Chapter 5 - Change

On Rainy Days~~

*At Dongwoon's house*

"Dongwoon. Don't go upstairs yet. I have something important to tell you." Mr. Son told his son as soon as his son come in to the living room. He asked his son to come and sit down with him in the living room.

Dongwoon who just come back from school lazily go to his dad and sit on the sofa opposite where his dad is sitting. After the slapping incident, he and his dad were not in a good term. They haven't spoke to each other once. Dongwoon is still very angry at his dad.

"Dongwoon, I'm very sorry about slapping you before. It was out of control. I should control myself but it was totally not my fault alone." Mr. Son apologize but remain stern.

"What are the important things you want to talk about? Can we get straight to the point? I have other things to do." Dongwoon replied in a sharp tone. He wanted to get away from is dad as soon as possible.

"Okay. I will get straight to the point then, as you requested. Well, I've put a lot of thoughts on this so whatever it is you have to follow whatever I will said to you. We will be moving to a village far away from the here. I just bought a school there. I wanted to get away from the city busy life and I want to rebuild our family relationship. Me and your mother is getting older. It's what all of us need, changes." Mr. Son explained slowly so that his son won't be so shocked and can take this news slowly. He slowly studied his son stunned reaction and continue "Don't worry. You will make new friends there at the village. It's totally not a deserted village. You will enter the school I bought. Your mom agreed too. She would love to meet new people and new environment. I heard the village people there is very friendly. In the morning I will be at the school and when school finish I will be at home for the rest of the day. We can even go fishing or do something together." Mr. Son contiuned happily. He's really looking forward for some changes.

Dongwoon is slowly trying to adapt what his father just told him. He really like the idea because he's getting bored with city life. Every night going out to club. Drinking. It's definitely good for him and he know it. "Is it temporary or we will be living there permanently? I don't want to get away from the city forever," Dongwoon told his father.

"How about we stay there until you finish high school? It would be great. Just 2 years. After that we can visit the village like once a month for our family little retreat. This for you, for your health." Mr. Son answered.

"Whatever. You already decided. Like what you've said earlier, I need to follow whatever you going to say. I have no right to say anything." Dongwoon asnwered and get up to his room. He actually love the idea but he doesn't want to show his father. He want to remain cool because he still very angry at his dad. Once in his room, he totally jumping up and down excitedly. He straight away find his phone to call Didi. He doesn't have anyone to talk to that will actually listen to him accept her.



*At the village. Rain's house.*

"Rain dear, come here for a second. I want to tell something." Mrs. Choi called her daughter from the living room.

"Yes ma, why? What is it? Is it because something I did? What did I do? O.O" Rain panicked. Her don't always ask her to come and sit down to have a talk. Unless something happen.

"No honey, no you didn't do anything wrong. I want to tell you something. You know the house at the back acrross the river? The big one? The one you always go and play there when you bored? Mrs. Choi asked and Rain nodded.

"Okay. Starting from today, the owner will start living there so you can't go and play there ok. Just stay up to the riverside. Don't go across it. The family is from the city so maybe the don't like people to just simply enter their property. Ok. Keep that in mind when you go have a walk later." Her mom continued.

"Oh no wonder I saw people going in and out the house couple of days back. I wanted to ask but they seems pretty busy so I don't want to bother. Are the family rich? The house is pretty big you know but I like how they maintain the structure, at least it not scary. You know big house without anyone living it in for years is pretty scary but I don't feel scared when I'm there. Funny right. Ok mom. I will keep that in mind, I wont go there to do my work anymore. The talkative girl replied.

"Yes dear. They family is very rich. I meet the mother once few years back. Now the father just bought your school. I think you already know that your school have new owner. You can be very busy body sometimes." Mrs. Choi joked.

"Why they decide to stay here? I thought the city is better than here. Maybe their family is going to be broke soon. That's why but you said the father just bought my school so that can't be. Hmmmm" Rain is getting curious.

"Hey, don't talk like that. It's not good you know to talk about someone like that. We should go to their house and greet them later when they arrive. Come help me bake some cupcakes. It's not nice to go empty handed." Mrs Choi get up and headed to the kitchen pulling her daughter along because she know her daughter will run away if she did grab her wrist.



"Hi sir, welcome back. I hope you like your stay here. I can assure you and your family will have a great time living here." The village president welcome Son's family at their house.

"Thank you. This is the new beginning for me and my family. Thank you for welcoming us." Mr. Son happily replied.

Dongwoon's family have finally arrive at the village. No more city life for 2 years.



I will be busy this weekend. Not so sure if i can update or not but I'll try. Thanks for reading.

Enjoy. Have a nice day.

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Will try to update the first chapter latest tomorrow afternoon. if not i will at night. Busy with work.


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Chapter 16: Update please
ImAProudB2UTY #3
Chapter 6: i can wait !! when will be uploaded the chapter 7.. :")

i want to know if what will be woonie's reaction if he will saw rain :) <3
PrettyInPunk #4
Chapter 6: Update pls hehe its interesting ^^
Chapter 2: Update Update!
Chapter 1: Oohh please update soon!!!