01 Transfer student

Believe in Love

Third person’s pov


It was a brand new day and SM High School was filled with students busy chatting about what they had did over the weekends.

Class 1-1 was no different from any other class in the school, just that there was this girl sleeping at the corner of the class. Yes, that was IU.

IU was a first year student of Seoul High School. Though she is very pretty, she doesn’t really have any friends as she spend most of her time doing part time jobs and sleeping during class. She was rather a unfortunate girl, having her parents passed away in a car accident when she was young. Her only family member left was her younger brother,Jaeeun, who is only 8 years old this year. Her younger brother was dependent on her and thus she has to work many part time jobs in order to support Jaeeun and herself. That’s why she always falls asleep during class. She’s too tired.


“Kyaaa ! Sehun is here !!” a girl screamed.

“Omo, my prince sehun is here?!” another then screamed too.

The doors of the classroom opened and a handsome looking appeared. It was sehun, the rich kid in school. Sehun was from the wealthiest family of Korea. His family owned the biggest company in Korea, SM. He usually don’t pay any attention in school as he knew that he does not need to. His father will hand him the company sooner or later but he was still forced to attend school as he needed at least a certificate. Not to mention, SM high school is also owned by his family. While IU takes one corner of the class, Sehun takes the other corner.


‘Aish, these kids are so noisy again today. Can’t I get some sleep here?’ IU thought with her head still lying on the table.

She sat up straight and look around the class, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. As usual, the noise was from sehun’s fangirls. His table is always surrounded by girls.

IU didn’t care the least bit about Sehun as all her attention is about making money. She wanted to earn enough money to get her Jaeeun and herself a more decent house and not like the one shes living at right now.

As she was putting her head down on the table to sleep again, the teacher came in to the class.

“Yah yah ! Students ! Keep quiet and get back to our seats !” the teacher shouted fiercely.

Everyone obeyed and IU sat up straight again.

“So class, today, I’m going to introduce to you guys a new transfer student. Please treat him nice.” The teacher said.

A guy came into the classroom. He was really really good-looking.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Luhan. I just moved into this neighbourhood and I hope that we will all get along well! Please take care of me !” Luhan said and bowed down 90degress.

His smile was a killer. So many girls had just melted from his warm smile.

“Hey do you know this guy? He’s so cute !”

“Awwww, let’s go talk to him during break !” Chatters about Luhan could be heard among the girls.

Luhan pretended that he couldn’t hear any of the comments and just continued smiling while waiting for the teacher’s further instructions.

“Luhan-ssi, please take the empty seat beside Jieun. Jieun ! Please raise your hand so Luhan know where you are !” the teacher instructed.

IU raised her arm lazily and said, “Neh, I’m here.”


After bowing to the teacher, Luhan walked towards IU and sat down beside her.

“Annyeong Jieun, I’m Luhan. Nice to meet you.” Luhan showed her killer smile again.

“Ah, neh, Jieun imnida. Nice to meet you too.” IU smiled back and turned to face the front.

Lessons had begun but it was clear that no girl was listening to what the teacher was teaching.  Their attention was on the new transfer student, Luhan.


It wasn’t before long till IU and Sehun fell asleep again. All the teachers didn’t bother to wake them up as it was already a norm to see them sleeping in class all the time.

Unlike them, Luhan was a terrific student. He was very concentrated in learning and constantly asks the teacher anything he was unclear of. Even the teachers were impressed of his great concentration in class.



After the torturous hours of lesson, it was finally break time, the time that most students were looking forward to  since the beginning of the day.

As expected, all the girls crowded towards Luhan and Sehun. Sehun quickly got out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria to meet his clique.

Luhan, however, was stuck in the crowd.

“Luhan, what do you want to eat? I can go get for you !”

“Luhan ! Do you want to eat my lunch that I prepared? It’s really delicious !”

The girls were trying to get Luhan’s attention.

“Ohh, it’s alright. I’ll get my food at the cafeteria myself.” Luhan tried to reject them nicely.

Just then, Luhan stood up from his seat and went over to IU.

“Jieun-ssi, can you bring me to the cafeteria? This is my first day here and I don’t quite know the way.” Luhan asked politely.

IU looked at him in doubt. There’s so many girls volunteering to help him and why is he asking for her help?

“Oh, sure?” IU said and stood up, leading the way. This helped IU earned a few stares from the whole bunch of girls who were jealous that IU got to help Luhan.

Along the way, Luhan was trying to start conversations with IU.

“Hey, what’s your hobby? I like singing and dancing !” Luhan asked.

“Err, I like to work.” IU answered back.

‘Work? That’s a interesting answer…’ Luhan thought.

IU felt really awkward being so close to someone. No one in the school really treats her as a friend and Luhan was the first one to act so kind towards her.

“Work? I thought girls usually like to go shopping together or just hang around?” Luhan asked back.

“I need money.” IU replied with a short answer again.

The journey to the cafeteria was really quiet.


Finally they reached the cafeteria.

“Wow, the cafeteria looks really nice ! There’s so much food around here and I don’t know what to choose !” Luhan said as he looked around, figuring out what he should eat.

On the other hand, IU didn’t have to think much as she went straight ahead to one of the stalls and bought a simple sandwich and sat at the table right at the corner.

Luhan too followed what she did. He went to the same stall and bought the exact same sandwich that IU has bought and went to the table was at.

“So you only eat this sandwich during break?” Luhan asked and took a bite on his sandwich.

“Why do you keep following me?”IU asked.

“Me? I want to be friends with you!” Luhan said.

Friends? IU has never had friends ever since her parents passed away. She forgot  how friends were like.

“I don’t have any friends…” IU said and continued eating.

“Then I can be your first friend here!” Luhan said as he shows his warm smile again.

‘I don’t know why but my heart feels warm when seeing his smile…’ IU thought.

“Ok then, I’m Jieun. But please call me IU. That’s the name that my last time friends called me.”

“Annyeong IU-ah, I’m Luhan.” Both of them giggled upon saying these.

I guess, Luhan is the first friend of IU in the school.

“Hey, why not I introduce you to my friend. He’s my childhood friend and I’m pretty sure he’s in this school too.” Luhan said.

“Ok sure.” IU said.

They two went together around the cafeteria, in search of Luhan’s friend.




Hello guys ! I just finished my previous story "Long Awaited Confession" and i'm back with "Believe in Love"!

Please support me ! 

I started this story with no thoughts about who IU will end up with so i guess i'll just follow the flow !


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loureinruiz #1
Chapter 7: Let me be the one lyrics guitar chords
Bellathania1 #3
emira96 #4
Chapter 14: Luhan T_T anyways this story is jjang!
Chapter 14: Huhu .. it kinda sad for Luhan .. but i really love your stories author - nim ! It's really amazing .. !! Can you please make another stories for Luhanxiu please ~~~ :^ .. thanks !!
Chapter 14: HunUuuuuu.... :)
Please make a luhanxiu fic
Chapter 14: omo T.T wipe my tears...I really love all your story.
I really look forward to your new fanfic, pls make ExoIU story, if I'll don't support your story LOL. I just kidding.
Chapter 14: so fast daebaek story
Chapter 14: omg too fast to end this ff :3
i love ur story authornim~
hope u will write another exou ff kkk :)