The Past: Tumbling Down ii

Crashing Tides






The past iv

The Underground Cave (2)




The two fell silent, lost in their own thoughts, both finding it extremely weird about having been stuck in a situation like this that too with each other. A Pirate and an officer walking through a long narrow underground cave, now that would be a story to tell. The temperature dropped as they kept on travelling through, eagerly looking any sort of escape. Of course the cave had to end somewhere, they only needed to hope they were heading in the right way and not some dead-end.

When donghae heard Hyukjae chuckle a bit he turned to frown at him inquisitively, Hyukjae shrugged, reducing his smile on purpose “Nothing, I just thought back to that meditation you did back there, never saw you as a spiritual kind of person, you know, with all the looting and killing you do.”

Donghae put on the most bored expression and rolled his eyes, looking forward again “ It was suggested to me by a person I hold in great reverence, hence I do it in times of need.”

“Ah, a special someone or-“

Donghae side-eyed him “Ye sure has a hell lot’a questions. Here’s a suggestion: keep ‘em with ye.”

Hyukjae takes what he gets, he does not pry any further. Unlike Donghae’s raw, indiscriminate hatred and hostility, Hukjae’s hostility is in accordance to situations.  He would make peace with an enemy and even consider them as allies if trust was built, however Donghae’s attitude just made it hard for Hyukjae to reach over and even try something along the lines of friendship. The fact that the two were walking along- working together to find escape- while not constantly bickering or throwing insults was good enough for now.

“You’re interesting”

“And yer a nuisance, the hell do ye keep eyeing me for hunh? Are ye in heat for me or something?” donghae sneers at him , which falters a bit because all Hyukjae does was flash him a loop-sided grin.

“Maybe.” Hyukjae whispers and Donghae grits his teeth “Ye ain’t my type of man, might as well back the off.”

Hyukjae shook his head, “Ah, so you are into men, thanks for that insight, so what else are you into aside from looting and men?” He snorts at Donghae’s alarmed expressions before the Pirate purses his lips in a threatening snarl “Stop tryin’ to get insights into me, ye rat! Ye can just die wondering for all I care, everything about me is none of yer business!”

Hyukjae does not realize just how thirsty he is till he hears himself panting, donghae raises a brow but ignores as they carry on walking, the look of distaste on Donghae’s face faltering as he gets distracted by thought of his crew and the Captain, they would be looking for him, worried sick.

When Hyukjae suddenly stops walking and leans against the illuminated wall Donghae stops too “what’s up with ye all of a sudden?”

Hyukjae shakes his head “Just thirsty, that’s all.” Donghae watches Hyukjae shiver a bit, breathing out of his mouth causes fog to drift out. His eyes avert to his jacket and then he finally decides.

Hyukjae looks surprised when a small vessel of transparent liquid dangles in his face “What is this?” at his lips he watches as Donghae rolls his eyes “ Poision- it’s water you numbskull, just take it before I change my mind.”

“T-thank you donghae.” Somewhat shocked by the Pirate’s act of kindness and care- was he even capable of feeling such notions?- he gratefully gulps down the liquid till the last drop. Doghae watched him drink like that and grunted “ Don’t get the wrong idea, scum, two minds are better than one, once we get outta here I might as well kill ya.”

“Yea, yea, got it.”

“Good” the Pirate mumbled, yanking at one of the glowing stones before fighting to pull one out “We could use this, to keep warm and some light.”

Hyukjae nodded “ Good thinking.” Donghae only grumbled in response that made Hyukjae’s lips twitch up in a small smile as he tugged and yanked a stone out for himself.

Completely out of touch from the world, the two walked through the dimly lit path, their glowing stones held in between their hands casting a soft glow, enough to know where they were stepping. The white glow began to fade around them and they observed how they were entering yet another dark area of the cave. Instantly Hyukjae sensed Donghae walking closer to him. The stones they held didn’t help them much, besides it had gotten way more cold, no more how hard they tried the shudders that ran through their bodies didn’t stop.

They had been walking in silence for a long time, hours on hours. They could feel fatigue, the cold was getting to them, their stomachs rumbling and legs exhausted. They were both aware of how they were almost dragging their feet along, willing themselves to keep moving, hoping there were people out there looking for them. A rather loud huff from donghae made hyukjae slightly hold onto Donghae’s  jacket “ Wait” miraculously Donghae stopped, not even yanking his sleeve away from hyukjae’s grip as Hyukjae raised the stone to throw some light on donghae face.

The Pirate’s lips had certainly changed color and not a healthy one.

“I-it’s gotten colder” Donghae huffed, irritated yet anxious to get warm, the cold was biting at him, Hyukjae’s shaky hands were revealing Hyukjae’s condition as well.

“It’s probably night time already, we need to conserve energy-“

“No” donghae actually pleaded, his eyes downcast and Hyukjae’s worry was shooting up to the sky  because was this the same fiery Donghae? The one who hissed and snarled and looked invincible? “We need to keep moving, h-have to get o-out.” A strong shudder made Donghae reel “, Donghae just sit down, this instant.” Hyukjae didn’t give a damn at the moment, about just who he was and who donghae was, right now they were two tired, hungry and cold human beings lost somewhere underground, with no real surety of getting out alive. They were each other’s only hope.

Donghae slowly sunk down, Hyukjae was quick to huddle by his side, wrapping his arms and legs along donghae’s body, donghae did momentarily thrash but it was weak. Hyukjae let out a stern “It’s to keep us both warm” and donghae quit his flailing, Hyukjae spotted the deep yet tired scowl on the Pirate’s face which made his lips turn up a bit in amusement as he snuggled their heads together.

“Don’t ye in’ dare enjoy this.”

Hyukjae hid his smile in donghae’s damp ginger locks; the pirate still had a lingering fire in him, good.

Silence prevailed, Donghae could not deny how his body was itself leaning into Hyukjae’s, their legs stretched out and piled over each others, torso pressed up and Donghae’s head resting in the crook of Hyukjae’s neck, he had to admit, the cowboy’s body was warm and solid and he liked it against him.

Only because it was warm.

“Do ye’ think we will get out of here? Hyukjae felt the shudder and pressed himself against Donghae’s and frowned a little “ Am I imagining things or do you sound defeated, donghae?”

A scoff “After we get out, will ye’ try to arrest me again?”

“Hm, yes I suppose, will you try killing me again?”

“Yea, or I could just run away to me ship.”

“I won’t let you get away though” Hyukjae whispered, he was feeling drowsy “I did say you interested me.”

“Can ye cut out the being interested in me thing already? What, ye’ got infatuated with me or something?” Donghae sounded extremely sleepy so the mockery sounded cute to Hyukjae who laughed briefly “Infatuation? I’m not sure if I can call it that”


Hyukjae’s eyes fluttered open, he jerked up and gasped, startled at finding himself  in a white room. Disoriented he looked about, trying to figure out whether this was a dream.

“Hyuk!” a man with dark black hair quickly stepped into the room, coaxing Hyukjae to lay down

“Sungmin, where is Dongh-“

“The Pirate? Yeah, his crew took him with them, unfortunately  we could not snatch him away, the situation was not exactly favoruable to carry out any arrests.

“H-how did you find us?”

“Hyuk, please rest for now. In short when you and that pirate-donghae was it?- fell through the gap, we found ourselves in a stand-off with the Pirates. They offered us help if we helped them look for you two, one of our men in The Force knew those underground caves rather well, so a temporary truce was formed. We all had to work together to locate you two. Just rest up alright? Chief will need to talk with you in detail later. By the way, you were pretty much cuddled up with the pirate when we found you” Sungmin smirked before he told Hyukjae to try going back to sleep as he exited the room.

“Get lost, ming” Hyukjae breathed a sigh of relief, he could not recall much as he let himself relax in the infirmary’s bed, atleast they had not died and rotted away in the cold dark cave without a trace. His thoughts kept traveling back to Donghae, he fell asleep wondering how the Pirate was doing.


They had survived, together.


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Writing the Fight scene, hope it turns out well ;;


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Chapter 22: Really great, interesting story. Definitely saving it for a re-read. Thanks for writing!
Chapter 22: Reread again!
Chapter 22: UwU
Chapter 21: Ah! love
Chapter 16: Ugh not ers nooo
Chapter 14: G-g-grandpa??? Who dare call my love grandpa?!
Chapter 10: Aye kyu calm down you little
Chapter 9: Noooooo
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 22: Great story with a perfect ending.
is this hyukhae???