bad impression

I can't afford to fall in love


Your POV

Before I knew it I was standing outside the class room door. How I managed to get there so fast and how I managed to remember where my class was? I really don’t know. But now I’m here. So I knocked on the door of the class. And the teacher greeted me.

“Nice of you to join us, Miss?”  He said in a calm voice, yet the fact that I was late didn’t seem to disturb him. I wonder why?

“Saiyuri, Kim Saiyuri.” I said still looking at the ground.

“Ahh miss Saiyuri-ah, is it?” he said, “would you like to explain to me why you are late today?  I mean I saw you this morning. In fact you were one of the first to arrive.”

When I heard him say that he had saw me this morning my head shot up. “wha-“ I looked up and to my surprise there standing in front of me was Mr. Kim, the man I had met this morning.

“I sincerely apologies Sir Kim” I said now looking into his eyes.

“Make sure it doesn’t happen again,” he said as he made way for me to enter the room.

“Yes sir,” I said entering the room.

“But before I tell you where your seat is, please stand in the front of the room and introduce yourself.”

‘Is this some kind of punishment for being late? What a devious teacher. He thinks I will crack under this? He is so mistaken. But there is one problem. . .’

“Well miss Saiyuri do you plan on introducing yourself?”

‘Damn’ I thought ‘Okay Saiyuri try not to mess this up’

“Hello” I said very bluntly, “My name is Kim Saiyuri. My hobbies are none of your business, so don’t ask me. I have no intention of telling you anything of my personal life and I don’t expect you to tell me anything either. That being said please take care of me.” I said as I bowed. I looked up tilted my head and said “I hope we can be friends.”

“Well thank you for your introduction your seat is in the back corner next to the window” Mr. Kim said.

“Thank you” I said and walked to the back. While I was walking to my seat I could see people staring at me weirdly. ‘way to go Saiyuri it’s the first day and you already made a bad impression.


Lunch time

Finally its lunch time. Now I get to see Tabi-oppa and the others and then I can give them what I made for them I wonder if I’ll find them.

"YAH!!!!" i heard someone scream 


hope you guys liked this chapter please comment and subscribe 

i'll try to update soon

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iheartheartsnsd #1
good story!
Plmokn #2
Update soon
ukissmekevin16 #3
This is really good! Update soon please!! Poor ryeowook!
Obata-sama #4
I'll subscribe, seriously. I normally only read complete stories since I hate waiting for update but this seems interesting and I really adore Sayuri's character. Read my text carefully fo suggestions and stuff. I hope it helps some cause I really wanna see what happens...
yay, its here, like a christmas gift to a child! lol anyways great story! Cant wait to know what happens next.
VeeVeeEnn #6
new reader (: update soon hehehe
Man She is mean!! Can't wait For another update!!! Totally love the story so far
I like your story can't wait for the next update!!