The Love With Boundaries Chapter 4

The Love With Boundaries [Incomplete/Discontinued]

Tiffany's mobile phone started vibrating on the table after she was about to sleep.

"Anyoung haseyo..." Tiffany didn't bother to look at the caller id on her mobile phone.

"Fany! You finally picked up the phone! I tried calling you many times!" 

"Sorry Yul, I was watching a movie so I had to put my phone into silent mode."

"Never mind, I miss you so much, Fany! Do you want to have lunch tomorrow?" 

"Of course! How could I say no to my best friend whom I didn't see in years? I'll try to make time for you even if I'm busy at work." 

"Arasso, you better come."

"Ok, I promise." Tiffany promised Yuri.

"Oh speaking of work, who is that hot photographer of yours?" Yul asked Tiffany excitedly.

"Um... His name is Siwon, today is his first day at work." Tiffany replied.

"Oh... He looks so handsome, does he have a girlfriend?" 

"I don't think so."

"Great, I stand a chance with him! Wait, you don't like him right?"

"Um..." Tiffany hesitated for awhile before replying Yuri again.

"No?" Tiffany was unsure about her answer but she just said it since Yuri likes him.

"Yay! Then I'll go for him!"


"Anyways I'd better sleep now, we have work tomorrow!" 


"Goodnight, Fany!" 

Tiffany ended the call and thought about her conversation with Yuri. Her heart was sour, she felt jealous. Tiffany keeps denying her feelings towards Siwon.

"I just feel this way because... because..."

Tiffany starts thinking an excuse for her jealousy but finds nothing.

"You know what! I'm just going to sleep!" Tiffany tells herself.


^Next morning at work^


Tiffany arrived at the studio earlier than her colleagues. She was just about to enter her make up room when Siwon entered the studio. They stared at each other for awhile. Finally Siwon broke the silence,

"Good morning."

"Good... Good morning..." Tiffany replied.

"Getting ready for your photo shoot?" 


Tiffany quickly went into her room and sat on the chair. Her heart was beating fast, she felt flustered at the sight of Siwon but she didn't know why. 

Siwon wanted to talk to Tiffany about yesterday, he wanted to know what he did wrong that made Tiffany act this way. He knocked on her door.

"It's just me," Siwon said in a soft tone.

Tiffany opens the door to let Siwon in. Siwon enters and sit at the chair next to her.

"Tiffany," Siwon takes a deep breath.

Tiffany looks at Siwon, nodding her head.

"Did I say something wrong yesterday?" 

Tiffany immediately avoided his eyes,

"N...No?" Tiffany lied.

"Then why did you leave in such a hurry?"

"I... I... I had to call my mum." Tiffany was bad at lying she rarely lies to people.

Siwon could tell that she was lying, he is sure that he said something wrong yesterday night. He doesn't want to force Tiffany to tell him the reason so he just sighs.

"Arasso," Siwon stands up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

"Sorry..." Tiffany whispered as the door closes.


^Lunch time^


"Fany! Ready for lunch?" Yuri shouted as she entered the studio.

"Yeah, just let me change first." 

"Sure, I'll wait outside." 

Yuri sat at the sofa and waited for Tiffany. She looked around the big studio and examined it. OMO! That's... Siwon right? Let's go talk to him!  Yuri thought to herself and went to Siwon. 

"Hi, I'm Yuri but you can call me Yul!"

Siwon turned around to see Yuri.

"Hi, I'm Siwon. Yul... Aren't you from TIME magazine?" 

Yuri nods her head happily, He actually noticed me yesterday!

"Yeah, and I'm Tiffany's best friend!"

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!"

"Yul! I'm ready, let's go!" 

Tiffany comes out of her room and walks to Yuri. She felt uncomfortable as Siwon was there as well. Tiffany and Siwon avoided each other gaze as they haven't forgot what happen in the morning.

"Alright, let's go. Do you want to join us?" Yuri looks at Siwon.

"Me?" Siwon asked surprised.

"Yeah, why not?" Yuri replied.

Siwon looked at Tiffany as if asking for her approval. Tiffany notices Siwon looking at her, she was about to look away when she remembered last night's conversation with Yuri. I'll do this for my best friend, I'll have lunch with him and Yul...

"I don't mind..." Tiffany said quietly. 

"Great, why not we go to a restaurant not far from here, I'm sure you're busy, Fany dear." Yuri suggested.

"Whatever, you decide," Tiffany told Yuri.

"I'm fine with anything." Siwon shrugged. 

"Alright let's go then." Yuri took the lead and brought them to the restaurant.


"I would like this, this and one can of coke." Yuri pointed at the menu to the waitress.

"I would like to have this too and a glass of cappuccino." Siwon told the waitress.

The waitress quickly writes down their orders and asks Tiffany for her order.

"I would just have one salad and a glass of iced lemon tea, thanks!" 

The waitress nodded her head as she took down the orders. She repeated the orders to them and left after everything was confirmed. 

"Oh Fany, it's so hard being a model. You gotta eat so little for lunch." Yuri looked at Tiffany with sympathy.

"Yah! Don't give me that look! You know I hate it when others look at me full of sympathy!"

Yuri laughs at Tiffany,

"You haven't changed at all after 3 years."

"Then how much do you want me to change, my little dear Yuri?" Tiffany joked with her best friend.

"Oh yeah, I've almost forgot. We haven't exchanged numbers." Yuri takes out her mobile phone and hands it to Siwon.

Tiffany was confused until she saw Yuri took out her mobile phone and give it to Siwon. Siwon takes out his own and gives it to Yuri before he saves his number into Yuri's mobile phone.

"By the way, I haven't exchanged numbers with you too, Tiffany." Siwon said as he received his mobile phone.

"Oh, sorry." Tiffany exchanges numbers with Siwon too.

"I guess we forgot about it yesterday." Siwon returned Tiffany her mobile phone. 

Yuri shot Tiffany a You-better-explain-later  look. Tiffany didn't tell Yuri about her and Siwon going out yesterday and now she doesn't even want to tell Yuri about it as now she knows Yuri likes Siwon. 


A waiter held a can of coke in his hand.

"Oh, here." Yuri replied. 

The waiter places the coke near to Yuri and continues with Siwon and Tiffany's drink. 

Tiffany shows Yuri a uncertain smile when Siwon wasn't looking. Yuri shot Tiffany a glare before she drank her coke.



A/N: Oh... There's gonna be a little argument for the next chapter... I Might not be able to update until Sunday because I'm going to go to Singapore on Saturday and tomorrow I will be a little busy! Sorry guys but I'll try my best! By the way, thanks a bunch for subscribing! 


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Chapter 28: sifany~ ^^
Chapter 28: Krisyul moment more please..
yuelingg88 #3
Chapter 28: Yeyy !!! Update soon... :)
virus13 #4
Chapter 27: krisyul..^^
greenteaaa #5
Chapter 27: Sifanyyyyy
UQ_Jewelry #6
Chapter 27: sifany too hehe
yuelingg88 #7
Chapter 27: yeheyy!! more krisyul moments plese hehehehe and update soon... :)
kwonyuri1205 #8
Chapter 27: Yaay!! Krisyul.. please update soon..
Chapter 26: Finally you update.Please add some krisyul moment.