Down the Road

Down the Road



Chapter I

Down the Road


It only took two months for it all to take hold of him. It all started with a dull cough…


8월 14

Somewhere on the road,

I met you.

Somewhere on the road,

I saw your heart.

Somewhere on the road,

We fell in love.

Myungsoo stood in the recording booth with Sungyeol, tapping his thigh in time with the music.

They were recording the song for their next comeback, all of them were geared up and ready to go after not having anything special for a long time.

As Myungsoo sang his line for the song, he could feel Sungyeol’s eyes boring holes into the side of his head.

“That’s great,” the producer said from the other side of the glass window between the recording studio and the observing area.  “Just hold on for a second while we check it.”

Myungsoo nodded and turned to Sungyeol.  “What?”

Sungyeol jumped.  “What?” Sungyeol asked.

“Why are you staring at me?  That’s supposed to be my thing.”

Sungyeol laughed.  “Sorry, your voice is amazing, I really didn’t mean to do that.”

Myungsoo smiled at the compliment.  “Your voice is amazing too though.”

He shook his head.  “Not as amazing as yours,” he argued.

“You’re voice is really nice,” Myungsoo said firmly.  “Just sing thinking that you’re not awkward and your voice won’t come out awkward.”

Just then, something tickled in Myungsoo’s chest and he had to turn away from Sungyeol to cough a few times.

Sungyeol hit his back a few times, gently, but with enough force to make Myungsoo feel like he was trying to punch him instead.  “Are you okay?” he asked with concern in his voice.

Myungsoo nodded, holding his breath to try to stop the coughs.  “I’m fine,” he rasped as the coughs died down. 

Sungyeol smiled.  “You better be, because it’s not Infinite without you.  We would all fall apart without you.”

He smiled as he took a drink of water.  “We would fall apart without you too.”

“That’s because Infinite is seven.  No more, no less.”


8월 18

We walked down the same path,

Every day I felt your love.

The sun didn’t need to shine when you were by my side,

For the days lasted forever.

“Hold your head a bit higher.”

Myungsoo raised his chin as the photographer took a few more pictures.  That day, they were in their photoshoot for their album, each of them were dressed in dark colours to match their concept for the new album.

“And we’re done.”

Myungsoo smiled and relaxed, bowing.  “Thank you.”  He walked off the backdrop to go find something to eat, hungry after the photoshoot.

Sungjong met him at the small snack table.  “Hi, hyung, how was your photoshoot?” he asked as he grabbed a waterbottle to take a sip.

Myungsoo smiled.  “It was good,” he answered as he poked through the snacks, searching for something to match his taste.

“Are you okay?” Sungjong asked.  “Sungyeol-hyung said that you had a bad coughing fit yesterday and I heard you coughing badly in the morning.  Are you coming down with something?”

He smiled again and laughed.  “I’m fine, Sungjong.  Thanks for worrying, but I’m fine.”

Sungjong looked at him closely, his big brown eyes searching his.  “Well, if you aren’t feeling well, you would tell me right?”

Myungsoo nodded.  “I will and I think it’s your turn,” he said as he heard the photographer call for Sungjong.  “Thanks for worrying about me.  Even though you’re the youngest, I think that you’re the most capable.”

Sungjong smiled before he went to go get his pictures taken.  “Thanks, hyung, I’ll take care of my hyungs.  And that includes you.”


8월 19

Somewhere down the road,

Somewhere on the road,

Somewhere, somehow,

You left me behind.

Myungsoo watched from behind the cameras as Dongwoo took his shots for the music video.

For this video, they were out in the middle of nowhere, filming on dusty roads, middle of the fields, in the forests and anywhere the directors thought that were nice.


Dongwoo broke his character, a dark and angry man, and smiled broadly turning back into the bright and bubbly hyung Myungsoo knew.

“You can take a break as we check the tapes,” the director said to Dongwoo. 

Dongwoo grinned again and hopped over to Myungsoo.  “How was I?” he asked.

Myungsoo laughed at Dongwoo’s energy.  “You were great, hyung,” he said.

He smiled at Myungsoo and ran around the field they were filming in.  “It’s beautiful here,” Dongwoo called over his shoulder spreading his arms to catch the wind.  “It’s like you’re flying.”

Myungsoo ran to catch up with Dongwoo.  “It is beautiful here, I took a few pictures already.”

“Dongwoo!” the director called.  “Come back, we need one more shot.”

He smiled.  “Okay!  See you later, Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo waved as Dongwoo hurried back to the set.  As Dongwoo started acting again, Myungsoo lifted his camera again and took a picture.



8월 21

Run, run, still not happy.

Without you, I’m not happy.

Run, run, down the path.


I’ll meet you there.

Myungsoo and Hoya practiced in the practice room, sweating hard.  The cheoregraphy wasn’t the most complicated out of all their dances but they all wanted it to be perfect.

“Myungsoo, your arm needs to go like this,” Hoya said gently.  “You’re doing it like this, move it more like this.”  He demonstrated the movements.  Myungsoo nodded slowly, concentrating hard as he copied Hoya’s movements.

“Yes, like that.” Hoya grinned.  “From the first verse okay?”

Myungsoo smiled back and took his spot.


I’ll meet you there.

Hoya suddenly turned off the music.  “Myungsoo are you alright?”

Myungsoo turned to Hoya, not sure what he meant, panting hard from the dancing and maybe something else too. 

“Your breathing is off.”

“Huh?” Myungsoo asked as he tried to in another breath.

“It sounds like you’re having troubles breathing,” Hoya said, concern written across his face as he put his hand on Myungsoo’s back.  “Can you catch your breath?”

“I’m good,” Myungsoo reassured.  Even as he reassured Hoya, he leaned over, putting his hand on his knees as he tried to regulate his breathing.

“Myungsoo, don’t be afraid to ask for help okay?” Hoya said gently.  “You don’t need to be afraid in admitting defeat for once.”

He nodded, straightening up slowly as he gained control of his breathing again.  “Thanks, hyung, but I think I’m okay now.”

Hoya studied him closely.  “Okay… but remember what I said, okay?”

Myungsoo nodded again.  “Thanks.  Let’s get back to practicing.”


8월 22

I want to be back with you,

I’ll run all night to see you.

I would go through mountians,

Rivers, storms and fields,

All for you.

“Myungsoo… Myungsoo-yah… wake up.”

Myungsoo opened one eye sleepily as he was rosed from his sleep by a soft voice and a shake on his shoulder.  Woohyun’s face swarmed into focus above him.

“Myungsoo, get up,” Woohyun said briskly.  “The press conference is starting soon.”

Myungsoo sat up in his seat, looking around, confused about the time.  He had thought that he would close his eyes for a few seconds when there was more than a hour left till the conference, but now Woohyun was telling him that it was starting. “What…”

“You’ve been sleeping for about as long as we have been here for,” Woohyun explained.  “It’s time to get going though.”

Myungsoo rubbed the last of the sleep out of his eyes.  “Sorry, I didn’t think I would sleep.  I’m just tired.”

Woohyun nodded, smiling sympathetically.  “We’re all tired, just don’t fall asleep in the middle of the press conference, okay?”

He laughed and nodded.  “Okay.”  Woohyun lent his hand and helped him up off the seat and towards the group.

“Did you have a dream?” Woohyun asked as they made their way over to the stage.

Myungsoo smiled as he remembered the dream.  “Yeah.”

“What was it about?”

He smirked.  “It’s a secret.”

“One of those dreams?” Woohyun raised his eyebrows suggestively and gave a few mocking hip s.

“Hey!”  Myungsoo shoved Woohyun, causing the other to stumble but both of them were smiling through the argument.  “No!  It was a dream of our comeback stage, it was perfect…”


8월 25

Somewhere down the road,

We will fall out of love.

Somewhere down the road,

We will meet again.

Anywhere down the road,

I will love you.

“Hey, Sunggyu-hyung.”

Sungggyu jumped as Myungsoo spoke up from directly behind him.  “Myungsoo, when did you get home?  You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“Can’t be good for a old hamster.”

“Hey!  Stop teasing the person who’s cooking dinnner.”

Myungsoo’s eyes light up and he made a beeline for the pot that was on the stove.  “What is it?”

“Kimchi jjigae,” Sunggyu said.  He slapped Myungsoo’s hand away as he tried to sample some.  “No.  Not any until supper.”

“Please?” Myungsoo pouted, trying aegyo for once.  “Please?”

Sunggyu sighed, Myungsoo’s aegyo would always be his soft spot, and lifted up the spoon for him.  “How is it?”

Myungsoo tasted some and smiled.  “It tastes great, hyung.”

He smiled back and continued stirring.  “Are you okay, Myungsoo?”

“Hmm?” he asked, absent mindedly as he looked through the fridge for something to eat.

“You’re losing a lot of weight recently,” Sunggyu said, his eyes b with worry.  “And you aren’t on a diet.  You’ve been tired a lot recently too.”

Myungsoo shurgged and took out an apple.  “I guess all the preperations are getting to me.”  He smiled at Sunggyu.  “It’s okay.  I’m fine.  After the comeback, I’ll be better.”

Sunggyu smiled back.  “You will tell someone if you aren’t feeling well, right?”

Myungsoo turned around as he started to leave the kitchen.  “I will.  I got six brothers to go to if I have troubles.”


Someday on the road,

You will disappear,

I will wander down the road to find you again. 


Thank you for subscribing last time! I know that i haven't thanked everyone but know that you have all my love~ Please comment and subscribe and upvote, I'll be posting soon! (especially comment please? please tell me if it was good or not good) 

Thankyu~ Biebie! 


(I couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose 

my sister or family or friends. all of my thoughts and

prayers to those on the ferry, and who have someone

they love on the ferry.) 

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I'm merging chapters together, so if there's a chapter or two missing, i merged it with another chapter.


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Keep coming back to re-read the series again... Your series are My go to series when i reallyyyyyy want to shed tears... Reading the series while listening to "Together" really make me cry a lot.. So far, these series are the most memorable one for me as it made me cry a lot.. Really hope that you would never delete these series! Hope you are well too, author - nim!
Chapter 25: wonderful story.. I love every chapter. I guess I somewhat needed this especially now that a lot of things are happening (Hoya,'s departure from INFINITE. Myungsoo and Sungkyu's departure from Woollim. Their enlistment..) Thank you for this.
Chapter 17: I have an announcement to make . To my best friend I have replaced you with a tissue box , from now until I finish this fanfic you'll be known as a close friend. My true best friend right now it the tissue box
Chapter 19: Awwwe. That was such a sweet present to give to L. /teary eyed/
Chapter 12: Hi author-nim! I'm well aware that this is already a completed story but I'm glad you wrote a bit of WooGyu moment in the story. Anyway, I really appreciate you for writing this OT7 fanfic. There's not that many out there and whenever I found one, it always contain some romance in it which I don't like. I just want to read an OT7 fic purely about their friendship and bond with each other so thank you for writing this one! ^^ Anyway, I got to go. I still need to continue reading. Ciao!~ Will comment again later.
Chapter 11: I don't want to think that this will end up tragically. I am being positive. Huhuhu please no. /tries her hardest to be positive despite having a gut feeling that this will end up sadly/
khasabat #7
Chapter 25: Do you know how make my tears stop weting my check? Hiks i am cryng so badly! From begining until now-
You-- ah author i cant found what words that can descript your imagine in your story...
Hah iam drying now!
misscalendula #8
Chapter 25: Tell me how to stop crying TT So beautifully written. Thank you for this story.. ^^
just finished this story and it's one of the best fanfics I have ever read. why has it never been featured? I will up vote for sure.. :) it would be nice if you wrote more fics like this, it was very real to me especially with the legit dates and everything. the ogs in LA really gets to me in the beginning cause that's near where I live and I'm going to infinite effect in LA & the feeling of being part of that audience and relating those feelings to the story.. HAHA idkk how to explain but this story made me feel a certain way :')
I began reading this story out of the sheet fact it was centered around Myungsoo who is my ultimate bias and I was so blown away with this story. It was truly a story that gripped at my heart and a story I will never forget. Now I just have to read the endings. Thank you for writing this story, it is truly amazing.