Silent Angel II


Silent Angel II

Hye Min protected Suho and EXO-K with her life, and Suho truly believed she became his protecting angel, but when she's gone, Suho felt lost.

Now Suho and Kai wants to protect someone and become one’s silent angel.

But before they do that, they need to put down the past behind them.



Two people come across each other lives. Now one’s gone, what will happen to the other?


Suho finally found the love of his life, but the person who nurtured him when he came into SM, was the person who took away his love one.

How much hurt can he can take?



Five years passed, Suho has to move on, and his next stop is Japan.


HappySmiley's new story!

Also the sequel to Protecting Angel!

Those who have not read Protecting Angel, do take some time to understand the plot! [Click Here]



Again, three people’s lives come across one another.

One who has the affinity to meet the love of his life, and the other that finally found his childhood friend, which also is the love of his life.

It’s hard to decide for Hyesu to say she’s lucky, or unlucky.



A silent angel’s job is almost the same as the job of a protecting angel, but one difference is that whatever the silent angels do to protect, they are always silent.

Angels are found anywhere and everywhere, and sometimes silent angels can be protecting silent angels too. Silent angels can also be the one closest to you, and always by your side.



One lost in love

One lost in hatred




Kim Hyesu

The one that has an identical face as Hye Min, leading to a misunderstanding between Suho, and was also recognised by the EXO-K members as “Ghost”

Looks can be deceiving indeed. Hyesu looks like Hye Min, but is she Hye Min? No.

The ordinary girl bubbly girl that just strives to make a living to have a roof over her head. Seeing Suho suffer in his past, she tried to help Suho move on and let go, but things sometimes go wrong, and when things are least expected to happen, happens.

No matter what Hyesu does, no matter how dangerous her job is, she just doesn’t want to implicate Suho, and she just silently protects Suho, at all costs.

Secretly holds a grudge against one of the EXO-K members.



His biggest regret was locked in heart for five years, having him to lie to himself and others for five years, enabling himself to let go of the past and Hye Min.

He got close to Hyesu because of her similarities with Hye Min, deceiving himself that the person beside him is the true Hye Min. But soon finds out that actually, looks change, and his reason for staying beside Hyesu changes as well.

He silently guards and tries his best to help Hyesu, just like how Hye Min guards him.

That lock in his heart is slowly being unlocked.


Kai/Kim Jongin

After Hye Min’s death made him wake up.

Kai love Hyesu for a reason, and for a story, but the relationship gets estranged.

He silently protects Hyesu as he failed his duty to protect her years ago, hoping for her to come back one day.

Didn’t know that Hyesu bears a grudge on him.



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Lupiness #1
Chapter 17: sigh really pity suho and hyesu they seem to be in so much pain i just want to hug them and tell them it's alright but it's ok cos suho is already hugging hyesu and he himself is getting some comfort from it :') please update soon
HelloSmiley #2
Chapter 17: Feel like reading protecting angel again can't believe Hye min died T.T why you do dis to Suho and make him suffer in pain T.T
BlueSummer #3
Chapter 17: omg suho is so sweeeeet >< sigh both of them in their own sorrows and the protecting angel feels are getting back when you mentioned hye min T.T
HelloSmiley #4
Chapter 16: #selflesslove I just hope Hyesu wont hurt herself and just let go of the hatred ya know let it go~ let it go~
and suho is really pitiful T.T he's broken
Chapter 16: Poor Suho.. he still loves Hyemin.. or Hyesu???
Lupiness #6
Chapter 16: Hyesu was harsh towards Suho.. but at the same time i can feel love towards Suho deepening.. she doesn't want Suho near her because she doesnt want to hurt him thats really nice and sweet :')
BlueSummer #7
Chapter 16: Poor Suho :( I guess Hyesu is just doing the best for Suho (not implicating him)
HelloSmiley #8
Chapter 15: What about Suho scenes? More Suho scenes please? :) So at least he could cheer Hyesu up yea?
Lupiness #9
Chapter 15: T.T Hyesu is suffering so much... Jongin ah....
BlueSummer #10
Chapter 15: Hyesu's broken.. legit broken.. she's like so empty and has no life in her life.. it's just saddening..