Chapter 39

Like Strangers



Jaehyo was studying hard for the finals.

______ was looking through a few old photo albums while Jaehyo studied, as much as he possibly could.

She was so bored, but the memories helped that a bit.

"Whoa!!" she exclaimed.

Jaehyo's head whipped in her direction.

"What?! What is it?! Did you find a way to walk to Jeju from here? A tunnel under the ocean?"

______ gave him a look, like he just mutated into an alien.

"What! Look at this! You were studying here too!"

She pointed to a photo in the album.

It had been taken a few years ago.

Jaehyo leaned over to look.

He eyed the photo, and shifted his gaze to her.

His expression changed to one of disgust.

"HOLY MOLY!! What the heck?! Who is that dork?!!"

______ snickered.

"You just said 'Holy Moly'?!"

"Roly poly? Roly, Roly POLY?~ How about, 'Holy Shizzle dizzle, KPOP and fizzle'...hmm?"

She stared at him blankly.

"Please stop. Just...stop. Oh no, you're DEFINITELY not a dork..." she said, her tone oozing sarcasm.

"Yah, just admit it...that child is an ugly dork."

"SHUSH, that's my Oppa you're insulting. He's my dork and his anything but ugly."

"Exactly ' ugly', so I can destroy that photo and any remaining copies? Do you have a lighter? Who am I kidding? We can trust you with a dangerous object like a lighter."

She glared at him.

"Don't touch my squishy Oppa and just resume your studying..."

He was always tough on himself when studying, especially for an exam this huge.

Later, ______ looked over at him.

She noticed he had switch to his right hand.

"Oppa...I thought you were left handed?"

Jaehyo nodded.

"Yeah, I am."

"I've been watching you for a while, your switched hands and started to write with your right hand. Your handwriting looks the same."

He smirked.

"You're watching me? Wow, am I THAT amusing?"

She nodded.

"It's the little things about you that never seize to amaze me. Even after knowing you for ten, going on eleven years."

"Well…my hand was hurting from writing so much. I broke like 5 pencils. FIVE! I’m killing trees."

"It’s a mechanical pencil.” She giggled.

“There are plastic trees too!”

“Aigoo…okay. Haha, Oppa, you always stress too much." she sighed, massaged his shoulders.

"I'm fine."

"If you say so."

She kissed his cheek.

She went downstairs to the kitchen, where his mother was.

"Does Jaehyo still have his face in those books?"

"Ne..." ______ sighed. "He's pretty boring around exam times. I just don't like it when he pushes himself too hard. His stress level is high. I don't want him to go overboard, causing himself to get sick."

"You two will definitely get married in the future. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You've been his priority since you were kids. That’s the only way he'd pull himself away from anything."

"You two have been studying for days. Tell my son to come downstairs to eat something?"

"Will do, Eomeonim." ______ obeyed.

She went back upstairs to find Jaehyo sprawled out across his desk.

"Jakcksjahsxmesocn..." he mumbled. “@%#&%@!”

______ shook her head.

"This derp." she laughed, running her fingers through his hair. "Yah, Oppa, Wae would you lie on your hard desk when you have a nice soft bed just a yard and a half away?"

"My brain is fried..." he whined, ruffling up his hair.  "Aah, BAEGOPA!~"

"Eomeonim made a lot of food and asked me to bring you down."

Jaehyo extended his arms to her.



"Carry me?" he mumbled.

He was way too tired and lazy to get up.

_____ rolled her eyes.

"No way!"

"Piggy back me!!!~" he whined.

______’s eyes widened.

"M-Mwoya?!” she stammered. “Andwae! You'll break me."

"Don't you love me though?”

"No..." she sighed.


______ grabbed his hands and pulled him up.

"Carry yourself!~"

"My head hurts though. I can’t walk if my head hurts?"

“Do you walk on your head?”

“Duh! Isn’t that how EVERYONE walks?”

“Derpy Oppa…”

“Yaaaaah! You know my legs are weak.”

______ wrapped her arms around his torso and kissed his lips.

"Okay, fine.” She giggled. “You study way too hard, that's why you’re so tired. I won’t carry you, because you might kill me."

He pouted and kissed her again.

"Feed me then? My arms hurt from writing unnecessarily."

"Maybe you shouldn’t write ‘unnecessary’ then?” she teased.

“But I have to! Just because it’s unnecessary, doesn’t mean I don’t need to do it?”

______ raised her brows and gave him a look.

“I thought you had a high IQ? That’s EXACTLY what ‘unnecessary’ means.” She laughed.

Jaehyo thought about it for a moment.


 “Aigoo, your brain really is fried.”

He frowned and nodded.

“So you’ll feed me?”

“Geurae." she agreed. "Kaja, you need energy for the exam tomorrow. Then, you'll have to eat a big breakfast too."

"Everyone wants a fat Jaehyo." he sighed.

“So…you want to pass on the food and go to sleep, instead?”

 "No way!!! Let's pig out."

The next morning, was exam day.

______ sat in the kitchen with Jaehyo.

He was practically tearing his hair out of his head, in a panic.

“Oh no! I think I’ve forgotten everything!!~ What if I fail the most important exam EVER?!”

______ let out a sigh.

“Aigoo, Oppa, you’re such a drama queen.”

He pouted at her.

“Yah, this exam is the most important…EVER!”

“You said that already.” she giggled. “You get like this before any exam. You panic and freak out, thinking you’re going to fail…then you end up acing the test. Your score is always perfect.”

“That is true.” Jaehyo nodded in agreement. “I studied, pretty much, everything.”

“Over-achiever much?” she giggled.

"Omo, you're not making out?!" Jaeheon shouted, as he walked into the dining room. "Amazing…”

"We don’t make out THAT much, Hyung!"

"You're always getting all mushy and kissy-faced. I'm going to get out before I have to watch your uncontrollably hormonal urges in action."

"Oppa!!" ______ giggled. 

"I'm kidding." he chuckled and walked out.

______ turned to Jaehyo.

She stared at him.

"What? What is it? Is there something on my handsome face?" he shrieked.

______ rolled her eyes and face-palmed.

"Derptastic Oppa, how many times have we kissed?"

Jaehyo pretended to think about it.

"Hmm...probably like...nine-hundred ninety-seven billion, six-hundred twenty-three million, five-hundred forty-one thousand, eight-hundred nineteen." he said.

"Oh, wow that is specific." she teased.

"I don't know, I lost count after one."

______ clicked her tongue, while she shook her head.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Oppa, you can't count to two, but you can randomly make up a twelve digit number? sad. Video games rot your brain. I think we need to wean y-..."

"NO! Andwae!! It's easier to throw random things in there."

"Especially for you." she giggled. "Want to make that nine-hundred ninety-seven billion, six-hundred twenty-three million, five-hundred forty-one thousand, eight-hundred twenty?"


They leaned in, for a quick kiss.

"I need a drink!"

"YAH, HYUNG!!!" Jaehyo whined.

Jaeheon shrugged.

He had an innocent expression on his face.

"What? I was thirsty. I forgot to grab a soda. I didn't mean to -block." 

“That’s EXACTLY what you meant to do.”

Jaehyo narrowed his eyes at him.

“Why would Jaeheon Samchon do that?” the older brother teased.

The couple blushed like crazy.

“S-samchon?!” Jaehyo stuttered terribly. “W-W-W-What a-a-are y-y-y-you t-t-talking a-about, Hyung?”

Jaeheon shrugged.

“I don’t know. Maybe not today, but…one day. You have your exams today, don’t you? FIGHTING!~”

He threw up his fist and walked out.

“G-Great...I’m e-even more n-nervous now.” Jaehyo whined. “I’m going to fail!!”

______ smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

“You are not…”

“Am too!”

“Nuh uh!”

“Yeah huh!~”





“Shut up!” she scolded.

“Shireo!!~~” he whined, shaking his head.

______ glared daggers at him.

“You’re messing with me aren’t you?”

He shrugged and walked out the door.

“I don’t know.”

______ grabbed her bag and followed after him.

“You looked like Jaeheon Oppa, just then.”

Hearing that, caused Jaehyo to stop in his tracks.

“Did you just insult me? That is so rude? How could you say that?”

“Well, you stopped freaking out like a little baby, didn’t you?” ______ teased, poking his stomach.


______ and Jaehyo arrived at school, and sat down to take their exams.

He finished his quiz early, and time seemed to go by so slowly.

He put his head down to nap.

______ looked over and smiled.

'At least he's not drooling on his test. How hilarious would it be if he did and had to redo the whole test again?! Oppa would spontaneously combust.' she thought.

She enjoyed the visual image of him throwing a fit.

During the lunch break, she walked up to the roof, while Jaehyo recapped all that he had already studied.

He didn't want to forget so he kept reminding himself.

______ walked closer to the edge.

"I know that your final exams must be nerve wracking and stressful but it's nothing to kill yourself over! Aish, you're still so suicidal?" a voice came from behind her.

"Yah, I am not trying to kill myself, Halbae." she teased.

"______-ah, only crazy people come to sit on the roof."

She eyed him.

"You're up here."

"Exactly...I'm composing and it's nice up here. No one bothers me."

That got her attention.

"Ooh! You're composing?"

"Brainstorming. I composed and arranged a couple more songs. It felt like...closure...sort of."

______ looked at him.

"Closure? Closure of what?"

Jinyoung smiled at her.

"Us." he stated simply. "It helps to get all of those emotions out. One is called...'Baby I'm Sorry'. I'm sure that one is self-explanatory, right?"

He chuckled slightly.

"Ne..." she replied, barely above a whisper. "Mianhae, Jinyoungie."


"For hurting you."

He shook his head.

"What are you talking about? It was MY fault. I hurt me, and you."

"Ani, I wasn't completely honest with you either. I should've been honest about Jaehyo Oppa."

"Okay, so we were both in the wrong. We were good together though, right?"

"Ne, we were."

"Just knowing that you did truly love me, makes the relationship we had, worthwhile. You don't see me attempting to jump off the school in an attempt to fly." he teased. “It felt like déjà vu…”

"Yah, neo saekkya! I was not going to jump!"

"Arasseo." he said sarcastically. "Of course not."

"Shut up, Halbae!" she giggled.





Sorry, it took so long to update. I was having writers block, and I hate it. ㅠ_ㅠ
 I keep coming up with new story ideas in my head and I can't think of anything for this one XD haha. This story will be done soon though... soon as my brain starts working again...haha.

So...No DISTRACTIONS, just Jaehyo rela-...oooh look y Jinyoungie!~ ;D

Oops...Sorry Jaehyo...I got distracted again...

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I'm having SEVERE writers block right now....I'm working on the next (possibly the last or second to the last) chapter now


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I have a question,in this story do they go to a camp?
I just commented now, omG.
I can't believe it's done.. Great story once again!
Aw the end was so cute and derpy. Just like Jaehyo. c:
Good job!
Sleepy derp.. Aww... Naeun should be nice now >:| Anyways, the gifs are so daebak~!!
Glad you updated!!
Eirenne #5
finally an update~~~ :)
update soon~~ :)
asdfghatejklove #6
Ahaha! LOL at the gifs xD
You updated! Hurray!
Derp. Jaehyo, derp.
Jinyoung, you are such an angel..