Dream come true

The recording of the soundtracks were almost done and all of the EXO members have fallen for IU.

Their dorm has officially turned into IU’s fanclub with its walls all full of IU’s posters and photographs.

Even Baekhyun replaced his SNSD posters with IU’s.

Kai and Sehun just found their members weird as they all changed so suddenly.

The two of them were considered weird for spazzing over IU all the time and now, all 12 of them are crazy over her.


“Why didn’t I think her songs were so nice before…” Luhan walked out of his room with his earphones.

He was obviously listening to IU’s songs.

“Guys, aren’t we abit too crazy over IU?” Kris looked at all the posters stuck up on the wall.

“Wae? Don’t you want to just look at her face all day?” Tao sat down beside him.

“IU might think we are all erts if she sees our wall one day…” Kris said.

“Hey, suho called saying that we have to go to the company now.” Xiumin walked out of his room with his phone.

“Wae? I just woke up…” Chen walked out of his room while rubbing his eyes.

“He said something about deciding the male lead for IU’s MV.” Xiumin added.

“Bwoh?! You should’ve waked me up earlier!” Chen rushed to get washed up.



(At the company)

“So, we called for this meeting to discuss on the male lead for IU’s MV.” A staff said.

All 12 members of EXO, IU, both managers and some staffs were all seated at a round table, inside the meeting room.

“Me me me me me!” Chanyeol raised his arm eagerly to volunteer himself.

“After some careful considerations and planning, we decided to exclude those who are already collaborating with her on some songs.” The staff continued.

“Oh no. Then I won’t get a chance to be in a MV with her!” Chanyeol complained.

“We are planning to have 4 MVs for this album which is the 4 songs that you’re collaborating.” The staff said.

“Yes! Then I have a chance of featuring as the rapper!” Chanyeol said.

“Unfortunately, no. We wanted to focus on having a story rather than filming you guys singing.” Chanyeol felt disappointed after hearing this.

“We discussed with the other departments and we finally decided on who will be the main lead for the MV.” Everyone kept silent and waited for the name to be announced.

“We’ve picked Luhan to do the job.”

‘Luhan?! That pretty boy! How am I going to face him with his killer smile and cute face!’ IU thought.

“Jjinja?! Me?” Luhan stood up in disbelief.

The staffs nodded.

“Daebak! I’m so sorry guys but I GOT THE CHANCE TO BE IN THE MV WITH IU!” Luhan was jumping around in joy.



(Filming site)

After a week of planning, it was finally the day of filming.

Although it has been already decided that Luhan would be the main lead of the, the rest of EXO still turned up on filming day.

“How come all of you are here?” A staff asked.

“We errr… came to support Luhan!” Kai stuttered.

All of them were actually there because they didn’t want to miss any chances to see IU.

“Like real…” Luhan mumbled.


“Since all of you are already here, why not do some cameo? You guys can appear as the passers-by or the shop owner.” The staff suggested.

“We would love to!” Chanyeol shouted in agreement.


Since the album was part of the collaboration with a children’s charity organization.

The MV was chosen to be filmed at a place where all children would love to visit. The amusement park.


The MV was set to be a story about a girl who was in love with this boy who is in the same class with her.
However, the girl was terminally ill and the boy got to know of her illness.
He then decided to bring her on a date to Lotte world to fulfil her dream of having a boyfriend. 
In the end, the girl passes away.
The whole story is to be covered over the 4 MVs.

"Action!" The director shouted.
IU and Luhan started the filming of the MV.
As part of the cameo suggested by one if the staffs, the EXO members were also on standby.
Suho was the cashier of the shop in the amusement park, Chanyeol was the staff giving out balloons, Kai and Lay were dancers performing on the stage while the rest were just some random passers-by.

Most scenes were done quickly as it was just some scenes of them riding the rides or walking around the park.
It was already quite late and they were filming the last scene of the day.
The scene was supposedly to be IU thanking Luhan for the date with a hug and suddenly faints. Luhan then has to cry, carry her up and rush to the hospital.

'IU, you have acted in many dramas and this scene will be alright too...' IU prepared herself as she leaned in and wrapped her arms tightly around Luhan.
Suddenly, IU's heartbeat accelerated.
'What is this feeling?' IU thought.
Luhan wrapped his arms around IU's waist.
'Why is my heart beating so fast all of a sudden? I have filmed so many dramas with hugs and kiss scenes but this is the first time i'm feeling like this...' The both of them remained in the position.

' Why am i feeling like this?' Luhan thought too.
He was feeling the same thing as IU. 
'I hope she doesn’t notices it...' Luhan added.
"Cut!" The director shouted and both of them break apart from each other, blushing.
"Why isn't IU fainting! How long do you want to hug!" The director shouted.
And so, they had to film the scene again since IU 'forgot' to faint during the hug.

(Back at IU's dorm)
"Suzy-ah! What should i do?" IU called her best friend.
"Wae wae, what happened?" It has been some time since IU has called her so she could sense something happening.
"I was filming my album's MV with Luhan today. We had this hugging scene at the end and i could feel my heart beating at a very fast speed. This has never happened to me before when i was filming for my dramas!" IU said.
"Easy! You, lee jieun, has just fallen in love with him!" Suzy laughed.
"No way! We are just sunbae and hoobae. Plus he is part of my most favourite group EXO. Nothing more !" IU defended herself.
"Maybe your love towards him as changed. From a fan and idol to man and woman. Maybe you have just thought of him as a man now!" Suzy said.
IU remained silent. 'Is she really right about that? I like Luhan?' 
"Hello? Anyone there?" Suzy said after realising IU has not been replying her.
"Neh, i'm still here" IU finally replies.
"You still have other MVs with him?" Suzy asked.
"We're shooting 4 MVs together. I don't the scenes shot today was for which song. They said they will cut accordingly so we're just shooting all the scenes for the 4 MVs." IU answered.
"For the other scenes you will be filming together, look straight into his eyes. Listen to what your heart is telling you when you do that." Suzy said.

IU heeded Suzy's advice.
Today, they had some scenes in the school and IU needed to look as though she really admired Luhan.
There was this exact scene where the two of them accidentally bumped into each other at the hallway and as they were picking up the things they dropped, they had to look into each others' eyes.
At that moment where their eyes were locked on each other, IU could feel the same feeling she was feeling the day before. 
Her heart was beating faster again.
At that instance, she was sure that she had fallen for Luhan.



Hey, thanks for the suggestions! I'll improve my story accordingly! 

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Chapter 15: I was disappointed that HanU didn't happen but I was glad about the ending.
inten17eu #2
Chapter 15: end?? :-(
aaaaaaa.. daebak!
please BaekU ff again...
or sequel of this ff >< hwaiting!
Chapter 15: Are you gonna make another story of EXO and iu
Adh_IU #5
Chapter 15: Omooo.. sequel pleasee T.T xD I'm curiouss 'bout the ending/?
Chapter 15: Owww... that's all? It's too short.tough :( but it's great story.. ^ ^ make another exou story pleasee.... and hope this time will be HanU.. :)
inten17eu #7
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
inten17eu #8
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
Chapter 14: ahaha typical idea no need to credit really :D but thanks anyway lol.