Walking home and the fight

I can't afford to fall in love


No one’s POV

“You I can walk by myself.” You said in a cold voice.

“Are you going to push me away again?” Top said as he walked beside you.

“No, at least not now.” You said as grabbed onto his arm.

“I didn’t think you would.” He said, “So why did you decide to come to our school? I mean isn’t there one closer to your apartment?”

“Well yeah, but I have some business I have to take care of,” you said.

“Ah, I see, but with who exactly?”

“Remember what I said before?” you said as you looked up to him, “As a subordinate you must not interest yourself with my affairs, understand?”

“Yeah, how could I not. I was one of the few conditions you put between us.”

“Yeah. . .” you said in a soft voice, then slow letting go of his arm. He was shocked and stood in his spot and then you started to walk ahead.

“Saiyuri, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m just trying to remember the name.”

“What name?”

“Well, the name of the person that I have unfinished business with.”

“Ah, I see, that would make it much simpler to find the person.”

“Yeah I would, but I can seem to remember, but I know that the person goes to that school.”

“Ah, I see”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, sure,”

“It’s about Heechul.”

“Heechul?” he asked in a puzzled voice. ‘Why him, what is it that she needs to know about him? And again my heart hurts, why? Why does it hurt so badly?’ he thought as he stared at you.


“Well then what is it that you need to know about that guy?” he said in a cold voice.

“Well you see I heard that he transferred into your school, so I was wondering if it was true.” You asked shyly as you stared at your shoes.

“Wait, so the whole point of you coming to our school was for that good-for-nothing-piece-of-”



You turned back to face him, then you started to walk towards him. You were clearly glaring at him. As soon as you were right in front of him, you reached for the collar on his shirt and pulled him so that his face was only a few inches away from yours.

“Never, and I mean never talk about my men that way.” You said in a very harsh tone, “If you do, I won’t hesitate to rip your throat out, even if you have always been one of my favorites, I won’t tolerate any rude remark against my men,” your glare became more intense, “understood?!”

Then you let go of his collar and turned around and began to walk again.

“What the hell?! I thought you said that once we entered high school that we were no longer your men?” then you stopped in your place and turned to face him and this caused him to stop in his spot as well

“At least he stayed loyal.”


“He fought by my side! And where were you? Huh? You were off following your new jjang! And once you have a new leader it means you have betrayed your old one!”

“What? How would you know what I did? We weren’t in contact for that past year!”

“You know I’m not stupid! I find out things even if I don’t want to hear them, and that was one of the things I really didn’t want to hear. If I could I would go back in time and stop myself from even hearing it from Heechul lips, and say oblivious from that comment!”

“Heechul, he told you this?” he scoffed, “No wonder you want to meet him. So that you can feel safe in our school and feel that you’re out of harm’s way. Well you know what I could have done that! I could have made sure that our jjang never touched you!”

You scoffed at his remark, “You think that this is about my own safety? Well it’s not, it has never been!! Plus why is it that you are always against Heechul, huh?  What has he ever done to you?”

“Then why must it be him?! You’re endangering yourself for him!”

“What? All I need to do is speak with him and nothing more! So quit exaggerating!”

“Don’t you understand?! He is the number one enemy of our jjang?!”


“I thought your precious Heechul would have told you, hmmhm?”

“Ugh, Heechul, what the heck did you get yourself into.” You said in a low voice, while rubbing your forehead. “Well thanks, I guess. At least I know where he is now. Well I’ll be going now.” You said as you turned around and started to walk away. “Ah, and don’t bother about walking me home I cane manage myself, plus I have something to take care of and you’ll just get in the way and your only aggravating me, so I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t you dare fallow me!” you kept on walking not even bothering to look back, waved him good bye.

Top stood there shocked, thinking whether to fallow you or just go his own way. ‘Why do we keep fighting? What’s wrong with me? Why do I keep picking fights with her? Is it due to this pain in my heart? I don’t know, maybe I should ask the guys, they should know right?’ and then he started to walk away.

To you

Once you had turned the corner and had made sure that he hadn’t fallowed you, you walked home not even thinking of the world around you. Once you had reached the door of your apartment, you unlocked the door and walked in. then you shut the door behind you and leaned back against it, and looked up.

“What the hell am I doing? I’ve been picking fights with him all day. I didn’t mean to say any of that, but why did I? That girl’s face keeps popping up in my head hear words keep ringing in my ears. What did she mean her man? Aw now I have images of them together. Why?! Why do I feel this way?” you said as put your hand over your heart and then slowly slid to the floor, “It hurts, it really hurts.” And then you felt tears slowly drip down your face.


Hope to update tomorrow

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Called: Will you leave?


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OMG why me!!!


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iheartheartsnsd #1
good story!
Plmokn #2
Update soon
ukissmekevin16 #3
This is really good! Update soon please!! Poor ryeowook!
Obata-sama #4
I'll subscribe, seriously. I normally only read complete stories since I hate waiting for update but this seems interesting and I really adore Sayuri's character. Read my text carefully fo suggestions and stuff. I hope it helps some cause I really wanna see what happens...
yay, its here, like a christmas gift to a child! lol anyways great story! Cant wait to know what happens next.
VeeVeeEnn #6
new reader (: update soon hehehe
Man She is mean!! Can't wait For another update!!! Totally love the story so far
I like your story can't wait for the next update!!