
His bride in order to pay my debts


Early the next morning, her cell rang. She blindly searched for it around her pillow. When she finally caught it, she put it to her ear and groggily answered.


“It’s me, I’m in front of your house. Come down right now!” a firm voice ordered.

“Me? Who is me?”

“Kim Myungsoo, you fiancée!”

She immediately sat up and looked at the windows “What are you doing here?”

“What else for the pay back? Go down now!” he shouted before hanging up.

“Freaking little-“She blew a raspberry, “I don’t wanna go. He’ll just be mean to me.” She reluctantly wears a vest and rejoined him.

She ruffled her hair annoyed as she appeared in front of him “What do you want?!

L held out a paper.

“What is this?” she asked.

“A contract.” He stated.

“A…contract?” she blinked, dumbfounded.

“Well, it’ll be comfortable for you and me if there is this sort of thing”

She snatched it from his hands and began to read it “6 months terms 1. Don’t interfere in each other’s life. Whatever I do is my business. Whatever you do is your business. 2. We have to appear all lovey-dovey in front of everyone. 3. It has to be as real as possible, so when there is a party we have to appear together 4.We can date anyone just don’t get caught 5.Don’t embarrassed the other party”

He stared at her waiting for her answer “So, what do you think?”

“It’s ok for me”

He hands her a pen and she signed it.

“And this one is for you” he hands her another copy of the contract with his sign on it.

“Thanks” She gave him back his pen.

“Good, tonight, I will pick you up at 7PM. It is ok?”

“Mwoh?? Wae?” She exclaimed.

“My parent saw it and they want to meet you tonight”

Before she could say something, he already left.

“Aissh, this boy!”


“BAE EUNMI!” A growly voice snapped her out of her mind; she turned around to see her butler.

*Damn, I’m a dead meat!* she though while biting her lower lips with an excuse expression. 



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Ah... I just finish reading this story but I want more. This is too short make a sequel please
Kyeopta! I want sequel please? ^^
That was so cute! Such an epic ending! <3
kim_sensei88 #5
is there any sequel of this story?i really love this story^^
ilovekhj #6
Eunmi has spunk, but really naive at times. LOL. I like your story. Chapter 1 reminded me of 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant a bit. <br />
Entertaining read. :D
xxIMYxx #7
nIcE eNdInG :)
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
Happy ending!!! ^^
I don't this to end TT-TT at least there's no more problems but bbomb shouldve ended up with someone!!!