Chapter 15.

Reality Check.

"Minseok, i think we need more tomatoes." Jongdae placed the package of tomatoes into the cart. Minseok stared. Jondae blinked. Minseok blinks, then he slowly whispers, "Have you gone mad...?" Minseok plucked the tomatoes out of the cart and shoved them back were they belonged.

"Why? You dont like tomatoes?" Jongdae questioned.

"HAVE YOU NOT REALIZED THERE IS NO TOMATOES IN THE HOUSE?!" Minseok shouted. Jongdae quickly covered Minseok's mouth with his hand and shook his head, "uh, no?"

"YMPH KWNOF NOFIENG." Minkseok shouted through Jondae hand. Feeling something slimy, Jongdae quickly retracted his hand away from Minseok, "EWH, DID YOU JUST ME?!"


Jongdae sighed, Sometimes I wonder who's the man of this non existent relationship. 


 Lin waltzed into the bar and sat on Tao's counter top, "Hi." 

Tao stared at the girl. "Uh... hi?"

Lin smiled and waved, "You know you are pretty cute. You know that?" 

"...Thank you...?"

"Yeah and I was wondering... Why stay with a guy with no emotio---" "Lin." Kris walked through the back door, coming back from throwing the trash out. 

"Ugh. This ruins the fun." Lin pouted. She hopped off and left. Kris began to talk but was inturupted by the door slamming open, "Kris! I want you to meet someone." Lin walked in again with a small child holding her hand, "This is Yun. Your son. Yun, go say hello to your father." The boy was a bit hesitant to walk to Kris but with a small push from his mother, he ran towards him. 

"D-dad." Yun stuttered. Kris awkwardly pushed Yun away and got on his knees, "Don't force youself." He said, trying be as gentle as possible without hurting the kids feelings, "Lin, I dont know why you're doing this but I'm going to have to ask you to get out. " 

Lin smirked, "Thats your child and youre denying it. How could you kick you own son out of here." 

Kris sighed, "This is a bar. Yun is what, 4 years old? Not even close to legal. Please, get out." 

Lin rolled her eyes. She walked to Yun and tugged at his arms, "Lets go. Oh, by the way. Bao or Hao, whatever your name is. This is family business. I'm here to give Yun his rightful father. Now, we wouldn't want an outsider to be involved, do we? I suggest you leave him before things get messy." 

After th awkward silence that followed with Lin's exist, Kris said sorry and excused himself, "You can leave now, but come back at 8:00pm." He entered his office and sat down on his chair. Rubbing his temples, his thought to himself. If Yun is four years old. There's no way he's my son. We broke up 2 years ago. What is she even doing here. What does she want from me? What do i do with Tao?! 

Sighing once again, he called up a special someone, "Hello? Jongin?"


"Soo, wait. I'm getting a call." Jongin wiped his hands on his manly apron and picked up his phone,

'Hello? ... Oh Kris! Sorry, i haven't been contacting you lately.'

'Thats alright. Listen i need your help.'

'Sure whatever it is. As a return of you helping me.' 

'I need you to find out some information about...'

'Let me guess. Crazy pyscho ex girlfriend?'

'Well... uh.. yeah, i guess thats what you could call her.' 

'Haha, i knew it. What's her name?'


'Lin...? Lin Chiu.'

'Her parents named her Lin Chiu?'


'Alright man, I'll see what i can do. Bye.'

'Thanks, Bye.' 

"Who was that?" Kyungsoo asked while linking his arms with Jongin. 

"Nothing, just Kris asking for something." 

Kyungsoo nodded. Jongin smirked as he realized that Kyungsoo intiated skinship first for the 4th time today, "You know, you're getting really touchy touchy these days." 

Kyungsoo blushed and shoved Jongin away, "Shut up! It's cause you're rubbing off on me." 

"Are you sure?  Is it not because I'm just so irresitable?" Jongin taunted.

Kyungsoo blushed and scoffed, "You can bet that its most definiatly not because of that."

"Whatever." Jongin pouted, "You love me though, right?"

Kyungsoo chuckled and intertwined hands with the said boy, "Right."


After 40 minutes of constant cuddling, Jongin sniffed, "Hey, Soo? Don't you smell something burning?" 

Kyungsoo stopped and sniffed, "OH WAIT I FORGOT THERE WAS STEW ON THE STOVE."

The duo quickly scrambled up, Jongin tripped on his apron, and Kyungsoo tripped on Jongin's head. Either way both of them quickly stood up, Jongin rubbing his head and Kyungsoo rubbing his leg. 

Kyungsoo quickly shut off the stove and threw the lid off on the floor screaming, "AH , HOT. HOT." Jonging rushed over and brought his hands to the sink, unfortunatly, the water was put to 'hot' and it ended up burning Kyungsoo's hand more. 

In the end, they ending up snacking on sweet potato chips for dinner. 


"So remind me again why I'm here again?" Sehun asked while sipping on bubble tea. 

"Because, it's 2:30a.m and i cant sleep. Sooo~ we're going to all-nighters and become pigs." Luhan cheerfully cried-while yawning.

"Lu, you're tired asf and anyone can see that." Sehun pointed out, all very much awake.

"No. I'm, just... Just, resting my eyes so that i can play with you more later." Luhan stretched and put his head on Sehun's lap on the couch.

Sehun chuckled and brushed his fingers through Luhan's hair, "Alright whatever you say."


The next morning, the sun was shining thourhg the curtains at it was 12:30--" IM LATE!" Luhan rolled off the couch and winced as he heard his own back crack. 

"Ouch." Sehun opened his eyes and smiled, "Good morning."

Luhan smiled back, "Morning, now get out because im late for work and Joonmyun is absolutely going to kill me."

Sehun chuckled, "I can clean up the house if you want me too."

Luhan frowned, "No, i'm not leaving this ty and messy house for you to clean up. That's going to take a billion years. Let's do it together sometime."

Sehun laughed and got up, "Fine, whatever you say."


Kyungsoo blew his fringe off of his face, "Joonmyun-hyung, you're sighing for the 47th time today, whats the matter?"

Joongmyun lazily looked at Kyungsoo, "Luhan's late."

"So? It's not like its the first of second time."


"We all know that's not the reason why you're so gloomy today. Tell your little dongsaeng what's wrong." Kyungsoo sided up to Joonmyun.

The elder sighed and started talking, "Fine, you got me. The truth is. I dont know what I'll do with La Pace right now... Baekhyun and Chanyeol has gone to America, and  that means i just lost 2 of my workers. How am I supposed to find other workers? They were at least somewhat trustworth--- Well, I mean, yeah. I dont know. Ugh, stress." 

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows, "Don't worry, hyung. They'll be back soon. I can feel it."

"You sure?"


"i *pant* HERE *pant*" Luhan came rushing through the door.

"Nice of you to finally show up." Minseok came through the back door, coming back from changing into a clean pair of uniform becuase his other got drenched in a milk accident. (That invovlved seeing who could throw the milk balloon the farthest in the parking lot this morning with Kyungsoo.)

"Oh shut up, we all know you come  late every other days too. And today just so happens to be Tuesday." Luhan stuck his tongue out. He rushed into the changing room and came out 2 seconds later asking for someone to tie his apron for him.

"Hyung you're such a baby." Kyungsoo shook his head. 

Luhan gasped, "YOU JUST CALLED ME HYUNG!" He squealed. 

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, "And?"

"AND YOU NEVER CALL ME HYUNG. OMG OUR KYUNGSOO IS CHANGING. I must thank Jongin for changing the unchangable. He must teach me his ways." Luhan's eyes started to sparkle. 

"You, my friend, disgust me." Minseok whacked Luhan's head. 

"Ow! I didn't say anything weird." Luhan pouted. 

"But your eyes did." Minseok gave Luhan a look. 

"Fine. Whatever." 


WHAT'S THIS?! ANOTHER UPDATE?! HELL YEAH IT IS. LMAO Guys idk how to thank y'all for the 255 subscribers. Literally half way til 510. But recently i've been like brian farting and i've been running out of ideas so if you guys want to message me or comment down below any ideas or suggestions thats greatly appreciated! (ofc you would be getting credz haha) I'm doing this because some of you might like this story but not like some of the plot thats going on (that happens to me SO much in other FF's that I personally read lmao so yeah haha) Or if you want your name to be features message me ;) 

Comment (I'll reply!!ILY) Subscribe (ILYALOT) Upvote (ILY4EVR) 

All in all, thank you for those who stayed with this FF since March and thank to those who just subcribed and thank you to those who subscribe in between those/these time periods. I seriously love you guys so much and no amount of words could describe my gratitude. 

Feel free to message me personally<3 I wILL REPLY.  



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I'm pretty late with reading this haha but I love it~ I really like that it's not just focusing on one couple but on every single one! That's something I sometimes miss in other stories ^^
T-araFans #2
Chapter 20: Nice update...
Glad that you update this story...
Chapter 20: Great Update^^
And I hope 2015 will be the bomb too
T-araFans #4
Chapter 18: Great that you update this story...
I know about B.A.P...that's really insane...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
Chapter 18: 7 ing dollars a week. How atrocious.
Chapter 18: Great update^^
hunhannies #7
Chapter 17: Please update :)))) I need to know what happens!!
Chapter 17: *SOBS* lets cuddle and cry together
T-araFans #9
Chapter 17: It's okay...Exo OT12...
Chapter 17: I just found out this now! OMG! I really like this story author-nim! Can't wait for the next update :D