Dream come true

IU’s pov


“Baby!” Baekhyun said as soon as I picked up his call.

“Why are you calling so late?” I’m actually a little tired after the long day.

It is already January and I’m busy with the promotions and all.

“I saw my script for tomorrow’s inkigayo and you’re going to be there!” Baekhyun said.

“Really?” I wasn’t sure of my schedule since my manager was the one in charge of it.

“Why are you so emotionless to me? Are you still angry?” Baekhyun asked.

“Angry? About what?” I’m so busy that I even forgot what I was angry about.


(Flashback) IU’s pov


I was taking a break in one of the so called resting rooms in SM.

Looking out of the window, I could see couples on the streets, walking hand in hand.

I was really jealous of them being able to do that.

The public is not aware about Baekhyun and my relationship so we could only date in the practice room.


“Jieunnie!” Baekhyun was also practicing for EXO’s comeback and I told him to come find me here if there’s a break.

“You’ve been practicing hard right? I can tell it from your shirt…” Yeah, Baekhyun’s shirt was all wet.

Most probably from all the sweat after practice.

“Did my baby miss me?” Baekhyun asked as he took a sip of coffee from my cup.

“Of course I miss you!” I answered.


“Baekhyun-ah, I have been thinking of something lately and I was wondering if we could…” I paused.

“Could what?” Baekhyun looked at me.

“Look at those couples outside!” I pointed.

Baekhyun turned and looked out the window.

“Those couples are walking hand in hand on the streets and they seem to be really happy!” I said.

“Yeah, I can see the happy faces on their faces!” Baekhyun answered.

“So… I was thinking… when will we be able to go public and walk on the streets like that?” I pointed to one of the couples on the streets.

“JIeun-ah, you know we can’t. As idols, we weren’t even supposed to date. We never know if our fans will be accept us being together and it may caused our careers as idols to end. EXO can also be affected if a scandal of us arise and I…” I stopped him from talking.

“It’s okay. I understand…” I said.

“Have to get back to practice now. Bye for now.” I stood up and left the place.


(End of flashback)


“Angry? About what?” I’m so busy that I even forgot what I was angry about.

“About us going public!” Baekhyun reminded me.

“Oh. I totally forgot about it. Must be because I’m too tired lately.” I said.

“Take a good rest today! I have a surprise for you on inkigayo tomorrow! Look forward to it!” I was confused about what surprise he was referring to but I decided not to ask further since he said it was a surprise.



(Next day at inkigayo)


‘Even though promotions are tired, I still love being in this outfit!’ I looked at the mirror, admiring the outfit that coordi noona picked for me.

“IU-ssi! You’re up on stage in 5minutes! Get ready!” A staff informed me.



Baekhyun’s pov


I looked at the script once again to confirm that the next singer I’m introducing is IU.

“Baekhyun-ah, the song is ending soon.” Suho hyung reminded me and we both got up to get ready.”



“Wow! The next singer we’ll be having is IU-ssi who is having her comeback stage!” Suho announced.

“Neh! I was so mesmerised by her angelic voice when I first listened to it!” I followed the script.

“Now, let’s welcome…” ‘IU-ssi’s comeback stage’ were supposed to be the next words but I stopped Suho and cut him.

“Let’s welcome my girlfriend’s stage!” I announced happily and the cameras were immediately back on IU.


“Byun Baekhyun! That wasn’t on the script! Are you planning to go public?!” Suho hyung asked.

The staffs were all looking at me, questioning why I said that.

“I’m so sorry but, IU and I are a couple. So sorry for hiding this!” I bowed down to the staffs.

“Baekhyun! Are you mad!” Suho screamed at me.

“Jieun asked me about going public and I thought about it…” I told him.

“We’re going to be in deep trouble if the company finds out about this…” I looked at IU who’s performing on the stage.

She seems too calm. Maybe she didn’t hear what I said…


“Oh no guys…” a staff came running in with a mobile device in his hand.

“What’s wrong?” another staff asked.

“Our SNS is now flooded with questions about what Baekhyun just said about IU! Now they are demanding answer about the girlfriend part!” the staff showed me the questions posted by the viewers.

“No choice then, I’ll explain at the end of the show.” I said.

“Is there enough time for that?” the staff asked the director.

“We’ll shorten the commercial breaks later. Get baekhyun to prepare what he’s gonna say later.” The director said.

“Thanks! I’m really sorry for stirring up all these trouble!” I bowed down and apologised.

“Quick quick! IU’s song is ending!” the staff informed us and we got back to our positions to introduce the next singer.



“Congratulations!” We were congratulating the singer who won first on this episode and gave him some time to make a thank you speech while I was exchanging eye-contact with IU.

She seems worried so I think she now knows what I said during her introduction.

“Neh! Now we’re gonna give Baekhyun some time to talk!” Suho said and I quickly stepped forward.

“Ah neh! I wanted to talk about what I said during IU’s introduction since many of you have asked in our SNS…” I paused for awhile.

“IU and me have been dating for the past few months and I hope our fans will accept us!” I bowed down to the camera.

Most of the idols behind me gasped.


IU’s pov


“IU and me have been dating for the past few months and I hope our fans will accept us!”


Did Baekhyun just announce our relationship?!

I looked around and all the idols were staring at me, some with their mouths wide open.

I was really shocked that Baekhyun would say such things.

I mean, he has never discussed with me on that!

When I asked him about going public, he was lecturing me about how we could lose our career and I thought there’s no way he would agree on going public.

Even though I’m mad at him for announcing it without discussing with me, I still felt happy in my heart that we can finally go date in public and there will be no need to hide our relationship anymore.

“Hope all our fans would accept Baekhyun and IU’s relationship. With that, this is the end of today’s inkigayo! Let’s meet again next week!” Suho ended the show.


As soon as the cameras were off, the idols came to me and congratulate me.

I was still shocked so I just shook their hands and smiled my way through.


I quickly made my way back to the waiting room and Baekhyun followed me there.

“Do you even know what you were doing back there?” I asked him.

“Yes and I’m really certain I want the public to know us being together.” He said.

“But weren’t you afraid that going public will cause us to lose our career as idols?” I asked.

“I’m willing to lose anything for you. I just need to have you in my life.” Hearing this makes me happy.

“But… what will the company do now…” Now I’m worried about what the company will do to us after going public…” I expressed my concern and Baekhyun suddenly hugged me from behind.

“We’ll face the company together. No matter what they do, they won’t separate us…” Baekhyun kissed my cheeks.




So well, it's finally the end of the story!

Thanks for all your support for this story! Thanks for all the subcriptions, comments and upvotes! Really appreciated it a lot! 

I'm quite busy with my schoolwork now so maybe i'll be back with a new story when it's holiday! 

Thanks alot!! 

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Chapter 15: I was disappointed that HanU didn't happen but I was glad about the ending.
inten17eu #2
Chapter 15: end?? :-(
aaaaaaa.. daebak!
please BaekU ff again...
or sequel of this ff >< hwaiting!
Chapter 15: Are you gonna make another story of EXO and iu
Adh_IU #5
Chapter 15: Omooo.. sequel pleasee T.T xD I'm curiouss 'bout the ending/?
Chapter 15: Owww... that's all? It's too short.tough :( but it's great story.. ^ ^ make another exou story pleasee.... and hope this time will be HanU.. :)
inten17eu #7
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
inten17eu #8
Chapter 13: finally BaekU ^^
BaekU!! BaekU!! BaekU!! xD
Chapter 14: ahaha typical idea no need to credit really :D but thanks anyway lol.