Chapter 16

Like Strangers

^♥♥ thanks to milktea for the poster!!~ I love it!!~ ♥♥ ^



“Noona, the Hyungs are molesting me!~” Gongchan whined.

“I’m not…I just like to poke your squishy .” Baro said.

“See?!?!? He admits it!~” the maknae said pointing at the hamster.

“What? That you have a squishy ? Everyone knows about it. That must be why you like swimming so much? You can’t sink.”

“Yah, Noona!~”

“Sunwoo-ya, be nice to him!” ______ said hugging Gongchan protectively.

“Yah, Gong Chansik, quit snuggling my girlfriend so much.” Jinyoung said. “I’m going to be away for a week, so I want to take up all of that snuggle time. How about we hang out at the amusement park later?”

“Can we come?” Sandeul asked, excitedly.

“Yeah, sure…it’s not like a date or anything.” Jinyoung said.

CNU leaned over to Baro and Sandeul.

“You know, I can’t really tell if he’s being sarcastic or not right now. On one hand, if we tag along and he’s not being sarcastic, it could be fun. On the other hand, if he’s being sarcastic, and we do tag along,  Harabeoji won’t be too happy.” He whispered.

“Oh yeah, he’d probably beat us with his walker and we’d need to use ______ Noona’s first aid kit.” Baro laughed. “Don’t break your back Harabeoji Hyung.”

“Yah, you are aware that I can hear EVERYTHING that you are saying, right?! You need to work on your whispering. What the hell is a ‘Harabeoji Hyung’ anyway?”

Baro ignored the leader, and leaned in to examine his ear closely.

“Hmm…where is it?”

Jinyoung side-eyed Baro, and leaned away from him.

“W-What are you doing?”

“I’m looking for the volume rocker keys so I can lower it.” Baro said pulling at his ear. “Sandeulie check the other one.”

Sandeul moved to do the same to the other ear.

He straddled Jinyoung to hold him down.

“That doesn’t look right.” Gongchan whispered to ______ and CNU. “It looks like Sandeulie Hyung  and Baro Hyung are Jinyoungie Hyung.”

“Nope, I can’t find it. Harabeoji, I think your hearing aids may have malfunctioned.”

“Yah!~ Get of me!”

“Yeah, don’t break the old man.” Gongchan snickered, earning a glare from Jinyoung. He let out a squeak and ducked to hide behind ______. “Eek!~ Sorry, Hyung.”

“Keep it up, and none of you are coming to Lotte World with us!!” Jinyoung scolded.

This time, ______ stifled a laugh.

“Oh my god, Jinyoungie, you really are just like a Harabeoji. Awww…so cute!~” she giggled. “Oh, if I laugh am I uninvited too? Well, in that case, hehehehehehehe!~”

That made all of guys, excluding Jinyoung, laugh hysterically.

“Noona is daebak!~” the maknae laugh.

“______-ah!~” her boyfriend pouted. “Not you too…”

“Mehrong!~” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

Later, that evening the group went to the amusement park.

Jinyoung and ______ were walking together, sharing a cotton candy.

“Oh, I forgot to ask, Do you like my new hair?” Jinyoung asked fixing his bangs.

“Hmm…” ______ stared at him and thought about it for a moment.

Jinyoung’s jaw dropped.

“Yah, why are you hesitating? You really don’t like it, do you?!”


“______-ah!~~” he whined.

She giggled at his cuteness and ran her fingers through the back on his hair.

“I’m just kidding! You look hott.”

“Why you gotta mess with me for, hmm? Do you want this cotton candy, up your nose?”

“No, you can put it in my mouth though.” She teased.

“With your clumsiness, it might come OUT from your nose, somehow.”

______ gave him a ‘wtf’ look.

“Yah, Jung Jinyoung, you are so weird!!~”

“Just ask Baro about the watermelon incident! He was sneezing, non-stop, for about twenty minutes after it went up his nose.”

“Hyung, don’t bring that up. I can smell watermelon now…” Baro complained.

“Come on, Noona, let’s play!” Gongchan said dragging her off towards the games.

By the end of the evening, the group had gone on most of the rides.

The couple said goodbye to the rest of the group before Jinyoung walked ______ home.

“I’m going to be gone for a week!~ What If I don’t come back?!~” Jinyoung said dramatically.

“Yah, it’s not like you’re going off to war or something! You’ll be back, Jinyoungie.” She giggled.

“Well, if you don’t miss me, I might as well just stay on Jeju Island forever!”

“But, you’ll miss me.”

“I KNOW!!!~ So, why won’t you miss me?!” he pouted.

“Did I say I wasn’t going to miss you? I just think I’m going to be having way too much fun without you.” She teased.

“Now, I’m going to be the suicidal one!” he sighed.

______ giggled and kissed his cheek.

“I’m going to miss you, so you better call and text me when you can, alright?”

“I promise.” He said wrapping his arms around her. “Don’t miss me too much okay?”

“First you tell me you want me to miss you, or you aren’t coming back. Now, you tell me not to miss you too much? Aigoo, dear boyfriend, MAKE UP YOUR MIND MAN!~” she teased.

“Yah, come here!~” he chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss.

She giggled against his lips and kissed back.

“Now, go! I can’t miss you, if you don’t actually leave!”

“I’d rather miss my flight.” He whined.

“Get going!~” she scolded.

The next day, ______ was sitting in her room talking to Jaehyo, while playing video games.

They hadn’t gotten to spend as much time together, like this, anymore.

When they did, she loved it.

“YAH!! Dude, why won’t you just die already!!!~” Jaehyo screamed at the video game. “Pew! Pew! PEW!!~ DIE!!~”

______ just stared at him and rolled her eyes.

“What a derp…seriously!!~” she giggled.

“It’s not my fault this bastard just refuses to die! He is like some indestructible guy with bullet proof flesh! Ooh, I wonder if that’s possible…you know…bulletproof flesh? Can someone make that and then have a full body flesh transplant.”

She cringed at the image in her head and gave Jaehyo a ‘wtf’ look.

“Seriously, Oppa?! EWW, that is a disturbing image! I do NOT want that in my head, you derp! Aish, I’m going to have nightmares tonight, unless I wash my eyes out with bleach.” She whined.

“Yeah, don’t do that. I’m just saying, if it were possible, you would be a great candidate for it.”

“YAH!!~” she screamed, pulling a pillow off of her bed to smack him with it. “How rude!~”

He started cracking up, and put up his hands to defend himself against her attacks.

“Okay, okay…I was just kidding!!~ Aigoo, so sensitive!” he chuckled. “I’m surprised we’re spending the day together, where’s your boyfriend?”


“Well, DUH! What other boyfriend do you have?! I mean…besides this handsome man right here!” he said straightening his clothes.

Hearing that, made her brush like crazy.

“What are you talking about, Oppa, you derp? You? Yeah right, NEVER!” she yelled defensively.

‘Ouch…’ he thought. “You didn’t have to sound so disgusted about it! What, I’m not good enough?”

“You don’t seem to realize, just how amazing you are.” She said with a smile.

Now, it was his turn to blush.

“A-Anyway, where is he?”

“Jinyoungie, and his family went on a trip to Jeju. It’s some, family reunion thing.”

“How long will he be gone?” Jaehyo asked, nosily.

“A week…” she said eyeing him suspiciously. “Why so interested in my boyfriend and his whereabouts?”

“I’m not, but this week is just for us. You’re always with him and I want my ______ and Jaehyo time. Since we made up, it’s never been the same as it used to be.”

“Are you sure?” she laughed. “A moment ago when you were snapping at the video game, you were back to being that crazy derp that I know.”




Jinyoung and Jaehyo are both so adorable ♥

and Gongchan's squishy ! XD

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I'm having SEVERE writers block right now....I'm working on the next (possibly the last or second to the last) chapter now


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I have a question,in this story do they go to a camp?
I just commented now, omG.
I can't believe it's done.. Great story once again!
Aw the end was so cute and derpy. Just like Jaehyo. c:
Good job!
Sleepy derp.. Aww... Naeun should be nice now >:| Anyways, the gifs are so daebak~!!
Glad you updated!!
Eirenne #5
finally an update~~~ :)
update soon~~ :)
asdfghatejklove #6
Ahaha! LOL at the gifs xD
You updated! Hurray!
Derp. Jaehyo, derp.
Jinyoung, you are such an angel..