Chapter 12: Birthday party pt. 1

Will this work?


It was 1 day until ______'s birthday party. I must get EVERYTHING PERFECT. 

She said nothing too big but I want to make it perfect so a "few" more guests than she expected were invite. My friends Hakyeon, Ken and Ravi came to help me out and for the female side of it my friend Zinni came as well. 

I entered the venue of a hall where I met my friends who were sitting on a few chairs. 

"Hey. So what should we start with?... Boss" jokes Ravi 

"Shut up. Don't mess with me... I need to get this perfect" I huffed 

Ravi stepped back towards Ken and Hakyeon in a joking manner and they burst out laughing. 

"YAH! Don't be such clowns. He needs to get this perfect for the girl or you won't ever meet her!" Zinni attacked the boys.

I turned to Zinni giving her a small smile whilst I continued observing the venue. 

Big stage, Rows of tables and chairs, fancy lights, great music system... Everything really did seem perfect. 

I turned my attention back to my friends. "Ken, I want you to decorate the tables. Which means table cloths, centrepieces and napkins. Ravi, call the catering company, Zinni and Hakyeon put the banners up" 

I hear murmurs of 'yes' and they begin to move in different directions. My phone suddenly starts to ring and I pick up the call straight away after seeing the caller ID.

"hello beautiful" I speak into the phone

"if you could see me now... You wouldn't be calling me that" _________ laughed 

"did you really just wake up? Lazy bum" 

"I don't think that's what you should be calling your wife" she said playfully "so are you at the party venue?" 

I nod without noticing before I answer a simple yes.

"Can I come to the venue hall then?" I hear her say as I look around to see Ken confused on how to put the table cloth on 

I smile at Ken's confusion before answering ______ on the phone "no you can't come. I want to see your reaction when it's all done" 

"Awwww ~ how will I know if the party will be perfect?" 

"Don't use your aegyo on me. Just trust me, it will be good. Now if you want a perfect party, let me get to work ok?" 

"Arasso. Bye" she simply says as she puts the phone down 

I smile as I place my phone back into my pocket and walk over to the confused Ken. Ken smiles guiltily at me as I walk over and simply show him without any words. 

"Hey Hongbin! Come here" Zinni waves her hand beckoning me to come 

I walk over towards Hakyeon and Zinni as they did the finishing touches to the banner "looks good guys. Zinni -ah what did you want from me?" 

She climbs down from the ladder cautiously "did you buy ________-ah a present already?"

My whole world comes crashing down with Zinni's words. I had it all planned... Until now. I had forgotten to buy my wife a present. 

"." I simply say 

"dude you don't need to buy her a present. Isn't this birthday party enough?" Hakyeon intrudes my thoughts

I glare at him through the corner of my eyes but before I could say anything Zinni begins to shout at Hakyeon.

"HOW COULD YOU ING SAY THAT? OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVE TO BUY HER A GIFT. HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET? OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT." She turns away from Hakyeon and towards me "HONGBIN, DON'T LISTEN TO THIS IDIOT. Go to the stores spend a lot of time choosing a gift- A MEANINGFUL ONE!-  and leave all the planning and stuff to me" 

"Hongbin can just share my gift for her." Ken walks up as Zinni ends her rant. 

"Not you too... Just leave Ken. Go back to your job" she scoffs as her faces becomes red in anger. "Hongbin. GO." 

I run out of the hall and go over what Zinni told me Spend a lot of time choosing a gift, a meaningful one. 

"A meaningful gift? What should I get..." I whispered to myself


"What the heck were you thinking? Telling Hongbin that he could share your gift for his wife. You haven't even met his wife so your gift isn't going to be anything special!" I screamed at Ken 

"hey!" He looked at me hurt

"I bet you it's a clock or something like that" 

"HA HA you are wrong" Replied Ken 

Ravi casually walks past on his way to set up more tables "Ken did buy a clock for her" 

Ken looks up in defeat as I give him a small smirk "don't look so sad. You don't have to give her a great gift, Hongbin does. Now go help Ravi and Hakyeon with the tables. We need to be done before Hongbin gets back." 




"Hongbin was it really necessary to blindfold me?" I sighed 

"I just want you to look at everything all at once when we finally get there" 

I look up in Hongbin's direction even though I can't see a thing "thank you" I whispered and smiled at him

I feel Hongbin walk me up some stairs

"one... Two...." He says directing me at each stair level

"YAH. Don't you dare make me fall on my birthday"

He just laughs at my words and we finally stop.

"Happy Birthday beautiful. You can take the blind fold off now"

As the blindfold is taken from my eyes a bunch of people fill my ears with their shouts of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" And "SURPRISE!"

I stand there in shock with a big smile plastered onto my face. It looked magical. There was beautiful fairy lights surrounding the whole venue. Large tables for the guests and a huge stage and dance floor. The food was piled onto the tables at the back and I can see how much effort was put into this.

I turned to Hongbin who was leading me towards a group of people "thank you so much. It looks great"

He gives me a warm smile before he introduces me to his friends "Zinni, Hakyeon, Ravi and Ken meet my wife.. The birthday girl"

"Hi!" I stare at all of them with a wide eyes

"You look beautiful" the girl named Zinni said to me 

It was only after these words were processed did I realise what I was wearing. I was wearing a long, flowy, purple dress with layers of silk. The dress had silver jewels on the side that matched my shoes, purse and hair clip. 

Hongbin looked very handsome too. He had a black suit on with a dark blue tie.. I pout absentmindedly realising we weren't matching today. 

"What's with the pout?" Hongbin laughed "let's go I want you to meet more people before we start eating" 


hello readers. I updated yay! I apologise for the long wait and for all of the mistakes in this chapter... It wasn't edited very well. 

This birthday party will have another part to it and that is where all the drama happens so stay tuned! Haha :) 

I added in some Vixx members... Hopefully you don't get confused and I also added in Zinni from Glam. 

Thank you so much for reading my story and hopefully I can update more often 

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196 streak #1
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I love reading this story
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