Dream come true

"I'm so tired now!" IU complained as she opened up the bottle handed to her and drank the water.
"Perhaps, you want to go have dinner with us?" Lay suggested.
'DINNER WITH EXO?' IU could feel her heartbeat accelerate at the thought of that.
"N-neh" IU agreed.
"Should we call the others along? I bet they haven't had dinner."Lay took out his phone and was about to call the other members.
'Omgomg am i going to meet them at dinner?! I'm so excited!!!' 
"Kris hyung! Are the guys in the dorm now? Want to have dinner together with IU-ssi here?" Lay asked.
"Oh, neh... Okay then. Same place in 30minutes!" Lay then ended the call.
"So is anyone from EXO-M joining?" Sehun asked.
"Kris is too lazy to move, luhan, xiumin and chen has schedules to attend. So only Tao is joining." Lay answered.
"What about EXO-K?" Lay added.
Sehun immediately took out his phone and dialed for their leader.
"SUHO HYUNG! What are the kids doing now?" Sehun shouted into the phone.
"Isn't he the maknae? Why is he talking like that?" IU asked.
"You will get used to this maknae soon..." Kai answered.

"Okay, meet us in 30minutes !" Sehun ended the call.
"So how's with the K side?" Lay asked.
"Chanyeol was walking around the dorm like a zombie finding food so Suho said he will be coming with him. The others are either not around or attending schedules." Sehun said.
IU was kind of disappointed that she couldn't see all 12 of them again but seeing just a few of the, was enough for her.
"Come on, let's go wash up first before leaving." The 4 of them got up to go change into a fresh set of clothes before leaving the company for the restaurant just opposite.
SM artists frequent the restaurant as it has a room specially reserved for them, so as to prevent the fans and paparazzi from taking photos.

The 4 of them reached the restaurant earlier than the others.
IU was the first to pick her seat around the big round table.
As IU's biggest fanboys in EXO, sehun and kai naturally took the seats next to her, leaving lay no choice but to sit with sehun.

"IU-ssi! Annyeong!" Chanyeol was the first to arrive followed by suho, then Tao.
Chanyeol quickly rushed to get the seat directly opposite of IU while the other 2 just filled in the other seats available.

"Yah, i thought you were dying to get food while we were in the dorm? You're not even looking at the menu now." Suho said while shoving the menu to him.
"Emmm, i'll get this and this then." Chanyeol randomly pointed to 2 dishes in the menu and passed the menu back to suho.
"Lay hyung, make sure you don't be like chanyeol. IU has been in his mind ever since he got back from practice yesterday. I could even hear him singing to IU's songs in the middle of the night." Sehun whispered to lay while looking at chanyeol, who has been staring at IU since he has sat down.
"I've decided! I'll be ordering this!" IU pointed to one of the dishes.
"Anymore? Don't worry, suho hyung will pay for the bill." Kai said.
"Yah, when did i say i was paying?" Suho argued.
"Come on hyung, we all know you are rich. Look at the amount of cards you have! Welcome dinner for IU?" Kai said.
"Aish, fine fine. Only for IU." Suho called for the waiter.

"So IU-ssi, how are you thinking of SM? Still adapting well?" Suho tried to start a conversation while they were waiting for their food to be served.
"Neh, i really like the environment at SM." IU answered.
"IU-ssi, i think there's someone who likes you more than Kai now..." Tao pointed to Chanyeol who had his eyes on IU all the while.
He was listening to every single word she was saying, observing her every action and enjoying her every smile.
"I think he hasn't realised that we are talking about him now," Tao pointed again to the Chanyeol who was obviously not paying attention to what the rest were saying.
"Yah!" Lay hit on chanyeol's head and that finally woke him up from his day dream.
"W-what happened?" Chanyeol caressed his head where it was hit by Lay and asked.
Everyone just laughed.

"WHY AM I EATING ONLY SALAD?!" Chanyeol was shocked to see 2 bowls of vegetables placed in front of him.
"You didn't pay attention when i handed you the menu and randomly pointed to what you saw." Suho said while munching on his piece of meat.
"Am i a cow or something? Why do i need so much vegetable..." Chanyeol looked at his food while regretting not looking at the menu seriously.
"Hahahaha he's so cute with that expression." IU was laughing at chanyeol's what-am-i-going-to-do-with-so-much-vegetables face.
Chanyeol heard IU saying him cute while he blushed and ate his salad.

"Hey guys!" The door of the room opened suddenly while they were enjoying their food.
"Luhan hyung!" Sehun shouted as he saw luhan was the one who came into the room.
"Oh? I thought you had schedules to attend?" Lay asked.
"It ended already. I asked the manager to find out where you guys were and he told me you were having dinner with IU-ssi so i came to join in!" Luhan said as he sat down at the last seat available.
"Luhan-ssi annyeonghaseyo." IU quickly greeted Luhan who joined them last minute.
"Annyeonghaseyo, it's such a great honor to be able to have dinner with you" luhan smiled.
'Ahh that smile! I'm gonna melt ohgosh.'
"Luhan, ordering anything? I'm paying the bills today." Suho said while his mouth is full of food and handed him the menu.
"It's ok, i already ate while on the car just now." Luhan declined.

"So, IU-ssi, you said you were EXO's fan right? Do you have a bias among us?" Luhan asked.
The rest of them were already finishing their food.
'Omo, how am i going to answer that. I'm one of those fangirls who have a hard time deciding in one bias.'
"I love everybody equally!" IU said.
"Isn't that supposed to be like a typical answer? You don't have someone you like more?" Tao asked.
"It's true! Every one of you have different roles in the group and i like how all of you can carry out your roles well. Some of you have great dancing abilities while some with vocals. All these just make you guys so lovable." IU tried to answer it in the calmest way possible, careful not to unveil her fangirl side.
"I think i just fell in love with IU a little bit more." Luhan laughed.
"Like what i suggested to Sehun earlier, we should just create a IU's fanclub at our dorm." Kai said and everyone laughed along.

(Back at IU's dorm)

"Ahhh omg, EXO is so cute!!" IU sat down on the sofa beside her manager.
She then started to recite whatever that was said during the dinner, including the part where chanyeol didn't pay attention to the menu and ended up with 2 salads.
"Be careful when you hang out with them. SM wouldn't be happy if a scandal is formed because these." Her manager warned her.
"Oppa, don't worry. I'll be really careful!" IU skipped back to her room and slept.

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Chapter 15: I was disappointed that HanU didn't happen but I was glad about the ending.
inten17eu #2
Chapter 15: end?? :-(
aaaaaaa.. daebak!
please BaekU ff again...
or sequel of this ff >< hwaiting!
Chapter 15: Are you gonna make another story of EXO and iu
Adh_IU #5
Chapter 15: Omooo.. sequel pleasee T.T xD I'm curiouss 'bout the ending/?
Chapter 15: Owww... that's all? It's too short.tough :( but it's great story.. ^ ^ make another exou story pleasee.... and hope this time will be HanU.. :)
inten17eu #7
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
inten17eu #8
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
Chapter 14: ahaha typical idea no need to credit really :D but thanks anyway lol.