Believe in Love

So, everyone except the 3 who went to play with Jaeeun enjoyed the movie really well.

The one who enjoyed it best must have been Sehun. IU was hugging Sehun so tightly and squealing really loudly whenever the ghost appears. To comfort her, Sehun has put his arms tightly around IU and hugged her back.

Truthfully, his focus wasn’t on the movie but on IU. He was looking at how adorable she is when she’s scared.

On the other hand, there was also another pair of eyes focusing on IU. Luhan.

Although it was already obvious that Sehun and IU had liked each other, Luhan didn’t want to give up. He thought that maybe he still had abit of chance left before they really get married.


At night, the boys decided to stayover at Sehun’s house. Some of them slept on the sofa while some just slept on the floor.

As it was Sehun’s and IU’s home, they just slept in their own rooms.


Right in the middle of the night, Luhan was awakened from his dreams by a kick from Tao who is probably practising some martial arts in his dreams.


Luhan’s pov


‘Aish this Tao…’ I thought.

Looking around, I realised that its only 3am.

Since I was feeling a little thirsty, I went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of water and wandered around the house.

I walked to the second floor where all the bedrooms were located.

As I walked down the corridor, I saw a door labelled ‘IU’s room!’.

‘Should I go in?’ I thought as I stood outside the room.

Slowly, I turned the knob of the door and entered the room.

IU is sleeping soundly in her soft bed, cuddling her cute teddy bear.

Aigoo, how cute is this. I couldn’t resist but to go closer to her to get a better view.

Her eyes, nose, lips all looked to beautiful.

‘IU-yah, why can’t you love me? Only me.’ I thought as I left a peck on her forehead.

For a couple of minutes, I stayed in her room and continued staring at her cute face.


3.30am was the time shown on the clock.

Wow I really have been in here for a long time. Guess it is time for me to go back down or else she might scare herself if she wakes up suddenly.

I slowly walked out of her room.

To my shock, I realised that someone was standing outside IU’s room all along. Sehun.


Third person’s pov


“S-Sehun-ah, w-what are you doing here?” Luhan stuttered.

“I should be the one asking you this question. What were YOU doing in IU’s room at this time?” sehun asked him.

“N-Nothing. I … I was just getting a … yeah a drink and wandered around the house when I got lost and ended up in her room. Yeah that’s what that happened. Really!” It’s obvious that Luhan was lying.

“So you got lost and stayed in her room for 30mins?” Sehun questioned him.

“Emmm y-yeah!” Luhan replied.

“Don’t lie to me. I know you like her too. Actually, everyone knows.” Sehun said in a serious tone.

“B-bwoh? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m going back to sleep.” Luhan was trying to escape when he was pulled back by Sehun.

“Luhan. It’s very obvious that you like her. From your jealousy, it’s quite easy to know.”Sehun said.

“So now that you know I like her. Can you cancel that engagement of yours?” Luhan asked.

“No.” Sehun answered sternly.

“Wae? Don’t tell me… You like her too?”Luhan asked.

“Yes. I do love her.” Sehun answered.

“But I thought the engagement was a fake?! It was just so you won’t be asked to anymore match-making sessions!” Luhan answered.

“I fell in love with her. Ever since she agreed to be my fake girlfriend, I have fallen for her.” Sehun said.

“Well… I still have a chance until the both of you get married.” After finishing this statement, Luhan went straight back to where he came from without turning his head at all.


Next day, the boys woke up just on time for school. But by the time they woke up, IU has already prepared all their breakfast so they wouldn’t be late for school.

Everyone ate the delicious breakfast at top speed so they have time to rush home and quickly get changed into their uniforms.



Even though exams were over, they still had some activities planned for them.

One day, IU’s class is supposed to be going on a 3 day 2 night camp.

Everyone was fully prepared and equipped for the camp and showed up in school especially early.

“IU! I brought stuffs for you! I brought you food, mini fan and extra battery in case your phone runs out of it.” Luhan said as soon as he arrived.

“Gomawo Luhan! Jjang!” IU showed a thumbs up sign.

“Yah! I brought you stuffs too! I have insect repellent!” Sehun said.

“Aish. You’re jjang too!” IU said.

“Class! Now that everyone has arrived, let’s all leave for the campsite!” the teacher announced and they all boarded the bus.

Luhan, IU and Sehun were sitting at the very last row where there are 5 seats with IU in the middle.

The trip was really long and IU rested her head on sehun’s shoulders to get some sleep.


After nearly 2 hours, they finally arrived at the campsite.

It was near a mountain and the place was really green with trees and mountains!

It seemed as though it was a art piece with all the greenery.

The teacher had announced for them to set up their tents according to the groups that have been assigned to them.

IU was grouped with 3 other girls from the class while Sehun and luhan was grouped with 2 other guys.

In no time at all, the sky has already darkened and it marked the end of the day.

“Ok class ! Time for some games! Get into groups of threes!” the teacher said.

IU, sehun and luhan got together to form a group.

“Okay, earlier, I have put some cards in the forest and the team back first with 5 of them will win!” the teacher explained.

“Teacher! Is there any prize if we win?” a random student asked.

“I’ll tell you when the game is over!” the teacher replied.

With that, the game started.

Not wanting to lose, IU sprinted at top speed into the forest to look for the cards with Sehun and Luhan following her behind closely.


“Yay! I found one!” IU jumped in joy with a card in her hand.

“I found one too!” sehun was holding a card too.

“Yah! Me too!” Luhan came running from somewhere holding a card.

“Ppali! We have to win! 2 more cards to go!” IU dashed off into deeper parts of the forest.

“Yah! Slow down!” Sehun and Luhan was already so tired that they just walked slowly behind her.


After a couple of minutes.

“Why haven’t we catch up with IU yet?” Sehun asked.

“We have walked quite a distance already…” Luhan said.

“IU! LEE JIEUN! WHERE ARE YOU!” Sehun started shouting for IU.

“IU! COME OUT NOW! “ Luhan was shouting for her too but there were no replies.

“Ohno, maybe she lost her way!” Sehun started worrying about her.

“IU! WHERE ARE YOU!” Sehun continued shouting.

“Sehun! Let’s go report this to the teacher first! Then we can ask more people to come look for her!” Luhan suggested.






Yay i updated again!

Really want to thank the people who has been supporting me since chapter 1!


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loureinruiz #1
Chapter 7: Let me be the one lyrics guitar chords
Bellathania1 #3
emira96 #4
Chapter 14: Luhan T_T anyways this story is jjang!
Chapter 14: Huhu .. it kinda sad for Luhan .. but i really love your stories author - nim ! It's really amazing .. !! Can you please make another stories for Luhanxiu please ~~~ :^ .. thanks !!
Chapter 14: HunUuuuuu.... :)
Please make a luhanxiu fic
Chapter 14: omo T.T wipe my tears...I really love all your story.
I really look forward to your new fanfic, pls make ExoIU story, if I'll don't support your story LOL. I just kidding.
Chapter 14: so fast daebaek story
Chapter 14: omg too fast to end this ff :3
i love ur story authornim~
hope u will write another exou ff kkk :)