
The Tutor


A/N: Finally back! I'm sorry for the delay but I just want to finish flight to desires then focus on this to the last chapter.


I've realized that I've finished at least four chaptered fics while still writing this. It has been long so I decided to finish this first and then go on with my next fics, stopping myself from overlapping OTL.


Long update since I was so delay lol.


So Enjoy!




"Okay, I'll check up on the said documents for follow-ups tomorrow to make sure that the clients have it by thursday. Yes, please do. And if you would respect, I will not be answering any company matters after this call has ended. I'm sorry. Yes. It's okay. Thank you. Bye."




ing frustrating.


I've told them I'm on vacation and that call was their fifth making me missed out a volleyball match, some barbecue, and let Eveony wait for me before we ride the Jet Ski. Why can't they stop trying to be so annoying?


I yanked my hair and hissed, shuddering as I felt the slight squeeze in my lungs. I was so in demand in work but I can't just let it go in the way with my time I have for Eveony. I set my priorities straight which means my attention was now on her, just having fun and not loading my head with stubborn work. At least she understood it and with that I wanted to marry her more.


I continued to growl while I'm on my way out to the lobby. But I noticed someone familiar making her way towards the stairs while holding out a big corrugated box almost the same height as she was. My manly ego told me to jump right there and save her from torture.


"Oh, Jesus thanks." she cried in relief, swinging her arms tiredly.


"Yeah, where's your husband? He should be the one holding this not you." I chuckled when I saw her fanning herself excessively, too much oily liquid dripped onto her skin. She probably carried this from the beach up to here.


"He's with the baby, we are in the middle of a switch shift." she chirped running upstairs to catch up on the other side of the box. I smiled when she grinned at me.


"Is he -feeding?" I blurted out. Her snorting laugh stirred in the air so happily I was able to reduce the frustration I'm dealing with.


"He can try but I'm sure no milk would leak out there." she said turning her head towards the nearest door to the left and opened it. "Let's put the box here."


"What's inside anyway? It's not that heavy." I said placing the box on the right side of the empty space room. I looked around and found child murals on the wall. Bright colorful smiling baby faces greeted me.


"It's just those puzzle mats. I'm putting up a day care here. Since Sungmin wants a favorable place for the baby to stay."


"Pretty nice." I gazed through the murals and the other stuffs that were included inside, mostly consisting of non-chewable toys and stuff animals. I walked towards the little wooden rocking horse on the other side of the wall and laughed at it because I was trying to stop my urge from sitting on it. I was also thinking what it’s like to have my own child play with this. I’ll definitely buy it.


Sunny gaped at me with a beam crossed all over her face.


"Go ahead and sit on that, it's not gonna break."


"Nah. You might take a picture and blackmail me for it." I joked but Sunny gasped and I realized she was already holding her hand phone. It was a good thing I have fast mind reflex.


"Would you mind putting these mats first before we go downstairs? I really need help. Sungmin's parents are going to check up a little later so at least I have to impress them with my little contribution." she said, laying out the puzzle pieces flat on the ground.


"Mm. Sure. I guess." I retorted stretching my back before curling down in the floor.


We stayed there for a while, putting up the puzzle mats together on the floor. I guess it was okay to help her since she said that the skis were still warming up and she saw Eve talking to Taeyon and Minho for company. We were in the last batch when Sunny poked me by the arm and giggled.


"So, of all girls you could get in to bed with that godly looks of yours, what does Eve had that occupied your taste?"


I turned to her and gave her a wicked smile.


"So much for asking what do I like about her huh? But I acknowledge your vocabulary."


She giggled flirtatiously.


"Yeah, so? C'mon spit it."


I shifted and sat on the floor, gazing at those pretty colorful drawings on the wall. It reminded me of Eve's face with her humorous make-up. It was so powerful it struck me like lightning.


"She...was weird." I said blankly. Sunny snorted patting her hand on her lap.


"I know...I know..."


"But she's really kind and beautiful. A lot may not see it but Eve is such a wonderful girl. She was feisty when she first entered our school but suddenly...little by little she started to change...and then I soon realized I was already falling for her." I hummed to myself, picturing every single smile Eveony flashed on me, which unknowingly would make my heart leap from the pleasure of seeing it.


I also realized how much I opened up with Sunny. She makes the atmosphere so vibrant and comfortable. I guess her name speaks for herself.


She handed me the last pieces of the mats and sat near my side, looking at a far away distance.


"You know her past right?"


I hesitated. Eveony doesn't like talking about her past. She usually avoids the subject with me and I respect that. But I guess hearing it from Sunny wouldn't hurt. Maybe in fact, it could make me understand her more.


"I know she doesn't have that good relationship with her dad and her dad's girlfriend." I replied, turning over to fix the last mats on my hand.


"Yeah, she's really a rebel and a rotten bad girl in school. Everyone hates her because she's mean and mostly gets the guys because of her pretty face. She's also stupid sometimes but smart enough to not give herself to anyone that much."


"Wow...that's a lot." I was amused.


"But aside from all of that, I saw her real self. When her mother died and knowing that her father cheated, it was really hard for her, so much she became like that. But that's not the real Eveony.And I knew she was just as sweet and lovely as Taeyon, or maybe even better. That's why I didn't leave her. Because I know she needs someone to let her stay strong. A shoulder she can lean her head on when she needs it." Sunny turned to me and her lips curved into happiness.


"That's why I was also glad that she met a guy like you. You made yourself a big part of her life now and have been together for years. I don't have doubts saying that you changed her, for the better." She gave me a warm pat in the back and stood up, fixing her creased skirt. I stoop up as well, taking the moment to sink in the words Sunny said.


"You're coming back with us right?"




"Then I guess it won't be too hard for me to say it to her." Sunny's bright smile disappeared. I looked down on her and she immediately took my hand.


"Her father is going to marry his girlfriend. He had been waiting long for Eve's approval, hoping that after the years that Eve was gone, she would let him have his piece with the woman. But I am worried still that Eve might not accept it and becomes rebellious again." her voice mellowed down and her eyes brought me back to Eve's past. I shook the thought away and gripped her hand in a soft but tight manner.


"I wouldn't allow her. Don't worry." I softly said, putting our hands down. Her smile came back again with a sigh of relief. It has been years now. I'm sure she can accept it and move on already.


"For some reasons everyone seems to be thinking of marriage." Sunny giggled.


"Yeah...I've...you know...asked her too." I murmured but I'm sure she heard it, squealing and jumping in front of me.


"Oh my god really?! That's great! Oh weddings! Weddings everywhere!"


Our conversation would have lasted but someone interrupted us from what seems like he had banged the door opened. Sungmin stood there panting heavily and his eyes strained with worry.


The feeling was not good as if he came here to say something I wouldn't want to know.


"Something happened to Eveony."


And I bolted out of the door before he could even finish her name.




"What's taking him so long?" I puffed out, a little annoyed. Taeyon and Minho left me already and brought themselves back at the beach with their jet ski, enjoying the feel of riding over water. I sighed and started wiggling my toes under the sand. The afternoon beach was nice, still warm, but nice enough. It was a great stress reliever for Jinki after all the work he had. He was having a hard time in work and a few weeks ago, he resigned from his first job and transferred to Taeyon's company where his father works as well. I don't know the full details but when he transferred, he got busier. So I was really glad he could unwind for a bit. But his up there doing business calls.


I sighed and just pouted at my toes protruding out of the sand.


"Hi Eve, what are you doing here?" Jessica appeared beside me with a new guy to introduce.


"I'm waiting for Jinki. He's on business call." I said as she turned her head back when the guy beside her left. "Who's the guy?"


Jessica giggled, "He's my boyfriend."


"Oh, well he does look ten times hotter than Jinki." I flattered her but no way could that guy beat my man even if he looked like a living beast with his body.


Jessica laughed and sat beside me. I tilted my head back and forth expecting to see someone other than her boyfriend.


"Where's Kris?" I asked bluntly.


"Oh? Kris? I dunno, he was on his own." Jessica just shrugged and soon jumped out beside me when her boyfriend called her out.


"See yah!" she waved me goodbye.


I just shrugged and got up. Maybe I should just take a walk around the resort, the place was big. I just have to give Jinki a call where he could find me. And maybe have our little alone time.


I giggled at the thought.


As I was exploring, I walked into some sort of building behind the cottages. It was still on construction but it was already half done and a contractor said that It was safe go inside. It was surprising to see an Olympic size swimming pool waiting for me. I gasped out and run to the farthest side, wondering how deep it was. So I sat there by the edge and dipped my feet up to my knee in the water, playing at it.


I saw my reflection on the ripples and smiled. That Eveony on that very reflection was the Eveony I wanted to be back for the longest time. The happy and contented Eveony where she can smile and be proud of what she has now by the years of learning. I saw Jinki's reflection beside me. I knew he was not here but that reflection was created by my imagination. He was all smiles as he looked back at me and put his hand on my shoulder. I touched that part of my shoulder where his hand existed and it was warm, like he had been with me all along.


"I love you." I mumbled through the water seeing his lips curving up and his eyes smiling while mouthing the words back.


My imagination pleased me as I see myself wearing a wedding gown and Jinki standing handsomely beside me while we walked towards the altar. How I love to see that running thought comes true.


"Teehee, I better send a message to Jinki. This is a great place to-"


Splash! Something went into the water and I choked and lose my breath immediately, realizing that it was me.


I felt a hard push on my back which caused me to fall deep into the pool.  I was so scared and I panicked that I couldn't reach the end. It was so deep and I was struggling hard to swim up but somehow I was being dragged down. The water was squeezing me to death and I tried really hard to hold my last breath and struggle my way up.


It happened too fast and I wasn't able to catch up with the pace. I slowly drifted away and the last picture I saw was Jinki's face smiling brightly at me.



I was unfortunate to make it.




"Get the out of my way!" I snarled and pushed through all the people who were crowding the area. I was trying to calm myself down until I caught sight of her and almost went crazy.


She was shivering and dripping wet. A huge towel wrapped around her shoulders and she looked paler than ever. I rushed over her and took off my top, damping it over her soaked body.


"What happened? Are you okay?" I cried and pulled her face with my hand. She whimpered and hugged me. She was still convulsing and I did my best to pass on my warmth on her shaking body. I felt so shattered leaving her. This was my entire fault. I shouldn't have left her.


"Jinki I'm okay now. Kris saved me." she murmured looking at me with her teary eyes. She coughed and leaned on my side as I rubbed her back.


"She was trying to kill herself. If I didn't come in she would have died there." a voice spoke from the side and I gritted my teeth so hard I could crush it.


"You ing bastard!" I launched and took my fist hard on his face making him grasped onto a person standing behind him. The crowd screamed and Sungmin yanked me back but I was so furious I shoved him away. I was being reasonable. I just know he was the one who did this. No one else can do this aside from him.


"So this is how you thank a person from saving your girlfriend. Wow. I'm shock." He smirked and pushed himself up and I wanted to bury my knuckles on his face again but this time Eveony came up to hug me from the back, stopping me from the anger outburst.


"What are you doing Jinki? He saved me!"


"See? At least Eveony knows who saved her. And where are you? You call yourself a boyfriend?" he rebuked turning his head sideways in an arrogant manner.


"Why you-"


"STOP! I said stop okay?!" she gripped me too tight I couldn't breathe so I just have to stop. My mind was also telling me to do so. Sungmin took control of the people and they disappeared. I growled when Kris didn't move an inch.


"Get lost or I'll grind you to dust." I snarled sternly and curled my fingers digging it deep in my palm. Kris gave me a dirty smile and left.


The tension moved out as soon as Kris walked out of the scene. My heaving chest smoothed down a bit. The sight of him disgusted me, the memory of him from the past came back and I wanted to spit it. If I could just knock my head on the wall, I would.


"What's the matter with you? Why did you punch him?" She jerked my body back to her and gave me a light slap on the cheek. I took a deep breath and pursed a smile on my lips.


"Nothing." I shrugged it off with a tight smile. But Eve was not convinced at all.


"Nothing? You call that nothing? Don't on me Jinki I know that's not nothing. We'll talk okay? Just let me get out of this damp clothes." she grumbled and swayed her hips away. I trailed my eyes on her as she left the building like nothing happened.


"And make sure to get me another phone that's waterproof." Eve shouted back before swinging her long locks off the door. I stood there abashed and Sungmin smirking at my back.


"Wow, that woman is really...something. Does she even remember what happened?" He cooed behind me. I stopped my laughter and turned to him.


"That's what I love about her." I nodded slowly putting my shirt back on. The scent of chlorine and Eveony's hair mixed on it.


He chuckled, "You know that's what I like about her too. Mostly guys dig chicks with an assertive approach."


"Yeah, I better follow her. I need some explaining to do. And sorry for the push kindda angry back there..."


"You should man, now go before it gets nasty." he shooed me with a crooked grin and I chuckled, walking away.


"Oh it'll get nasty alright."




I'm glad I didn't die. Thank god I didn't and there was this glorious tall angel who saved me from choking myself. He grabbed me up just in time and I could recall how I was lifted up, semi-conscious, semi-choking, a whole lot of shivering. The water was cold. He threw me a towel and waited patiently for me to calm down. Then the people started coming by and then the next thing I knew Jinki was punching Kris.



"Seriously Jinki? What's that about?" I spat, crossing my arms and glaring at the nonchalant looking Jinki. He was leaning beautifully in the closet as I sat in the bed eyeing him. His arms extended into a little stretch and bent his neck to the side.


"I told you it's nothing."


"YAH!" I scowled and threw him a pillow. He caught it by one hand and tossed it back to the bed. I just kept glaring at him, communicating him with my eyes and my tight line lips. He rolled his eyes and sighed heavily stomping his feet onto the bed and sitting next beside me. I stared at him as he narrowed his eyes down to mine.


"Okay, if I tell you I'm expecting you to take this seriously." he started. I felt my nerve twitched again.


"What are you expecting me? To laugh? Is this something I should laugh about? Are you saying that everything is a joke to me? That I couldn't take things seriously? Is this because I'm still that stupid in your eyes?! Kris save me Jinki, he wouldn't push me off the pool to die! How can you be so-"



"Kris is gay."


"And now you're saying Kris is- wait...WHAT?!"




I was dumbfounded.


"You mean to say...he.."


"He l-likes me."


Pfft. Okay. Calm your down Eve. This was not the time for you to find this funny.


But darn I couldn't...


"Oookkaaaay...so you mean that he..." I started, unable to finish because I was already biting my lips so hard, fighting the urge to laugh.


Jinki yanked his hair and pushed his body back to the bed in a frustrated way.


"God! That's why I told you it's nothing! Forget everything I said!" he groaned, his palms on his face. My anger completely vanished out of thin air and was now changed into a sweet curiosity.


So Jinki has male fans too.


"Did something happen between you two? You wouldn't really react like this if there was nothing gross that happened back then." I choked my laughter and placed myself on top of him so he had nowhere to go.


"Forget it." he blushed and curled himself in embarrassment.


"Oh c'mon! I wouldn't laugh! Pfft...I promise!"








"Hmp. Don't you wanna play with my body ever again?" I teased and rubbed my buttocks on his groin causing him to gasp.



Jinki sighed in exasperation.


"We kissed once. I was too drunk that time and he took advantage of the situation."


Oh this is gold.


"Hahahahaha! Oh sweet Jesus!!!" I rolled to the side and burst into laughter. This was the first time I did not actually envy the intruder. Oh my god Kris! I can't believe this!


"Yah yah yah! This isn't funny you know. Remembering it makes me feel all molested again." Jinki shuddered and moved on top of me, grinning so childishly. I giggled and pinched his cute chubby cheeks.


"Okay. I forgive you. And I forgive him too. If he's really the suspect" I pinched his tall nose and he crinkled it making me giggle again. So that's why Kris felt more like a rival rather than a seducer.


"You're just gonna get him away like that?" he pursed his lips. I nodded eagerly and s my arms over his nape to pull him down. "Yeah well it's not that you couldn't protect me from him right? You're my handsome prince."


Jinki smirked and leant down to kiss me. "Mm...yeah. I'm going to protect my Juliette."


“Wow, you must be some kind of Zeus in disguise, baby, your ual appeal is so high.”

We both chuckled and closed the gap between us, kissing slowly and sensually, then laughing after, and going back to the previous kissing.


Jinki's phone started ringing from my side and I fumbled over it. Since Jinki was too busy my plump lips.


"Mm. Jinki...mmcall."


"Don't mind them." he gasped out and leant in again. I peaked and saw the Caller's Id.


"It's from your dad."


He suddenly paused, hitched a breath and stood up, taking the phone with his. "I'll get this dear." then went outside the door.


"Okay, I'll go to the bathroom."


He grunted and I walked inside, taking a piss. I got back to the room and Jinki was still outside. The door was slightly opened and I could see his back from the slight opening. I sneaked and heard some bits of their conversation.


"Okay, Dad. I won't let this go too far now...yes. We'll be leaving tomorrow. I'll see you then."


I thought it was over but then Jinki let a soft sigh flew out of his lips.


"I know. I'll find her."


And he slid the phone back to his pocket.


Find her? Who is she?


I shrugged it off. Maybe that's just some business woman his dad appointed to her.


I just hope she's not prettier than me.




A chilled night it was. We gathered on the silent beach area, circled around a bonfire. There were four pairs, Minho and Taeyon, Jinki and I, Sungmin and Sunny, and Jessica with her boyfriend Taecyon. Kris didn't appear at all. But that's okay. It's not like he needs to be here anyway haha.


"Cheers!" the bottles were up and we had them spilling into our throats, having fun on our last night together in this beautiful beach. Each couple had their spot while we tangled ourselves with our lover. Since we were all tipsy, the atmosphere became louder and more courageous.


"So Taeyon! Did you and Minho do it already?"


"No way eh! Minho wouldn't really want to do it yet! I keep asking him but he keeps on refusing me!" shockingly, Taeyon turned into someone I don't know when she's drunk.


"Yeah. We did it already. It's not like we can't." Minho countered laughing and patting his lap after. Taeyon punched him and he stumbled back like a goof.


Jinki was in his usual state, just watching with intense eyes. Jinki's face was composed and smooth with a little blush on the cheeks, making me catch my breath due to satisfaction. How his lips formed into a pear shape when he's in observing mode. I sure love that about him.


I smiled at him and gave him a little peck on the cheek.


"Havin fun?" I chirped and rubbed my shoulders against him.


"Yeah." he replied poking my waist. And the sight of his beautiful smile was tickling my stomach more.


"Which remind me…I have an announcement." Minho suddenly blurted out, our attention drawn to him.


"Taeyon and I are engaged." he grinned mischievously.


"Why are you guys not telling me? That's so unfair." I complained, but really faking it I already knew it even if they don't even tell. They have rings.


Which also reminded me…


"Yah, where's my ring?" I mewled to Jinki. He flinched and coughed fidgeting a little. I laughed at him and kissed him.


"Nah, we'll get that later." I said softly and turned my attention back to the couple beside us.


"Taeyon you still have one last year. How did Minho convince your parents?" Jessica raised the question. Taeyon came back to reality and out of the blue became shy again.


"Minho is very convincing." her only words that caught us laughing in mid air. It's going smoothly for them. I hope Jinki and I will have the same smooth sailing love ship.


"Does that mean I get to sleep on the same bed with Taeyon now?" Minho looked at me and pleaded with his eyes. I laughed and nodded.


"Yeah. Get your asses on tonight. I'll have Jinki on my bed too."


Minho's fist flew up in the air and Taeyon just hugged him in delight. Jinki grinned at me with a deeper meaning.


Of course. We'll all be happy with the bed arrangements.


"I also have an announcement." Sunny timidly raised her hand and gracefully glanced at his husband's surprised face.


"Honey...I'm pregnant." Sunny cheerfully exclaimed.


And after hearing it, Sungmin fainted.




"Isn't it nice to take a walk in the beach while having the moonlight shine on us?" Eveony's soft voice startled my silence. Her little nimble fingers squeezed into my chubby ones. I looked down on her and kissed her hair softly, smelling the nice scent of vanilla in her silky locks.


Indeed it was. I truly love it, having her in my side right now while we hold hands and stroll through this peaceful beach, it was perfect. The sea water greeting us as its little clashing waves hit the shore, our feet pressed coolly on the sand. It was simple, romantic and just right for me to finally complete my proposal.


I stopped and turned to her which she also did. Her white dress and long hair fluttered gracefully when the wind played with it. Her face complimented the illuminating glow coming from the moonlight as I gazed into her lovely feline eyes, sparkling with curiosity and love for me. Her lips parted, inviting me for a kiss.


I smiled at her and bent my left knee on the sand making her gasped. Fumbling over my pocket made me nervous all of a sudden, thinking if that thing was in there, if that little metal thing was place in there.


The little metal thing that would make Eveony jump in joy.


Got it. It was there. I sighed thankfully.


I took her right hand, parting her soft fingers and placed that little metal thing on its proper place. It sparkled just like I wanted it to sparkle nicely when I placed it on her finger.


It fits her perfectly.


"Beautiful." I smiled.


"Oh...Jinki." she caught her breath as I watched her face in between surprise and joy.


"Eveony, please accept me. I want to make sure you'll carry my surname."


Tears streamed on her beautiful eyes adding another shine on her face. I stood up and leant in, kissing those tears of joy, kissing further down, her flush cheeks, then onto her precious lovely lips.


You are the only thing I would keep as a part of me. I didn't say much, I know, but you are the only one that keeps my world turning.


I love you Eveony.






"Marry me."





A/N: assdffghjjkoourew my feels Jinki. God I wish I was Eve. OTL


The Tutor is almost in the end. ^^

Thank you for supporting me all this time. I love you guys.


Please comment? This is a long chap and a lot happened I guess? Please let me feel your love. Keke


Omg. Kris I'm so sorry. Lol.

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Thank you!
More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke