Chapter 31

Like Strangers



Jaehyo was in the mall with ______ and the guys.

"So Oppa, how are you going to focus on basketball and school work now?" ______ giggled.

Jaehyo turned around and gave her a look.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean...with your beloved Star Craft..."

"Aion is, more, my love. I think I'd die if I lost all of my precious weapons." he told her.

She gasped, dramatically.

"OMO! That's crazy talk! Not your weapons! The world would end if you lost your weapons!!!~"

He glared at her.

"Go ahead and make fun..."

"I will." she giggled. "What if they blocked your IP address? SUICIDE WATCH!! wouldn't have your’re safe then."

"Yah..." he warned. "Shush, before I do it for you."

"Ooh, I'm so scared!~" she said, in a baby voice.

He kissed her forehead.

"Don't be so mean to me!~ I am a geek, I get it! At least, I'm a good looking geek, right?"

She smiled and tiptoed to kiss his lips.


"Hmm?" he replied, wrapping his arms around her, tightly.

"How does your brain NOT explode?" she giggled.

"What do you mean?"

"What's going on in your brain?"

", baseball, basketball, Aion, family, friends, and you."

She kissed him again.

"That's a lot..."

"That's not in any, particular, order though."

"I hope I'm not last on your list. If Aion and your treasured weapons come before me, your family and the guys...we will kill you."

"That’s not it! I said 'you' last're always the last thing that I think of.”

"Liar!~" she yelled, pointing at him.

"You, my family, and the guys all count as one."

"Why?" P.O. asked. "That idea, kind of scares me. Hyung, I'm not your substitute for ______ Noona. Don't expect me to cuddle with you, if you get cold!"

"Me neither." Taeil chimed in.

Jaehyo rolled his eyes.

"I'd rather cuddle with my computer."

" that what turns you on Hyung?" Zico teased. "Well, damn, that is some shizz."

______ watched them and giggled.

"Why am I, always, the one being made fun of like this?" Jaehyo whined. "What did I do? You see?! This is why you guys are at the bottom of my list."

"No...I am." ______ pouted, giving him her 'puppy dog eyes'.

Jaehyo looked at her and smiled.

"'re at the top of my list, with my parents. You're classified as family to me."

He pulled her into his arms.

"What are we then?" U-Kwon asked, "Chopped liver?"

"The black sheep of the family"

"Hmm...So if Noona is your family isn’t that called ''? I think so." Kyung said in his greasy tone.

"That's even more ." Zico gasped.

"See?!" Jaehyo whined pointing at them. "So EVIL!!!~"

"Well I, for one, love all of you equally!~" ______ sang.

Jaehyo made a face.


"Yes, she loves us more than Jaehyo!~" B-Bomb chuckled.

"The hell she does!~" Jaehyo shouted, with a sassy attitude.

"Well Noona said so, so it must be true! It came out of her own mouth!" The maknae stated proudly.

"Seo ______ ~" Jaehyo whined.

"Yes, my amazingly 'derptastic' Oppa, and best friend in the world?" ______ replied, making the guys all laugh.

Jaehyo leaned over to whisper into her ear.

Whatever he said to her, caused her face to change three shades of pink.

______ turned and playfully smacked him in the chest.

"You !~" She exclaimed, shoving him away.

THAT got everyone's attention.

Jaehyo smirked, satisfied with the reaction he got from her.

"What? What did he say?" B-Bomb asked, curiously.

"What is it?" Kyung whispered to ______.

______ turned redder.

"It's n-nothing." she stammered. "He's just a !"

Jaehyo chuckled and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmm...I'm hungry." he said rubbing his tummy. "Anyone else hungry? I could go for some meat right now. Maybe a restaurant with a tree?"

The guys all gave him a weird look.

"A tree?"

______ smacked him again.

"Oppa!~" she scolded.

"What?" Jaehyo laughed. "I just really like trees. You know trees can tell us a lot."

"What is this derpy Hyung talking about?" Zico sighed.

"Jaehyo Hyung, talking trees? Have you been watching Disney Movies?" U-Kwon asked.

"Pocahontas, perhaps?"

Jaehyo shook his head.

"Ani!~ I just think that ______ should ask the tree, because the tree knows who she loves the most!~"

"Did you carve it into a tree?" P.O. asked innocently.

"Yep, that's EXACTLY what I did." ______ shouted. "Yep. YEP!!~ Yah, Oppa, how do I shut you up?"

She glared at him.

"Tell me the truth. Do you really love us, ALL, equally?"

" tell a guy that you love him and his head inflates to about two-hundred times the original size!" she giggled. 'I can't believe I gave my ity to my, derpy, best friend!~'

"I win!~"

"Haha. Why do I love this person again? Can anyone remind me?" ______ asked, looking around to each of the guys for an answer.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Taeil shrugged.

"We're wondering the same thing." Zico said. "You could have any why Jaehyo Hyung?"

"YAH!" Jaehyo shouted, defensively. "How can you NOT know?!"

______ giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Oh, I know why." She whispered. "It's because you're special."

"Um...thanks? I'm not sure if that was an insult, or a compliment."

"Both." she said with a straight face.


"Do you know what today is?"Jaehyo asked.

______ gave him a look like, 'wtf'.

"Um...Friday?" she asked.

"Duh! I know it's Friday! But, what is the date today?"

"Um...November 18th?"

"Yes, keep going!~"

______ blinked at him.

"Oppa, isn't it too early to be derpy?" she giggled.

"For Ahn Jaehyo, it's never too early!~" B-Bomb pointed out.

"We have never been to his house, and slept over, but we assume that's how he is when he wakes up." Kyung said.

"YAH! You act like I'm so derpy that I can't go on for ten seconds without having an, epic, fail moment." Jaehyo whined.

"Five..." the guys said in unison.

Jaehyo's jaw dropped.

"Well, take it from someone who has had sleep-overs with Jaehyo Oppa. The 'derpiest' moment he has ever had, after just waking up was...when he forgot that he still had his glasses on and tried to put his contacts on over them."

"YAH, that only happened like five...or fifteen times..." Jaehyo sighed.

"Fifteen?!" the guys all laughed.

"Aish, whatever. Back to the significance of today's date."

______ sighed.

"I give up, Oppa, what is the significance of today's date?"

"How could YOU, of all people, forget? You've been reminding me constantly."

______ pulled out her cell phone and opened up the calendar app to check.

"Hm...November 18th..."

"Figure it out yet?" Jaehyo asked, leaning in to look over at her phone screen.

"It's..." she gasped. "Oh MY GOSH, how could I forget?!"

"Yes...I know." Jaehyo chuckled.

"It's Jinyoung's birthday!!~"

"YEAH, you got it!!~" he shouted with a huge grin that suddenly disappeared, when he realized that her answer was different from his. "Wait...What?!"

She looked at him.

"Oppa, how did you know that it's Jinyoungie's birthday?!"

"I didn't!!" He pouted. "That's not what I was talking about! Why would I be reminding you of your ex-boyfriend's birthday? I meant the Breaking Dawn movie!!! Part one comes out today!"

"OMO!!~ It does?!?!~" she squealed. "Are we going to go see it?"

Jaehyo scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well...I did have a ticket for you, but I don't want to give it to you anymore."

"Aww..." she pouted.

"Even if you have been bothering me with it, since the first book came out. You read each book in two hours, or less. Then, you read Breaking Dawn, at least, two more times before the day ended."

"Am I the only one, who is stuck on the part about them having sleep-overs together?" Kyung asked, looking at each of the guys.

"Ani, I'm kind of interested in that too." Zico said. "Was it recent? When was the last sleep-over?"

"erts..." ______ sighed.

"You need more GIRL friends." Jaehyo whispered.

"NO! no, I don't. I've learned, from experience, that I can't trust other girls. They might try to steal my guy from me."

Jaehyo smiled.

"Aww...______-ah, you don't have to worry about that."

"Oh, so I can have Kellan Lutz?"

"Ouch!" P.O. flinched. "Haha, Jaehyo Hyung, your BB Cream got cracked!~"

"I was kidding."

After school, ______ was walking around, when she noticed Jinyoung.

He was sitting under a tree with his guitar positioned in his lap, ready to strum some tunes.

"Jinyoungie?" ______ whispered, softly.

He turned around to see her.

"Oh, ______-ah!~"

She flashed him a smile and held a package out in front of her.

"Happy Birthday, Jinyoungie!!~" she sang.

Jinyoung was touched by her gesture.

He placed the guitar back into the case, next to him.

"A gift?" he asked, extending his arm to take it from her. "______-ah, you didn't have to get me anything!"

"I know...but I wanted to. I mean, even though we aren’t together anymore, I still care about you and I cherish our friendship."

He sighed and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Thank you...for still caring about me."

"Of course I still care. You became my best friend."

"I know that I blew it...with our relationship, but I'm glad that we can stay friends. It means a lot."

"You aren’t, exactly, a forgettable person." she giggled.

Jinyoung's eyes shifted around, as if he was looking for someone.

"Are you waiting for someone?" she asked.

He shook his head.

"Oh...uh...No, I was just wondering where Ahn Jaehyo-ssi is?"

"He's probably on his way home, playing his Aion or at Basketball practice, before the game later."

"He didn't stay to walk you home?"

"Nope...the team captain has to, ALWAYS, be on time and prepared. You and I, we’re still friends.”

Jinyoung smiled and nodded.


“What about you and Naeun?”

“I try to say as far away from that one, as I possibly can. I mean, what if I catch some disease just for trusting her? I think that’ll be karma’s birthday gift for me. A bite in the .” He joked.

______ knocked on the tree.

“YAH! Knock on wood.” She scolded. “So…what are you planning for your birthday?”

“I was going to go to the basketball game. I tried out, you know.”

“Jinjja?! When?!” she shouted.

“Jaehyo-ssi didn’t tell you?” he asked, with a confused look on his face. “I was sure that he would’ve told you.”

“Oh…right.” She said. “He said it was like a game of dodge ball.”

“Oh…hahaha.” Jinyoung chuckled. “My bad…I was pissed at the time. I didn’t know the truth.”

“Gee, ya think?!” ______ exclaimed, sarcastically. “Come on birthday boy, I don’t want to walk to the game by myself.”

‘I know that she’s not mine anymore, but just being her friend, makes me happy. I’m glad that she’s happy.’ He thought.

They hung out and just talked for a while before the game began.

“You know something?” Jinyoung said. “Jaehyo-ssi, is actually really daebak!~”

______ gave him a look.


“I’m serious, what can’t he do?”

“Make sense when he talks?” she teased.

“I bet he can’t play the guitar either!~” Jinyoung challenged.

“You would be RIGHT about that. He’s all about girl groups, sports, school, and his electronics.”

“Nuh uh.” Zico protested. “Jaehyo Hyung would pull out his iPhone and turn on some guitar app and insist that he knows how to play a guitar, just because of that.”

“Aigoo…that’s so true too.” ______ sighed. “Woo Jiho, you troll, haha!~”

“It’s what I do, Noona. It can’t be helped!” he said going to sit with the rest of the guys.

“Where did he even come from?” she laughed and looked down at the bag that she gave him. “Yah, open it!~”

Jinyoung chuckled.

“Oh, mianhae.”

“Hurry!~” she teased.

He opened the package and inside was a book.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Memories.” She said with a smile. “It’s a photo album, and there’s another book in there too. That one is a lyric book, for when you want to jot down some ideas on the spot.”

Jinyoung smiled.

“This, really means a lot.” He told her, while opening up the photo album.

His fingertips, lightly grazed the dried flower petal.

“That was part of the iris flower that you left on my locker one day.” She told him. “I pressed it into a book and dried it. I thought you should have a part of it. What better gift is there, then bringing back our happy memories?”

He pulled her into a hug.

“______-ah, Kamsahamnida.”

“You’re welcome!” she whispered. “Happy Birthday Jinyoungie!”





I typed this up a few days ago but never got to post it because I've been cleaning and moving into a new house.

but YAY! I'm done and I can post it, along with some gifs that i saw on tumblr XD ♥♥♥




hehehehehehe dakhfkshghgfhghgdhKJKLJKKJKSAJDKAJ!!!~




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I'm having SEVERE writers block right now....I'm working on the next (possibly the last or second to the last) chapter now


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I have a question,in this story do they go to a camp?
I just commented now, omG.
I can't believe it's done.. Great story once again!
Aw the end was so cute and derpy. Just like Jaehyo. c:
Good job!
Sleepy derp.. Aww... Naeun should be nice now >:| Anyways, the gifs are so daebak~!!
Glad you updated!!
Eirenne #5
finally an update~~~ :)
update soon~~ :)
asdfghatejklove #6
Ahaha! LOL at the gifs xD
You updated! Hurray!
Derp. Jaehyo, derp.
Jinyoung, you are such an angel..