Step two: In progress.

Love at first sight is destinated


Then you felt how you were dragged out of Kris's hold.

What do you think are you doing Wu Yi Fan!?” the one who is shouting raging is Joon Myeon.

Aish. Why has this kid to disturb me?” Kris said to him self angry so only he can hear.

Joon Myeon turned to you worrying “Are you alright? Let me take you home.” He gave Kris one last angry glaze, which was replied by an cheeky air kiss from Kris, and walked you out.


You two walked silent on the dark cold street in silent. You got the feeling you have to explain what actually happened between you and Kris.
“Ehm.. Oppa? Kamsahabnida... You know, It's not like how it looked like...” You began to becoming teary while thinking about this scene. “He became a headache and I wanted to give him some medicine and he suddenly-”

Your words were stopped by Joon Myeon pulling you into a hug.


It's alright. I know Kris and his games. It's not your fault. I-It's just...” he stopped and you stared at him with your big eyes. “I just care so much for you because... I… li- I am like a older brother to you and I can't just sit there and see how some player harms you.”

You went to him, hugged him and snuggled your face into his chest. “Thank you oppa.” Suddenly you hear his heartbeat.. very loud an fast.. “Oppa? Are you all right?”
“Wh-What? Eh.. Yes. It's cold. Let's bring you home quickly.”

You grabbed his hand you walked home like this. Holding Joon Myeon's hand makes you feel a lot more warmer. It's like everything you need is just him besides you.


As soon as you walked into the dorm you were greeted very “friendly”.

Yah! Rika! It's 4AM! Where have you been? Were you alone? We have schedules today! Manager-Oppa called and said that our CEO wants to talk to us! What have you done?”
your leader scolded you. Whining you argued “Unnie~ you left me alone after practice and I met EXO coincidental so we ate together. And we to the dorm of them and then we-” “You were together with EXO-sunbeanim the whole time!? Yah! Do you want to make a scandal even before debut? Rika? What if fans saw you?” her voice became louder. “Joseonghabnida Unni... but I am friends with Joon Myeon Oppa Suho-sunbeanim.” you said while looking down and tried to hold your tears back again.

It's OK. No one saw... but be more careful next time.”

Hey, Rika, tell me, is Suho-sunbaenim your boyfriend?” the other members interfere.

Aniyo! Unni! I said friends! Not more!” you got sulky.

Aaaye. Whatever. Let's get some sleep before meeting with the CEO tomorrow.” your members demanded.


Your CEO entered the practice room.“Girls. The debut-date is fixed. You've one month left to practice the song. And fill this out. It's your profile.”he coldly said before leaving again.

Wow. He is so friendly...” the oldest said.

Let's see.. What have to to fill in?” one member said.

The other members are thinking too “Personal talent? Hm.. Should I write Ahjumma-Imitation? I think it's funny.”

You have no clue what your personal talent is “Unnie. Could you help me? What should I write here?”

How about being cute?” Kris entered casually the room.

Whaat!? Kris-sunbae is your boyfriend!?” the member jumped to conclusion.

Wha- Ani! Sunbae please leave.” you begged with a annoyed face.

I just came. No need to hurry. And being cute is your talent.” he grabbed your chin, stared into your eyes and leaned closer.

Yah! Wu Yi Fan! Can't let you alone for 5 seconds!? She asked you to leave!”

Op- Sunbae!” your face became brighter.

Anyeong little sister. I'm sorry for Kris... He is like a dog...”

Haha You saved me. Again. Thanks. Are you already going?” you pouted.

Yah! Who do you call a dog!?” Kris yelled but got ignored by .

Yes we have to. But see you later maybe?”

Nae.” you looked at him with a sweet smile on your lips. For some seconds Joon Myeon was like freezed from the view. After he got back to his sense he said goodbye and dragged Kris with him.







I have no clue which one will be choosen...

I'm still waiting for some comments :/

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daramiu #1
Chapter 16: awww !. I love your stories make more pleaseeee ! <3
QStella #2
Chapter 15: Awww, ok love the ending! ^^
QStella #3
Chapter 14: Ohhh, but I wanted suhooooo! But kris is not bad too
Chapter 13: waaaaah very cute story!!!...update soon ^^!!!
Aigooo such a great and cute story! :33 kekeke
très bien!! :P
rainbowxsalt09 #6
Chapter 9: Please update it soon~~ Iike this story so far~~ XD hehe..
rainbowxsalt09 #7
Chapter 6: Aww... This story is soo cute!! XD Heheh.. XD Update please? XD *puppy eyes*