The Love With Boundaries Chapter 18

The Love With Boundaries [Incomplete/Discontinued]

Siwon was wondering if he should apologize to Tiffany and patch things up with her. He was now single and he could finally express his feelings towards her instead of trying his best to hide it. I could tell her that Yul and I just broke up. I was sure that she had feelings for me too, it was just because of Yul. Well, since we broke up, I could finally be with Tiffany. But will being with Tiffany hurt Yul more? Siwon thought carefully, thinking of what he should do.

Finally he decided to just apologize to Tiffany. He left his house and drove over to Tiffany's. When he reached her front door, his hands started to get a little clammy. He knocks on the door and waits for Tiffany. After a few seconds, the door wasn't open. He knocks again, only a little louder this time. Nope, no one was opening the door for him.

"She is probably out. It was a bad idea to come without calling her first!" Siwon said to himself.

He walked away disappointedly. He had just made a wasted trip over. He sat at his car, feeling depressed. 

"Let's just wait for her, she might be home soon."

Siwon hadn't given up. He wanted to talk to Tiffany today and patch things up with her. He couldn't wait to see Tiffany and tell her what happen. It wasn't such a happy thing but he didn't like Yuri for a start so he wasn't too affected with the break up. After what seemed forever, Tiffany still didn't arrive. Feeling hungry, Siwon decided to drive off to eat. 

When he arrived, he was surprised to see Tiffany as well. It must be fate! He thought to himself, feeling as happy as a lark. He calmed himself down before walking over to Tiffany casually.

"What a coincidence to see you here," Siwon said behind Tiffany.

Tiffany craned her neck to see Siwon. Feeling a slight uneasiness, she replied,


"May I sit?" Siwon asks pointing to the chair beside her.

"Sure," Tiffany replied though unsure about her decision.

Siwon sat down beside her and ordered his food. Both of them sat in silence. Tiffany ate her food, feeling regretful for eating here. She was happy deep down but right now, she is feeling uneasy. Feeling the awkwardness, Siwon took a deep breath before speaking.

"Actually, I wanted to apologize for what I did that night." Siwon started.

Siwon had caught Tiffany's attention when he brought up that topic. Images of that night immediately appeared. It was the night where she could have almost stolen her best friend's boyfriend again, it was almost impossible to forget about it. Seeing Tiffany look at him, Siwon then continued.

"I was drunk that night, so I said things which I weren't supposed to say and did things which I weren't supposed to do."

Tiffany looked back at her food and ate slowly. Her food suddenly tasted bland. 

"I also know that I had let down Yul by doing so and you would have let down your boyfriend." Siwon looked at Tiffany.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Tiffany said after swallowing her food.


"I never had a boyfriend, he was my ex." Tiffany's voice was filled with guilty. She should have gotten things cleared with Siwon and not mislead him.


"Yeah," Tiffany cut him off, making it clear that she didn't want to talk into details about it.

Siwon nodded his head, understanding the situation.

"Is there anything else besides apologizing to me?" Tiffany asks, preparing to leave.

Siwon noticed that she was about to leave soon, he immediately stop her.

"You don't have to avoid me anymore." Siwon said firmly.

It ached him seeing Tiffany in pain. Tiffany tried to shook her hand free from Siwon's grip but Siwon didn't allow it.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore. I don't think you would be too, because Yul and I broke up."

Tiffany turned around upon hearing the words escape from his mouth. Siwon released his grip when Tiffany turned around to face him.

"You two what?!" Tiffany exclaimed, her eyes widned in surprise.

"We broke up." Siwon repeated.

"Why?" It was a obvious answer why, but the words somehow escaped Tiffany's mouth before she could change the question.

"Isn't it obvious? Although I was drunk, what I said was the truth. I really like you!" 

People in the restaurant all turned around to see them. 

"Is that Tiffany?" One of them asked.

People started to talk to each other in hushed whispers. Before anyone could take out their phones to take a picture or record down anything, Siwon quickly took out his wallet and placed more than enough money on the table to pay for Tiffany's meal before leaving with Tiffany. Siwon led Tiffany to his car and drove away from the restaurant to a more quiet and deserted place. On the way there, Tiffany resumed the conversation.

"Why did you guys have to break up because of me?"

"Because I really like you, Tiffany." Siwon replied, looking at her and back on the road.

"It feels like I've betrayed Yul all over again. Why did you have to do that?" Tiffany was starting to get emotional.

"What do you mean by betraying Yul all over again?" Siwon asks curiously. 

"Nothing," Tiffany answered quickly. 

"No, really. What do you mean by that?"

"I said nothing!" Tiffany raised her voice.

Siwon, feeling curious and a tinge of guilt, pressed on.

"What do you mean by that, Tiffany?" Siwon repeats his question for the third time.

"Stop forcing me!" 

"Say it!" Siwon shouts, losing his patience.

Helpless, Tiffany asks Siwon to stop the car. Siwon snapped and changed his tone and stopped his car. He turned to see Tiffany.

"Look, I'm sorry. Can we forget about this?"

Tiffany thought about it. She didn't want to fight with Siwon every time she hangs out with him, but things don't always go well and things haven't been well since Siwon and Yuri was together. Tiffany blames herself for everything although she knows that it wasn't entirely her fault.

"I don't want to fight... But I'm tired now, so please... Let me off this once." Tiffany replied calmly.

Siwon didn't want her to go. He wanted her to stay so badly but he couldn't be selfish. He had to consider Tiffany's feelings, she is a delicate girl that could be easily hurt. 

"Ok..." Siwon forced the word out of his mouth.

Tiffany hesitantly opened the car door and got out, walking back home herself. Siwon watched until she was far from his view. Siwon finally understands the meaning 'curiosity kills the cat'. He shouldn't have forced Tiffany to say it. He should even more not raise his voice and lose his patience with Tiffany. She wasn't ready for him yet, nor was she able to accept that he and Yul broke up because of her. Siwon should have been more understanding instead of making her feel ill at ease.

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Chapter 28: sifany~ ^^
Chapter 28: Krisyul moment more please..
yuelingg88 #3
Chapter 28: Yeyy !!! Update soon... :)
virus13 #4
Chapter 27: krisyul..^^
greenteaaa #5
Chapter 27: Sifanyyyyy
UQ_Jewelry #6
Chapter 27: sifany too hehe
yuelingg88 #7
Chapter 27: yeheyy!! more krisyul moments plese hehehehe and update soon... :)
kwonyuri1205 #8
Chapter 27: Yaay!! Krisyul.. please update soon..
Chapter 26: Finally you update.Please add some krisyul moment.