First Day~! >.

Falling In Love with Exo's Guardian Angel

Suprisingly, i was able to sleep well..i didn't hear baekhyun and Chanyeol making any noise and singing off-key..(well..chanyeol singing off-key..from what i heard, baekhyun sang pretty well~)

it was 8 a.m. since we don't have any rehearsals, the members are all sleeping in..and..having absolutely 0% chance of waking up anytime soon. well, accept D.O of course..judging by the sounds of pots and pans in the kitchen, i'm guessing he already woke up. i decided to help him with breakfast..


''D.O oppa~ good morning!'' i greeted. D.O who was in the middle of cutting veggies turned around and smiled. ''heeyy~good morning to you too..why are you up so early?'' he asked. ''well..its already 8 a.m. and i'm not really the 'sleeping in' type i am. want me to help with breakfast?'' i said. he nodded and said ''sure~ can you cook the rice? put in extra water 'cuz i'm cooking porridge for the guys'' i nodded and started preparing the rice.

30 minutes later, the breakfast was done..and most of the members woke up too.well..accept for the 2 leaders which are suho and kris..actually..kris already woke up but went back to sleep on the couch..D.O asked me to wake up suho while he went to wake up the 'english-speaking dragon'. (his words..not mine~) with the help of Tao's wushu stick..

i went to suho's bedroom to wake him up..light snores could be heard..and judging from that, i'm guessing he's still in dreamland~ i walked over to his bed. ''wow..he looks really cute while sleeping~'' i thought. ''wait..what are you saying?!?!?! put that outta your mind'' i shake that thought away and woke him up..i lightly shook him and he woke up easily. ''huh? what happened?'' he asked still in a daze. ''d.o oppa made us breakfast..he asked me to wake you up'' i explained.he nodded..suddenly, we heard someone scream. ''what..the heck was that?'' he asked. ''umm..well d.o oppa went to wake kris up and uhh..i think he used Tao's wushu stick..'' i guessed. suho laughed and walked out the door while pulling my hand. 

''you didn't have to use the wushu stick, you know?!'' kris yelled. ''well..i wouldn't have to if you would just wake up and be a good duizhang now would i? you kicked me until i fell..'' d.o replied while glaring at kris. and with eyes like d.o..its pretty scary to see him glare like that..seriously..scary..


i was the first one to finish breakfast. the others were...well..playing around and almost having a food fight when d.o stopped them. so i went to my room to complete the homework that the teachers gave me..since i won't be attending classes for the time is..quite a lot..i

after about 3 hours of doing the endless pile of homework, i decided to take a break and watch tv. so i went outside and it was quiet..too quiet..xiumin was sitting at the kitchen counter reading a recipe book. ''xiumin oppa..where are the others?'' he looked up and smiled before saying ''well..Tao dragged kris off to some gucci store, baekhyun and chanyeol are watching tv, luhan and sehun went to get bubble tea, kai and d.o went grocery shopping for lunch, chen and lay went clothes shopping and guess who's asleep in the bedroom?'' ''Mr. guardian angel suho oppa?'' i replied with a sigh. ''ding ding ding! you are correct!'' xiumin said with a laugh. i laughed and sat down beside xiumin..apparently, chanyeol's birthday was coming up and he wanted to bake a cake for him. ''WE'RE BAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!!!'' someone screamed. i turned towards the door and saw kai and d.o carrying lots of bags off fruits and veggies. ''can you like..not scream each time your entering the dorm?'' d.o complained while rolling his eyes. kai just shrugged and went to the kitchen. kai smiled at me and said ''heyy...uuhh..'' '' name is minha'' i said while giggling. ''minha..right..sorry 'bout that'' kai said with an apologetic smile. ''how can you not remember her name?'' asked xiumin with an annoyed expression on his face. ''its ok..i've only been here one night so..'' i said while shrugging. then, tao and kris came back with tons of gucci stuff..

Tao ran to me and said ''minhaaaaa...look..i bought you a handbag..with a panda keychain on you'll always remember me..'' i took the bag from him '' shouldn't have'' tao just laughed..''well..this is the first time zitao bought something using his own money..for the first wallet is safe..'' kris said with a smile. 


we all ate dinner and went to bed. i decided to stay up a bit to finish my homework when i heard someone knocking on my door. ''come in~'' i said while still focused on my homework. ''wow..staying up to do homework?? who are you?'' said a voice. i looked up and saw that it was suho. i smiled and shrugged ''well..i hate doing things the last minute so..i'm doing it now.'' suho just laughed. then he grabbed the pen i was holding in my hand, closed my book and dragged me to the bed ''well..we are having rehearsals tomorrow and if you don't wake up early tomorrow, i'm gonna hit you with zitao's wushu stick so you better go to bed right now..'' i sighed and lied down on the bed. suho smiled and said ''good night minha~''. he kissed my forehead before heading out the door. ''did he just kiss my forehead?!?!'' i thought. i just smiled and closed my eyes. then i realized..suho was my guardian angel too.


Author's Note..

heeeyyy..another chapter is up. thanks to those who read this awful fanfic *hugs everyone* well...i hope you enjoy it..thanks..^^


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sorry for not updating in a long time..=( well..since i'm in boarding school, i can't update often so..hope you guys'll be patient~^^


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kimirina #1
Chapter 16: Y u like that suho? Update soon!
Chapter 14: Joonmyeon if you give up imma tell author-nim to make special appearance for me and i shall slap the heck out of you until you get your mind right >:( Sorry im a bit grumpy...joonmyeon is being a jerk ㅠㅠ help him author-nim!!!
kimirina #3
Chapter 12: Yay! Finally cofess! And kiss hehe~XD
Just update when you have the time! We can wait! Anyway some of us have to deal with school too! Update soon! Saranghae Bbuing!
RamaitaMemet #4
Chapter 12: Hwaah!!! The confessing is really, totally, perfect!!! Love you so much author-nim, i really can't stop smiling after reading it! Hope your school time going well. Fighting!!! (>_<)9
kimirina #6
Chapter 11: end up with suho~! we'll it is the title of the story anyway~....
update soon! Saranghae Bbuing!
RamaitaMemet #7
Chapter 11: Yeeey!! She end up with suho!! Saranghae author-nim, you're the best ;))
kimirina #8
Chapter 10: Yay! Kris and luhan help help help!
Update soon ! Saranghae Bbuing!
RamaitaMemet #9
Chapter 9: Be with suho please.........BTW, your story is great author-nim ;))