a scary Daesung

I can't afford to fall in love

Daesung's pov

After the bell rung signaling that it was time for lunch, me and Seungri headed to go pick up Saiyuri for lunch. How did we know where her class was? Well we looked for it all morning and believe me it wasn't easy.

We had gotten to the hallway where Saiyuri's class was but for some reason there was a huge crowed around her class.

We walked passed the people more like pushed through them. There I saw Saiyuri and Bom and the rest of the queenkas. All of a sudden Bom raised her hand as if she was about to slap someone. Before I even relised what I was doing I was holding Bom's wrist.

No one's pov

"Oh no this won't do." Seungri said in a girlly way, "We can't allow them to hit our precious little dongsang. Now can we, hyung?"

"Of course we can't. What will our hyungs say if they find out that their precious lil Saiyuri got hurt." Deasung said mimicking Seungri's voice and still holding onto Bom's wrist.

"Oh no! Especially not Top-hyung or G-D-hyung."

"Of course!!"

"Can you guys stop talking like that it irritating." You said looking down and wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay whatever you say." Seungri said trying to please you.

"Well you two go on ahead I have something I have to take care of." Daesung said while giving you a warm smile.

"Alright," you said, "come on Seungri let's go find the others." and he just followed you calmly.

Back to Daesung and the Queenkas

"Let go of me!!" Bom said in a demanding voice, "who do you think you are to interup me. This is my business it has nothing to do with you!!"

In a failed attempt to release her wrist from his hand he grip it even tighter.

"This is my business and the rest of Big Bang's. So I suggest that if you don't want your pretty little neck to be snapped in half, I wouldn't mess with that girl." Deasung said in a harsh tone.

"What the hell she is the one who started it. She is the one that went off flirting with someone else's man!!!!" Bom said more like shrieked and to the point to tears.

"Last time I checked Top-sshi had nothing to do with you. Just because you are a queenka it doesn't mean anything."

"What why are you defending her. She's just a first year?!" She said

"She is important to us. To the point that we would kill for her." He said in a serious tone. "So you better watch yourself."

"Ah, so when you say I had to watch myself, you mean I have to watch myself from you guys?" She said now being freed from Daesung's grip.

"No when I said that I wasn't talking about us." He said as he walked off in the direction in which you and Seungri had walked in. "Watch yourself sweetheart. Just think of what Top will say when he hears what you did." He said then soon he was out of their sight.

"What the hell." Bom screamed

"Chill," CL said "plus I like that kid she has true potential to be a queenka let's wait and see what happens."


Yay second update of the day Hope you guys liked it ».«"

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iheartheartsnsd #1
good story!
Plmokn #2
Update soon
ukissmekevin16 #3
This is really good! Update soon please!! Poor ryeowook!
Obata-sama #4
I'll subscribe, seriously. I normally only read complete stories since I hate waiting for update but this seems interesting and I really adore Sayuri's character. Read my text carefully fo suggestions and stuff. I hope it helps some cause I really wanna see what happens...
yay, its here, like a christmas gift to a child! lol anyways great story! Cant wait to know what happens next.
VeeVeeEnn #6
new reader (: update soon hehehe
Man She is mean!! Can't wait For another update!!! Totally love the story so far
I like your story can't wait for the next update!!