to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon rubbed gently Myungsoo’s back, tried to comfort him whom kept apologizing. She bit her upper lips, tried to trust with what she will choose. She stopped her rube in Myungsoo’s back, tightenned her hug, as if that is the last hug.

A moments later, she released her hug on Myungsoo slowly, then cupped Myungsoo’s face, rubbed it gently. She tiptoed, leaned her face to Myungsoo’s cheek and kissed it. The tears fall down from her eyes involuntarily.

“We are over here, Kim Myungsoo.” Her voice was trembled. Then pulled her self from Myungsoo, making Myungsoo stunned by her word, his hug loosened up. Time seemed to stop instantly for him.

Jiyeon walked fastly to out off her apartment building, leaving Myungsoo whom was stunned. For God’s sake, she did not able said that thing. “Don’t turn Jiyeon! Don’t turn! Don’t!” She said in her heart, tried hard as posible to not turned back.

Jiyeon’s word making Myungsoo really shocked. Her word like a bomb destroyeds a building, her word destroyed his eardrums. What ? What ? Jiyeon ask for break up ? the thing that he was feared these days, is happens now.

He got back his sense, turned to look for Jiyeon. “Jiyeon.. Jiyeon..” He yelled Jiyeon’s name.

He immediatelly ran after Jiyeon. In his mind this will never happen, NO! He did not want to break up with Jiyeon. Right when he came out of the apartment building, T-ara’s black van has been running away from the building. “Jiyeonnie.” He muttered Jiyeon’s name sadly.

On the other hand,  Jiyeon who was sitting at the back seat just stared blanky on the street which the van passed. Her tears slowly fall again, she tried as hard as possible to not make any sobs. If ask about the reason why she ask for break up, honestly there is no reason, she did not want to break up with Myungsoo, she always want be together with Myungsoo. But the break up seemed being the right decision, at least her self and Myungsoo are able to reflect on their own self.

She really believe that Myungsoo did not cheating on her, she just.. did not know.. what is the meaning of Myungsoo’s intimacy with that girl ?


A few days later...

Infinite member were busied with their own stuff. Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong were watching one of their favorite variety show while Woohyun was cooking meals for their dinner. Myungsoo did not joined them, he prefers to be alone in his room.

At Myungsoo’s room

Myungsoo wasnow lying on his bed in his room, staring blankly at the ceiling of his room. Then switched of to his phone and clickled his message log with Jiyeon, read Jiyeon’s message which was sent in 2 days ago. He still could not believe that he and Jiyeon was really end. Jiyeon remained with her decision.

He always denied that fact.. He did not know how his life after broke up with Jiyeon. Even how mant times he begged on Jiyeon, she remained in her decision, said that they were end up.

A tear escaped from his eyes.. Regret.. only that word which represent his feelings. Regreted his fools-action, how could easily he approved Doyeon’s offer to accompany her. How stupid he was, really stupid. He should not approved Doyeon’s offer, he should gone to Jiyeon’s apartment. He threw his phone on the bed.

Still he remembered clearly how happy he and Jiyeon when they were together, how he missed Jiyeon in every time, just like this time. And all of that turned so evil just like this, in instantly, just because his fault, his most stupid-fault.

And how he felt so guilty to see Jiyeon cried.. cried over him, he who the one promised will become the best for Jiyeon, but the fact is .....

He really regreted.. can Jiyeon forgive him ? He ruffled his hair in frustation.


At Infinite’s dorm living room

“Sungyeol-ah, call Myungsoo! Its time for dinner.” Sunggyu asked at Sungyeol.

“Okay, hyung.” Sungyeol said, then walked towards Myungsoo’s room.

A few minutes later... Sungyeol was back to living room without Myungsoo.

“Myungsoo ?” Sunggyu asked at Sungyeol.

“He doesn’t want to eat.” Sungyeol answered as took a seat next to Dongwoo.

Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, and Sungjong raised their eyebrows in wonder.

“Why ?” Sunggyu asked again.

Sungyeol just shrugged his shoulder as his reply.

“He looks weird these days, like having a problem, he looks mess.” Sunggyu commented.

“Sungyeol-ah, is something happned to him ?” Woohyun released his voice to ask at Sungyeol.

“I don’t know.. He didn’t say anything to me.” Sungyeol answered.

“Maybe hyung is fighting with Jiyeon. Ya like hyung knew.” Sungjong gave his comment.

Sungyeol snorted in annoyed. “He always being like this when he has argument with Jiyeon. So, let him be.”

Then they chose to let Myungsoo be.. they have their dinner together except Myungsoo and Hoya. Right after they all finished their meals and going to watch the movie together, Hoya came, just got back from hang out with his friend.

“Where is Myungsoo ?” Hoya asked.

“Why ?” Dongwoo asked back.

“Where is he ?” Hoya sked again impatiently.

“He is in his room. Why ?” Sungyeol answered and asked in curiousity.

Hoya did not answered Sungyeol’s question, he rushed to Myungsoo’s room, leaving Infinite member in curiousity.

Hoya opened Myungsoo’s door room harshly as yelled. “Kim Myungsoo!”

Hoya’s yell making Infinite member too. Then they followed Hoya to Myungsoo’s room and stood up in front of the door. While Hoya was stood up in front of Myungsoo’s bed.

Hoya’s yell also making Myungsoo whom was lying lazily on his bed sat in reflex. “Whats wrong, hyung ?”

“Say thats not true! Thats not true, right ? I can’t to be lied.” Hoya said.

“What are you talking about, hyung ?” Myungsoo asked in wonder.

“Say that Jiyeon just kidding me!”

Hearing Jiyeon’s name making Myungsoo’s body tensed up, he started understanding what Hoya’s mean.

“Hyung, what happen ?” Sungjong asked at Hoya.

“That’s not true, right ? that you and Jiyeon were broke up.” Hoya said at Myungsoo, a bit yelled.

“MWO ?” Infinite member shouted in union. Hoya’s word success shocked them.

While Myungsoo just silent, eventhough he shocked too that Jiyeon has already told Hoya about their broke up.

“Say that’s not true!”

Instead answering Hoya’s question, Myungsoo even lowered his head.

“Don’t just silent eoh!” Hoya yelled again.

“You already heard it from Jiyeon, hyung. I don’t want to answer it.” Myungsoo responded.

Hoya along with the rest member got shocked. “So, that’s true you two had broke up ? I thought Jiyeon just kidding me, you know, i’m mad and yelled at her.” Hoya said.

Myungsoo widened his eyes. Never expected that Hoya will mad at Jiyeon, as he know Hoya never get mad at Jiyeon, moreover yelling to her.

“Myungsoo-ah.. say that.. that’s not true.. right ?” Sungyeol asked at Myungsoo, stuttered. He was too shock to know it.

“How many times i said no, but the fact Jiyeon said that. I want to say that’s not true, but what could i do ?” Myungsoo answered, his voice heard so frustation.

“What’s the reason ?” Hoya asked.

Myungsoo lifted his head as asked back. “Didn’t Jiyeon told you too, hyung ?”

“No. That’s why i ask you.” Hoya answered.

“Hyung, there is matter between you and Jiyeon, what is that ?” Sungjong asked at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo just silent again. He did not know how to answer, what should he answer.. He was confused.

“Mind to tell us ?” Sunggyu asked.

“It definitely because you has did a mistake.” Hoya judged Myungsoo.

Causing Myungsoo widened his eyes in shocked.

“Am i true ? Impossible if Jiyeon the one did the mistake.” Hoya said.

How could Hoya judged him like that, he thought. Eventhough it was true, their broke up right because of his foolness, his fault. Myungsoo shut his eyes.

“What’s the mistake you did to her ?” Hoya asked.

“Hyung..” Myungsoo whined.

“I know it, Myungsoo-ah. Eventhough Jiyeon didn’t tell me the reason why you broke up. But..” Hoya paused his word.

“But ?” Myungsoo asked in curiousity.

“You are pretty know right that Jiyeon’s eyes always speak out her feelings. And i saw disappointment in her eyes.” Hoya answered.

Myungsoo lowered his head. Ya, he pretty know it, Jiyeon was disappointed with him. Not only disappointed, he even saw clearly how Jiyeon’s eyes radiated how hurt she was.

“So explain to me!” Hoya said firmly.

Sunggyu know that Myungsoo will not answer anything, gave signal to to out. “Maybe you need more time. I can understand.” He said, then turned to Hoya as said. “Hoya-ah, better we out, give time for Myungsoo.”

“You!” Hoya said as pointed his finger to Myungsoo.

Sunggyu immediately pulled Hoya to out of Myungsoo’s room.

“You still owe me an explanation.” Hoya said to Myungsoo.


At Infinite’s dorm living room

No voice was released from Infinite member’s lips who was sitting together in there. Silent.. maybe they all were still disbelief, until finally Sungjong’s voice broke the silence.

“Unbelieveable, they were broke up.” Sunjong shook his head.

Woohyun stared at Hoya. “Is that true you didn’t know the reason ?” He asked at Hoya.

“You know too how Jiyeon, right ? Eventhough i begged at her to tell me, she will not tell.” Hoya answered.

Woohyun and Sungjong sighed. That was true, they know how Jiyeon was, she will not said anything.

“Since when they broke up ?” Sunggyu asked at Hoya.

“I don’t know.. maybe not long before it.” Hoya answered.

Sunggyu turned at Woohyun. “Woohyun-ah, did Hyomin was not tell you ?”

Woohyun shook his head, then said. “She once told me, few days ago Jiyeon came to her apartment and stayed there. And i remember that was the night when Myungsoo didn’t home, all we know he was staying at Jiyeon’s apartment.”

“Probably....” Sungjong did not continued his words.

“Maybe they were fighting that time. And then Jiyeon asked for break up, because Myungsoo was home with his blue-face.” Dongwoo added on.

“And i’m sure that Myungsoo had did mistake.” Hoya said.

All of Infinite member stared at him as if said Don’t-pretentious-know.

Hoya sighed. “I saw the disappointment in Jiyeon’s eyes when she said that she didn’t want to talk about the reason. I never saw Jiyeon disappointed like that.”

“If so, what kind of mistake ?” Sungyeol asked.

“I’ve said.. i don’t know.” Hoya answered.

“Impossible that Myungsoo hyung was cheating on Jiyeon and she caught it.” Sungjong commented  carelessly.

“Impossible.” Sungyeol hurriedly disagreed as stared at Sungjong stenly. Ya impossible if Myungsoo cheated on Jiyeon, he was pretty know, Myungsoo really really love Jiyeon.

“Sungjong-ah, don’t talk nonsense.” Sunggyu added on.


A week later in Infinite’s dorm.

The situation were still same. Myungsoo who was quiet person became more quiet, prefers to be alone in his room. Since he broke up with Jiyeon, almost every single time his mind filled with her name. Myungsoo making confused what should they do... moreover Sungjong told them that he have heard Myungsoo once talk in his sleep mentioned Jiyeon’s name and as for her forgive. It makes they believed that was true Myungsoo did a mistake like what Hoya guessed.

But what kind of mistake which Myungsoo did until Jiyeon asked for break up, it was the big question which filled in their mind. Suddenly the door bell rang.

“Sungjong-ah, open the door please!” Sunggyu asked at Sungjong.

“Huh.. why Gonam hyung didn’t opened the door by himself ? He know the password eoh.” Sungjong complained as walked towards the door.

Sungjong opened the door as said. “Hyung.. why you didn’t...” His word cut when he realized that was not their manager whom came but a woman, he did not know who she is.

“Hi~” The woman greeted him.

“Excuse me, who are you ?” Sungjong asked at that woman.

That woman smiled as asked, “Is Myungsoo there ?”

“Myungsoo hyung ? You look for him ?” Sungjong asked in wonder.

That woman nodded her head. Sungjong was confused finally invited that woman come in. “Wait for a minutes, i’ll call Myungsoo hyung.” He said as walked together to living room.

“Who ?” Sunggyu asked at Sungjong. He realized there was another person with Sungjong.

“She look for Myungsoo hyung.” Sungjong answred as walked towards Myungsoo’s room.

“Please sit down.” Sunggyu invited her to si, without intending to ask her name.

Three pair of eyes was staring sternly at that woman, asked in wonder who she is, how dare she came to their dorm with that-mini-outfit. That three pair of eyes are Hoya, Woohyun, and Sungyeol. Woohyun stared at that woman as remembering something, like he once saw her.

Sungjong came with Myungsoo whom walked lazily after him. “That’s her.” Sungjong said at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo turend his head to the person whom Sungjong mean, and how shocked he was, knowing who was came. “Doyeon.”

Doyeon immediately stood up and approached Myungsoo as linked her arm to Myungsoo’s. “Myungsoo-ah, how are you ?”

Causing Infinite member shocked as widened their eyes.

“What the hell is that ?” Hoya cursed in his heart.

“Myungsoo-ah, who is she ?” Sunggyu asked.

Myungsoo stared at Sunggyu with confused expression. He did not know how to answer.

“I’m Doyeon.” Doyeon replied Sunggyu’s question.

“She is your friend ?” Sunggyu asked doubtedly at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo kept silent.

“No no. I’m Myungsoo’s girlfriend.” Doyeon again and again replied Sunggyu’s question.

All of Infinite member widened their eyes to the max in shock. “Girlfriend ?” Hoya asked.

“Ne.” Doyeon replied as nodded her head, then turned at Myungsoo. “You didn’t tell them ? Yah~ how can you ?” Doyeon whined in spoiler. Making Infinite member got irritated by her action.

Hoya clenched his jaw sturdy, stared at Myungsoo sternly, his gaze flashed in anger. Myungsoo straight down, not daring to look at anyone.

“I think you need time alone. Should we get into the room.” Sunggyu said sarcastically.

“Ah~ gomawo Sunggyu oppa.” Doyeon thanked Sunggyu. Making Sunggyu felt illfeel with her.

Then one by one of Infinite member walked into Hoya’s room. Myungsoo’s eyes met with Sungyeol’s, Sungyeol stared at him in disbelief, then shook his head full of disappointment.

Hello, here I am with chapter 7.

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon