Love Sick

The Tutor


We only have three days left before we go back to school and continue our second grading period. I would take my exam on mid November which made me really nervous even just now. The feeling of actually taking an entrance exam was new to me considering I end up in my cousin's school with no sweat. I don't really have the confidence in myself whether I'm going to pass it or not so I'm counting on my tutor to take care of me a lot.


He's really doing his job, taking care of me, physically and mentally.


I'm sick and he's in charge.








I pouted sniffing afterwards. I was on my bed lying on the headboard. He was beside me staring at my sick form. My runny nose was distracting him too much teasing me that I look like Rudolf the red nose reindeer.


"Jinki, water please." I told him, he nodded and went to get my glass and pour in water from the pitcher on his study table. He's obedient today knowing his mom would pinch his if she finds out he's not taking care of me.


'Son, I'm going to squeeze your if you don't take care of my beautiful Eveony, I'm going out I need to deliver supplies nearby.'


'Yes mom'


I laughed remembering their previous conversation. Onew was too afraid to get his pinch. Hahaha so cute.


"Stop chuckling by yourself, it's freaking me out." He grunted and handed me the glass, he caught me in the act but I don't really care, I found it funny.


He went back beside me sitting near the end of the headboard, our shoulders touching a little. My head was spinning and my heart racing. He's suddenly so close and still exploring my face like I'm some kind of food, chicken perhaps.


A week already passed and still my feelings kept hidden from him. I know he was smart so I prayed really hard that he wouldn't find out that I liked him. Though he seems oblivious for now, I'm still worried.


It's a burden to even think of Jonghyun right now, it's not that I don't like him anymore. It's just that I like Onew more...


I'm picturing myself scratching my head in a confuse rage way. I'm so out of focus today I want to hit myself.


"Hey, are you even listening?"


"Huh, what?"


He sighed and I knew I trailed off, he was talking to me and I just spaced out like that. Stupid, well I'm sick, it's a valid excuse.


"I said I need to go out for a while, I'll buy you food." he said standing up, I didn't know what just gotten into me and grabbed his wrist uncontrollably. He looked back a little surprise.


"I err..don't go..." I said looking down, I blushed embarrass of what I blurted out. He didn't refuse my hand and paused there. I looked up and to my utter amusement, he was smiling wildly.


“Don’t want to be alone?” he said with a cunning tone, I turned but still bobbed my head in approval. Jinki moved back to my side sliding his arms around my shoulders, we were on bed staring at the wall in front of us. He was too much to handle, his body so close again. Why he always does these things to me suddenly? I really don’t know. But in the back of all my thoughts I was hoping he would reciprocate my feelings. Should I try finding it out to myself now?


“I can’t cook today, the gas ran out and mom needs to buy a replacement when she gets back.”


“I don’t want you to go…” I told him sweetly, leaning on his shoulders. He didn’t move back but instead lean in towards me slowly, his hands wrapping my arms. I shivered feeling the cold contracting his warmth, his breathings ruffled on my hair. I felt safe and nuzzled closer to his chest bear hugging him a little.


“Don’t you want to eat?”


“Oppa, don’t go.” I said skittishly, he chuckled. I know he likes it by how his lips forming to a curve in his face. It was his first time to hear me call him an oppa.


“Okay, I won’t go. I’ll stay here with you.”




“Then we’ll both starve.”




I sneezed unexpectedly, snuffling back. I felt very sick, headache occurring every time I wiggled my head. He seems concern, looking at me with a worried expression.


His warm hands got up to my forehead touching it softly, it electrified me. He sighed and tilted his head to see mine. I blinked dumbfounded.




“I’m sorry, Eve, I shouldn’t have force you to finish the last lecture yesterday night.”


He’s really freaking worried. Ugh…I’m so gigglish right now I couldn’t help but to smile, overwhelmed by his gentleness.


“It’s okay! And you didn’t force me! I did it all by myself.” I laughed although my head hurts. I didn’t care. I don’t want him to constantly worrying about me it’s making me fall in love with him more.


Even if his body was warm enough, I could still feel the cold coming from everywhere. So I tried shifting my position and lied down the bed, breaking the nuzzling between us. He looked down on me while I cuddled my blanket covering my body from the cold. I shuddered again which cause him to be alert.


He stood up to close the windows and the door, even locking it. My eyes were close, puffing air on my lips. The moment he moved out from my side, the chilly feeling hit me three times as much as before. It’s like he’s the only flame that would warm me up. Everything depends on him now…


This is how much I love him…


“Jinki yah…where are you.” I stuttered under breaths, my eyes shut. My hair cluttered on my face covering it. I heard him moved back. The deformation on the bed where his body plopped in was noticeable.


I was stunned to even say something when he immediately went under the blanket and positioned his frame to hug me. I didn’t resist. I need his warmth and I know he knows…


My body curved under him, my head rested under his chin. I felt the heat emits on his body again assuring me that I really need him now more than ever.


What’s happening? What is this feeling…




It was his heart beating a little faster.




It was also my heart beating a little faster.


Our hearts followed one pattern.






“What do you think of me?”


Burning under his chest where my head leaned, my mind went into haywire. Once again, I exclaimed another weird statement out of my mind. Pabo. Paboya.


I shut my eyes tight and gripped the end of his clothes with my hands. I don’t want him to go right now just because I said something like that. I don’t want him to look away from me. I want him to see only me…


I wish he knew how hard this is for me now…


Torn between two…




I felt blank afterwards, knowing that I’m at the pit of falling asleep. I threw one last breath and fell into the darkness. I could still here a few sounds before everything turn into completely nothing…






“I wish you weren’t with Jonghyun…”




A/N: This is a short prelude to the next chapters to come. Yes I know it’s taking TOO long for them to be together but still they’ll BE TOGETHER. LOL. It’s just that I have a lot more things in mind before they actually get together, sometimes relationships develop longer than expected. There are a lot of surprises coming haha so please hang-on! ^w^


Stay tuned for the next chapter! The Photoshoot

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke