
Love at first sight is destinated


Back in the corridor you saw Kris coming out of his room. He stared at you for a moment and walked quietly past you. But you didn't care since you're still angry on him. You knocked at Suho's door “Oppa? It's me. Can we talk?”

No one replied. So you just opened the door carefully and went in. Inside the room you discovered a body lying on the bed under the blanket facing its back to you.

Oppa? Why aren't you talking to me anymore? Is it because of the incident with Kris? I am sorry. You know I never wanted this. Please. Can we talk?” you reached for his shoulder to turn him over but he grabbed your wrist harshly before you could touch him.

Don't touch me.” he coldly said while turning over to face you, still holding your wrist. Hard.
“Ouch. Oppa that hurts.” you whined.

He just tossed your hand away and you lost your balance.

Aah.” you whined again from the pain on your wrist and now too.

In this moment a tall man teared the door brutally open. Without saying a word Kris made his way to the man lying on bed and punched him in his face.

Oppa!” you screamed from the shock. It was an reflex. In this moment you didn't know which one you meant. But Kris didn't stop. He took the collar of Suho and pulled him out of the bed. He pushed him against the wall his face inches away from the face of the other.

Listen! She already said she's sorry! You should know her better to know that she isn't like this! You always say she isn't like the others and now you can't even trust her!? From who do you want to hear that she is not like that!? Even I am saying that everything was from my intention! I forced her, OK!?” Kris yelled at him
“Kris! Stop it!” you screamed.

No you stop it! Are you 9 years old? How can you be so naive and still running after some one is ignoring you? Can't you see that I like you more than he does? I actually deserve you more! But you are still running after this guy!” Bang. The sound a punch echoed in the room. Suho stood now self-conscious in front of Kris who is now on the floor rubbing his painful face.

Oppa stop it!” You screamed again. Now with tears rolling down on your cheek.

You think you deserve her!? Someone so special!? You dirty player have only one thing in your mind! I prefer to die than let her go to you!”

Please! Stop it now!” you cried.

Suddenly the door went open and Lay and Sehun stormed in the room to discover Kris and Suho glaring at each other like they would eat each other in a second.

What happened?” Sehun asked into the room.

Oppadeul. Please help me.” you begged them.

Lay went over to Kris and Suho to stop them eating each other while Sehun helped you to get up.

Rika your wrist! It's blue and swollen. Does it hurt?” he touched your hand. You flinched from the pain.

Lay came towards you after calming his Hyungs down and noticed the injury.

Rika! Ppalli! Let's bring you in a hospital!” he demanded. You and Lay made your way to the door.

Can I come along?” Suho and Kris in synchronization.

No. No one of you. Are you going to fight in the hospital too? That would maybe a good idea. So you don't have a long way if you get hurt.” Sehun told his Hyungs. You, Lay and Sehun went to the hospital and let the leaders alone.

See what you have done? I am dirty? You are the one who hurt her! And I am not only talking about her hand.” Kris scoffed at Suho. He didn't respond instead he just glared him. “Do you think I wanted to hurt her? It's just... I like her so much... and seeing her like this made me loose my temper. I would do everything to make it undo. Seeing her like this now makes me feel even more bad... pabo Joon Myeon.” he thought to himself.


You, Sehun and Lay reached the hospital. Lay filled the papers for since you couldn't. After some test the doctor diagnosed that your wrist isn't broken but it's sprained and you have to wear a bandage for a week. The two men brought you back to your dorm but couldn't bring you to your flat since it would be too dangerous.

Your forever-happy leader greeted you with her usual scolding “Yah! You are la- What happened to your hand? Did you got in an accident? Did you fight? Didn't I tell you that you have to take care of yourself?”

You just stood there listened until she was finished. “I' sorry.” You just bowed to her and went straight to bed.

What's wrong with her? Doesn't she defend or at least defend herself when she got scolded?” one of your members asked the leader.

I don't know. Maybe it is something even more worse than usual... But now we have to find a way to tell manager.”









a badass chapter~

hope you liked it :D


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daramiu #1
Chapter 16: awww !. I love your stories make more pleaseeee ! <3
QStella #2
Chapter 15: Awww, ok love the ending! ^^
QStella #3
Chapter 14: Ohhh, but I wanted suhooooo! But kris is not bad too
Chapter 13: waaaaah very cute story!!!...update soon ^^!!!
Aigooo such a great and cute story! :33 kekeke
très bien!! :P
rainbowxsalt09 #6
Chapter 9: Please update it soon~~ Iike this story so far~~ XD hehe..
rainbowxsalt09 #7
Chapter 6: Aww... This story is soo cute!! XD Heheh.. XD Update please? XD *puppy eyes*