Oh~ We're Twins! (Bonus Chapter)

Oh~ We're Twins!

Recap for Chapter 20:

Kwangmin finally realized his feelings to Hyo Jin. They were all in good terms already. Let's see what happened after that day. 

(A/N: This is the final chapter. I am really sorry if the story is so rushed. I finished writing this as soon as possible because I am very worried that I am going to have a writer's block soon. I started a new fanfiction a few days ago and I was scared that if I keep on doing updates for that fanfic, I might lose interest on this story. So, I just write down what pops up on my mind. Anyway, enjoy reading this chapter!)

Chapter 21: Oh~ We're Twins! (Bonus Chapter)

Kwangmin's POV

After that day, we were all now in good terms with each other. Everyday was full of laughters and smiles. However, we were currently having an oral examination with our 'Values Education' teacher. 

(A/N: If you don't know what "Values Education" is, it is actually a subject where the teacher teaches right manners and right conduct. We have that in my country before. Sorry if this makes you feel weird or confused. Mianhae.)

Silence permeated the entire room and everyone in the class looked really nervous about it. It was our first oral test, after all. "I will start now," Mr. Lee, our teacher, announced while adjusting his eyeglasses as he held a piece of paper in his hands. He looked at us with his scary eyes, searching for someone to call. I was so nervous at that time as I did not want to be called. I did not even know what he would ask me. He said yesterday that he was going to ask something practical. I reviewed every chapters of our book so I was confident a little but I was still frightened that I would not be able to answer his questions. 

"The first person to recite is Jo," he said while looking at the piece of paper on his hand. Upon hearing that, me and Youngmin's eyes widened due to shock. We looked at each other secretly prayed that we should not be called. "Kwangmin," he continued as I buried my face on my desk. Youngmin giggled silently and whispered to me, "Hwaiting!"

I stood up from my desk and Mr. Lee started to ask me the question.

"Mr. Jo Kwangmin, my very simple question is; what is love?"

I looked at him with a confused look as we did not even discuss 'love' in our lessons. "We did not discuss 'love' in our previous lessons, Mr. Lee," I complained. "In every actions we do, human beings do it for 'love.' We did not discuss it but it was part of every lessons. Love. So, can you please explain what is it for you? Even if it is just based in your own perception," he explained as the whole class waited for me to answer his question. I nodded in agreement and gulped.

What would I say? What is love?! I did not know what to answer so I just looked everywhere, in case that I would get an idea. Then, I suddenly saw Hyo Jin. She was smiling softly at me. And from then, I knew what I was going to answer. "Are you going to answer the question, Mr. Jo?," my teacher asked me as he stared at me again. I nodded slightly and spoke.

"At first, I did not know love. I mean, before I knew that love was just for God and to the people close to us like our parents and friends. But suddenly, I just felt something special for someone. It was a very different feeling. It was something that makes me worried, happy and confused. It was mixed feelings. Love makes you happy so much but sometimes,  you may not know but you can hurt other people too. But, at the end of the day, everyone will reconcile and forgive each other. Love can make something impossible to be possible. Love can make difference between things. It is like a miracle. And also, love is always there but there are sometimes that we don't usually notice it. Love is strange and weird but that is how it works. That is what I have learned on the past few days," I explained

"Okay. Good. Next is Jo Youngmin. You are so noisy," Mr. Lee announced. I sat down on my chair and looked at my twin brother, waiting for him to answer.

Youngmin's POV

"Okay. Good. Next is Jo Youngmin. You are so noisy,. Same question," Mr. Lee announced as my twin brother sat down on his chair and looked at my direction, waiting for me to answer. I quickly stood up and answered while looking up in the ceiling.

"Err... Love is feeling something different in your stomach. Uhmmm. Not feeling constipated, actually. Being constipated is just... nevermind. Well, love is learning how to be happy for someone and sacrificing your own feelings. Love is not always for everyone. Someone will need to let go of something. Love is not being selfish, thus, it is being humble to other people. Watching the one you love happy is the nicest feeling that you can ever feeling. It is not always about you and your feelings but also about your loved ones' feelings. Even though, love can hurt you sometimes, it is okay, as long as your loved one is happy. It can makes you feel happy, too. But, I believe that love can make you feel constipated for some reason. Anyway, love will come if you know how to love. Love cannot be explained well by telling, it should be done by doing things, which will make your feelings reach someone's heart.," I answered nervously to the whole class.

"It is good but you don't need to talk about constipation. Minus 10 for that, Mr. Jo. Next is Park Hyo Jin. Same question again," Mr. Lee said while smirking at me. I sat down on my chair disappointedly and buried my head on the desk because of too much embarrassment.

Hyo Jin's POV

"It is good but you don't need to talk about constipation. Minus 10 for that, Mr. Jo. Next is Park Hyo Jin. Same question again," Mr. Lee said while smirking at Youngmin. He sat down on his chair disappointedly and buried his head on the desk because of too much embarrassment. Afer that, I stood up and started to answer his question.

"Well for me, love is the sweetest thing yet the saddest thing of all. It can make you feel happy but sad at the same time. It was so confusing. It is really hard sometimes but with a forgiving heart, everything will be fine. Love is really different from all feelings. It makes you laugh but sometimes it can also make you cry a lot. When you love, pain and sorrow is always there but at the end of the day, those feelings will fade away and those will be replaced by happiness and great joy. Love is also about protecting someone you love and as they said, it is not always about yourself. It is about others. When you love, you should never expect something in return. Love is such a good feeling," I said gently.

"Excellent. Next is Park Jung Jin. Same question again," Mr. Lee stated again. I sat down on my chair quietly and waited for my twin sister to answer.

Jung Jin's POV

"Excellent. Next is Park Jung Jin. Same question again," Mr. Lee stated again. My twin sister sat down on her chair quietly and waited for me to answer. I stood up and answered the question.

"For me, love is accepting and learning to let go of someone. It is also about forgiving and reflecting the things that you have done wrong. It is about being happy for other people, as others have said. Love is always around us but we do not really notice it. It comes when we do not really expecting it. It is a very special feeling. Love brings happiness and melancholy to someone; it is painful sometimes but it makes you learn from your mistakes. It makes you realize new things and be a better person. It is being compassionate, humble and forgiving. Being loved and loving is the most strange yet happiest feeling, though," I stated as I sat down on my chair.

After that, Mr. Lee called other people with the same question. They came up with different explanations and ideas but all of it has one in common. I would not tell it you, though. You should figure it out yourself, when you fall in love someday. Love was really strange and confusing but it brought smiles to everyone's faces. After what happened, I knew that everything would be fine soon. I looked at everyone and saw their laughing faces. Everyone seemed to be happy and that made me feel glad. And from there, I knew that it was because of love in our hearts. 

Annyeong Haseyo! This is the bonus chapter! It was so lame, though, Urghh. I can't think of any so yeah. Sorry for disappointing you. But, I hope that you enjoy reading my story!~~~ Thank you for those who subscribes and comments~ I appreciate it all!!! I love you all~ 

See you on my next fanfiction!

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Hehehe, Jo twins are cute! I didn't know much about them.
kwangminshypika #3
Cute story ^^ !
aw Nice story unnie! But. Youngmin and Jung Jin didn't become a couple :(. And I haven't fallen in love yet (too young xD) so I don't know what they have in common!
rena_95 #5
This was such a cute story!!!!!<br />
The two twins learbed about love. I wonder if youngmin and jung jin became a couple.. Nice ending by the way(:
lilosuitehart #6
you finished??? awww but nice ending.
argh! Unnie! you made me go to sleep wondering now!!!!!! I wanna know!
ahhhh tell mee I want to know who he picked ?? lol update soon
lilosuitehart #9
haha i like how you just keep updating and updating and i just keep reading and reading. keep it up!!!!
lilosuitehart #10
you update very fast. as i was reading another story i saw it say new story update and it was this story. i totally forgot about that story and came to this one. i love your story!!!! update!!!!