Sixty-six calls

Just Leave Me Alone

During the whole time Yena and Jihae were eating, Jihae couldn't help but keep zoning out and not hearing anything.

"Jihae! JIHAE!"

Jihae snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Yena.

"Dude. is everything okay?"

Jihae realised she didn't hear a word that Yena said but slowly nodded anyway.

Jihae went back to eating her fries but Yena wasn't convinced.

"Really? like really really?"

Jihae looked up and laughed.

"Yes, really really."

Yena still wasn't convinced but she didn't want to bother Jihae.

"Well, just talk to me whenever you want okay?"

Jihae smiled and nodded.

Yena stretched her arms and looked at the time.

"Hey, i think i needa head home now. I got an essay due soon."

Yena sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh okay. Let's go then."

Jihae and Yena paid for their food and walked out of the store.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? Bye Jihae!"

Yena quickly hugged Jihae before running off for her bus.

Jihae slowly started walking towards her apartment when she saw Jonghyun in the distant.

When jonghyun spotted Jihae, he waved and quickly ran up to her.

"Hey! was that Yena just now?"

Jihae nodded and looked back to make sure Yena wasn't able to see them.

Jonghyun sighed and face-palmed his face.

"She's been avoiding me all day. I seriously don't know what to do anymore."

Jonghyun and Jihae started walking towards the apartment and went up the lift.

Jonghyun realised that Jihae wasn't saying much and looked over at her.

"Hey.. is everything okay?"

Jihae looked back at him and tilted her head side-ways.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't i be?"

Jonghyun shrugged. "I don't know. You're awfully quiet today."

Jihae nervously laughed and awkwardly looked away.

'Quiet? pffft. it's just your imagination."

Jonghyun nodded and shrugged. "Probably."

The elevator doors opened and Jonghyun and Jihae stepped out and walked to their front doors.

"Tell Kibum i said hi okay?"

Jihae smiled and walked inside and closed the door behind her.

Am i really being that obvious? ..i can't let them know.

Jihae slapped her cheeks lightly and walked into the kitchen to make dinner.


Bzzt . Bzzt . Bzzzt .

Jihae slowly opened her eyes and saw her phone vibrating next to her.

Jihae slowly moved her hand and picked up her phone.

A number that she has never seen was calling her.

Jihae slowly sat up and picked up her phone.

"Hello..?" Jihae just managed to croak.

"Hello? Is this jihae?"

Jihae rubbed her eyes. "Yes. Speaking. Who is this?"

Suddenly the person on the other end chuckled softly.

"Who is this? What. Forgot my voice already?"

Jihae frowned and thought for a second.

Who the hell is this?

"Seriously, who are you?"

The voice laughed again.

"Guess, silly."

Jihae started getting a little ticked off by this person.

"I said.... who are you?" Jihae asked again.

The voice chuckled and sighed.

"Who else? You're one and only lovely cousin Mina!"

Jihae's eyes grew wide open and nearly dropped her phone.

"M... MINA?"


Jihae ran down the stairs in her apartment because she couldn't wait for the lift to come up.

As soon as she reached the enterance of her apartment, she saw a slim tall girl facing her back to Jihae.

Jihae slowed down and stopped in her tracks.

Am i.. dreaming? is this real?

Jihae slowly walked up to the slim girl and stood behind her.

The slim girl turned around and grinned widely as soon as she saw Jihae.

"Jihae! Long time no see, cousin!"

Mina opened her arms and hugged Jihae tightly.

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hopeminkookie #1
Chapter 33: i want jihae end up with taemin but i want jihae end up with jinki omg this is so frustrating
KwangMira #2
Chapter 18: I read the comments before read the ending and ... it was with jinki ?? Damn
KwangMira #3
Chapter 14: Ughh .. so sweet !!
KwangMira #4
Chapter 6: Im starting feel excited
KwangMira #5
Chapter 2: Taeminnie fanfic ♥♥♥
Maneuverish #6
I absolutely love the ending of this story!
this is one of the earliest story i've ever read on asiansanfics and i still love it <3

"They all stood in a row and looked at their one and only highschool and softly smiled.
The one place that brought them all together."

this is my fav quote. idek why. i just miss my friends and school maybe ;;; much love authornim
Chapter 72: wow okay didn't expect the story will finish that way /laughs/ but i really love your story author-nim! <3
Chapter 74: woow, so cute this ending
at beginning i confused who will be with jihae
but finally with jinki yeayyy
i support them from beginning
haha love this fanfic
YoungMiPark #10
Hi.. new reader here (o^^o)♪