
His bride in order to pay my debts


It was the D-day. Eunmi was waiting anxiously and nervously in her bridal room. L’s mom was arranging her hair while she was playing with her fingers *in what kind of boat did I went on?! There will be many people*

Out of nowhere, a pair of hands posed on hers, she looked up to see Mrs Kim who smiles warmly.

“Don’t get too stress, it will be alright. Everything will be fine” she said and went out of the room.

 *I can’t do this. I still have time to run for it* she thought while looking at the clock. However her butler just went in and blocked the vision of the time.

“Eunmi-ah, if that playboy makes you cry, tell me. I will crash him into pieces. And don’t forget, if he tries to make something weird to you, kick him as hard as possible in his manhood. Ok?” he winked at her.

She beamed and nodded.

“It’s time” L’s mother said as she opened the door.

She lifted her head and walked to the entrance before inserting her hand into his arm.

The wedding march started. Walking down the red carpet, she could feel an uneasy feeling inside her. Her heartbeat keeps increased.

Everyone gasped at her beauty.

L slowly turned his head when he heard the song playing. His mouth dropped open and his eyes almost burst out of its sockets. She looked dazzlingly beautiful. Your milky porcelain skin glowed brighter as she approached him. The wedding dress showed off her S-line body.

When they reached the podium, her dad gave Myungsoo her hand, “Take good care of her, please.”
He bowed.

After exchanging vows and rings, the time that she feared the most comes, the kissing part.

“Now you may kiss your bride!” the priest announced.

He pushed the veil back while she swallowed hard *Adieu first kiss, it will be taken by the person, I hate the most in this world*

He cupped her chin while gazing at her cherry luscious lips. All she wanted is to end this as soon as possible.

L leaned in and gently pressed his lips against hers.

For some reason, he didn’t want to release her yet and deepened the kiss. Eunmi who is not completely dumb, stopped him by pinching his arms on the side of the prey so nobody could see it.

He slowly pulled back.

L cleared his throat then held out his arm. She glanced at him then took it. As they walked down the aisles they smiled and at everyone. However on the way she could hear him mumble “You owned me another one for the pinch”

*Welcome to Hell* She sighed.


The reception was filled by laughed and chats. As usual Myungsoo left her alone so she walked around.

A light tapped on her shoulders made her startled. She turned around to see Minhyuk.

He softly smiles at her “Annyeong~”

“Oh, Annyeong Minhyuk!”

“You are really pretty today”

She pouted and put her hands on her waist “Because normally, I’m ugly?!”

He eagerly waved in panic “No, I don’t mind—“ he was cut off by her laugh “hahaha, I was joking”

“Anyway, are you bored?” he asked her.

“A little bit”

A huge smiled came across his face “Then follow me”

In the hallway, B-Bomb will tell her jokes so she can laugh more. He likes the way she laughed and smiled.

All of sudden, she stopped, her expression became blank. He turned his head to look at what she looking.

In front of them, Myungsoo and Hyuna were kissing passionately. Eunmi didn’t know why, but depression was invading her mind.

Minhyuk softly patted her back *so I was right, this marriage is just a mascaraed*

Without a word, Eunmi turned around and went back to the reception room. 



B-Bomb suspicious much? LOL 

Don't worry, Hyuna won't have a bad personality here. Since I like her so much, I can't xD. Just find that she suited this role kekeke. 

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Ah... I just finish reading this story but I want more. This is too short make a sequel please
Kyeopta! I want sequel please? ^^
That was so cute! Such an epic ending! <3
kim_sensei88 #5
is there any sequel of this story?i really love this story^^
ilovekhj #6
Eunmi has spunk, but really naive at times. LOL. I like your story. Chapter 1 reminded me of 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant a bit. <br />
Entertaining read. :D
xxIMYxx #7
nIcE eNdInG :)
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
Happy ending!!! ^^
I don't this to end TT-TT at least there's no more problems but bbomb shouldve ended up with someone!!!