Chapter 6 - Moved In

On Rainy Days~~

"Lalala~~ biga oneun nare~ Nare chajawa~~ Bamne seo..." *BAM* "Ouch!!" Rain stop singing when she bumped into someone and fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry miss. Are you alright? Let me help you up." They guy Rain ran into asked her.

Rain ignore the guy and busy wipping of dirt on her shirt and pants. Then only she looks up to see the guy still standing in front of her. The moment she saw his face, her world just stop spinning. She saw an angel standing sent from above standing right infront of her. Wearing a button down white shirt tucked in deep blue jeans. Long straight hazelnut brown hair just nice to his ears. Long sharp nose. Deep dark brown eyes that can melt you. His smile is jaw dropping. Rain just blankly starring at this angelic guy.

"Miss? Miss?" The angel waving his hands. "Hello Miss? Are you alright? I don't think I bumped you quite hard." The guy snapped his fingers in front of Rain and she immediately come back to her senses.

"Owh I'm fine, sorry that I bumped into you. I didn't saw you." Rain quickly get up and straight away left the scene. She didn't even look back at the guy. She's walking pretty fast and smiled. This is how love at the first sight feels like. She tought.

The guy just stare at the girl who is walking or jogging her way down the block. Still confused. Something about her caught his attention.



*After the incident, in Rain's room*

She lay down on her bed, looking up to the ceiling and she saw that angel guy face. She quickly grab her pillow and hide under her pillow. Smilling and blushing when the guy face appear. "Who is that boy? I never saw someone that handsome in this village before. I always saw that kind of boy on the television but I didn't expect they actually axist. Not that there is no one good looking here, Minho is okay but this guy is totally to drool for. Why my heart is beating fast the moment I saw his face?" Rain mumbles. She still thinking where is that guy come from. Definitely not someone from this village as she knows every single one here because of her friendliness plus this village is not that big. Sure they know each other. Then suddenly "Wait. Oh no. He must be the son from the rich family that just move in today. That explain why I never saw him before. His outfit definitely not someone from here would wear. His hair is neat. Definitely someone from the city." Rain continued.

"Rain. Honey. Come down now. We have to go now before the sun sets. Hurry." Mrs. Choi called from downstairs. Settling the cupcakes she just frost into a box for her neighbour. Rain's younger brother just sit on the stool near the table and watch as Mrs. Choi arrange the cupcakes.

Upstairs. In Rain's room. "Omo Omo. What should I wear? I can't wear this. I fell down on the ground in this. He saw me in this!!! I don't have girly clothes. What should I do with my hair?" Rain panicked as she searching a decent outfit to wear inside her closet.

"Rain, honey. Hurry up. I don't want to bother them during dinner time." Her mom called her for the second time.

"Hold up, Ma. I'm dressing up. I just showered" Rain lied. She ends up with red checkered button down with a pair of skinny jeans and quickly ran downstairs.

"What takes you so long? You only took 5 minutes to get ready usually." Mrs. Choi asked her daughter. "Omo is that make up on your face? Who do you want to impress here honey? Mrs Choi curious about her daughter drastic change. She don't wear make up unless there is weddings or formal events. Other than that she just go bare.

"Haha, this is nothing, Ma. Come on. Let's get going. You're the one who asking me to come down quickly just now" Tries to hide her blushing cheeks by dragging her mother out from the house and grab her brother along.


*At the Son's family house*

"Hello. I'm Mrs Choi and this is my daughter and son." Rain's mom introduce herself when Mrs Son open the door. "We live across your house. We've met few years back when you bought this house. I don't think you remembered. Since you just move here, I thought about welcome you and your family here so that's why I come to visit." Rain's mom continue to introduce herself more.

"Oh hello. Sure I remembered you. You the one that show me around. Come in. Sorry. Still a bit messy. We just arrived today from the city. Come follow me." Mrs Son welcome Rain's family inside the big house.

"It's okay. I'm used to it. Imagine living with a lazy daughter and hyper active 7 years old son. This house is lovely." Mrs Son compliment as she look around. Mrs Son guided them to the living room. All the sofa, coffee table is already arrangged. "Oh here, homemade cupcakes i made for you and your family. I just have a lot of free time" Mrs Choi remarks as she placed the box cupcakes on the coffee table.

"Aww how thoughtful of you. Thank you so much. I always want to taste homemade cupcakes. I usually don't have time to bake my own when I was at the city but I think now I can. I'll go get the maid to make drinks for you all. Just be comfortable okay. I'll be back soon." Mrs Son leave the Choi's family in the living room and quickly headed to the kitchen and ask the maid to prepare drinks for her guest.

"Ma!! This house is B.I.G big!!! I never had the chance to see inside as I was afraid to come near." Rain study the house.

"Ssshhh. Don't speak to loud. They can hear you. The house is lovely eventhough it's bigger than us. They bought the house 5 years ago but didn't even come live here once until today." Rain's mom try her best to control her daughter as her volume is always high when she speaks.

While the mother daughter is busy talking with each other. Mr Son walk in the living room.

"Oh hello. You must be Mr Son if I'm not mistaken?" Rain's mom quickly get up from the sofa as soon as she saw Mr. Son

" Hello there. Mrs?" Mr. Son asked.

"Mrs Choi. Lived across the street and this are my lovely children." Rain's mom continued as she sits down at the same time Mr and Mrs Son sits opposite of her. They continue chit chatting. Meanwhile, Rain didn't put any thought into the adults conversation. She keeps looking around searching for that someone. She starts thinking maybe her assumption was wrong in the first place. Then she heard her mom asked a question she's interested with.

"Only the two of you living here? How about your children?" Mrs. Choi asked.

"Ah we have a son. Only son. Dongwoon. He's upstairs in his room. Trying to adapt to a new environment. It's a bit different here. More greens than tall building." Mrs Son anwered.

Rain smiled as she heard the answer from Mrs Son. She had a strong feeling about Dongwoon is the guy she bumped in to when she was at the town on the afternoon. Sadly, she didn't get the chance to meet Dongwoon.

"It's getting late. We better get going. I don't to interrupt you unpacking and your dinner." Mrs Choi get up and grab her daughter hand to follow her.

"Ok then. Thank you so much for coming. We feel welcomed now. Send my regards to your husband, Mr Choi. Hope to meet him when he gets back." Mr. Son remarked.

"Yes, I will. If you need anything just call me. Or my daughter here. We are neighbours now." Mrs Choi bow.

"Thank you uncle and aunty. Welcome to our village." Rain after being so quite the whole time decided to speak when she's outside.

She's dissapointed because she couldn't meet dreamy boy. She walked back, head down back to her house.

"Trying to impress Son's only son aren't you?" Mrs Choi teased.

"NOOOO!!!" Rain quickly ran into the house to avoid more embarresment.


I'm back. My weekend was totally packed. Enjoy ^^

Thank you for reading.



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Will try to update the first chapter latest tomorrow afternoon. if not i will at night. Busy with work.


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Chapter 16: Update please
ImAProudB2UTY #3
Chapter 6: i can wait !! when will be uploaded the chapter 7.. :")

i want to know if what will be woonie's reaction if he will saw rain :) <3
PrettyInPunk #4
Chapter 6: Update pls hehe its interesting ^^
Chapter 2: Update Update!
Chapter 1: Oohh please update soon!!!