Always Be

The Tutor


A/N: Okay this is the first time I’ve ever really cried just for the tutor. Well it’s not about the story but the actual making of it. I was writing my story on my itouch just so that I could sync it in my dropbox account to the computer. I finished it last night with happiness and to upload it today. But UNFORTUNATELY, there was a sudden unexpected sync that deleted my updated version. And WHAT THE it was. I literally cried after seeing it, I was still shivering right now while writing this A/N. I have no choice but to rewrite everything again and of course something might change but I can’t really do anything about it. I just hope this version is better than the other one.

I’m really sorry guys if I took so long, but I was striving really hard to update even if there was too much load in school because of how much I love you guys and how I love the tutor. I seriously am disappointed with myself due to what happen and I learned my mistake. I hope it’ll never happen again.

So sorry for the start but my feelings literally crashed down ;A;.

But I won’t let it affect my work so.

Okay, you’ll get this raw since I’m not in the condition to proof-read. So geh Dx so sorry for that.

But anyway here’s the better version! Enjoy!




I bit my nail and tried to avoid Jinki's lingering stare. I'm such a klutz. I really have to think before acting it out in front of everyone. But if I continued acting weird, he might get mad at me and we both ruin the mood.


So I grabbed Jinki's arm and squeezed it.


"How's the reservation?" I asked him with my eyes twinkling, flaunting my cleavage towards him. Jinki looked down and cleared his throat and forced his head to turn away. I silently chuckled because of the little naughty act to try and take away his almost jealous expression. Jinki was not the kind to be easily impressed or forget something. But as a girlfriend, I have now the advantage.


"Good, we'll be skiing later." He grinned and pinched my nose. A little payback I guess.


I whined cutely at him and shoved his fingers out of my nose then grinned, showing a little of my cute side. He paid little attention to what happened earlier and started playing with my hair, twirling it like a happy kid etched with a toothy smile on his face. I guess he was on the verge of adoring me which of course made me all feel good with myself.


But I just can’t let my stupid act passed like that. Jinki wasn’t the person who blurts out something from his mind, he might do that at times, but when things get personal, he thinks first. So I heaved a breath and s my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, his eyes were locked on mine and he smiled sheepishly, his eyebrows lifting indicating that he was asking why with my action.


"I'm sorry for the little kiss thing." I said looking up at him hoping he had forgiven me.  Jinki stared back at me with a serious face so I continued with my explanation. "Sunny wants me to punch Sungmin and well I felt a little bit bad for it so I kissed him. I should also tell you that Sungmin and I had a past but don't worry now since he and Sunny are now made for each other so..."


"So Jinki stop being all jelly and accept your girlfriend's apology. She only did it for me. And Sungmin is mine now haha." Sunny interjected patting Jinki's back as she walked pass by with her son in her arms. Sungmin followed her and he gave a smile to Jinki. "Yeah like what she said." And chuckled turning towards his family. I smiled to them for the adding my reasoning.


“See? I’m really sorry though if that shocked you. We were just that close back then.” I turned to Jinki again hoping he understood and as expected, he would just smile and snatch a kiss from my lips, his arms clang on my waist while I did the same to him, his teeth showing, giving me his most charming smile. I shuddered but nearly did not want him to see it.


“I’m cool.” He smiled and softly damped his lips on my forehead. I whimpered. Why was Jinki so freaking sweet sometimes? I can’t contain my feelings for him and I just feel like wanting to tackle him to bed and wrestle my way on his body. Aside from being so damn sweet, he was also making me like a little sissy girl. That pumping biceps out of his black wifebeater he had right now was making me beg for my nails to dig on it literally. Jinki was a gorgeous man in his age and every time he shows up with a sweet smile or a nice ignoring serious face. I can feel my knees shake to the fullest.


“No, you’re not cool. You’re hot.” I giggled and trailed my finger onto his protruding voice box down to his collarbone.


“I could live with both.” He purred and gently bit my ear. I taught Jinki how to purr and he damn purr like a pro. I swear I will never regret teaching him how to seduce me.


“Should I add y into it? That might soothe you better.” I giggled. It was the honest truth. He was a y bastard. The thing that drives me crazy was I know I could touch everything that he owns, and now my hand unconsciously traveling on his hard stomach, feeling that six muscles bumps in there. I wish he was edible because I won’t hesitate on eating him.


“This damn thing hugging your body was driving me crazy. I wish I could just tear it off you.” I mewled seductively, tracing my finger on the hem of his shirt. Jinki smiled and leant. “And I’m looking forward to what you have in there…inside your flimsy white dress.”


“I remembered you saying you like girls wearing red swimsuits, with lazy straps on the back.” I wrapped my arms around his nape and pulled him down into a soft kiss.


Jinki choked, “That I won’t miss.” then kissed me back.


“And I have to warn you.”


“Warn me?”


“Yeah, because after seeing me without this dress, I’m sure you’ll be befriending the bathroom later.”


Jinki groaned. He might remember sharing bed with Minho than me for tonight. I want to be with him on the same bed too but I can’t just let Taeyon be with Minho for now. Even if we’re all adults, the idea still lingered. Taeyon was my precious, oh so precious, friend. If Minho gives me a hundred reasons as to why he wants to be with Taeyon, maybe I’ll consider it. I have plenty of time to think, I might be changing my mind a little later if Jinki wouldn’t be so much of a conservative boyfriend and Taeyon actually telling me she wants to sleep with Minho. Then it’s settled. Let us all be happy with the bed arrangements.


“Well then I have to find some place to strip you off before I end up making out with Minho instead.” He chuckled and rubbed his nose with mine.


“What?” Minho spat. We almost forgot that we weren’t alone.


“Guys! Are you coming or what? Food’s here!” Sunny called out. We all looked at her and turned our heads. Minho and Taeyon nodded, hands intertwined with each other as they stepped away from us. Jinki was about to walk to but I gripped his arm and made him stop.


“How about we go play for a while?” I grinned and pointed on our room. I can’t help it now. Since we started this talking y


Jinki’s lips curved up immediately and chuckled, making the first move to enter the room. I giggled and followed along.


“Eve! Hurry up!” Sunny screamed again. I laughed and peaked back outside.


“We’ll be there in an hour!”


And I shut the door.




There were instances when you can’t help but to smile and be proud of what you have. So proud you almost forgot yourself just by looking at it.


I have her.


And I’m so proud of it.






I shook and fell on her frame, gasping so hard, her arms digging on my back were now limp and sliding off its position, down the bed, where we were the minute she pulled my arm outside this very room.


“Oh my god you just came inside me Jinki.” She moaned, clutching her fingers around my arm. She was a pretty mess to me, her hair was a shattered loose, her underwear forgotten, her legs splayed wide and dangling from my back. I haven’t recovered from the and had my shaft still inside her.


“Can’t be help though” I growled and tried my best to pull away. I did though and Eve came mewling when I slid out of her. I smiled and kissed her on the lips.


“I don’t know, aren’t you scared I might get pregnant?” She began to move and fumbled over her lost clothes. I stumbled back, rolled and went falling down the bed. Eveony laughed at me while I struggled to get my body up.


“Why would I be scared? I’m going to be a father.” I was dazed trying to look for my clothes as well. When I saw her, she had dangling open and had huge gaping eyes.




“N-nothing.” She spluttered and stood up. I watched her as she put her underwear back on, her smooth saying hello once again, then her cup c brassiere next, clasping the lazy strap on the back. I smirked, quickly put on my clothes and went over her.


I hugged her from the back, squeezing her hands in between her back and my chest. I rested my head against her shoulder, inhaling her beautiful scent, the scent I smelled the first thing I laid my eyes on her, in that office.


"I love you."


The words burned my throat in a good way, making my heart flutter from how good it felt when it came out of my mouth. I kissed her neck and she leant sideways, allowing me to devour her softly, my hands running along her .


"I'll always be...loving you."


It hit me hard, how hard it was to fall in love, and never get out of it. If falling in love with her was a sin, I'll gladly accept it and hell go and get me because no way am I going to get this girl out of my sight. If falling in love with her was heaven, then heaven it was, there were no words to describe how beautiful it felt to have her in my life.


If falling in love was perfect. Then it had to be her.


And always be. Her.


"Eveony, marry me."


She hitched her breath, turned around. Brown orbs streaming with tears, gentle as it trickled down her flushed pink cheeks. Lips moist and parted slightly.


"Oh, Jinki..I-I.."


"I know this was sudden but...I can't let this pass. The way my feelings pushed me into saying it out loud right now was hardly uncontrollable. It just happened. If it was so sudden to you...then I'll wait. From all ends of the world I'll w-"


I was pushed back to bed with a loud thud. I didn't know what happened because it was too fast to actually see. But I did see her, in my arms, crying and yelling something.


"Oh ! You don't know how ing happy I am right now Jinki. Yes! Yes! I ing want to marry you. Oh my god. I'm a crying piece of , what the is this." She bawled and gripped me so hard I choked. And my cheeks started hurting.


I was smiling.


"You don't know how many curses you said just to agree and marry me." I chuckled, my hands caressing her back. She was screaming at me but I couldn't really distinguish what it was, in my head, I was still hearing her curses and that wonderful yes.


"God, you know how to handle things really good. I mean right after that crazy when all my feelings are hyphen and then ask for marriage, oh my god. You're so...I can't even explain it!"


"You sound like you're complaining. Should I take my proposal back?" I grinned playfully and she slapped me. We laughed and I rolled on top of her, kissing her again, making this very moment so memorable for us.


"No way hell, I'm not gonna let you take that back. And I don't even have a ring! God dammit!"


. Right. Ring.


I laughed trying to stall her for an excuse. This was an impromptu proposal so getting a ring was highly impossible for the moment.


"I will get you one. But for the mean time." I took care of the ring thing as quickly as that and got up to look inside my bag. Eve startled me when she dropped her body at my back, bear hugging me.


"Here, my early birthday gift." I took out an envelope and she grabbed it eagerly. She pulled out a few papers and started reading. Her eyes widened in surprise and I let my lips curved up automatically.


"Oh my god, Jinki! I can't believe you!" She tackled me and sent kisses on my cheeks. Wow the emotion was overflowing.


I showed her our two plane tickets booked back to her hometown, an apartment rental fee and a promotion letter from my boss with a confirmation of the new firm from my dad's department. Maybe that's a lot compare to a ring. But of course the ring matters the most. I'll get one later.


Her joy was scattered all over her face and I smiled with her, held her hands and stared at her for the whole time.


"I love you too Jinki." She said, the tears emitted again as she leant forward and snuggled into my arms.


"I'll always be..."




I don't know how much feelings were overflowing on my blood vessels. The man I loved the most wanted to marry me and gosh, this can be a teenage girl's every dream. To marry a man who's good looking, smart, sweet, y, witty, thoughtful, and every adjective that can describe a perfect man. Last but not the least, a man who loves you with all his heart.


The reflected light coming from the sun made me happy as I sat on the sun lounger, waiting for Jinki to come back because he needs to speak with his father. It was a lively afternoon at the beach, everyone seems to be having a great time. Even Minho and Taeyon was enjoying the beach, Taeyon cuddled on Minho's back as they made a little walk and a little swim on the water.


I turned to my left and there he was, my gorgeous boyfriend, walking towards me with his performance brief. Can his body get any better than now? Wow he looked great in everything and I was so proud to see those longing stare of girls passing her by, some even said hi to him but of course, he ignored them all. Jinki's eyes will always be mine.


"Hi" he greeted and sat right next to me. I looked down again and saw how his abs curled so well. I wanted to trail my fingers into it and taste it, see if it was as delicious as it looks even if I already knew the answer to that curious thought. Jinki looked at me in the same way especially on my . Yeah he loved that red bikini, he kept on praising it while we were on the bed.


"Have we met before?" I said that as if I haven't really met him. Because Jinki can make any girls mind shake and forget she was even born.


"There was this girl in my dreams who looks exactly like you." He bent over and whispered in my ear which made me giggle and pushed him back like a little shy girl. "Oh shut up." I poked his cheek but he was still grinning.


"Yeah really. She had a skull printed t-shirt, some soldier style ripped jeans, black boots, a powerful make-up, and a hair in a bun. Wow some girl." He clucked his tongue. His hands traveled across me and shove the little hair twirls that fell right off my face, tucking it back to my ears. I was stunned, he still remembered what I was wearing back then.


"Now tell me, have you ever thought that y girl would end up getting married to you?" I asked him. I've always been curious as to what he thinks of me back then.


"You have no idea how difficult it was to think of an answer for that." His eyes widened making me believe I was the worst back in the days. I think it was alright, I wasn't offended. After all, I've never expected him to ask me for my hand in marriage too, I've hated him so much in the past. Touché.


"But I'm glad it turned out this way. You know Eve, you were a little puzzle to me in the past. I was smart enough to solve things, but you were the first puzzle I had difficulty with, so much I was in pure effort to solve you." He smiled and embraced me in his arms.


"How was the solving? Any updates?" I giggled twirling my finger on his chest.


He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "Puzzle solved, over and over again. The effort is all worth it."


"Ahh, good." I laughed and tilted my head up. The sun streak was a hindrance to see his face but I could still see how his eyes showed that natural glow of love.


"Hmm...shall we set aside the cheesiness and help me get this sun scream on my back?" I purred and handed him the little bottle of protection. He chuckled and took it, waited for me to roll on my back on the seat and applied the lotion on his hands.


"If it meant touching you. I would love too." He muttered ily and started rubbing his palms together. I moaned when he pressed his warm hands over my back, massaging so good, the feel of his palms on my skin was something to memorize.


I could feel his hands sliding all over my back, touching areas that could make me giggle, fingers pinching and swirling. I love his hands on my thighs, moving up to my bum then down again to my ankle. I mewled softly, appreciating how good he was in everything.


"Remind me we are in a public place, because I might hate myself if I couldn't control my hormones and just slapped your beautiful ." He growled, his hand swept off my and it made me laugh. So I turned around allowing him to stare at my curvaceous body.


"Don't you think public intimacy is nice? How about I get some now?" I purred and using my legs. When did I learn this?


Jinki groaned and crawled on top of me, letting me see his lustful eyes again. "Don't make me beg for that you little sissy girl."


I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, pulled him down for a kiss. But before we could even go further I started to muffle my giggle into his thick lips.


"What's wrong?" He moved out of me with a confuse expression. I just couldn't help it.


"Well hello there didn't see you coming." I giggled and threw him my dress as I teasingly eyed his hard on. It was almost sneaking out of his brief.


"!"Jinki quaked and grabbed hold of my dress and nervously crouched down, tucking in what doesn't need to be seen.


"I know that I could be a stir but Jinki...can't you tame yourself a little?" I smirked and leant down to kiss him then ran away before he could even grab me and pull me back to our room.


"You're so...ugh." He groaned, he was still crouching making the passers shock or confuse why he was in that awkward position. He was so cute when he's embarrass. Now he knew what it felt like to be tease in public.


"y? I know. Come and play with me when you're...pfft...tamed." I giggled and skipped away, running towards the water and squealing as I ran back before the water catches my feet. I took a good glance at him before finally taking the dip. The water was so cold I gibbered but the sun was warm enough to counter the chill.


I was happy that I could still swim, floating and just swimming wherever I can. I was supposed to disturb Minho and Taeyon but apparently the way I see them made me feel like they were in the middle of a serious love talk or something. So I didn't continue and just moved away, letting them have fun with their lone time together.


I scanned the area and spotted Sungmin and Sunny with their cute little kid coming together. I  sighed happily at them as they laughed and talked so cheerfully with those big smiles. One day I hope I'll be ending up with a happy family just like them with Jinki as my husband.


"Hey !" Someone from my back called and that voice was so familiar it already gave me flashbacks. I don't know if it was a strike of coincidence or just that the world seems so small to me.


"Hey to you too!" I shouted back and grinned. We both giggled and walked towards each other. She was the first to initiate the hug and the cheek peck and I honestly felt sort of awkward. But the thing was that she was all smiles to me and her aura was so pleasing that I felt she was a long time friend.


"Jessica, can't this beach get any cooler?" I rolled my eyes jokingly and she laughed which made me relax a bit, not that I am expecting a slap or a mockery. "How are you? You look brown!"


She had brown hair now with blonde highlights, she was still as beautiful as she was back then. But I could feel her change of persona because I thought she was nicer.


"Yeah, I was so used to blonde so I got a new color. How about you? Haven't seen you in ages and I must admit, you look like a cover girl with that swimsuit." She smiled and jumped slightly, making the water rippled around us.


"Jinki told me his preference so yeah I got this suit." I said minimizing the volume on the end. I almost forgot what past we have. It wasn't that beautiful to remember.


I waited for any signs of displease but to my utter mental shock, I didn't get any and instead a warm smile etched on her lovely face.


"You guys are still together wow that's pretty long. I envy you." She said with a pure tone, no sarcasm, no rolling eyes, just a sweet smile.


"Yeah..err I guess so." I gulped and looked sideways, the topic was quite anticipated but still the thought was hard to void.


But Jessica held my hand firmly.


"You don't have to worry. I moved on. Jinki was right I should have move long ago for my sake. And besides, I got a boyfriend ten times better than him." She laughed and I tried my best to laugh with her. It was a good thing that our issues with Jessica were finally sealed in the past.


 "Hey." Another voice came in but this one was new. I turned around to see who the intruder was and surprised myself to actually see the answer.


He was a tall blonde man and had a sharp face. His eyes were intimidating and it was a challenge to get out of staring at him. His nose was tall as well and  his lips were small but manly. As if he came out of a freaking manhwa.


"Hey Kris!" Jessica pulled him in front of us. If this was the boyfriend he was talking about then he really is ten times better than Jinki, in the eyes of Jessica. I guess.


The guy turned and looked at me with a mysterious gaze, a different vibe, as if he was scanning me from head to waist, since part of my body was on water. I felt my feet sank in the bottom of the sand as I stared at him too. He had a sophisticated manly vibe even if he was only wearing his shorts.


"This is Eveony, my ex-enemy." Jessica introduced me, looking up at him. She was just his shoulder's height while I'm a bit taller so I could see his face clearly without trying so hard. He smiled and held out his hand.


"Hello, Eveony I'm Kris nice to meet you." His voice was all over me and I felt my knees shook.


I winced because I actually felt him pressed his hands a little tight for my fingers, a foolish squeeze. I shivered to that and moved my hand away hiding it behind me. He smirked and stared at me more.


"Hello Kris. Nice to meet you guys are."


"He's my brother." Jessica grinned and cuddled his arm. I glanced back at him again and tried not to be bothered by the way he gaped at me. So, he was her brother.


"I think he likes you." She said and giggled. I furrowed my brows at her and looked dismissively at Kris. He didn't even blink.


"If you want, you could trade him for Jinki."


My eyes widened. And Jessica bursts out laughing.


"I'm kidding!"


I was about to reply back but then a hand was placed over my head.


"Who's trading with who?"


That voice I know.


"Hey player." Jessica winked. Jinki laughed and winked back. I saw him already at my side, but I couldn't react. I was froze to my spot, because Kris was still staring me down, until he glanced up at Jinki, glared at him, then back to my frame again.


"I've seen your photo shoots and I could say Hyoyeon did a great job with that." Jinki smirked, his arm s on my back and pulled me possessively. So Jessica and Jinki still have contact, I'm okay with that.


"Yeah, I'm always beautiful, right Kris?" She yanked his arm. I tilted my head up to see Jinki and he had a tight jaw line.


"You brought your brother." He said with a monotonous tone. It seems that they all know each other very well.


"Yeah, my family is on vacation so here we are."


I could hear Jessica's squealing laugh, but the two boys didn't even flinch. They were both eyeing each other, meticulously. Jinki's muscles were tensed while Kris had a smirk on his face. There was tension building up so I thought I should make effort into stopping it.


I yanked Jinki's arm and he looked down on me with a grin.


"What is it baby?"


"Baby?" Kris unexpectedly interjected.


I was confused for a moment. There was something going on and they were communicating with their eyes. Jinki's hand squeezed my skin and I twitched uncomfortably.


"She's my fiancé." He declared. That surprised me, I wasn't his girlfriend now, I'm his fiancé.


"Congratulations! Don't forget to invite me in your wedding huh?" Jessica patted Jinki's shoulder. There wasn't a single bitterness on Jessica's tone. As if she had already forgotten everything in the past. But I was not quite sure with that.


But what intrigued me the most was how Kris face formed from rigid to smug.



A/N: okay, there was a cliff. Haha

But I honestly think this was better than the previous version and remembering it made me all gloom to the pits again. Well I learned my lesson so.

If you love me you would comment and make me feel better right? *sniffs and makes puppy eyes* ;A;


How was everything in the chapter so far? :))

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Thank you!
More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke