We're TRAPPED! Oh! No!

Oh~ We're Twins!

Recap for Chapter 4:

Hyo Jin knew that her twin sister has mistaken Kwangmin to Youngmin, and she also knew that Kwangmin likes he but has mistaken her to her twin sister. But, Hyo Jin didn't want  Jung Jin to be sad, so she dyed her hair, assuming that Kwangmin will not be confused and be on doubt on he he had really saw on that day. Will her plan work? Can she stop falling in love with Kwangmin? How about Youngmin, can he continue loving Jung Jin, knowing that Kwangmin "likes" her? Will Jung Jin realize that mistake that she'd made? :)

Chapter 5: We're TRAPPED! Oh No!

Youngmin's POV

"Aaaaaaaaaaa," my twin brother yawned as we headed up to our classroom. The school hall was filled with excitement and happiness, as the atmosphere was full of laughter and joy. Kwangmin was yawning non stop, which really pissed me off so, I by saying, "Staying up late, huh? Thinking of her, probably?"

He then stopped yawning... Yes! My plan worked. Haha! "NOOOOO~ I stayed up late for reading mangas. Youngmin Hyung... You're a meanie!," he told me as he fixed his hair. I gave him an evil smirk and again and again. As expected, he denied it again and again! We just did that for a long time in the middle of the school hall... which was quite embarrassing

"Aigooo.... It was all messed up now..," a familiar girl whispered to herself as she tripped down the hall, and messed up all of some paperworks that she was bringing. Kwangmin and I stopped teasing each other and decided to give our helping hands to her. As I was picking up the papers, I noticed Kwangmin, who was blushing like a cherry while looking at the girl. "Why's he's blushing? Does this girl look like Pikachu?," I thought to myself while trying to look at the girl's face. "JUNG JIN~A!!!!!!!!!," I shouted loudly as I saw that she was Jung Jin, the girl of my life~ Silence covered up the whole room, and it was kinda awkward, though.

"I-I-Im not J-J..," she finally talked as she was cut off by a girl who was running behind her.  "Hyo Jin~a!," shouted the girl as she was catching her breath. WAIT! "You are Jung Jin, right? Then, who's this girl?!!!! TWO PERSONS... with the same face?" I said without thinking as I saw two Jung Jins in front of me...

Kwangmin's POV

"Pabo! We're twins!," the girl with the black hair said as she pinched Youngmin's cheeks. "Yeah, I'm Jung Jin and this is my twin sister, Hyo Jin," she continued speaking while pointing at her sister. Hyo Jin quickly took all the papers and bowed to us, saying, "Annyeong. I'm Hyo Jin, Jung Jin's younger twin. Thank you for helping me." And she bowed once again and hid behind his twin sister. 
We must really not be surprised to the fact of knowing that they are twins, as we are also twins. But, we are really shocked! Well, come to think of it... Like Youngmin and I, they also have a different hair color from each other, which differs them from each other. Jung Jin has a black hair while Hyo Jin has a brown hair. So, we shouldn't be confused on who's who, right?
"YAH! You guys there! Classes are going to start in a minute! Go back to your respective class now," a man with a big glasses told us as we quickly went to our room. "WHHAT? She has a twin sister?," Youngmin whispered to me as he leaned forward to my seat. I quickly nodded and said in a very very low voice, "But, she has a brown hair. So, she's not who I saw on that day.." Then, I heard Youngmin sighed and looked really worried as I tapped his shoulders again, saying, "Don't worry.." He gave me his charismatic smile, and nodded.
Youngmin's POV
"Jung Jin was really the one that we both saw on that day.. and we've really had fallen in love with the same person," I thought to myself as a familiar pain was there again in my chest, making my heart to beat faster as like before. "Why did Kwangmin or I just saw Hyo Jin, not Jung Jin? Why did we BOTH saw the same girl?," I repeatedly asked myself while looking at Kwangmin who seemed to like Jung Jin a lot. I don't know if fate just wants to play with us... I don't know. I don't really know. All I know is I have completely fallen in love with Jung Jin... since that day...
Hyo Jin's POV
"My plan is working! Kwangmin will never know that I'm really the one that he had seen on that day, not Jung Jin Unnie..," I whispered to myself as I glanced at Kwangmin quickly. I should be happy, right? I should be, right? I felt so happy right now... But, I didn't... really. But, no! I should really be! I shouldn't think of myself always. I did this for Unnie- for Unnie's happiness not mine.
Jung Jin Unnie is always there for me at all time, and I don't want her to be sad if she know that she just mistaken Kwangmin to Youngmin and the fact that Kwangmin has fallen in love with me and not her... I will support Unnie no matter what and I'll not be a hindrance for her love to Kwangmin. Even though, it hurts...
Jung Jin's POV
*KRIIIIING* "The bell rang now, let's go eat, Hyo Jin," I told my twin sister while I stood up and stretched out my arms. "Wait for us! Jung Jin and Hyo Jin!," the Jo twins shouted as we were going to go out of the room. Together, we headed to the school's rooftop which looked like this:
So wide, isn't it? "I've baked cookies last night, do you want to eat some?," Kwangmin said as he stood beside me. My heart began to beat faster and faster as if it's going to explode! "Of course, I want to..," I told him while hiding my blush away. 
We ate Kwangmin's cookies and they looked like this:
He really loves Pikachu, which is too obvious! "So cute," I thought as I finished eating one. I really love Kwanmin! I wonder is he likes me back, too. Well, I hope so! I'm so happy. I hope that he likes me back...
Kwangmin's POV
I was enjoying watching Jung Jin eating happily.. Errm.. I mean watching them eating my Pikachu cookies, when Mr. Choi, our homeroom teacher, approached us all of a sudden, disturbing my moment with Jung Jin... Haha. ERRR. I mean, disturbing our recess. "You students! Before you leave this place, can you please put this broom in that room over there?," he said in a grumpy tone, making us to say yes quickly.
After we ate, we cleaned the place on where we ate, and headed to our room. "Unnie~ I'll just put this broom to that room. You can all go now," Hyo Jin said as she suddenly stopped and held the broom. We all nodded and headed back to our room. "I should help her... She's quite clumsy..," I thought while telling Jung Jin and Kwangmin that I'll help Hyo Jin there. They nodded and I went in there.
BANNNNNG! I heard a crash in the room where Hyo Jin was in. My heart beat faster as I ran towards the room, only to see some mops and brooms on the floor. "Are you okay?," I asked her as I was catching  my breath.
She nodded and quickly said, "I'm so sorry.." I suddenly approached her and checked her if there she had been hurt or what and fortunately, there was none. "I worried a l-l..," I said as I was cut off by the loud noise of the door as it has closed.
"YAH! Why the door has closed? Why? Why? Why?," I asked while knocking banging the door hard. Hyo Jin also went to the door and banged the door, too. We banged the door for a long time, and that door was really strong. "How can we get out in here? We're stucked!," I said without thinking as I sat down in the room.
Hyo Jin sat down too but not close to me. "Hyo Jin~a... You can sit close to me. Right here..," I told her as I was breathing heavily. She then sat beside me, and we had an awkward atmosphere here. We stayed quiet while waiting for someone to notice that we're missing. Hours has passed by.... And,  we're still stucked there. It was getting dark, and I believed that classes ended already. It was getting darker in the room, as the sun was setting down. Then, Hyo Jin broke up the silence. "Kwangmin~a... I'm scared..," she told me as looked down. I patted her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm here. They'll find us soon! I'm here with you.." 
Aigooo! Did I just say that? Did I? Did I? It was so embarassing! And why's my heart is beating faster? WHHHHY? NOOOOOO~ NOOOOOOOO~ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ I'm in love with Jung Jin.. NOT TO HER TWIN SISTER, OKAY?! I was just being kind to her because she's Jung Jin's twin sister. THAT's ALL! 
I was thinking for a certain time, when I noticed Hyo Jin's head leaning on my shoulders. "She's sleeping, huh?," I whispered to myself. Why am I feeling like this? I don't know.... "Youngmin Hyung.. hurry up and save us here..," I said while closing my eyes and goes to dreamland...

Annyeong! Do you like the Fifth Chapter? Sorry if it's boring. TT^TT But, I hope that you liked it. :) Again, if you have comments, suggestions or ideas, please fee free to tell it to me. Oh~ Don't forget to comment and subscribe!

Teaser for the next Chapter:

"Jung Jin, can you go with me after school to the park?"

"Come on, Hyo Jin! Let's stalk them!"

"What?! Stalk?!"

So, the Jo twins already know that Jung Jin has a twin sister! As expected, Kwangmin really believed that Jung Jin was the one that he had really seen on that day since she has a black hair. But, it was really Hyo Jin. What's with this confusion? Will Youngmin give up his love for Jung Jin? Can Hyo Jin and Kwangmin be saved? Is Kwangmin falling in love with Hyo Jin or what?! Will Kwangmin know that Hyo Jin was the really one that he saw back then and not Jung Jin? What will happen to Jung Jin? :)
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Hehehe, Jo twins are cute! I didn't know much about them.
kwangminshypika #3
Cute story ^^ !
aw Nice story unnie! But. Youngmin and Jung Jin didn't become a couple :(. And I haven't fallen in love yet (too young xD) so I don't know what they have in common!
rena_95 #5
This was such a cute story!!!!!<br />
The two twins learbed about love. I wonder if youngmin and jung jin became a couple.. Nice ending by the way(:
lilosuitehart #6
you finished??? awww but nice ending.
argh! Unnie! you made me go to sleep wondering now!!!!!! I wanna know!
ahhhh tell mee I want to know who he picked ?? lol update soon
lilosuitehart #9
haha i like how you just keep updating and updating and i just keep reading and reading. keep it up!!!!
lilosuitehart #10
you update very fast. as i was reading another story i saw it say new story update and it was this story. i totally forgot about that story and came to this one. i love your story!!!! update!!!!