Dream come true

Some time had passed and IU was still reluctant to meet EXO as she was still not sure about her feelings.

She didn’t know if the one she truly liked was Luhan or Baekhyun or was it just a illusion?

Maybe she didn’t like them as a man but just an idol.


(EXO’s dorm)


“Guys! Guess what happening next week!” Kai rushed out from his room to see s gathered in the living room.

“Next week? Is there any special occasion?” Suho walked over to the table and looked at the calendar.

“There’s something written on May 16… IU’S BIRTHDAY!” Suho raised his voice.

“WOOO! Are we gonna celebrate it for her? Yes?” The living room is now filled with chatters as the members decide on what to give her as presents.

“I’ve checked out with her manager and he said that IU has no schedules planned on that day so we could go over to her dorm and surprise her!” Kai was jumping around in excitement.

“Oh yeah! We’re going to meet IU! It’s been such a long time we’ve see her!” Since IU was avoiding them, she didn’t go to SM often or if she were to run into them at the broadcasting station, she would escape from them too.

“So now let’s plan on the surprise!” Sehun shouted.


(On May 16)


IU’s pov


“Thanks for the wishes!” I replied.

Suzy had called to wish me happy birthday even though she is in the middle of a photoshoot! So thoughtful of her.

“Shouldn’t you go back to your photoshoot now?” I asked.

“Yah! Don’t you want to talk to your best friend? I just called and you’re asking me to hang up?” Suzy joked.

“Of course I want to talk to you but your work is important too right?” I said.

“Alright then. I’ll call again soon!” The both of us ended the call.


It was already afternoon and I have already received several calls from my family and best friends but most of them are busy today as they have things to attend to.

That’s why I’m home alone together with manager.

Well, we’re most probably gonna go get dinner together with a cake!


I was lying on the sofa, switching channels on the tv while manager oppa was in the kitchen preparing some snacks.


“Happy Birthday!” The door was opened and a lot of people rushed in.

“EXO?” it took me some time to notice that it was those guys.

“Happy birthday IU! We’re here to celebrate it for you!” Baekhyun appeared with a cake in his hands.

I’m quite thankful that they actually remembered my birthday as I’m a EXO fangirl, remember? It was like a dream come true that your idol remembers your birthday.

I squealed a little in my mind before seeing Baekhyun approach me with the cake.

Okay now, I have to face baekhyun again? Please don’t blush in front of him.

I blew off the candles after they sang the birthday song and immediately, I looked around.

Thank goodness I removed the posters.

“Let’s eat!” Kai raised the plastic bags that he was holding and went into the kitchen.

Some members were walking around my dorm, checking out my shelves and everything until one of them approaches a stack of posters rolled out at the corner…

“Wow, what’s all this?” Chen took one of them and unrolled it.


“It’s our poster!” Chen turned the poster around so that the others could see it too.

“IU has our poster!” Sehun screamed.

Why didn’t I keep those away and left them lying around?

“So are the others our poster too?” Sehun along with a few others went to chen and unrolled a few other.

“Wow, IU really is our fan!” Luhan exclaimed.

Luhan is back to normal now I guess?

Not like the one who was all quiet when I saw him.

“Our merchandise too?” Tao was opening a box left beside the window.

Crap. Why didn’t I keep that?


“This is totally like our dorm! Only that we have the posters on our walls and not rolled up here.” Baekhyun said.

“Oh, why did you put them here? You don’t want us on your walls?” Tao asked with a disappointed face.

His face is so cute and I feel like pinching those cheeks of him.

“I was … em… tidying out my dorm so I err… took them off so I won’t accidentally tear or stain them.” Yes, I lied again.

“So IU really treasured our posters and everything!” Tao’s expression changed into a happy one.

 Oh please, stop looking at that already! It’s gonna make me embarrassed!

“Okay guys, let’s stop looking at these and get back to eating!” Baekhyun pulled the guys back from the corner and sat down in the living room while waiting for D.O to appear with food.

I was so happy when Baekhyun said that. At least he managed to get the guys away from those posters. Did he manage to read my mind?

I think.. I just fell in love with Baekhyun just a little more.


“Food’s ready!” D.O walked out of the kitchen along with a few others.

The cake was already nicely cut into pieces and they have already put the food that they brought over on plates.

“We bought this at our favourite food stalls and I hope you like them too!” D.O said while holding up the plate.

“Thanks a lot! I love it!” I picked a piece of the fried chicken and put it into my mouth.

It was delicious! I guess that’s the reason why it was their favourite stall.

“You should try this!” Luhan handed me a small plate of ddokbboki with a toothpick.

“Gomawo!” I took the plate and started eating.

Hang on. I didn’t feel anything when Luhan handed me that and I looked directly into his eyes when I said thanks!

That’s strange…

Did my feelings for him faded? Or it was kind of ‘transferred’ to Baekhyun?

“Want a drink?” Baekhyun offered me a cup of cola.

“Thanks!” I gladly accepted and before I knew it, the same feeling struck me.

My heart was beating faster again and yes, I was confirmed that the one I really liked is Baekhyun now.

I’m so sorry Luhan…


The day ended quickly and EXO left my dorm at about 8pm since they have schedules the next day.

“Suzy-ah!” I dialled for Suzy immediately after they left.

“Annyeong! You called just when I stepped into my form!” Suzy said.

“Ottokhae?!” I said.

“Wae? What’s wrong?” Suzy sounds worried.

“I-I think… I-I’m in l-love with B…B-Baekhyun now.” I stuttered.

“Bwoh?! Didn’t you call to tell me you like Luhan last time and HanU was all over the news after your concert? And now it’s BaekU?” Suzy was shocked. I mean, who wouldn’t be?

“I was at the practice room some time ago and that’s when I fell for his voice! Just now, they came over to celebrate my birthday and I realised, my feelings for Luhan sort or faded! I didn’t feel the same for him anymore. My heart doesn’t beats faster when I see him! But when I see Baekhyun, I can feel my face warm up and I just feel like finding a hole to hide myself!” I explained.

“Oh well, if that’s what you’re feeling, go for it!”


“You’ve confirmed that you like Baekhyun right? Then go confess to him!” Suzy sounded so excited.

“What if… What if he don’t like me?!” I asked.

“Oh come on, you never know until you ask him!”

“But I… I…”

“Or do you want me to help you out?” I could totally imagine her smirking face when saying this.

“No way! I think I can handle it myself.” I answered.

“You sure?”

“I-I think so?” I stuttered.

“Well, good luck on confessing then! I want good news the next time you call me!”

We continued chatting for a while more before we finally hang up.


I lie down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Images of Baekhyun started to form in my head and it sets me wondering.

Sometimes, I really don’t understand my heart.

How did my feelings for someone change so quickly?

It was Luhan a while ago and now Baekhyun?

How do I even confess to him? …




Yay an update! I'm so excited now! My orientation camp is next week yay! 

Hope i get to make new friends before school starts!

Also special thanks to Fomizza ! She gave me the idea about EXO visiting IU's dorm! 

Thanks alot for the wonderful idea!

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Chapter 15: I was disappointed that HanU didn't happen but I was glad about the ending.
inten17eu #2
Chapter 15: end?? :-(
aaaaaaa.. daebak!
please BaekU ff again...
or sequel of this ff >< hwaiting!
Chapter 15: Are you gonna make another story of EXO and iu
Adh_IU #5
Chapter 15: Omooo.. sequel pleasee T.T xD I'm curiouss 'bout the ending/?
Chapter 15: Owww... that's all? It's too short.tough :( but it's great story.. ^ ^ make another exou story pleasee.... and hope this time will be HanU.. :)
inten17eu #7
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
inten17eu #8
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
Chapter 14: ahaha typical idea no need to credit really :D but thanks anyway lol.