Step Two: Successful. Step Three: In Progress.

Love at first sight is destinated


Your debut went just as you wanted. You made some mistakes at the rehearsal but you were able to cover them in the live broadcast. Before going on stage you introduced yourselves to some Sunbaes and gave them your album. In return they gave you theirs. You knew you would like to stand on a stage. But you didn't know how much you would love it to stand in front of your fans and hearing them cheering.

After the broadcast you waited outside at the car for your members who still need to get their make-up re-done. Leaning against the car you thought of the feeling you had on stage. But suddenly snapped a soft feeling on your cheek you back to reality.

Kris! Yah! What are you doing!? Why are you always so mean to me like this?” you got angry.

I'm kissing you. As an reward because you did so well today. If you win the first place I'll kiss you on your tasty lips.” he tried to seduce you.

This is not a reward. More like a punishment.” you didn't fall for him.

Fine. Then I will punish you when you win. And don't say you didn't like it. I can see how you enjoyed it. You are red like a tomato.” he still teased.

I didn't not like it. I hated it.”

And what if I had kissed you?” Xiumin called from behind.

Oppa. Did you saw my performance?” your mood went up right after you saw a more beloved friend than Kris.

Of course I had to see it. You did so well it was great.” he praised you. You giggled at his compliments “Thank you. But weren't you busy?”

No, I have to go later.” you eyes went to the ground. Xiumin noticed and tried to cheer you up “Suho had his schedules earlier than us and he is very sad he couldn't see you live. But he said he would watch the broadcast.”

In this moment your cellphone rang. It was a message from Joon Myeon.

Aigoo I didn't know that I have such a talented little sister. You did so well today.”

You mood went up even more and your heart began to flutter. Not like at Xiumin's compliment. Even more. And stronger.

Rika? Are you sick?” confused Xiumin asked.
What? No why?”
“You are red and you feel hot.” he laid his hand on your cheek.

Aah. I'm just so happy that you liked my performance. And that Suho-Oppa liked it too.

Sure. However. We have to go. Our manager is waiting.”
“Nae. Thanks for your visit Xiumin-Oppa.” you hugged him as goodbye.

What about me?” Kris complained.

Bye.” you coldly waved.

Aish this kid!” he became furious.

Kris! Ppalli!” Xiumin called him.


While driving to his next destination Kris pondered about you “Xiumin. Tell me. Why does she hate me so much? The most girls would have already fall or me if I had treated them like this. She does hate me even more.”
“Who? Rika? Don't tell me you want to seduce Rika?
“Not seducing. I want make her to like me.”

That's called seducing. Whatever. Rika isn't like the other girls. Do you know why she doesn't like you? You are rude. She likes the nice and caring style more. Like Suho. No.. not like Suho. She likes Suho.”
Kris scoffed at the knowledge of his Hyung “You think she likes him? They are friends for a while now and they still pretend they were brother and sister. You think this is a relationship?”
“See. This is what I meant. You're so ignorant.”
Kris got offended “Pfft. Whatever.”


Rika? Were that just Xiumin and Kris Sunbae? Are you crazy? We are at a broadcast station. Do you know how many fans are here? Do you want a scandal at the day of your debut?” your members came out.

You defended yourself “Aniyo. They just wanted to visit me. And we are here on the parking lot, fans are here not allowed.”

You never know. Those Sasaeng-Fans do everything only to see their idol for a second! This kid. What would the company do if pictures are discovered? You may have to leave the group! You don't want this and we neither.”

... I'm so sorry... I... I... it wont happen again.”
“That was the last time you saw them in the public.”








Sooo Chapter 7 updated for my lovely subscribers ~

Feeling so good right now~

And a happy new year! 

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daramiu #1
Chapter 16: awww !. I love your stories make more pleaseeee ! <3
QStella #2
Chapter 15: Awww, ok love the ending! ^^
QStella #3
Chapter 14: Ohhh, but I wanted suhooooo! But kris is not bad too
Chapter 13: waaaaah very cute story!!!...update soon ^^!!!
Aigooo such a great and cute story! :33 kekeke
très bien!! :P
rainbowxsalt09 #6
Chapter 9: Please update it soon~~ Iike this story so far~~ XD hehe..
rainbowxsalt09 #7
Chapter 6: Aww... This story is soo cute!! XD Heheh.. XD Update please? XD *puppy eyes*