Dream come true

One day, IU was at her dorm after a tired day of schdules and she decided to go read some comments on her MVs.

EXOJJANG: waaa, IU is so pretty in here. Hope hanU is real!! <3
iuforeverlove: iu's acting sure improved. Shes so natural in the MV! 
Suhoangel123: omo, is that cashier suho?! I was laughing so hard when i see him there ! XD

There were loads of comments left on the MV, mostly commenting about her interaction with Luhan.
"Oppa, look like the fans really liked pairing me up with Luhan." IU continued scrolling as she told her manager.
"Make sure there is no scandal between you two!" He warned her.

IU was still focused on checking out the comments when her manager's phone rang suddenly.
"Neh, yoboseyo?" He picked it up.
"Oh, neh. We'll be there in 30 minutes!" He ended the call.
"Oppa wae? We have schedules?" IU looked up at him.
"Molla. SM staff called for us to get to the company now. They are having some meeting." He said.
"We have to hurry." He urges IU to get ready to leave.

(At SM)
"So sorry to get all of you gather here in such a hurry. But we have to discuss about the upcoming charity concert." A SM staff said.
There were many SM artists gathered in the meeting room.
The latest SM the ballad was there along with others.
Taemin, Kai, Lay, Sehun, Hyoyeon, Yunho, Boa, baekhyun, d.o and luhan were present as well.
"Like we have said, IU's album was a part of the charity collaboration so we are having a charity concert now." A staff explained.
"Firstly, the concert would be a free show for the children associated with the organisation and we would be allocating the front row seats for them. All the profit earned from the show would also be donated to the organisation. In short, this is like a mini smtown but there is a problem. You guys would probably earn no money from this as we are donating all the profit. Anyone wants to back out now?" The staff looked around for any comments or suggestions.

"Well, it's for charity, why not? I guess we would all be happy to do it!" Jonghyun said.
"Yeah, i'm in! I'm just happy that we can help out those kids out there!" Taeyeon happily agree and everyone nodded.
"Okay so, this is our proposed program schedule for the concert. All of you can take a look." The staffs handed out some papers to them.

"For the opening act, we will have IU as this will be her first official performance on SM's stage. We're planning for her to perform the dance song that she has worked with sehun, kai and lay. Then would be her title song which we will be using as the theme song for the whole charity collaboration." The staff then continued explaining the plan, including a dance break for the dancing machines and also for SM the ballad to deliver the whole of their latest album on stage. For the songs which have chinese, korean and japanese versions, they are planning to mash everything together so it would be a full song together.

"Okay so thats all for today, hope you guys would be practicing hard for the concert!" With that, the meeting ended.

"Yah, i was still hoping that they would arrange a duet for me and you!" Jonghyun approached IU.
"Oh well, there must be no fate between us!" She chuckled.
"Oh, i have saw your live performances and also your MVs. Your songs are really nice. But gloomy clock is still the best!" Jonghyun joked.
"You're just trying to claim credits for your song!" IU laughed at what jonghyun said.
"Hahahaha, well good luck for practice!" Their conversation ended as jonghyun left the meeting room.
"Noona! So when are we going to practice?" Sehun, along with the other exo members went towards her.
"Since my promotions are ending, i'm quite free to practice!" IU answered.
IU really needed the practice as it has been a long time since she had danced the choreography and she was quite certain that she has already forgot most of the moves.
"I'll text you after we discuss with our manager then?" Sehun said.
"Neh. I'll be waiting for your message!" IU and they bided farewell.

Next day, IU has finished her schedules early so she decided to go to SM and find the EXO boys to practice.
"Oh, everyone's here!" IU opened the door of the practice room and was shock that all 12 members were present.
"Oh? Noona is here?" Sehun quickly stood up.
"I thought you said you couldn't make it?" Lay asked.
"Neh, but my schedules ended early today so i decided to come practice." IU answered.
Everyone was feeling excited when IU stepped into the practice room. However, Luhan remained in the corner of the room and did not approach her like what the others did.
'What is luhan doing there...' IU thought as she looked in the direction of him, noticing that he's typing some stuffs on his phone.
"So, should we go practice? Our dance song?" Kai asked.
"Oh, neh. Should we go over to the empty room there?" IU asked.
"You guys can use this room. We're not practicing anyways." Suho offered them the room.
"But... With so many pairs of eyes looking at me..." IU looked around.
"You've performed on stage so many times! How can you be afraid of performing in front of us?" Kris grinned.
They wanted to keep IU in the room as they have always hoped to see IU practice.
"Well, we'll practice here then!" IU agreed.
"Yay!!! Everyone, clear your rubbish!" Suho ordered.
It was the first time that the members listened to what their leader said.
They quickly cleared the rubbish lying on the floor and sat nicely in rows by the side of the room.

"Here it goes..." Kris helped them switch on the music and they began dancing to the rhythm of the song.
IU has forgotten some moves unlike the other 3 EXO boys who were able to dance perfectly.
"Guess i really need to practice harder..." IU sighed as the song ended.

"Annyeong everybody!" The door suddenly opened and Jonghyun came in.
"Jonghyun hyung! SHINee is back for practice?" Sehun asked.
"Ani, i'm back to practice for the concert and i happen to see you guys practicing so i came in to have a look!" Jonghyun answered.
"I saw you forgot some moves!" Jonghyun ruffled IU's hair.
'Arghh i want to do that to IU too!' Kai thought.
"My hair!" IU tried to fix her hair back.
"It was a long time i danced to that okay. Are you here to support me ot point out my mistakes?" IU pouted.
"Of course i'm here to support you! Fighting!" Jonghyun raised his volume.
"Neh neh, go back to your practice already. You're disturbing our practice here!" IU jokingly pushed jonghyun out of the room.
"Fine fine. Bye kids!" Jonghyun waved to the EXO boys while being pushed by IU.
Jonghyun and IU had gotten even closer to each other ever since their collaboration for gloomy clock but this was the first time the EXO boys have seen their sunbae being like this with IU.
Of course they have seen him joking around with girls generation or f(x) but they wanted to claim IU as theirs and no one could touch her.

"Is jonghyun hyung very close to you?" Chanyeol asked.
"He's a very close oppa!" IU walked over to get a sip of water.
Not only chanyeol but all 12 of them were jealous to hear that. They too wanted to be close to IU.
Maybe it's because IU and jonghyun have known each other for a longer period of time but EXO was determined to get closer with IU.

"Thank you for the hard work!" Time flies and it was already rehearsal for the concert.
The rehearsal was held on the day before the actual event to make sure everyone knows the flow.
"Luna-ah!" IU rushed to the seating area as she noticed a familiar figure.
"Oh, IU!" The 2 friends were hugging each other.
Due to f(x) preparing for their comeback, IU hasn't got a chance to meet luna as she's busy with the recording and everything.
"Are you here to support me?" IU asked.
"Ani, i'm here to support our fellow member Krystal!" Luna started to chant krystal's name.
"Yah! I don't to talk to you already, Hmph!" IU pretended to be angry and turned her back on her,
"Just kidding, i'm here to support everyone! Yunho sunbaenim!" Now, luna pretends to be cheering for yunho.
"I'm gonna ignore you!" IU continued to be angry and stomps away.
"Yah yah yah, are you going to leave your friend here alone? I came to have dinner with you!" Luna shouted.
"Jjiinja?! Let's go! I'm hungry already!" IU's eyes glowed at the thought of food and dragged luna out of the concert hall.

"Oh, i forgot to ask, where are your members?" IU asked while munching on her food.
"Krystal went back to practice as she wanted to perfect her skills and everything while the others are either slacking in the dorm or having schedules." Luna answered.
"Wow, krystal went back to practice?! Then what am i doing here..." IU looked around her and stopped eating.
"Just eat your food! Krystal is probably slacking in the practice room too." Luna stuffed a piece of meat into IU's mouth.

"So hows your relationship with EXO now?" All of IU's close friends knew how mad IU is after EXO but they all promised to not tell EXO about that.
"I'm enjoying every single moment i have with them! They are so funny, good looking, cute and argh i don't know what to say. I seriously am glad that i joined SM!" IU couldn't hide her happiness.
"Yeah... You must be the first idol to join a company to fangirl over another idol..." Luna said.
"Omo, you said the same thing as manager oppa!" IU exclaimed.
"Come on, i think if i told anyone the real reason why you joined SM, they will have the same thoughts too..." Luna said.

The 2 friends continued chatting for a while before they decided it was time to head home since IU still has to rest to have enough energy for the concert tomorrow.



Annyeong! Hope you guys still enjoy this story and not find it boring!

Is it me or, all my favourite stories are not updating T.T

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Chapter 15: I was disappointed that HanU didn't happen but I was glad about the ending.
inten17eu #2
Chapter 15: end?? :-(
aaaaaaa.. daebak!
please BaekU ff again...
or sequel of this ff >< hwaiting!
Chapter 15: Are you gonna make another story of EXO and iu
Adh_IU #5
Chapter 15: Omooo.. sequel pleasee T.T xD I'm curiouss 'bout the ending/?
Chapter 15: Owww... that's all? It's too short.tough :( but it's great story.. ^ ^ make another exou story pleasee.... and hope this time will be HanU.. :)
inten17eu #7
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
inten17eu #8
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
Chapter 14: ahaha typical idea no need to credit really :D but thanks anyway lol.