
Real Story



At Infinite’s dorm

Myungsoo was laying in the side of the bed of his room, staring blanky at the wall tinted in white, checked his phone in several times, whether there an incoming message or call from someone, definitely that someone is the one he hoped the most.

The clock hung on his wall room already showed at 11:55 p.m, that means remaining 5 minutes more until March 13 changed to March 14, which means his birthday will soon be over. In this his birthday, he felt there was something missing, though Infinite members remains a tradition to give a small party for him, his family congratulation him, gifts from fans, still he felt what most he did not come forward. He just waiting the congratulation from a girl he loved very much, Park Jiyeon.

Until the clockwise pointed at 00:02 a.m, where his birthday has passed since 2 minutes ago, Myungsoo checked his phone once again, for his dissapointment, still there is no congratulation from Jiyeon. He typed some words to sent to Jiyeon, then he sighed in disappointed.

He went down of his bed, walked towards his desk, opened the drawer of the desk and took a medium-sized box. He seated himself on the black chair and opened the box, there is a watches gift from Jiyeon in his birthday, last year. Is Jiyeon forget about his birthday ? Myungsoo shook his head, refused the thought arose in his head, it not possible Jiyeon was easily forget his birthday. Although in a few minutes ago, he still keep thinking that Jiyeon would congratulate him in the end of his birthday, become the last person, too bad it turn out not happen.

“Jiyeonie, bogoshippo.” Myungsoo said weakly. He smiled bitterly, his efforts during this few months to get back Jiyeon’s heart didn’t success, Jiyeon though never responded to her, instead she was indifferent and cold to him. Disappointed ? Of course yes, but it hurt more when he had to hear the cold answer that came from Jiyeon. He knows, his self deserved to get that cold treatment, he knows that the disappointed and hurt feeling which he gave to Jiyeon’s heart is far huge than what he is feeling now.

At Handel and Gretel cafe, 00:30 AM

Jiyeon was sitting at one of the desk in the corner of this cafe, actually this cafe has closed since a few hours ago. Jiyeon deliberaty come in the midnight like this, to avoid the suspicion of the people.

She stared to the whole this cafe room, the interor was still same like the last time she visited this place, it has been long until she herself didn’t remember when.

Yesung approached Jiyeon while bring a cup of americano coffee, Jiyeon’s favorite beverage. “So, what’s bring you here in this late ?” He asked at Jiyeon, after put the coffee in front of Jiyeon.

Jiyeon smiled slighthy. “Just want to meet you, oppa.” Yesung raised his eyebrowsnin disbelief. “Oh come on oppa, we haven’t meet for long, right ? I want to talk a lot of thing with you.” Jiyeon answered, she can be a bit spoiled to Yesung.

Yesung smiled when hearing Jiyeon’s answer. He knows there is something which bothered this pretty girl in front of him, he still knows Jiyeon well. “Yeah yeah. Fortunately i got the permitted to go out.”

Jiyeon sipped the coffee in her cup, then staring out the window from behind the curtain that has covered the whole cafe room. The peaceful night, no vehicle passed by, no people passed by too, only the dark buildings and the lighting bulbs of the street.

While Yesung, he just watched over Jiyeon in silent, sometimes he smiled to himself. This girl in front of him is very beautiful with her shoulder-length hair, looks more mature than a few years ago. At the moment of his watching over Jiyeon, suddenly the memories of their togetherness was playing in his brain.

All of the memories he had with Jiyeon, the time he passed with Jiyeon, all is beautiful for him, Jiyeon is not his first love, but he more difficult to forget about Jiyeon than forget about his first love. Jiyeon gave him too deep impression.

He followed peeking the view outside the window, “Nothing interesting to seen. Why you keep staring out ? The person in front of you is far more insteresting.”

Jiyeon turned towards Yesung. Then she chuckled softly, “Ya, Oppa, you’re still has high confident.”

Yesung smiled slighthy. “Become an idol must be like that, i think.” Jiyeon sneered while shaking her head. “You said you want to talk with me, but since earlier you didn’t speak anything.”

“I don’t have the topic to be talked. So Oppa is the one who talk first.” Jiyeon answered, then sipped he coffee again.

 “Don’t have the topic to talking ?” Yesung asked in wonder. Answered with a nod by Jiyeon. Then Yesung smiled naughty, “Ah just say that you just want to meet me, right ? You missed me, oh.” He aksed teasingly at Jiyeon.

Jiyeon widened her eyes, then curled her lips cutely. “Tsk. Oppa, you’re too confident, huh.”

“Just admit it. I’m right, am i ?” Yesung teasing her again.

 “Yeah right. Bogoshippoyo, Oppa.” Jiyeon answered as smiling sweetly.

At that moment Yesung’s heart was beating rapidly, more than normal limit. He didn’t expect Jiyeon would say that she missed him. His staring at Jiyeon can not be describe this time. He tried to nautralize his heartbeat first, assumed that what Jiyeon said earliear is just the normal yearning between Oppa and dongsaeng. Because he knows right that the most person Jiyeon missed is Kim Myungsoo.

Yesung chuckled stiffly. “The person like me is deserved to sorely missed.” He makes a joke so that he didn’t look nervous. “Ah ya, how about your solo preparing ?”

“Hmm...” Jiyeon paused for a seconds. “I'm keen to practice the choreography, Oppa. I exercise very hard for this solo.”

Yesung watched Jiyeon again, “So that is the reason why she looks skinner ?” He asked to himself. “I know it’s very important to you and T-ara. But, Yeonie, you have to rest and eat well.”

Jiyeon smiled. “I know, Oppa. Ah is there still meal in here ? I order one, Oppa.”

 “How about we eat kimchi soup at the food-stall near here ?” Yesung asked. He saw Jiyeon shook her head, sign she did not agree. After that they were silent, again and again Jiyeon chose to seeing the view outside. “I leave for a while, Yeonie.”

Jiyeon only nodded her head. Then her sight shifted again, staring the street outside, it was really peaceful, if only her heart was calm as calm as the street tonight. But no, her heart was feeling chaotic, many things makes her heart was not really calm. The vibration of her phone meddling her attention of the street outside, she took her phone from her purse, then checking it, a new message from Myungsoo. It was read, “Sleep tight. I miss you, Jiyeonie.” Jiyeon sighed.

Myungsoo’s birthday was over since a few hours ago, last year, Jiyeon came to Infinite’s dorm and celebrated Myungsoo’s birthday together, this year not, Jiyeon even did not say congrats to Myungsoo. Not because she forget his birthday, she just deliberaty did not say anything about his birthday.

Without Jiyeon realizing, Yesung has sat in front of her as looking at her. “Oh, Oppa.” She said, a bit surprissed.

Yesung shook his head. “From Myungsoo ?” Jiyeon nodded. Yesung stared blanky at Jiyeon, he knew what happened between Jiyeon and Myungsoo, of course because Jiyeon told him. At the first, it was really hard for him to accept that the girl he loves, Jiyeon, had found someone new to replace his place. Maybe until now, he is still feeling hard, but he realized maybe Jiyeon is not for him, how hard his effort if Jiyeon is not his fate, so it will be the same.

“You told me that yesterday is his birthday.” Yesung said.

Jiyeon nodded, “Ne...” She answered.

 “Then, did you wishes to him ?” Yesung asked. He saw Jiyeon bit her lips. “Don’t say that you didn’t say it to him.” He asked again, rather said.

Jiyeon stared at Yesung  doubtedly, “True, oppa. I didn’t.”

Yesung shook his head in disbelief. “Yeonie, what the matter to wishes him ? You can’t continue like this, pretend to indifferent to him.”

Jiyeon bent down her head. Yesung was right, she can not continue like this, but she also does not think yet to get close to Myungsoo back.  She had forgave Myungsoo, but the feeling of betrayed always haunting her. “Me too, Oppa. I don’t want to be like this forever. But i need time, i really disappointed with what already happen.” Jiyeon paused for a seconds, gave a break to her words. Then she stared at Yesung in confussed, “I don’t know to believe in who, Myungsoo’s explanation later or his agency or to what i already assumed.”

Yesung sighed, he was sad seeing Jiyeon in this condition, full of confussing. “At least give him a chance to explain, maybe it was true that a lot of misunderstand-thing between you, him, and his scandal.”

Jiyeon furrowed her forehead confusedly. “What kind of misunderstand-thing, Oppa ? Didn’t what his agency said already proofed anything, at least there is basic why they make that statement.”

Yesung nodded. “True. Also there are the reasons. Then, don’t you want to know the reason ? How if what you assumed was wrong ?” Yesung paused for a while when seeing Jiyeon’s staring became more confused. “I’m sure he wouldn’t lie with his explanation. So i hope you want to lsiten to him.” He continued his words.

“But Oppa, I-” Jiyeon’s words cut by Yesung.

 “I don’t know what actually happened to Myungsoo, i even don’t know him well.” Again, Yesung paused his words. “But didn’t you feel something weird ? Everything had happened to him, about his scandal is weird, Yeonie.” Yesung said.

Jiyeon was silent, thinking about Yesung’s words just now. She admitted it, something is weird, but whatever is that is still same, the fact that Myungsoo was dating with that girl. Jiyeon massaged her temples, confusing with all the thing had happened. “Oppa, let’s stop talking about this.”

Yesung sighed again, tired seeing Jiyeon who becomes stubborn in this case. “Alright. This is the last time i advice you. Yeonie, please thinking more. I don’t want you regret in later, don’t you think he is sad and hurt with your this behaviour?”

To be honest eventhough he is still loving his this little girl, but he know his position is not the most precious anymore in Jiyeon’s heart. Suddenly he heard a sobs from Jiyeon, he widened his eyes seeing Jiyeon crying. By reflex, he moved next to Jiyeon. “Lean here, Yeonie. I’ll always lend my shoulder for you.” He said as tapped his shoulder.

He felt Jiyeon has leaned her head on his shoulder. This is the second times he saw Jiyeon crying because of Kim Myungsoo. Not because he is angry at Myungsoo, just because he is sad to see Jiyeon like this.

“You miss him, right ?” He realeased his voice. He shut his eyes, babo! He should not ask, of course the answer is yes, definitely Jiyeon really missed Myungsoo.

“I mis- really miss him, Oppa.” Jiyeon replied, still can be hear the sobbing. Her hand was holding Yesung’s arm tightly. Yesung was trying hard to not hugging Jiyeon.

Yesung sighed softly. “Don’t suffer your heart like this. So, give a chance for Myungsoo to explain. I don’t like to see you suffering because your feelings.” He said, hoping Jiyeon would listen to him this time.

Yesung still let Jiyeon leaned her head on his shoulder, they were silent. After few minutes, Jiyeon stopped crying, he asked for drive her home. “Yeonie, let’s go home. I’ll drive you.”

At Jiyeon’s apartment

Jiyeon was sitting in one of chair in the dining desk of her kitchen, enjoying her dinner alone as deliberaty watching the TV chanel which airing This Is Infinite, Infinite’s latest variety shows. She did not think changing to another chanel, that time is the episode where Myungsoo wears the outfits which can be said quite weird, so funny, making her self laugh slighty watching Myungsoo.

Suddenly the memory about her and Myungsoo flashed in her sight, where Myungsoo and her were sitting face to face here, enjoyed the dinner they cooked together, kimchi soup with weird taste. Again, she laughed as remember that, many sweet and fun thing they had, and Jiyeon yearns for it, misses Kim Myungsoo whom full of warm and love to her.

Jiyeon feed the last spoonful of her meal, drank the water, and immediatelly washed the dishes. Right when she finished washing the dishes, her phone was ringing, he rushed to the desk in her living room.

“Hello eomonim...” Jiyeon greeted softly when answered the calling from Myungsoo’s mom. She keep good relationship with Myungsoo’s mom, several times Myungsoo’s mom will contact her, and they will chat for few hours. Even Myungsoo’s mom ask for forgiveness to Jiyeon about Myungsoo’s scandal.

“Jiyeon sweetheart, eomonim misses you.” Myungsoo’s mom replied.

Jiyeon smiled hearing how Myungsoo’s mom call her, that is special name from Myungsoo’s mom to her. “Nado eomonim. How is eomonim ?” She asked full of care.

 “Eomonim is fine, how about you ? Did everything went well ?” Myungsoo’s mom asked softly.

“It’s relieve.” Jiyeon smiled. “I’m very fine, eomonim. How are Aboji and Moonsoo ?” She asked again. She becomes close to Myungsoo’s family after Myungsoo brought her to his parent house.

“Ah they are also fine. Oh ya eomonim heard from Myungsoo, you will making debut as solois. Jiyeon sweetheart, you know Moonsoo is excited knowing it, and Myungsoo, he was mad at Moonsoo because keep praising you.” Myungsoo’s mom told as occasionally laughing, which replied with cute chuckling from Jiyeon. “Eomonim thinks Myungsoo too easily get jealous, eventhough with his own brother.”

 “Ne, eomonim, i’ll make solo debut soon. I’m sorry because i can’t contact eomonim often.” Jiyeon replied.

“Gwenchana, Jiyeon sweetheart. You must be busy preparing your solo. Eomonim hopes you wouldn’t get ill, don’t forget to eat well. Myungsoo said you will easily forget to eat when you were busy like this time.” Myungsoo’s mom adviced Jiyeon. Myungsoo told everything about him and Jiyeon to his mom. He wanted his mom knows well about the girl he loves.

Jiyeon did not immediately answered, why Myungsoo’s mom keep mentioning Myungsoo’s name again. What Myungsoo’s mom said making her surprissed, Myungsoo, he still knows about Jiyeon well.

 “Jiyeon sweetheart... Hello ?” Myungsoo’s mom admonished Jiyeon.

Jiyeon back to her sense. “A-ah ne eomonim, i’ll take care of my self. Eomonim don’t too much worried me.” She replied.

Heard a sigh of relief from Myungsoo’s mom. “Because eomonim loves you a lot, that is why eomonim worried with what Myungsoo told.” Myungsoo’s mom explained.

“Me too, i love eomonim very much.” Jiyeon said sincerely, she is really happy everytime hearing that Myungsoo’s mom loves her. “But, what Myungsoo told to eomonim was too much.”

Heard a giggle from Myungsoo’s mom. “Really ? His voice was serious. Even his face looks concerned and annoyed, really funny.” Heard a giggle again. “Or it is because he also worrying you, that is why he becomes too much. Ya eomonim thinks so.”

Jiyeon just replied it with a giggle too. After that, they – Jiyeon and Myungsoo’s mom – told a lot of thing, if it comes to Myungsoo’s mom, as if she doesn not depletion of topic to be talked.

“Jiyeon sweetheart, can eomonim asking something to you ?” Out of sudden Myungsoo’s mom changed their topic of conversation.

“Of course. What is eomonim want to ask ?” Jiyeon replied.

“Eomonim hopes you could accept Myungsoo again into your life. Eomonim always hoping you and Myungsoo can back together again.” Myungsoo’s mom told Jiyeon about her hoping.

Jiyeon’s body instantly became stiff, she never thought that Myungsoo’s mom would ask her about it. Her tounge was numb, her brain could not thinking anything, herself did not know how to answer about Myungsoo’s mom asking.

“Eomonim knows right Myungsoo has hurt your heart, but is there no chance for him to correct all of his mistake ? Eomonim really begs on you, please forgive Myungsoo.” Myungsoo’s mom begged on Jiyeon.

The clod of tears have been piling up in Jiyeon’s eyes. Why Myungsoo’s mom had to beg on her, did not she once said that she already forgiven Myungsoo.

“Jiyeon sweetheart, you doesn’t know how sad Myungsoo when you didn’t remember his birthday. Yesterday Myungsoo contacted eomonim, he said that he just want to hear a wish from you.”

Jiyeon who hear it only can to bitting her upper lips, mantained her sobs voice. “I’m really sorry, eomonim, i’m sorry to have disappointed Myungsoo.” She make apologize.

“No sweetheart, no, you don’t need to apologize.”

I update again. Tbh, i kind of disappointed bcoz i didn't get any comment in my previous update. T_T

Ah maybe all of you is boring with my story. I'm sorry then. Okay la, i'll finish this story soon.

I'm sorry too if this chapter is bored you.

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon