Sixty 9 ( LOL c: )

Just Leave Me Alone

Jihae looked at Junhyung waiting for an explaination.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Junhyung just stood there, not knowing what to say. Jihae finally gave up and ran after Jinki.

When she finally caught up to Jinki, she started calling out to him.

"Jinki! Wait up! Jinki!"

Jinki stopped walking but didn't turn around.

Jihae ran up to him and grabbed onto his wrist.

"What was that all about?"

Jinki slowly looked down at his wrist and looked back up at Jihae.

Jihae followed his gaze then looked back up at him.

She slowly let go of his wrist and awkwardly looked away.

Jinki breathed in and started walking again.

Jihae didn't follow after and stayed standing where Jinki left her.


Jihae slowly closed the door behind her and quietly walked past the kitchen.

She walked upstairs and made her way to the bedroom.

Suddenly Jinki came out of the bathroom and walked into Jihae.

Jihae quickly dodged his eye contact and tried walking away.

Jinki looked at the clock.

"Where were you?"

Jihae stopped walking and turned around.

"Uh.. um.. i was out."


"The um.. park."

"With who?"


Jinki turned and looked at Jihae, coldly.

He walked straight past her to his bedroom without saying another word.

Jihae watched him close the door.

"Merry Christmas." Jihae whispered to herself and slowly walked into her own bedroom.

She dropped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling.

What's going on..


"And then you pour this in andddd you're done!" Junhyung smiled at his well-made milkshake.

Junhyung waited for Jihae to react or say something but there was no response.

Junhyung turned around and saw Jihae staring off into space.

Junhyung clapped his hands in front of Jihae, which made her snap out of it.

"Wait. What?"

Junhyung sighed and shook his head.

"You've been like this for days."

"Been like what?"

"Well um, first of all. Staring off into space. Not reacting fast enough. Drifting off in mid sentence. Is there something you're not telling me?"

Junhyung eyed Jihae suspiciously.

Jihae forced herself to laugh.

"No of course not!"

Jihae turned around and went to serve a customer.

Junhyung stopped what he was doing and couldn't help but watch her.

The whole day, Jihae kept making mistakes at work and Junhyung would always be right there to help.

Suddenly, the door bell rang as a customer walked in.

Jihae and Junhyung turned around to greet the customer.

"Welcome si-"

Jihae stopped in mid sentence and looked up at Jinki.

"Can i sit anywhere?"

Jihae slowly nodded.

Jihae saw that, behind Jinki, was a girl around their age.

Jinki went to go sit by the window with the girl.

Jihae was about to go serve them when Junhyung walked ahead and served them first.

Jihae couldn't help but keep looking at Jinki and the girl talking and laughing.

She could feel jealously rising inside of her.

Since Junhyung was watching her carefully, he could tell what was going on.

When Jinki looked their way, Junhyung quickly put his arm around Jihae and grinned.

"So are you busy after work?"

Jihae glared at Junhyung and shoved his arm off.

"We're at work! what do you think you're doing?!" Jihae hissed back and stomped off.

Junhyung wasn't going to give up.

This is just the beginning.

Junhyung grinned to himself and ran after Jihae. 




OMGSH ! i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating for a week D:

i lost track of time because of christmas etc T____T

i promise i'll never do this again !

anyways, hope you guys havent forgotten about me c: hehe




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hopeminkookie #1
Chapter 33: i want jihae end up with taemin but i want jihae end up with jinki omg this is so frustrating
KwangMira #2
Chapter 18: I read the comments before read the ending and ... it was with jinki ?? Damn
KwangMira #3
Chapter 14: Ughh .. so sweet !!
KwangMira #4
Chapter 6: Im starting feel excited
KwangMira #5
Chapter 2: Taeminnie fanfic ♥♥♥
Maneuverish #6
I absolutely love the ending of this story!
this is one of the earliest story i've ever read on asiansanfics and i still love it <3

"They all stood in a row and looked at their one and only highschool and softly smiled.
The one place that brought them all together."

this is my fav quote. idek why. i just miss my friends and school maybe ;;; much love authornim
Chapter 72: wow okay didn't expect the story will finish that way /laughs/ but i really love your story author-nim! <3
Chapter 74: woow, so cute this ending
at beginning i confused who will be with jihae
but finally with jinki yeayyy
i support them from beginning
haha love this fanfic
YoungMiPark #10
Hi.. new reader here (o^^o)♪