::17:: 1.1

Real Story

Special Day

[The Day when we will meet oftenly]

“Good job! You all did great.” That is the praise from Lee Sajangnim for Infinite. They just finished holding Infinite comeback showcase for 3 consutive days, in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.

Right in this day, 2014 May 21st, the latest album of Infinite released in physic and digital, signaled that they have comeback. After the showcase ended, they rushed back to the dorm, Lee sajangnim asked them to take a rest early because tomorrow is the 1st day for them to starting the promotion in the music shows.

During the trip to the dorm, Myungsoo drowned into his own world, he kept listening to the 1bun1cho song, Jiyeon’s solo song which had released a day before Infinite’s album release. Since that song has released, Myungsoo right downloaded and played that song continuesly.

He loves Jiyeon’s husky voice, heard smooth and sweet in his ear and he likes the song too. As listening to Jiyeon’s solo song, he naturally followed humming to the lyric of the song.

Sunggyu poked Myungsoo’s arm, making Myungsoo forcedly turned towards Sunggyu as unplugging his earphone, then asked, “What’s up, hyung ?”

“Still listening to Jiyeon’s song ? You didn’t get bored ?” Sunggyu asked.

Myungsoo have not had time to answer, Sungjong had first said. “Myungsoo hyung never will get bored if it comes to Jiyeon, hyung.”

Myungsoo chuckled cutely. “Jiyeon’s voice is like an addict, hyung.” He answered as smiling fool.

Got the sneering from all , that is Myungsoo when is getting close to Jiyeon. Looks like fool person, ah rather funny, but also becomes very sweet and cute.

Van Infinite has parked at the park building of their dorm, then they rushed went down to climbing the lift towards the floor where their dorm is.

When all member had fallen asleep, Myungsoo only laying on the his bed as fidling with his d-slr camera. He have not feel sleepy, although his body was really tired with their showcase activity. Suddenly he remembered about Jiyeon, he have not contacting with her in the whole day, only one message he receieved from Jiyeon.

Myungsoo dialed Jiyeon’s number, at least he should to listen Jiyeon’s voice first, then he will get fallen asleep. He has idea to ask Jiyeon for a meeting or he comes to her apartment now, he missed Jiyeon. In this few weeks, Infinite became super busy preparing their comeback, exercise and exercise continuesly the did, and refilming their MV.

Myungsoo smiled when hearing a soft voice greeting him through the telephone. “Yeoboseyo, Jiyeonie. Did i disturb you ? You haven’t sleep yet ?” He asked.

“No. I haven’t sleep yet. Still practising. What’s up, Myungsoo-ah ?” Jiyeon asked back.

Myungsoo immediately sat, he glanced over the clock which hang up on his wall room, it was already 10:00 p.m and Jiyeon is still practising. “Practising, why you still practise ? It has been late, you should get asleep.”

“Ne Myungsoo-ah, i finished soon. How about Infinite’s showcase today ?”

Myungsoo shook his head. He knows well if it comes to exercise, Jiyeon would not care about time, she did not care eventhough it has been late. Myungsoo likes Jiyeon whom never know tired and like to exercise. “It went well. Can you accompany me to eat ? I’m hungry.” He asked. Well, it was only his excuse, he did not really hungry, he just wanna meet with Jiyeon.

“Ne. Where will we meet ?”

“Umm... are you in CCM office ? How if i go there ? I’ll bring some meals for us.” Myungsoo asked. He knows definitely Jiyeon was tired if have to went out after the exercise session, so he decided he is the one who went to Jiyeon.

“True, i’m at the CCM office. Umm.. okay if you said so. See you.”

He stopped by one of the restaurants near the dorm simple to buy some food. After that he climbed the taxi to be CCM office.


CCM Building, at T-ara’s practise room, 10:30 p.m

Jiyeon was lying on the flooring that room, she wants to stretch the tensed-muscles of her body after exercise continuously for 8 hours. The dancers who accompany Jiyeon started to pack their stuff. Jiyeon and her dancer team worked hard to create maximum performance, tomorrow is the first day for Jiyeon to starting the promotion in music shows as soloist.

Heard the sound of knocking on the door, a few seconds later someone opened it, slighty popped his head first, after getting the permission to come in, he entered the room with carrying the paper bag in his left hand. “Annyeong haseyo.” He greeted all whom is in the room.

“Annyeong, L-ssi.” T-ara’s manager greeted back Myungsoo. Heard who was came, Jiyeon immediately sat up.

All who was in that room turned their head, knowing who was come, they smiled. They all – Jiyeon’s dancer team – knew that Jiyeon and Myungsoo were getting closer to each other.

Myungsoo bowed in several times at the manager and also Jiyeon’s dancer team. Then he approached Jiyeon whom was in the corner as smiling. “Hi...” He greeted when he reached in front of Jiyeon.

Jiyeon smiled, then tapped the floor beside her, signaled Myungsoo to sit there. Myungsoo obeyed, after that staring around him. He rubbed his nape in several times, don’t know why suddenly his self felt awkward when knowing that some pairs of eyes was smiling over them – he and Jiyeon -.

“So, we leave first.” One of the dancer said. “See you tomorrow, Jiyeon-ah.” She added on.

“Ne okay.” T-ara’s manager replied.

“Jeongmal gamsahamnida, unnies, oppa. See you tomorrow. Be careful.” Jiyeon said.

A few seconds after the dancer team had left, T-ara manager who was busy with his phone earliear excuse to leave first too. “Alright, i think i leave fisrt. You go home with Myungsoo ?” He asked at Jiyeon.

“Ah. Ne, Oppa.” Jiyeon answered.

“Okay. Jiyeon-ah, don’t go home too late, ne ? You need rest.” The manager reminded Jiyeon.

“Okay, Oppa. Be careful on the way off.” Jiyeon replied. This is Jiyeon, always remind people to be careful.

The manager nodded. “L-ssi, i leave first.” He said at Myungsoo. Myungsoo immediately stood up and bowed at the manager, it has became his habit after debut with Infinite.

Then Manager came out of the room, leaving Jiyeon and Myungsoo in the practise room. Myungsoo turned himself at Jiyeon. “You should have asleep now. Why have exercise until this late ?” He asked at Jiyeon.

Jiyeon turned towards Myungsoo, then smiled. “I have to exercise hard, so that i can to show the best perfomance for tomorrow.” She answered. She could see Myungsoo’s face was a bit annoyed maybe. “Don’t worry, Myungsoo-ah. I still eat well.” She added on.

Myungsoo sighed, a bit relief knowing that Jiyeon did not forget to catch eat. He knows well that Jiyeon will did not eat well if she has exercise like this. “Ah ya see! What i bring for you.” He said as took off the dinner box from the paper bag.

Jiyeon’s eyes sparking, seeing the meals which Myungsoo brought. “Ah sure it’s delicious. Actually i’m on the diet, but this time is okay, moreover it’s too seduce me.” She said as chuckled softly.

Myungsoo slightly smiled. “Eat this all then.” He said, passed a dinner box at Jiyeon.

After received the dinner box, Jiyeon smelled the aroma of the meals in the box. “Ah the aroma is seducing.” She smiled after it. “Gomawoyo. Enjoy your meal, Myungsoo-ah~” Then she feed a spoonfull of the meal into . “Maa~” She said, gave her thumb for Myungsoo.

Myungsoo smiled again. “Enjoy your meal.” He also started feeding his meal.

In the middle of their eating, Jiyeon looked up at Myungsoo, she chuckled without sound when seeing how Myungsoo expression when eating, funny and cute.

“And you... why you come here ? definitely you’re so tired.” Jiyeon asked.

Myungsoo stopped feeding his meal. “I said to you earlier. I’m hungry.” He answered.

Jiyeon smiled sneering over Myungsoo’s answer. “Huh really. Or it’s just your excuse ?”

Making Myungsoo rubbed his nape in reflex. “But after seeing you eating, i become hungry too.” He said.

Jiyeon stared pointedly at Myungsoo, then asked, “What’s the meaning of that ?”

“Your way to eating make me hungry too.” Myungsoo deliberately answered like that, he also laugh over his answer.

Jiyeon curled her lips, her expression turned quickly. “YA” She shouted loudly as hitting Myungsoo’s arm not rough but not gently too.

“Ouch. Apo.” Myungsoo screamed as rubbed his arm.

Jiyeon just silent, but then she felt uneasy when heard Myungsoo whom kept whining in pain. She approached towards Myungsoo. “Myungsoo-ah, am i too rough hit you ? Mian... i meant just playing around.” She said in full of concern.

Myungsoo who seeing Jiyeon’s expression, could not hold his laugh anymore.

“Why are laughing ?” Jiyeon asked confusedly.

Myungsoo was still laughing, did not mind Jiyeon’s question. A second later, the confusing Jiyeon changed her expression.

“You are only joking around eoh!” She said in annoyed.

Myungsoo stopped laughing, he stared at Jiyeon and then winked his eyes. “Your face is so funny.”

“Aish. Nappeun.” Jiyeon cursed softly.

Myungsoo smiled widely hearing the curse from Jiyeon. Then he pointed to Jiyeon dinner box. “Continue your eating.”

Jiyeon obeyed, she took back her dinner box then feeding herself a spoonfull meals into .

“Eat a lot.” Myungsoo said as patted Jiyeon’s head.

Jiyeon smiled secretly. Right when they finished their meals, Jiyeon get a phone call. Jiyeon immediately answered the calling.

“Hello. Oppa~” Jiyeon answered with cheerful tone.

Heard the different of Jiyeon’s voice tone, making Myungsoo curious. He wondered who was call Jiyeon in this time. He stared at Jiyeon sternly and full of curiousity.

“Ah oppa gomawoyo~ you’re always kind to me. I like it.” Jiyeon’s word for someone in cross line, making Myungsoo surprissed. He was getting curious who is the caller, why Jiyeon becomes spoiled with that person.

Jiyeon cleaned up the dinner box, did not realized yet that Myungsoo was staring at her.

Myungsoo a bit annoyed because Jiyeon is still not sensitive, “Ya, who was calling ?” In the end Myungsoo asked at Jiyeon.

“Ne ?” Jiyeon responded as titlling her head at Myungsoo.

“Who was calling you earlier ?” Myungsoo asked again.

Jiyeon raised her eyebrows, “You want to know ?” Jiyeon asked back.

Making Myungsoo get more curious, so he nodded his head firmly.

“Yesung Oppa.” Jiyeon answered slightly.

Myungsoo widened his eyes heard Jiyeon’s anwer. “Mwoya ?”

“Wae ?” Jiyeon asked innocently.

“He is still wooing you huh ?” Myungsoo asked in annoyed tone.

Jiyeon looked at Myungsoo weirdly, “Wooing ?” She asked to confim. “Tsk, Yesung oppa isn’t that type like that eoh.” She addedn on.

Myungsoo stared sternly at Jiyeon. “You defend him... oh seems you two get close back.” His voice sounded jealous.

“Isn’t i and Yesung oppa close ?” Jiyeon asked with her innocent voice.

Myungsoo stared more sternly at Jiyeon, he was about to speak, but Jiyeon already spoke first.

“I also get close to many person, not only with Yesung oppa.”

“Mwo ? Mwoya ?” Myungsoo still digested Jiyeon’s word. Is that mean already a lot of guys wooing Jiyeon after they – he and Jiyeon – broke up ? “How many man already wooing you huh ?” He asked.

Jiyeon deliberately shown her thinking-face, pretend counting with her fingers. “Umm... five. Ah no, six. Ah molla~” Jiyeon answered.

Myungsoo widened his eyes, he cursed loudly in his heart, did not like knowing the fact that many guys approach Jiyeon. “Don’t pay attention to them anymore.” He said.

“Wae ? I’m friend with them.” Jiyeon asked.

“How could be that ? I’m approaching you again now, so don’t look at other direction.” Myungsoo said in serious tone.

Jiyeon laughed softly hearing Myungsoo’s word.

“Ya! Don’t laugh! I’m serious.” Myungsoo said pointedly. “Why are you so gorgeous until men fall into you.” He added on.

Jiyeon laughed more widely hearing this Myungsoo’s word. After a few seconds stopped her laugh, Jiyeon shook her head in several time looking Myungsoo’s jealous face.

Then she cupped Myungsoo’s cheek, and said, “Aigo... Myungsoo-ah, you’re so cute.” Causing Myungsoo pouting his lips. “You no need to worry, hmm.” She added on as caressing Myungsoo’s cheeks and giving him a warm smile.

Myungsoo was still silent in his place, but his expression has changed, he smiled at his self as keep looking at Jiyeon whom walked out of the room to throw the trash.

Myungsoo was driving Jiyeon’s car, leaving the of CCM building, he insisted to drove, he wanted to show Jiyeon that his driving skill is better than before.

“It’s a bit better.” Jiyeon commented as slightly laughing. “So the title of Infinite’s new song is Last Romeo ?” She asked at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo nodded. “Ne. What do you think ?”

“I can’t comment more, i haven’t listen to the song. But definitely it’s nice, well Infinite’s songs are always nice.” Jiyeon answered. Jiyeon have not listen Infinite’s new song, in this whole day she was busy with exercise and preparation of her debut stage.

Jiyeon surprised, “Really ?” She aksed at Myungsoo. “Mian. After this, i’ll listen to Infinite’s new song.” She said in full of sorry.

Myungsoo slighty smiled, Jiyeon is always like this, quick to feel sorry. “Gwenchana, i understand. Just listen through my phone, i save it.” Myungsoo answered.

“Ah~” Jiyeon clapped her hands happily. Then, she took Myungsoo’s phone and opened the password. “The password is still the same ?” She asked at her self in surprised, but Myungsoo already heard it. Jiyeon was surprised knew that the password of Myungsoo’s phone is still the same as before, used her name.

“Ne, and i won’t ever change it.” Myungsoo said, replied with a sweet smile from Jiyeon.

Jiyeon started listening that song, not only Last Romeo, she also listening almost all the songs in Infinite’s new album. For a while, Myungsoo let Jiyeon just listen to the music, the atmoshpere in the car became silence, occasionally Jiyeon commented to the song she listening is.

But this time no sounds from Jiyeon, so silence, Myungsoo turned his head to Jiyeon. And he saw Jiyeon who was fall asleep as still listening the song. He could see the innocent face of Jiyeon, he likes how Jiyeon’s face when she is sleeping.

10 minutes later, they have reached at the parking area of Jiyeon appartment building. Myungsoo turned his head at Jiyeon again, he smiled looking at Jiyeon was still sleeping.

If stared more carefully, Myungsoo can see Jiyeon’s face looked so tired. “You practise too hard, Jiyeonie.” He said in his heart. “I hope the best for you.” He added on. Slowly, he leaned closer his face towards Jiyeon, to take a look closer at Jiyeon’s face.

Until the gaps of his face with Jiyeon’s were only 3 centi,  Myungsoo kept staring every inch of Jiyeon’s face, his eyes stopped right at Jiyeon’s tiny lips. He leaned his face closer and closer, right when his face almost touched Jiyeon’s lips, he pulled away his head as taking a glance to Jiyeon, don’t know why he giggled at himself.

He leaned back his face to Jiyeon, in so slowly until finally his lips landed on Jiyeon’s lips, he shut his eyes, silent... he did not crushed Jiyeon’s lips, just touched his lips with Jiyeon’s.

Hello^^ i'm back with chapter 17 part 1. Well bcoz i made long story in this chapter, so i decided to seperate it.

The part 2, will update today too. Just wait.

Umm, this story will be end soon... And i'll hiatus again haha...

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SingerWan #1
Great story
inspiritofficial #2
update soon
Chapter 18: update soon . .
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 18: Update soon. Loving dis story so far.
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the double update kimaray.!!
They're opening their hearts again ^^ I'm so happy :D
♥ Myungyeon ♥ fighting ^ ^
Chapter 16: update soon . . ^^
linhkju #7
Chapter 16: Chep finaly yeonie forgive him. But just thing back yeonie was hurt so much, myung need more a lesson what he done . Update soon
Chapter 16: yay!! There is hope in myungyeon!
JansJY08 #9
Chapter 15: Aww.. Jiyeon is really hard-headed. She shld listen to myungsoo's explanation. Then decide after that. Hope he doesn't give up easily. Waiting for the update kimaray!! :)
linhkju #10
Chapter 15: Myung dont gjve up , jiyeonie please open your heart a little :-Dupdate soon