
Real Story


[I will not be rushing, i will create a new story of us]


“Jiyeonie, please... give me some time to explain everything. Just a while, please. Listen to me.” Instead of giving up, Myungsoo still want to fight untill the last of his limit. He kept pleasing on Jiyeon.

After this, he would stop to approach Jiyeon, whether Jiyeon still did not give him a chance to explain, or Jiyeon would still became like this when he had explained everything.

Jiyeon stared pitily at Myungsoo. She looked around there. Please, Jiyeonie, the begging word of Myungsoo heard again. Suddenly Yesung’s word a few month ago palyed in her ear, “Don’t be regret later on.” She sighed in heavy. “Alright... Stand up now.” In the end she gives Myungsoo a chance to explain, of course she could not hold anymore to see Myungsoo keep pleading on her.

Myungsoo looked up at Jiyeon, stared at her as if asked really ? you give me a chance, really ?” Answered with a nod from Jiyeon. “Stand up.” Jiyeon said.

Myungsoo sighed in relieve, he was very thankful finally Jiyeon give him a chance to explain everything. Then he stood up and followed Jiyeon entering her apartment. Jiyeon sat onto the couch while Myungsoo kept standing in some distance from Jiyeon. Silent...

Jiyeon who was staring straight, glanced briefly at Myungsoo from her eye tail. “Isn’t you have something to explain ? Why just silent ?” She asked without turned to Myungsoo.


Jiyeon hurriedly cut Myungsoo’s word. “Ten minutes. Only ten minutes.” She said in cold tone.

Myungsoo stared sadly at Jiyeon. There is a pain arose in his heart hearing Jiyeon’s voice was too weird in his ear, cold, she even did not turned towards him, could see clearly the cold and uncomfortable expression in Jiyeon’s face.

Myungsoo took a deep breath, then approached towards Jiyeon, he stopped in front of Jiyeon. Myungsoo stared at Jiyeon whom shifted her sight. Then for the second time he fall, kneeled down in front of Jiyeon.

The sound of Myungsoo’s knee bumped with floor sounded very loud, making Jiyeon turned her head to see Myungsoo who was already kneeling down in front of her. This is certainly surprising her, she could see clearly how fragile Myungsoo’s shoulder, the shoulder which used to always warmly embraced her.

Jiyeon was tensed up when her hand hold by Myungsoo. Is it normal, right? How long since Jiyeon chose to end their relationship?

 “Jiyeonie, mianhae, jeongmal mianhae.” Myungsoo started with apologize first. He prepared himself to tell everything to Jiyeon.

 “I knew Doyeon in end of may last year through our friend. Just acquaintance, but don’t know how she get my number and wooing me. Then i and her became close, her father was one of promotor of my photobook.” Myungsoo paused for a while, it was very hard to say this one thing. “I admit that she attrached me. She gave me more concern.”

Myungsoo looked up at Jiyeon, Jiyeon’s sight was darkened when he said that thing, he hurriedly corrected his words. “I meant, you and i were busy as an idol, our schedules always clashing. When i was free and willing to get attention, she came to me with full of her concern. I- I feel loved by her.”

Jiyeon shifted her sight to the side, For God's sake what she had just heard straight from Myungsoo’s mouth really pierced her heart, killing her.. did not know what else should be described the pain she feels at this moment.

Jiyeon did not understand with Myungsoo’s confessing. Feel loved ? Is that mean that during they were together, Myungsoo did not feel loved by her ? Did her did not give enough attention to Myungsoo ? Did not Myungsoo understand anything about idol world that they were ?

Jiyeon’s jaw hardened, not because the anger, she even did not know how to be angry. She just could not figure out with Myungsoo’s words. Or maybe it is true that she did not give enough attention to Myungsoo.

Jiyeon still shifted her sight as kept thinking of Myungsoo’s word, until she felt the grab on her hands tightened. She glanced over Myungsoo whom was drowned his head in their locked-hands.

“-eventhough i feel loved by her that time, but i don’t feel the love as how i love you. I just always blinded by her innocent, and that was my biggest foolness, ne how stupid i am.” Myungsoo continued his explanation.

 “-I just want you believe that i never once cheating on you and i always love you. After you ask for break up, she comes to me, ask for dating, i don’t know how to do, only say yes.”

Myungsoo looked up again, he saw Jiyeon still shifted her face. He continued his words, “I never know that she would do things like that. Couple items ? I and her never have that couple items.”

Myungsoo did not see a change in Jiyeon’s expression, still poker face. “Jiyeonie, really, i don’t feel the love like when we’re together.. before.” Myungsoo slowed the word “before”. He still hates to realized that he and Jiyeon had no longer together.

“-She had success make it, revealed that relationship to public. She was deliberately did it. She wanted me to publicize that relationship, but i refused it, no i would never want to publicize that. She is mad at me. And it turns out about what she did.”

Jiyeon a bit glanced at Myungsoo, she was remembered when they were still together – Myungsoo and Jiyeon -, Myungsoo once said that he wanted public to know about their relationship. But why is he say that he did not want to publicize his relationship with that woman?

If it was true so, then why in the end Woollim confirmed Myungsoo past relationship with that woman. There is one question which really she wanted to ask at Myungsoo, but her tounge was too numb to say it. “Is that true that Myungsoo and that woman were in relationship for about 4 months that time ?”

“-I ask for break up after that news popped out. I and her already not contacting each other anymore. But months later after that, she contacts me, pitted at me about what my fans have done to her and she would be suing them. I don’t want my fans to get into trouble, i ask her to not sue it and as exchange i will admit my relationship with her, so that inspirit stop hurting her.”

“-I really don’t know what to do, that time like everyone is against me. So only that thing i can do. I’m really worried about you, i know it will hurt you for  the second time. Ah no.. how many times i had hurt you?” Myungsoo looked up again, hope Jiyeon would looked at him this time, he thought his explanation was enough, did not know what else has to explain.

And how disappointed and sad he was to see no response from Jiyeon, glancing back at him was not. What else he do now ?

On the other hand, Jiyeon digested all Myungsoo’s explanation, do not know how to respond, she just knows how difficult the problem Myungsoo had to face from that issue. She felt sorry because keep the negative thinking about Myungsoo, she should not be this cold at Myungsoo for these few months.

Jiyeon still struggling in her mind, until suddenly Myungsoo’s voice which was trembled diverted all her attention.

“I’m really sorry that i kept blaming my fool self because easily tempted by other woman. I’m sorry because i had hurt you so deep. I-” Myungsoo’s word stopped, burst into tears right then.

Making Jiyeon gasped, she shifted to looked at Myungsoo, is it true Myungsoo was crying because of herself ?

“-I’m really, really sorry, Jiyeonie. I know, how many times i say sorry, it wouldn’t be able to heal your broken heart.” Myungsoo stopped his words again, gave him time to breathing, the choke in his lungs spreaded to his throat.

Myungsoo thightened his hold on Jiyeon’s. “-but isn’t enought all of this, isn’t enough the punishment for me ? Don’t be cold towards me, please. I know you are fine, will always be fine without me. But i’m not, i can’t. I can’t, Jiyeonie.” In front of the girl he loves, his tears fall more rapid, released all the pain he feels.

Jiyeon was quite shocked, she even did not realized that her cold treated had hurt Myungsoo. She pulled her hand from Myungsoo’s hold, then embraced Myungsoo’s shoulder.

it was quite making Myungsoo surprised. “Ji-Jiyeon-”

“I’m so sorry, Myungsoo-ah. Sorry because i never want to know how you are, how difficult the problem you faced. Forgive me whom kept on cold treated.” Jiyeon said as sobbing. If only she knows it since earlier, she will not be a vicious woman whom kept on cold treated at the man she loves.

Myungsoo replied Jiyeon’s embraced as shaking his head, he said, “No, Jiyeonie. I’m the one who should say sorry. I had hurt you, i’m really sorry. Forgive me, i’m too stupid, i-”

Jiyeon hurriedly cut Myungsoo’s words, she did not want Myungsoo kept speaking against him as a fool person.

 “Sstt... Stop saying that. I forgive you already, Myungsoo-ah. I forgive you.” Jiyeon said as caressed gently Myungsoo’s back.

Myungsoo was very surprised to hear it, asked in disbelief, “Real-really ?” He felt a nod on his shoulder. He sighed in relieve, smiled blissfully. “Gomawo. Gomawo. Jiyeonie, jeongmal gomawo.” He pecked Jiyeon’s side head affectionally, he was thankful about this all.

Myungsoo leaned his head on Jiyeon’s shoulder. They were silent in each other embraced, released the yearning in themselves. This is thing Myungsoo like, just by hugging Jiyeon in silence, he can get a peace, like he feels what called the real love.

It was long enough they were silent in this position, Myungsoo pulled his embraced. His hand shifted to holding Jiyeon’s hand again and stared at Jiyeon whom was also staring back at him.

Myungsoo took a deep breath, then exhale it slowly. “Jiyeonie, i want to start over again with you. Can we-” He stopped when seeing a change on Jiyeon’s expression.

Jiyeon’s expression was tensed up, her eyeball was busy glancing to the right and left as if seeking for the side to avoiding Myungsoo’s gaze. She even a bit bent down her face. She was busy seeking for the right words so to not hurt Myungsoo’s heart again, not because she did not want back to Myungsoo, she just feel that she still can’t to start the relationship for these time. She bit her lips in anxiety. “Myungsoo-ah,-”

Myungsoo who had noticed Jiyeon knowing that there are still doubts in Jiyeon. Of course he was disappointed, but he was more understand what Jiyeon feel is, it was normal if there is still doubt. The hand that had been holding Jiyeon’s hand switched to cupped Jiyeon’s face, lifted her face to facing him. “I’m okay, Jiyeonie. I won’t be rushing. I’ll aproach you like before. I’ll start it from the beginning. I can wait longer. He said softly and smiled sweetly at Jiyeon.

Hearing it making Jiyeon chuckled. “It’s familiar to your compossed song.” She commented.

Myungsoo surprised to hear that. “Do you like my song ?”

“Yes, i love it. It’s so beautiful, you’re so romantic.” Jiyeon chuckled softly. “I often listening that song.”

Myungsoo smiled. “I’m serious. I’ll approach you again like before, start all over again from the beginning.”

Jiyeon smiled sweetly and nodded her head, a signal that she agreed.

Myungsoo pulled Jiyeon into his embraced again. “Gomawo, Jiyeonie, for the chance you give to me.” He thanked at her.

How happy he was, it was not the problem that he should approach Jiyeon again, he will not get tired to doing it for a girl whom is very precious to him. He will be trying harder to make Jiyeon’s faith back at him, erase all the doubts in Jiyeon.

Hello, this is the chapter 16 *short chapter

I'm sorry, i'll try to update soon asap..

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon