Knowing Feeling

The Tutor


A/N: Ahh, I was supposed to update Seducing Jinki first before this update but I have this sudden urge to do this instead, haha Onew’s been missing lately so I thought I should do this to somehow fill up those longing feeling for MVP’s xD


So as requested! Onew’s POV! Yay :D


I sighed frustrated.


We’ve been walking for hours and my legs starts to get hurt. She was hurling over those piles of clothes looking intently, from her perspective, which was good and which was bad. She would momentarily scrunched her face when she found an ugly cloth but then lit up when she found one that suits her choice.


I couldn’t help but to smile at her from time to time although I tried the hardest not to get caught, I know it’s stupid, but she’s starting to get really irresistible.


She changed suddenly, before that pageant; she was a whole different issue. Her face was colored with make-up and wore rebelled clothes like it was necessary, but after that pageant, there was I think a rock that hit her head to make her change into some girl as pleasant looking as this. There’s never a week I wouldn’t see her wore a fluttery dress or her face so pure and natural with less make-up over it.


But it doesn’t mean I dislike it.


I actually like it a lot.

To be honest, she’s really beautiful that I couldn’t resist myself not to because once I ; she’ll blush and makes a funny smiling face. I found it really cute and got addicted to it by accident. I always told myself not to overdo it but I can’t help it. I should stop but I still can’t help it.


She’s starting to get me a little too addicted over her.


After that event I prepared for her at the lake, she became gentle and reasonable, she wouldn’t complain much when I teach her some hard equations, instead she would ask me nicely to repeat it for her again, and I always feel I was responsible to do it. After all, she was trying really hard to study. And I know the effort she makes will appear after she finishes the exams. I’ll be happy for her once that happens.


I shouldn’t be smiling after the trip but it kept creeping out from my lips. If I could just punch myself because I felt ridiculous for doing something like that but I had reasons, reasons that only my heart could understand because my brain was not functioning well that time.


I couldn’t sleep last two days ago, the feeling of her lips stayed on my cheek. I was so surprised and confused why she did that, I was even questioning every actions she makes, it’s going to be bad when everything gets too unpredictable. I went up a little later to sleep in our room and found her on the bed sleeping with red cheeks and puffy eyes. Did she cry? Why would she? Did something happen? I kept on making logical explanations that night that I didn’t notice it was time to get up for breakfast.


She keeps on avoiding my eyes now and a little too quiet for her kind of personality. I tried teasing her and she still have reactions the same as before. The only thing that bothers me was her avoiding my eyes. I know she’s hiding something and I just don’t have the courage to ask her what it is.

Either way, I adore her when she’s with my mom laughing and having a lot like in common. They were so close and I wasn’t expecting as good as this to turn out. I am, of course, ecstatic by their development.


I shook my head, trying to escape pass those moments with her. But it just keeps wheeling back to my brain. I sighed annoyed.


Going back to the situation now, I was even more annoyed. Why do girls spend too much hours shopping for clothes? I mean, they are all the same and it only differs in patterns and so. Why don’t they just grab one, ask for their size, try it on to see if it fits and buys it after? Why try all of them just because they differ in patterns, shapes, or colors? I don’t get it. Women are complicated.


“Are you done yet?” I groaned my arms crossed eyeing her from her left side. She ignored me and continued talking to the sales lady


“How much is this? Do you think these will fit him?” she pointed at me and the lady scanned my whole body with a malicious look.


The worst part of this was that she wasn’t shopping for her own clothes, but for me. I told her not to but she keeps on insisting we should go out and buy some. I blamed her for opening my closet filled with old comfortable clothes, I wasn’t into fashion that much and the clothes I have today were gifts from girls. I left them all at school and I keep on telling her about it but she was so persistent. So I had no choice but to give up with my mom taking her side.


“Why yes it does, this will fit him perfectly.” The sales lady said staring at me while biting her lips. I groaned and felt nauseous I’m starting to get too much attention again.


I ignored the look the lady was giving me and turned to my side not wanting to cause too much attention, but to my surprise, there were girls hanging around our place giggling and staring at me. I groaned again seeing that there were no escape routes to this matter.


“Stop it, Jinki.” She whispered at my side. I leaned over to reach her ear and whispered back. “Sorry, there were girls staring at me.”


She looked up to see them and turned to face me, she was frustrated too puffing out air as quickly as possible. She paused, thinking of a solution. I waited for her to respond, “Well?”


Her face brightened up, she must have thought of something. She patted my hips and signaled me to look down, her hands wiggling from my side. I chuckled knowing what she was intended to do.


“Let’s role play” She smiled and suggested. I nodded slowly, taking her hand, I liked this better.


We left the store without fitting the clothes because I told her the sales lady wants to eat me with her eyes. She was flustered and walked out dragging me with her. I found our situation funny because I felt like she was my mom and I was her son complaining to her something so absurd. But she suggested that we should role play and I knew she wanted to experience having me as her boyfriend, it was written all over her face. I simply laughed at her in my head.


But I’m not against it.


We left the store and went for another one, passing by the girls that were giving me strange looks. Their eyes focused with the girl I was walking with and even dropped one comment in.


“She doesn’t deserve him.” One girl said. We all heard it and Eveony came to a halt across them piercing them with her strong gaze. They were taken aback moving a little further. I smirked, entertained.


She suddenly stuck her tongue out at them and clanged onto my arm closing in the few gaps between us. She was playing too well for this so I thought I should do better.


The girls gasped when I pulled my hand out of her and moved it to her other shoulder, hugging her in my arms. She fits so perfectly there and I knew at this moment Eveony was trying her best not to squeal or blush furiously, she was fighting back the tease I was giving him.


We walked out from the scene leaving the other girls mouth hanged open. I was satisfied with what I was doing right now because the little browned-haired beside me flushed red in embarrassment. She tried getting out of my arms but I didn’t let her.


“You can let go now.” She said sarcastically, I grunted not really paying attention to what she just said.


“I want to wear couple clothes.” I told her playing along; I heard her wheeze and glance up then looked down again thinking…


“What kind of couple clothes should we buy then?” she said grinning, she was playing really well and I couldn’t help but to laugh and be amaze by her personality. I didn’t mind it though; she was really fun to be with.


“Whaaaat?” she whined pouting at my laughing face, I patted her head and traced my hand down to cup her cheek then traced it down again to hold her cold hand. Her fingers fitted well with the spaces between my fingers and I suddenly felt like her whole form was rightfully perfect with mine.


Ah, that was some weird thought.


We continued walking; entering boutiques and shops one by one, she keeps on looking for clothes and lets me try them on. Somehow, I was getting use to it and she would always have this awed expression once I came out from the changing room. She can’t decide that much because she thought everything came out perfect with me wearing it. I was just striking for the clothes and it was starting to bother her out, admitting it to me timidly.


What can I do? I was handsome.


I sighed looking at my wrist watch; it was already seven-forty. Then my cell phone vibrated, I got a call.


“I’m going to answer this.” I said to her, she nodded and continued to search for the right outfit for me. I went outside and answered the phone.




“Oppa.” She giggled from the line; I chuckled recognizing the voice of the caller.


“Yah, you told me you’re gonna stay there for one week only.”


“Ah…that, you see that’s why I called, to say sorry.” She sighed and I felt she was depressed.


“Hmm…then when are you coming back?”


She sighed once again, “I’ll be back two days before you guys leave.” She said gloomy.


“I’m still going to see you right? Don’t be sad.” I told her trying to cheer her up. She seems pleased by it and laughed again.


“Yeah, and I’m going to do a re-photo shoot, darn that stupid model who didn’t show up for the shoot. So I need a model, could you please tell Eveony to model for me?”


I was stunned and unable to speak a few seconds.


“Yah, you there?”


“I don’t know she’s very impulsive when it comes to decision making.”


“I guess I’m gonna surprised her with that.”


“What’s make you so sure she’ll accept?”


“She’ll accept it, it’s because I’m putting you in too.”


“Me again? Why? I thought I wouldn’t model for you anymore, don’t you remember what happened last time when I appeared in a teens magazine you were assigned to?”


“Hahaha, yup, you were ransacked by fan girls in your school, yeah I know, but it’s the only thing that would make Eve accept it.”


I snorted, “Only way?”


“Just please save me from deadlines.” She pleaded me, I sighed heavily; I couldn’t resist her when I know she’s putting up a puppy-eyed dog face on the other side of the phone, although I can’t see it, it was imprinted already in my head.


“Fine, fine, whatever.”


“That’s so great! Thanks!” she exclaimed happily, “By the way, where are you now? It’s kindda loud in there.”


“I was out in the streets, Eve was shopping.”


She burst out laughing; she might have thought I was a chaperon or something. I furrowed my brows “Stop it, Hyoyeon, not helping.”


“Pfft…okay, okay, and while you’re at it, buy her something too. I believe her birthday past by three weeks ago? You didn’t even buy her a gift! What kind of punk are you!”


I scratched my head; I’ve thought of that too, it was stupid of me to appear in her birthday empty handed. But she was with Jonghyun so I didn’t bother buying. I was a little angry that time.




“Wow, you actually agreed without making a fist. I’m so proud of you! You’re falling in love!” she blurted out. I almost choke with her words.


“Stop it or else I won’t help you.”


“Okay! I was just joking! Geeez! You’re such a pud. Anyway, I’m going now, my boss’ here already, better pack up. Bye bye, honey. I miss you!”


“Yeah, take care, miss you too.” She giggled one last time and cut the line. I slid my cell phone back at my pocket and gawked at the stores in front of me. I saw one novelty shop across the street and walked straight there. Eveony won’t notice I was gone, right? She was busy.


I opened the door and bowed to the old woman who owned the shop respectfully, greeting her nicely. She smiled at me and stood up to where she was sitting.


“How may I help you, pretty young lad?” She said sweetly.


“I’m looking for a gift, could you help me pick one, nice lady.” I told her smiling warmly. She smiled back and guided me towards some pretty items.


“Is it for your girlfriend?”


“Err, s-sort of.” I stuttered. What the hell was wrong with me so suddenly? Why was I so nervous?


She turned her head back and reached for a big box. Then she opened it up to me and allowed me take a look at the beautiful necklace pendants that were there.


“These were loved by many girls. For them, these were cute and lovable. One time, I got these sold out for thirty minutes.” She laughed lightly. I smiled and tried fumbling my fingers over some of it.


“I’m sure your girlfriend will love it.”


I gulped and felt really nervous. This was the first time I felt this way. I was just picking a gift. It’s nothing so serious but why do I feel so edgy?


Is it because this gift was meant for her?


I shook my head and seek to refocus my attention to the accessories. I saw a particular one that caught my attention. I chuckled and took it out.


“Is this chicken leg?” I handed her the little chicken-leg shape pendant laughing while I put it on her hand.


“Yes it is. Are you going to buy this, young lad?”


“Yes, I liked that one, thank you.”


She smiled again and grabbed a box somewhere in her shelves. She took out one pretty lace and put the pendant there neatly then she placed it properly on a pink necklace box and handed it back to me.


I gave her the money and went out of the store. I shove the box properly in my pocket and storm out to the streets, running back to the shop where I left Eveony. I was gone for a long time and I was worried she already left.


I rushed to the door and walked in and saw no one wearing a sweet dress. I grew frantic and sprint to the sales lady she was talking with a while ago.


“Excuse me miss, but have you seen the girl I was with a while ago? She was talking to you when I left.”


“Oh her? I’m sorry but she left a few minutes ago.”


“Do you know where she went?”


She pointed towards the left side of the street. , that street was dangerous when it’s dark. A burning feeling rustled against my chest. I shouldn’t have left her alone. She doesn’t know this place.


It was getting dark and a few people were passing by this time. I didn’t mind the cold air bustling against my skin while I dashed out of the road. I was too terrified to even think of the possibilities. All I want now is to see her, if she was okay. I want to see her so bad that I had no time to think of what was making me worry so much.


My eyes widened when I saw a paper bag scattered on the ground beside a dark alley. I hurried over there to check and to my surprise I saw her.


“Let go of me you freaking bastard! I said I don’t want to go with you! ARGH!” She screamed fighting back while some man grabbed her wrist; she was throwing a fist, trying to get out from his strong hands. The man had lost his temper and stopped, he was about to hit her so the adrenaline came rushing in my veins and I ran as quickly as I can to stand in between them, receiving the blow.


I got hit hard on my upper cheek and hissed. He was shocked but stood still; Eveony gasped too not knowing who had protected her.


“Yah, stay away from my girl.” I growled fiercely through my teeth, he was amused laughing at me.


“Oh, sooo you’re the boyfriend?”


, this bastard was pissing me off. I glared at him; I want to kill him this instant. My mind retracting back what he was about to do to her, trying to hit this girl. , I was so ing angry.


“Your little girlfriend was wondering off and I thought I should make her happy for I a while so I took her and she was really happy.” He said haughtily


“You drag me, you bastard!” Eveony yelled behind me, she was scared and I can smell the fear in her, but she can still say things like that. I held her behind my back not wanting this guy to see another glimpse of her beautiful face. I was being possessive but I was really furious.


“Well, you look like a little to me and I –!”


I couldn’t stop myself and punched his face hard then knocked his head onto my knees. I did not care if his suffering cries were issued because of the pain caused by me. I kicked him hard in the stomach and he started cursing and rolling on the ground.


“Jinki stop!” she cried out and pulled me back. I was waiting for him to stand up and when he did, I hit his head with a high kick which cause him to fall back to the cold floor. He choked out coughing; he didn’t have time to fight me back because I was dominating him without difficulty. I was really elevating with madness and threw another hard fist on his cheek.


I hate what he just said to her. I hate him and I want to kill him now.


But Eveony gathered all her courage to hug me from the back, trying to stop me. “Please stop, it’s okay now, I’m safe…please, Jinki stop, I don’t want this!” She whimpered on my back. The blood rushing in my veins eventually smooth down and my panting slowed. I woke up from the sudden anger I felt. My hand trailed up to reach her trembling hands on my chest. She was terrified of what just happened. She never saw me angry and I know this situation stunned her too much.


I turned around and saw her face, tears building up on her eyes. I was shocked and didn’t know exactly what I was doing. My hands went up to touch her red cheeks, my thumb moving over her half-closed eyes to wipe off the tears from it. She softly sobbed from my touch.


“I’m so sorry.” I called out, reaching for her forehead. I kissed her forehead and hugged her. It doesn’t matter now; I want her to calm down. I hate this kind of circumstances; I have no idea what to do.


But somehow, she stopped and became peaceful. I dragged her gently out of that alley before that man woke up from his deep slumber. I picked up the paper bag that was dispersed on the road and walked with her away from that place.


I was blaming myself for this, if I didn’t leave her, none of this would have happened. I didn’t speak for the moment, I was regretting everything. I was so stupid. I shouldn’t have left her. I almost lost her.





“Ow!” he said groaning. I sighed heavily and continued damping the cold wet face towel on his face.


“Pabo.” I said to him biting my lip. I was struggling hard not to break into a sob. I don’t know but I had mixed emotions. I was overjoyed because he rescued me but at the same time I was so afraid of what just happened.


I never saw him angry. And he was really angry that time, I saw his fierce eyes that I’ve never saw before. I know he was a stoic person but his eyes were always calm, so that eyes I saw a moment ago terrified me so much.


And now those eyes were examining my face. He was sitting on a stool while I was in front of him leaning to his face, treating the wound from his upper cheek. I couldn’t just look at him straight in the eye after knowing what feelings I have for him two days ago. I was suddenly shy.


“Tell me why did you even ditch me there in the first place.” I mumbled breaking the silence. He didn’t answer; he was hiding something from me.


I pouted and pressed the towel a little hard on his face. He hissed.




“Tell me!” I grumbled persistent to know. He sighed looking down; I could tell he was sad. He must have thought it was his fault I was almost kidnapped.


I smiled.


I know he really cares…


“I bough—” I didn’t let him finish what he’s going to say and leaned over to hug him, pressing my body to his.


“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself, Onew, I was clumsy too. I should’ve waited for you. I’m sorry too.” I said to him in his ear. I heard him sighed and hugged me back.


I felt his heart getting back to its normal pace. He was certainly relief now.


But that was not the only thing I felt from him.


There was something more from his hug. Something I was willing to find out when the time comes, I’m just not sure of it now.


I moved out from the hug and smiled at his face. He smiled back, a sweet charming smile, a smile that would kill tons of women, and I was lucky enough to see and know that smile was meant for me.


He looked down and reached for his pocket, my eyes followed it and saw what he had plopped out. A small pink box…


“What’s this for?” he gave it to me and I embraced it happily in my hands eager to see what’s inside.


“Hahahaha! This is so cute!” I giggled when I saw what’s inside. What a cute little chicken pendant! It was so adorable!


“You like it?” he muttered shyly. He was so cute; I couldn’t help but pinch his cheeks. I was so happy that I already forgot everything that happened.




“Thank you so much! This is so wonderful!” I danced around holding the necklace. He chuckled and watched me do a crazy little dance.


“I’m glad you like it.”



A/N: Soooooo….do you guys like it? ^^ I hope you did because Lee Jinki here was one awesome-loveable-handsome-tough guy! I love the action part, I never saw him do a serious thing so that scene made me crazy because I was so willing to put him in that state! xD And of course, more insights of what he thinks of Eveony now. Hahaha. I’m sure every one of you had the hint. ^^ He’s the only one who doesn’t know it to himself. Kekeke…


And that little conversation he had with Hyoyeon, expect it! It’s coming! :D

Stay tuned for the next chapter!


------------------------------------------- A little continuation of the chapter. :)


He was sleeping soundly on his futon, cuddling his pillow. I smiled and hummed on my bed. I was recalling everything that happened today.


I bought him a fashion outfit. He liked it and told me he’s going to use it. I was happy of course. I couldn’t help but giggled remembering his broad shoulders while protecting me from the bastard who wanted to harass me. He was certainly hot that time and really tough, I never knew he can also kicked .


Damn, he’s too good to be true, he’s almost perfect. He can freaking do anything. If he ever gets a girlfriend, that girl would be the luckiest. Darn I’m so jealous; I hope it’s not Taeyon.


I laughed at myself; I was stupid, even adding Taeyon on my little fantasy. I was even thinking what if he gets a girlfriend while he’s still my tutor. Maybe I won’t be attending his tutoring anymore; of course I’ll be hurt as dump.


I was holding the necklace he gave me in my right hand and touching the necklace I was wearing with my left hand. The necklace I wore was the one given by Jonghyun when he proposed.


I was thinking a lot.


I sighed and sat up reaching for the back of my neck to take off the necklace. I placed it neatly on a small box and caressing the top preciously.


After that I opened the hook of my chicken leg necklace and put it on my neck. I was happy, twirling the pendant with my thumb and index finger.


I love him even though I know I am committing a sin.

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke