Dream come true

“Ahhh! Can’t believe I spent the whole day with EXO!” IU was lying on her bed, hugging her phone.

She was reminiscing about the day spent with EXO.

She remembered how they had fun eating together in the practice room, memorizing the lyrics together and also exchanging their numbers at the end of the day.

She scrolled through the contacts in her phone and stopped at the part where all the members’ numbers were saved.

‘Ahhh, it feels like a dream!’ IU hugged her phone again.


“Sehun has this really huge poster of you stuck on the ceiling in his room. All the other walls were also filled with smaller posters and photos of you. He talks to the posters every night and his shelves are filled with only your albums.”


IU remembered this line from the afternoon and couldn’t help but feel happy about that.

She turned around and looked at all the EXO merchandises and albums laid out nicely on her table and shelves.

‘Hehehe, I’m also a fan of you too!’ IU stared at the poster hung on her ceiling till she finally fell asleep.



(Next morning)


“Annyeonghaseyo.” IU slowly pushed open the door of the practice room.

“IU-ssi, annyeonghaseyo.” Chanyeol stood up and greeted her.

“Wow, you’re here really early.” IU said as she walked towards him.

“Neh, I wanted to be more familiar with the song so we can practice it well today.” Chanyeol up the paper he was holding on to.

‘Aww, he’s so cute when he is focusing on the lyrics.’ IU thought as she observed her hoobae who was trying his best to memorise the words.

“Should we try to sing the wlole song?” IU got her lyrics out from her bag too.


IU’s angelic voice resounded in the practice room, captivating Chanyeol.

‘So this is why Kai and Sehun are mad about her? Her voice is so perfect…’ Chanyeol was so mesmerized by IU that he forgot to rap when his part came.

“Chanyeol-ssi…” IU waved her hand in front of Chanyeol, trying to get his attention.

“N-neh?” chanyeol woke up from his day dream.

“You were so deep in thoughts. What were you thinking about?” IU asked.

“A-Ani ? I-I err… nothing. Is it my turn?” Chanyeol startled.

“Neh, let’s start from the last line here.” IU pointed to the line right before Chanyeol’s rap starts.

And so, IU started singing again from that line.

This time, Chanyeol didn’t got distracted again from her voice and was able to rap his part perfectly.


“Daebak!” IU was clapping like a seal right after Chanyeol’s rapping ended.

“Isn’t the next line your part? Why didn’t you continue it?” Chanyeol asked.

“I just thought I needed to clap!” IU continued to clap for him.

“You’re making me shy!” Chanyeol looked down on the floor and right hand was rubbing his neck.

“My turn now!” IU continued from the part she left out.

A few hours past and the duo managed to spend the time meaningfully by trying to perfect the song.

IU made sure she was able to hit all the high notes in the song and Chanyeol was amazed by how she was able to sing the song perfectly.

It was about 6 in the evening and IU left to practice for her other songs while Chanyeol went back to his dorm.



“Kai-ah!” Chanyeol barged into Kai’s room and lied down on his bed.

“What are you doing in my room?” Kai asked while his eyes were still stuck on the computer screen.

“Do you perhaps have an extra for those posters?” Chanyeol pointed to the posters Kai had on the walls.

“Wae? I thought you were always making fun of me since I had all these posters on my wall?” Kai finally turned around and looked at Chanyeol who was lying on his bed.

“I practiced with her today for the song and OMG her voice… I don’t know what word to describe. It was so perfect. As if like I was listening to some CD. Her pitch and everything were great!” Kai could see Chanyeol’s eyes turning into heart shapes.

“So now you finally understand about what I feel when I listen to IU’s songs? Who was the one teasing me when I bought every single piece of her merchandise and stuff?” Kai jumped onto Chanyeol and tickled him as hard as he could.

“What’s the fuss all about?” Sehun stepped in to the room just in time to see Kai tickling Chanyeol.

“This guy here is now in love with our IU and he’s trying to get a poster from me.” Kai paused for a while.

“Bwoh?! IU is mine!” Sehun joined in the tickling.

“Yah! I will just go get her albums myself alright!” Chanyeol quickly got out of their room.




“Oppa!” IU reached her dorm after she finished her practices at the company.

Since her manager was busy with meetings that day, it was the first time she has seen him that day.

“Oppa! I was practicing with Chanyeol today and ahhhhhh! His rap omg!” IU began dancing around in the living room while rapping to Chanyeol’s part in Growl.

“I hope you didn’t let your true self out in front of him…” he ignored her actions and continued watching television.

“My EXO oppas!” IU was standing in front of her posters, staring at them.

“Sigh… I thought you idol for the past I don’t know how many years was Taeyang. He got replaced quite easily eh?”  He said sarcastically.

“That was only because EXO hasn’t debut at that time! Now that there is EXO, I love EXO more!” IU skipped into her room to change into more comfortable clothes.

“Taeyang would be really disappointed if he heard that!” he yelled.

“Yah! It’all about EXO now! EXO!” as soon as IU finished changing, she came out of her room, shouting.



(Next day)

“IU-ah! Remember to wear something more comfortable today! You have dance practice with Kai, Lay and Sehun!” her manager reminded.

“I’m done changing! Let’s go!” IU came out from her room in her hoodie and track pants.

“This is the first time in my life to see an idol so excited about going to practice…” Her manager sighed as he followed behind her.


“Left, right, step, step…” the practice room was already filled with noises when IU entered.

Kai, Sehun and Lay were already in the practice room, practicing with the dancers.

‘Gahhh, they look so hot in whatever they are wearing now!’ IU’s fangirl mode was on again.

“Annyeonghaseyo, am I late? I’m so sorry!” IU hurried in.

“You’re not late, we just started early so we can learn the steps better. You’re just on time.” Kai smiled.

‘Omg, that smile from him is going to kill me.’


“Please take care of IU, she’s a really bad dancer and I hope you will teach her well!” her manager told the dance instructor and the EXO boys.

“Yah! How can you say that about me in front of EXO!” IU whispered to him while hitting him slightly.

“I’m saying the truth.” He giggled.

“I’m leaving now to have some meetings with the management. Bye for now.” Her manager bowed and left the room.


“Please take care of IU, she’s a really bad dancer and I hope you will teach her well!” her manager told the dance instructor and the EXO boys.
“Yah! How can you say that about me in front of EXO!” IU whispered to him while hitting him slightly.
“I’m saying the truth.” He giggled.
“I’m leaving now to have some meetings with the management. Bye for now.” Her manager bowed and left the room.

"So should i start with some warm up exercises?" IU asked.
"Neh, you can follow me." Sehun stepped forward to help IU with her.
Sehun did some actions and IU followed him.
'Im actually going to practice with IU! Please, i hope i won't screw up on anything.' Sehun thought as he was guiding her.
After some time, IU was done with her warm up and the instructor began to teach her the steps.
"So, in the beginning, the 3 of them enters as backup dancers until the chorus where they will have some interaction with you." The instructor said.

"Try to follow my steps. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." He danced the first part of the song and IU was already clueless.
"Can you repeat that part again?" IU asked and tries to keep up with him as he repeats the steps.

"IU is so cute with the steps!" The three of them were sitting by the side resting.
"Yah! Dont tell me you're going to be like Chanyeol." Kai turned and looked at Lay.
"Bwoh? What happened to him?" Lay asked.
"He came back from practice yesterday and said that he fell in love with IU's voice. He even asked if i has an extra poster of her to spare him." Kai said.
"Ehh, so do you have one? You could spare me too." Lay grinned.
"I guess we should just change our wallpaper to IU's photo collage and form some IU fanclub in our dorm." Kai joked.
"I think by the time this album is done, all 12 of us would end up as IU's fans." Sehun laughed along.

IU was really focused into learning her dance steps that day. She didn't want the progress of the making of the album to be affected because she couldn't dance well.
Also, she didn't want to make a fool out of herself with EXO watching her.




Wow, this is the first time i got 6 upvotes on my first chapter.

Thanks alot for the support! Appreciate those comments and subcriptions too! 

Hope i didn't disappoint you guys XD

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Chapter 15: I was disappointed that HanU didn't happen but I was glad about the ending.
inten17eu #2
Chapter 15: end?? :-(
aaaaaaa.. daebak!
please BaekU ff again...
or sequel of this ff >< hwaiting!
Chapter 15: Are you gonna make another story of EXO and iu
Adh_IU #5
Chapter 15: Omooo.. sequel pleasee T.T xD I'm curiouss 'bout the ending/?
Chapter 15: Owww... that's all? It's too short.tough :( but it's great story.. ^ ^ make another exou story pleasee.... and hope this time will be HanU.. :)
inten17eu #7
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
inten17eu #8
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
Chapter 14: ahaha typical idea no need to credit really :D but thanks anyway lol.