
My Caveman Jongin

You were currently standing at the back part of sofa while holding a glass of water and a medicine for Jongin. He was just sitting in the couch facing back at you while watching television that he can barely understand what was happening.


“Hey…” you said as you poked him in his shoulder.


“Mm?” Jongin asked as he looked back at you in just a swift as if he was just waiting for you to call him.


You were suddenly taken back at his quick move and upon seeing him smiling with sparkling puppy eyes.


“B-bwoya…what’s wrong with you” you said as you looked away.


You asked him what’s wrong with him when obviously it’s you who doesn’t know what’s wrong with yourself. You then just shrugged the look of his face on your thoughts and passed him the glass of water and the medicine. He stopped staring at you and took what you gave him and just looked at it.


 “That small capsule is a medicine to help you recover with your illness, uhm…gulp it with water” You explained.


He catched on quickly what you have said so he followed your instruction and gulped the medicine in just one try. He smiled to you after he drunk and not you knowing you smiled back to him and patted his head.


“Good boy” You said and grab the empty glass from him and walked directly to the kitchen.


You place the glass in the sink and upon turning back he was already right in your face – well your eyes directly looking at his lips because of height difference. You gulped forming a big lump in your throat when you just realize how plump and fluffy his lips are, and looking it that real close made it look even more attractive than they already are.


“Flower~” You heard and at the same time saw him mouthing – as you were staring at his lips.


You looked up to him and you saw him looking down to you, directly in the eyes. Your eyes bulge out and you move away from him in real quick. You were now blushing and you can feel your ears heating in both embarrassment and…?


“ehem! EHEM..Ehem my throats kindda weird eheeeeem” you fake cough as you walk away distant from him.


And because you are coughing, and because he cares for you, he followed you without you knowing and patted your back gently that suddenly made you felt chills. You froze at your spot as you felt the electricity from your neighbourhood entering your whole body.  His touch just gave you electric shocks that can supply six computer shops. 


“Flower? Okay?” He asked worried, while patting – more like rubbing your back up and down...slowly.


“Ahh ehh I’m ahhh fine ahhh….Aaaaaaish darn this!” You finally gave up and you swiftly move away from him while looking at him.


“D-don’t touch me like that again..A-arachii!?? We have different you’re a boy I’m a girl and we..just..uhm…you just can’t just AHH! I don’t know! just don’t touch me like that”


Jongin just stayed silent not knowing what he did wrong but later on nodded just for the sake of you not getting angry of him. You gave him thumbs up as you saw him nod. Suddenly you felt shivers in your spinal cord when you remember his touch just minute ago.


“Brr…Is it cold…no? hot? What’s wrong with me jeez” You shook your head as you said it and went to the bathroom to take a shower even you just took a bath just earlier.


Jongin just looked at you, confused at your every action.


- - -


*ding dong*


You heard from the laundry room. You are currently doing laundry – obviously. Jongin on the other hand run to you from the living room as he himself heard the doorbell. You looked at him standing in front of the room and pointing at the entrance door.


“Flower…ding dong” he said trying to copy its sound making you chuckle.


“I think it’s the delivery go get it Jongin I’ll follow you I’ll just wash my hands”


He followed your order like a good kid and went for the door. He saw a guy holding boxes on his hands. And since it’s a GUY, Jongin’s eyebrow twitched while looking at him. He wondered why there’s a guy there and now he forgot what you have told him earlier.


“What” Jongin asked in monotone but if looks could kill the delivery guy may have been buried already.


“A-annyeong hassaeyo Chickenfly delivery…H-here’s your order sir…” The guy said and passed the boxes to Jongin looking down, not wanting to have eye contact with him. And since the guy is shorter than Jongin the more he felt scared to him.


“What” Jongin asked again as if he’s asking what is he still doing there when he already have the boxes he wanted to give. You were not even around but he already felt jealousy all over his body. He felt over protective to you that he became so manly.

“Hey” You spoke coming from inside the house. After you washed your hands that have bubble foam you went to your room and grab your wallet. When you went to their place the aura is kind of weird.


When Jongin heard you, his eyes that were killing the presence of the delivery guy while ago turned into a puppy eyes again.




“What’s happening here? By the way you can bring those inside now”


You command Jongin and being the obedient caveman he is, he followed right away. You took money from your wallet stopped when the delivery guy suddenly talked - more like whispered to you because of how soft it was said.


 “Mam your boyfriend is scary” although it was soft you heard it very clear that you chocked on your own saliva upon hearing it.


“W-what!? Ya! First of all he’s not my b-boyfriend! Second of all he’s not scary! And..and third of all here…here’s my payment” You said and gave it, you thanked him and bowed to him and shut the door closed right away as you already felt your cheeks heating up.


“What a weird couple” You overheard the guy talking from the closed door but instead of being angry the word “couple” just made you blush more.


“W-what’s wrong with everything seriously?” you said and shook your head to get your mind straight again.


- - -


“This is fried chicken it came from the chicken obviously…you know that goes quack quack…no I mean how does it even sound” You said while trying to figure out how to explain what a fried chicken is. Jongin there was just looking at you in amusement.


“Ah the one goes cockadoodledooo~ every morning thats it, and it was fried and bwola~ go taste it” You said and grab a mouthful chicken legs.


Jongin grab what you have passed to him. He looked at it first and slowly he was placing it in his mouth.  He then slowly bites on it and the crunchiness of it can be proven just by hearing it from his hard bites. Upon nibbling its crunchy skin, juices from the meat overflows his mouth and the steam from freshly cooked chicken can be seen. His curvy adams-apple moved up upon gulping it down and then he suddenly tightly closed his eyes and his head automatically faced upwards as if he was feeling some sensation down in his digestive system. He felt like his mouth is being pleasured by the taste of chicken that he just experienced to taste. He continued eating it in fast pace and upon cleaning the meat from the bone; he then his fingers that still have chicken crunches left on it.


You on the other hand were watching the whole scene, and you’re not even watching any dirty film but swear to the graciousness it made you sweat real hard.    


“J-jongin…” you said gulping while looking at him, still his fingers looking back at you.

“You can eat all the chicken, I don’t mind” you added obviously enjoying your view.




- - -



“Caveman! Come here” You called him from you room.


Jongin run quickly going to you and sat beside you, on your bed. You pulled a box from a paper bag and place it on the bed. The caveman just quietly observes everything you are doing. From the box, you opened its casing and grab the phone that was on it. It was the phone that you bought when you are with Minah before. You handed the phone to Jongin and he just looked at it, puzzled.


“I bought that for you. That is what we called ‘phone’ we use it when communicating to other people who are in a far distance”


“…” Jongin repeated while still looking at it.


You then grab your own phone and dialled the number of Jongin’s phone (which you already saved beforehand). Suddenly his phone rang that surprised him that he almost drop it but good thing he catched it right away.


“flower…flower…” he panicked as the phone won’t stop ringing.


“When it's making sound like that it means someone is calling, when someone is calling you should press this” you explained and he just watched there amused at the small amazing object.


“Now put it in your ears” You said and so he did. You sneak out fast without him seeing and went outside the room not so far, while still holding your own phone.


“Hello Jongin can you hear me?” You said through phone.


He looked around to see where it came from, and since you can see him from the open door you can see what he was doing.


“I’m speaking through phone pabo” you chuckled while looking at him so confused of everything.


He shook the phone first trying to let you escape from the small thing then he looked at it and put it back to his ear - finally.  


“Look outside the door, I’m here silly” You said and chuckled again as you saw him slowly turning head to your location.


He looked at the phone then looked at you again as if he’s wondering how it is even possible.


“This is how this thing works, however far the place we are from each other we can still talk”


Jongin nodded while still amused by the object. You then enter your room again and sat beside him. You ended the call from both phone and when done you saved your number to his phone.


“Look this word with flower…wait I’m not saying I already approve my nickname as flower okay, but oh well this name is read as ‘Flower’ and it has a flower clipart on it so you would easily remember. If you will call me you just press this and wait for me to answer then we can have conversation again, BUT remember just call me if it is important okay?” you explained thoroughly and he nodded understanding everything you’ve said.


While looking at the phone suddenly Jongin pressed the shortcut key for camera and suddenly his face appeared on screen – since it’s on front cam.


“Flower…Jongin…” he said as he saw his face. He looked at it more and do some random cute pose, amused at his own face.


You saw what he’s doing and you hide your giggles. You grab him his phone and place it upwards doing selca mode.


“This is a camera and then 1, 2, 3 snap” You don’t even bother to explain it and just took a picture. To your surprise the picture came out…


“Why are you looking at me…” You said kind of shy and embarassed.


The image came out were you are looking at the camera posing your heart out while he was just staring at you. You glanced at the picture more and decided to send it to your phone because you find it cute, and besides it was your first selca with him.


“Here if such things pop out again you can just press this, this is back button. By the way you can take it now, just remember the things I have said okay? I still have work tomorrow good night caveman~” You said but he was just still there.


“Ya what the heck I said goodnight okay? night, go out now nightyyy” You said while gently pushing him out of your room. “Bye~” You said and finally closed the door.


He was just left there scratching his head, he then decided to just go back to his room and let his flower sleep knowing that you will go away again tomorrow.


Jongin went to his bed, placing the phone at the desk beside, and then lay flat his back to rest. He’s not yet sleepy tho, so he looked at his new phone again thinking if he could at least explore that thing. He held on to it again and opened it. He just remember how he opened the camera a while ago and wanted to see his face again – not that he’s narcissist lol – he was just amaze how a mirror can capture image. He then do some silly pose but he’s not capturing it (since he doesn’t know) Just then when he did a simple yet breath catching normal smile he un-intentionally doubled tap the screen and it suddenly capture his current pose.


He stared at the phone for a while and he was shocked that his face wasn’t moving any more, since the last picture that was taken was still in the screen. He got so confused so he tap and tap the screen of it and not him knowing, it was already in the sending mode and since he kept on tapping more - and since you are the only one in his contact list, his smiling selca was just then sent to you. When it was finally sent, Jongin then remembered that the back button is the most powerful button. He just clicked and clicked back button and it finally came back to the Home. The caveman finally gave up on exploring and just slept.

On the other hand, you just finished washing up and you went straight to your bed, you were already planning to doze off just when your phone suddenly beeps. You open the message right away and to your surprise…

"Oh my God how did he even?.....wait holy cow this is precious.......this pic deserve a space in my memory card......////imma save it gosh"

...a selca of caveman next door smiling genuinely appeared.





Annyeong annyeong!!
Guys i'm depressed :<

I feel like deleting all my unfinished stories, like delete 'em all.
When I update just 2 to 3 person only comment when I actually have 800+ Subbies TT^TT

Any comments are appreciated...just comment....I need inpiration and ideas
Okay so much for that, still thank you for reading everyone!  Love you love you!!

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Chapter 17: and they live happily ever after
wow!! cute story!!
Chapter 17: Awwwww jongin!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥ pls update! Is beautiful story !
Chapter 17: Wlwlowowoowoowowow so good
His what is so cutee
Her Mom died from laughing too much HAHAHA WOW
Chapter 17: authornim i wonder if you actually know your username by heart lmfao
good job !
ImHot1130 #8
Chapter 17: I'm IN LOVE with this story ! Congratz btw !! Please update soon
Please update !!!!!! I love this story