The Day that We Both FELL in LOVE... with the same person?

Oh~ We're Twins!

Chapter 1: The Day that We Both FELL in LOVE... with the same person?

Kwangmin's POV

"Yeah, you heard it right. I think I'm in love...," I said while looking at the window as I dazed off.  My heart was beating so hard just as I heard every tick of the clock. Before I noticed it, I was smiling like an idiot for a long time. "W-WHAT?! My twin brother is IN LOVE?," Youngmin said as he tapped  the table and stood up, cutting off the awkward silence in the room.

Shocked and surprised, he paused for a while, with his mouth wide open. He stood up there like a statue for a minute. "YAH! Kwangmin! Tell your twin brother about it," he added. Well, I can't really blame Youngmin for reacting like that. In the past 16 years of my life, I only love one, who is... PIKACHU!

Pikachu is so cute, isn't he? Anyway, back to the reality... "YAH! Tell me aout it!," he repeated himself. I smiled at him and looked back at the window again. It was raining hard and as the droplets of rain fell from the sky, I couldn't help myself from remembering her smiling face. I looked at Youngmin, who was very curious about it, and started sharing my story to him...


I was walking home from the library when I suddenly realized something that dropped on my face. Before I noticed it, the rain was pouring down heavily. "Aigoo. I forgot my umbrella," I whispered to myself as I quickly went to a shed. When suddenly... she came. Yeah, that girl.

She was walking down the road near the river with black umbrella with white  polka dots on it. I can't see her face clearly as her umbrella was covering her face. But, she stopped walking and dropped her umbrella. Droplets of rain slowly poured on her as she tried to get a puppy from a big box with a sign saying, "PLEASE TAKE HOME THIS PUPPY." She raised the poor puppy and she smiled. Yes, she smiled and that smile made my heart to beat faster than ever before.

After that, she put down the puppy again in the big box and placed her umbrella near the box so that the puppy will not be wet. This is the first time, I admired someone. "She's so kind and pretty, too," I thought. Then, I saw her running under the rain as she passed through me.

I was really speechless for a certain time. And at that time, I knew... that I loved her. Then, I felt a tapped on my shoulder... It was Youngmin. "Kwangmin? Why are you dazing off, huh? Did you see Pikachu? Where? Where?," he said jokingly. I pouted at him and I looked again to see her but she's gone. "Youngmin, I saw something... better than Pikachu," I said while smiling.


"Someone better than Pikachu? What does she look like?," Youngmin asked me. I stopped for a while and imgaine her face. "She has a long, black, curly hair.. with a full bangs. That person is so amazing like Pikachu..," I replied. I looked at Youngmin again but he looks so worried. Youngmin paused for  a second and it seems like he's going to say something. "Kwangmin...," he gulped. "Was she wearing hmm.. a something like this?," he asked me again with a curious face.

(Note: Like this:)


I was quite surprised to his questions as his descriptions were exactly the same! "Yes. How did you know that?," I asked him. He suddenly looked away from me and fixed his hair. "Well, I think I-I saw h-her...," he replied. I nodded at him and started smiling again.

"Oh. Kwangmin, I'll do something first. Goodluck with that girl!," he shouted at me as he stood up and walked to his room while giving me an uneasy smile. "I wish that I can see her again and I know that Youngmin will like her, too and we can be all friends," I whispered to myself, smiling alone.

Youngmin's POV

I walked quickly away from Kwangmin and headed to my room while thinking about that girl. That girl... she... Was she the same girl that I saw too awhile ago? I-I actually fell in love today, as well. But, I have this feeling that me and my twin brother.. fell in love with the same person? "I'll better not to tell it to Kwangmin..," I said to myself. I don't want me and my twin brother to fight for this little thing. I'll just keep this feeling to myself. I stopped walking and I kinda felt a pain in my chest. Why? I don't know. 

Annyeong! Sorry if this Chapter is boring. TT^TT Again, if you have comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to tell it to me. Oh~ Don't forget to comment and subscribe! 

Teaser for the next Chapter:

"Yah! Kwangmin, I can't for the first day of school tomorrow!"

"Hey... Isn't that?"

"PIKACHU? PIKACHU? Where? Where?"

"Pabo! Isn't she the girl from yesterday?,"

"She's in our CLASS?!"

So, our Kwangminnie fell in love with someone today~ But, Youngmin seems to be in love too... with the same girl that her twin brother loves? What is happening? Is the girl that Kwangmin and Youngmin saw, really was the same person? Or not? :)

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Hehehe, Jo twins are cute! I didn't know much about them.
kwangminshypika #3
Cute story ^^ !
aw Nice story unnie! But. Youngmin and Jung Jin didn't become a couple :(. And I haven't fallen in love yet (too young xD) so I don't know what they have in common!
rena_95 #5
This was such a cute story!!!!!<br />
The two twins learbed about love. I wonder if youngmin and jung jin became a couple.. Nice ending by the way(:
lilosuitehart #6
you finished??? awww but nice ending.
argh! Unnie! you made me go to sleep wondering now!!!!!! I wanna know!
ahhhh tell mee I want to know who he picked ?? lol update soon
lilosuitehart #9
haha i like how you just keep updating and updating and i just keep reading and reading. keep it up!!!!
lilosuitehart #10
you update very fast. as i was reading another story i saw it say new story update and it was this story. i totally forgot about that story and came to this one. i love your story!!!! update!!!!