Chapter 3 - Courage

On Rainy Days~~

" Dongwoon! Come down here now!!" Mr. Son, Dongwoon's dad yelled from living room.  It's seem like something bad had happened. "Dongwoon!!!!" Son Dongwoon!!" He yelled again.

In Dongwoon's room. " Why in the world is wrong with that old man. Screaming like crazy person. So annoyying. Whatever..pfftt.." Dongwoon ignored his father.

"This kid is way too much. How could he do this to own family? I have a reputation and name to be taken of and he simply ruined it. What a shame to have this kid as my one only son, who always cause trouble." Mr. Son mumbles " Son Dongwoon!!! You better come down now or I will drag you here" Mr. Son shout again to make his son come down from his room. He is so mad with his son behaviour.

"Yeobo, please don't be to harsh to him. After all he is the only child we have. Please yeobo, I'm begging you. I don't want to lose him." Mrs. Son tried to calm Mr. Son down.

" Dongwoon!!!" Mr. Son shout right after Mrs. Son finished.

" Ya, ya, ya. What do you want? Can you just stop shouting? My ears hurt. Aren't yours?" Dongwoon walking down the stairs lazily. He decided to come down after he heard his mother voice. He don't want to hurt her.

"You ungrateful son." *Panggggg!* Sounds of slap filled the room. Dongwoon with shocked face put his hand on the cheek that was slapped by his father.  "Why???" Dongwoon asked. His mother approached him. Carressing his cheek.

" Where did you go last night? A club? Not a normal club, summore it's a stripper club?! You still a kid for god sake. Under age! Don't you know that you are not allowed to enter that kind of place? You are just on 16 years old for god sake." Mr. Son talked harshly. Dongwoon just stay silent. Shocked after he heard his father statement. "I'm shocked when my friend told me that he saw you at the club dancing like i don't know how to describe. You are way to much. Getting caught by my friends? How am I suppose to face them now?" His father raise a hand to slap him for the second time but before he could, Dongwoon stop him with his hand.

"Dad, why are you so angry with me? It's not I'm the only one there, Even your business partner sons was there with me. You said your friend saw me or you are the one who saw me in that club? You afraid that mom will find out about this don't you?! You think I didn't know about your dirty little secret? That's why I decided to go there and it's proven what I've heard is true."  Dongwoon replied harshly to his father and quickly go upstairs to his room to avoid seeing his mother shocking face.

In his room, he tried to hold his tears. He don't want to cry because of what his father said to him just now but he's crying because of his mother and himself. How his father mistreated both of them. Even how much he love his mother, she too didn't give any attention to him because she's busy with her club to distract herself from his father. They didn't give enough love to him except money. He feels very empty inside his heart. Then suddenly rain starts to pour heavily outside. Dongwoon sit on the window. Watching the rain falling hard from the sky.

"Only you could calm me down. Only you." Dongwoon rest his head on the chair and slowly falling asleep.



At the village school. In art class.

"Hey, can I sit next to you? Seems like there's no empty seat beside here."  Smilling Rain approach Minho. She see an opportunity to talk to him. She's been waiting for the right time.

The shy boy Minho, looks up to see who is talking to him and he saw Rain. Standing right infront of him. He's trembling now. He is very shocked and nervous. " Uh.. uh uh. O-o-kay. You can sit here." Minho replied shyly.

" Cool then. :)" Rain quickly took the seat before her teacher come in. " Hey, my name is Rain and you? Actually I've seen you several times but it seems like you've been avoiding me whenever I try to approach you. Come on let's be friend starting today. I always saw you sitting alone during lunch break. I would love to give company." The talkative Rain couldn't keep quiet even it's the first time ever she talked to Minho. Now Minho end up being more nervous than before.

"" Instead of looking directly at Rain, Minho decide to face the window and look at the playground. " Urm no. I'm not avoiding you. I just didn't see you? name is Choi Minho. You can call me, Minho." Minho answered trying to shake his nervousness away.

" Oh hey, Minho~~. Cool name. I like it. Suits your handsome face." Rain smile sweetly. At that time Minho feels like the world stop spinning. Like it's only two of them in the classroom.  The smile that he always saw from far, now he finally saw it right in front of him and the smile is actually for him. The smile that always bring the warmth in the cold rain. His heartbeat beating so fast. Feels like it can explode any seconds.

While Minho is busy in his own fantasy world, " Hello~~~ Minho? Are you okay? Hello???" Rain waved her hands in front of his face. "Shoot. I'm getting caught again. Silly me." Minho quickly realized and look away. Rain just laugh at his action. She can't believe how a cute and handsome guy like him can be so shy.

With that, their friendship starts and they talked to each other everyday. Minho only talked to Rain. He's still shy to talk to other people. 


Ok updated. Yeayy. If I don't have much work, I'll probably will update another chapter. Heheh.

Enjoy reading. ;)




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Will try to update the first chapter latest tomorrow afternoon. if not i will at night. Busy with work.


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Chapter 16: Update please
ImAProudB2UTY #3
Chapter 6: i can wait !! when will be uploaded the chapter 7.. :")

i want to know if what will be woonie's reaction if he will saw rain :) <3
PrettyInPunk #4
Chapter 6: Update pls hehe its interesting ^^
Chapter 2: Update Update!
Chapter 1: Oohh please update soon!!!